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" Vim syntax file | |
" Language: Todo | |
" Maintainer: Huy Tran | |
" Latest Revision: 14 June 2020 | |
if exists("b:current_syntax") | |
finish | |
endif | |
" Custom conceal | |
syntax match todoCheckbox "\[\ \]" conceal cchar= | |
syntax match todoCheckbox "\[x\]" conceal cchar= | |
let b:current_syntax = "todo" | |
hi def link todoCheckbox Todo | |
hi Conceal guibg=NONE | |
setlocal cole=1 |
@huytd what font is that exactly?
This seems to only work if the file does not have a defined syntax.
How could I get this to work for Markdown files?
How could I get this to work for Markdown files? +1
Thank you, I've tried everything but just won't work. I look forward, thanks
Amazing thanks for the help
to make it work in lists
syntax match todoCheckbox "- \[\ \]" conceal cchar=
syntax match todoCheckbox "- \[x\]" conceal cchar=
This doesn't work for lists in lists, since only the outermost list gets concealed. For example:
- [ ] foo
- [x] bar
- [ ] baz
- [ ] foz
I tried to solve it with the following:
syntax match todoCheckbox /\v\s*- \[\ \]/ conceal cchar=
syntax match todoCheckbox /\v\s*- \[x\]/ conceal cchar=
But that removes the indentation when concealing. What pattern do I need in my syntax match
to match but not conceal the indentation? I tried to use regex capture groups (which I think is how you should do it) but couldn't get it working correctly.
I solved the indentation problem using hs
syntax match my_todo '\v(\s+)?-\s\[\s\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
syntax match my_todo_done '\v(\s+)?-\s\[X\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
More info can be found in :h syn-pattern-offset
@disanman Thank you. However I seem to still have the same problem with the indentation getting eaten up by the conceal which causes all checkboxes to have the same indentation.
Never mind I used the wrong syntax match
@Melkster nice you found the issue :)
Check I also added support for VimWiki ToDo's state using some symbols I found:
syntax match VimwikiListTodo '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[\s\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
syntax match VimwikiListTodo '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[X\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
syntax match VimwikiListTodo '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[-\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=☒
syntax match VimwikiListTodo '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[\.\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=⊡
syntax match VimwikiListTodo '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[o\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=⬕
For users working in neovim, you can put this in your ftplugin/markdown.lua
function _G.pcall_markdown_sugar()
augroup markdown
au BufEnter *.md :syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[\s\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
au BufEnter *.md :syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[x\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
au BufEnter *.md :syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[-\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
au BufEnter *.md :syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[\.\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=⊡
au BufEnter *.md :syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[o\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=⬕
:hi def link todoCheckbox Todo
:highlight Conceal guibg=NONE guifg=#00cf37
:setlocal conceallevel=1
augroup END
@rohit-kumar-j I took the liberty of improving your code to use the available Neovim Lua APIs:
local function markdown_sugar()
local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('markdown', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
pattern = '*.md',
group = augroup,
callback = function()
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'Conceal', { bg = 'NONE', fg = '#00cf37' })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'todoCheckbox', { link = 'Todo' })
vim.bo.conceallevel = 1
vim.cmd [[
syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[\s\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[x\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[-\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=
syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[\.\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=⊡
syn match todoCheckbox '\v(\s+)?(-|\*)\s\[o\]'hs=e-4 conceal cchar=⬕
It's required to use a nerdfont to have the icons displayed correctly.