Pleased to announce a new #NFT offering: #eNdFT! We are minting one cause of death NFT for every person on earth, which is 100% guaranteed to reflect the way you do, in fact, actually die.
Unless you trade it!
Unhappy with your "car crash" #eNdFT? Exchange it for an "old age"! Of course, you better be prepared to pay through the nose for "old age". Due to the nature of our product, eNdFTs cannot be bought or sold, only be traded 1-1 for another #eNdFT (plus an optional eth price to cover value differences). There is no escaping death.
Please note that our prediction software isn't perfect. While every #eNdFT is accurate, it may be imprecise. For example, you could receive the "Most likely drowned" NFT, or "either cancer or a stabbing". Don't worry, eNdFTs are still an exciting speculation opportunity! We're improving our prediction software all the time, and that "cancer or stabbing" #eNdFT could one day become a super valuable "cancer"! Join the #eNdFT network today!
(Disclaimers: while we will confirm the authenticity of eNdFTs, we will never reveal anyone's #eNdFT without their enthusiastic consent. Nonparticipants are also assigned eNdFTs, including uncontacted peoples. As of 2022, there are no "immortal" eNdFTs. We are all guaranteed to die.)