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Forked from manjula-dube/.eslintrc.js
Created December 15, 2019 10:53
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// use this format since .eslintrc is deprecated.
// You can logically derive this format.
module.exports = {
parser: 'babel-eslint',
extends: [
plugins: [
env: {
es6: true,
browser: true,
node: true,
'jest/globals': true,
'shared-node-browser': true,
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2017,
sourceType: 'module',
jsx: true,
ecmaFeatures: {
experimentalObjectRestSpread: true,
rules: {
'compat/compat': 1,
'prettier/prettier': [
useTabs: true,
printWidth: 80,
tabWidth: 4,
singleQuote: true,
trailingComma: 'es5',
jsxBracketSameLine: false,
semi: false,
'no-var': 2,
'no-const-assign': 'error',
radix: 'error',
'prefer-template': 'error',
'prefer-const': 'error',
'prefer-spread': 'error',
eqeqeq: ['error', 'always'],
semi: [2, 'never'],
'default-case': 2,
'template-curly-spacing': 0, // Prettier.
'arrow-parens': 0, // Does not work with Flow generic types
'consistent-return': 0, // Flow.
// Prefer new line before return
'newline-before-return': 'error',
'no-use-before-define': [
{ functions: false, classes: false, variables: true },
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies': 0,
'import/extensions': 0,
'import/no-unresolved': 0,
'no-return-await': 0,
'no-restricted-syntax': 0,
'no-underscore-dangle': 0,
'import/first': 0,
'no-restricted-globals': 1,
'no-useless-escape': 1,
//was not working when used with flow prop types
'no-unused-vars': 1,
'react/no-unused-prop-types': 1,
// require or disallow Yoda conditions
yoda: ['error', 'never', { exceptRange: true }],
// Require modules with a single export to use a default export
'import/prefer-default-export': 0,
// no longer defined
'jsx-a11y/href-no-hash': 'off',
'global-require': 0, // Used by webpack isomorphic tools and React Native.
'no-console': 0, // we are enabling this in the scripts
'no-debugger': 0, // we are enabling this in the scripts
'no-plusplus': ['error', { allowForLoopAfterthoughts: true }],
quotes: ['error', 'single', { avoidEscape: true }],
// React control override.
'react/display-name': 0,
'react/forbid-prop-types': 0, // using Flow types.
'react/jsx-closing-bracket-location': 0, // Prettier.
'react/jsx-filename-extension': 0, // JSX belongs to .js files.
'react/jsx-indent': 0, // Prettier.
'react/jsx-indent-props': 0, // Prettier.
'react/jsx-wrap-multilines': 0, // Prettier.
'react/no-danger': 0, // Control freaky.
'react/no-unescaped-entities': 0, // Prettier.
'react/no-unused-prop-types': 0, // Flow.
'react/prop-types': 0, // Flow.
'react/require-default-props': 0, // Flow.
'react/jsx-no-bind': 2,
'react/prefer-stateless-function': [2, { ignorePureComponents: true }],
settings: {
polyfills: ['promises'],
flowtype: {
onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation: false,
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