from csv import DictReader, DictWriter |
from random import random, shuffle |
from datetime import date |
from tkinter import N, S, E, W, ttk |
import tkinter as tk |
""" |
1. Read in csv of friends |
2. For each friend, generate a rand() |
3. If rand ≤ 1/time, mark friend to list |
4. Create a GUI with each marked friend and a checkmark |
5. For each checked friend (probably up to 2), add to the contact CSV |
""" |
candidates = [] |
with open("/path/to/friendlist.csv") as f: |
reader = DictReader(f) |
for person in reader: |
if random() < 1/int(person["Days"]): |
candidates.append(person) |
shuffle(candidates) # So if we go down from the top with a limit, it's more distributed |
root = tk.Tk() |
mainframe = ttk.Frame(root, padding="3 3 12 12") |
mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S)) |
root.bind("<Escape>", lambda _: root.quit()) |
root.bind("<Return>", lambda _: root.quit()) |
choices = [] |
boxes = [] |
# Needs to be a generator to get around Python's weird scoping rules with lambdas |
handlergen = lambda i: lambda _: boxes[i].invoke() |
for i, c in enumerate(candidates): |
selected = tk.IntVar() |
choices.append(selected) |
checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(mainframe, variable=selected) |
name = tk.Label(mainframe, text=c["Name"]) |
method = tk.Label(mainframe, text=c["Contact"]) |
comments = tk.Label(mainframe, text=c["Comments"]) |
checkbox.grid(column=0, row=i) |
name.grid(column=1, row=i, sticky=W) |
method.grid(column=2, row=i, sticky=W) |
comments.grid(column=3, row=i, sticky=W) |
if i < 9: |
boxes.append(checkbox) |
root.bind(f"<Key-{i+1}>", handlergen(i)) |
root.mainloop() |
with open('/path/to/records.csv', 'a') as csvfile: |
writer = DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=['Name', 'Date']) |
# We're not writing the headers, since we assume you're adding to an existing archive file |
for i, c in enumerate(candidates): |
if choices[i].get(): |
writer.writerow({"Name": c["Name"], "Date": date.today()}) |