I hereby claim:
- I am hvisage on github.
- I am hvisage (https://keybase.io/hvisage) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 1465 2C66 7427 E67B E886 CB40 9C13 84B1 168F D423
To claim this, I am signing this object:
%{DAY} %{MONTH} %{MONTHDAY} %{TIME} %{YEAR} %{NUMBER:xferTime} %{IP:remoteHost} %{NUMBER:fileSize} %{PATH:fileName} %{WORD:transferType} %{WORD: specialActionFlag} %{WORD:direction} %{WORD:accessmode} %{WORD:username} %{WORD:serviceName} %{WORD:authenticationMethod} %{DATA:aut} %{WORD:completionStatus} | |
https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/ | |
Fri Aug 29 16:53:15 2014 4 873550 /u01/clients/globeph/source/live-feed/140828_Ariana_Grande-JBB/IMG_7240.jpg b _ i r globeph ftp 0 * c |
git submodule add https://github.com/auraltension/ansible-role-docker-debian.git roles/docker-debian |
# sample config file | |
[do] | | tinc_ip= hostname=ca_1_1 tinc_connectto=ca_2_2 | | tinc_ip= hostname=ca_1_2 tinc_connectto=ca_1_1 | | tinc_ip= hostname=ca_1_3 tinc_connectto=ca_1_2 | | tinc_ip= hostname=ca_2_1 tinc_connectto=ca_1_3 | | tinc_ip= hostname=ca_2_2 tinc_connectto=ca_2_1 |
for i in setup/*; do echo $if; jq '[.ansible_facts.ansible_hostname,.ansible_facts.ansible_devices.sda.size , .ansible_facts.ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0]]' -c $i;done >list | |
and then, note the | @csv | |
for i in setup/*; do echo $if; jq '[.ansible_facts.ansible_hostname,.ansible_facts.ansible_devices.sda.size , .ansible_facts.ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0]] | @csv' -r $i;done | |
"qa-pgdb01","120.00 GB","" | |
for i in setup/*; do jq '[ .ansible_facts.ansible_hostname, .ansible_facts.ansible_all_ipv4_addresses[0] ] | join(", ")' -j $i;echo;done | |
qa-pgdb01, |
Yes, pass the array in via the role arguments and then loop over them inside the role itself. For example: | |
roles: | |
- { role: ruby, versions: [ "1.9.3-p448", "2.0.0-p247"]} | |
Then use "with_items: versions" inside the role. |
#!/bin/bash | |
TAG=aquacheck | |
API=$1 | |
curl -su ${APIKEY}: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches \ | |
| jq -r 'sort_by(.status)|.[] | select(.tags[] | contains("${TAG}")) |[.name, .interval, .checked_in_at, .status]|@csv' |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Johan Beyers has a great list of resources as well. http://johan.beyers.co.za/pages/resources.html
Links to various South African online stores that may be useful to anyone 'making' things.
Name | URL | Notes |
Netram | http://www.netram.co.za | Electronics, Quad Copters, Robotics, CNC, 3D Printing |
Hobby Tronics | http://www.hobbytronics.co.za | CNC Parts, Aluminium Extrusion, Electronics |
I've just stolen HypnZA list of suggested links and added a few others by various people. (Please feel free to send me other links/info you think might be useful to add.)
HypnZA's commonly shared list (in the correct order):
ovs-vsctl list open_vswitch
ovs-vsctl list interface
ovs-vsctl list interface vxlan-ac000344
ovs-vsctl --columns=options list interface vxlan-ac000344
ovs-vsctl --columns=ofport,name list Interface
ovs-vsctl --columns=ofport,name --format=table list Interface
ovs-vsctl -f csv --no-heading --columns=_uuid list controller
ovs-vsctl -f csv --no-heading -d bare --columns=other_config list port