I've just stolen HypnZA list of suggested links and added a few others by various people. (Please feel free to send me other links/info you think might be useful to add.)
HypnZA's commonly shared list (in the correct order):
- https://www.hacksplaining.com
- https://pentesterlab.com/exercises/web_for_pentester and https://pentesterlab.com/exercises/web_for_pentester_II
- Watch Ippsec's HackTheBox videos from oldest to newest, but attempt the box in the video before watching the video (requires a paid hackthebox account to access the machines in the videos) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa6eh7gCkpPo5XXUDfygQQA/videos?sort=da&view=0&flow=grid https://www.hackthebox.eu/
From my own list, I reccommend:
- LiveOverflows stuff on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClcE-kVhqyiHCcjYwcpfj9w
- Azeria Labs - https://azeria-labs.com/
If you run out of stuff the Awesome Hacking list has tons of Awesome lists you can go look at
The Pentesting certification to have at the moment is an OSCP
You can read a nice writeup on what its like to get by HypnZA
In South Africa there are currently only two community Security Conferences (That I know about)
http://www.0xcon.co.za/ in JHB
http://www.bsidescapetown.co.za in Cape Town
DC2744 (Gardenroute) - http://www.dc2744.org/
DC2711 (Johannesburg) - https://twitter.com/defcon2711
DC2751 (Bloemfontein) - https://twitter.com/dc2751g
0xc0ffee (Cape Town) - https://0xc0ffee-cpt.co.za/
0xc0ffee (Johannesburg) - https://twitter.com/0xc0ffee_jhb
OWASP Cape Town - https://www.meetup.com/OWASP-Cape-Town-Chapter-Meetup/