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Created November 27, 2015 20:32
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2015 Hasan Yavuz Özderya
# This file is part of ecad-3d-model-generator.
# ecad-3d-model-generator is free software: you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# ecad-3d-model-generator is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ecad-3d-model-generator. If not, see
# <>.
# This is an exporter script for exporting cadquery objects as STEP
# models. It uses FreeCADs gui library. Note that this library
# initalizes FreeCAD's mainwindow thus enables some GUI
# functionality. This may have some unknown (yet) side effects.
import os
import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
import cadquery as cq
class Material(object):
def __init__(self, diffuseColor, ambientIntensity = .2,
specularColor = (0,0,0), shininess = .2,
emissiveColor = (0,0,0), transparency = 0):
"""Default values are taken from VRML 2.0 specification."""
self.diffuseColor = diffuseColor
self.ambientIntensity = ambientIntensity
self.specularColor = specularColor
self.shininess = shininess
self.emissiveColor = emissiveColor
self.transparency = transparency
class ComponentModel(object):
def __init__(self):
# list of tuples: (cqobject, part_color, part_name) = []
def addPart(self, cqobject, color, name=None):
"""Add a cqobject as part of this ComponentModel.""", color, name))
def show(self):
"""Displays the model using cadquery helper functions. These functions
are provided by cadquery-freecad-module thus you should call
this method only from FreeCad Cadquery workbench."""
import Helpers
for p in
color = (p[1][0]*255, p[1][1]*255, p[1][2]*255, 0)[0], color)
def makeFCObject(doc, name, cqobject, color=None):
"""Creates an Object in document tree.
`doc` : FreeCAD document object
`cqobject` : cadquery object
`color` : color RGB tuple
obj = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name)
obj.Shape = cqobject.toFreecad()
vobj = obj.ViewObject
if isinstance(color, Material):
vobj.ShapeColor = color.diffuseColor
vobj.ShapeMaterial.DiffuseColor = color.diffuseColor
vobj.ShapeMaterial.AmbientColor = tuple(f*color.ambientIntensity for f in color.diffuseColor)
vobj.ShapeMaterial.SpecularColor = color.specularColor
vobj.ShapeMaterial.Shininess = color.shininess
vobj.ShapeMaterial.EmissiveColor = color.emissiveColor
vobj.ShapeMaterial.Transparency = color.transparency
# make sure tuple values are float, freecad crashes otherwise
colorf = tuple(float(c) for c in color)
vobj.ShapeColor = colorf
return obj
def exportx3d(objects, filename):
from export_x3d import exportX3D, objectToMesh, Mesh
def shapeToMesh(shape, color):
mesh_data = shape.tessellate(1)
return Mesh(points = mesh_data[0],
faces = mesh_data[1],
color = color)
meshes = []
for o in objects:
meshes.append(shapeToMesh(o[0].toFreecad(), o[1]))
exportX3D(meshes, filename)
def export(ftype, componentName, componentModel, filename, fuse=False, scale=None):
""" Exports given ComponentModel object using FreeCAD.
`ftype` : one of "STEP", "VRML", "FREECAD", "X3D"
`componentModel` : a ComponentModel instance
`filename` : name of the file, extension is important
`fuse` : fuse objects together before export (preserves color)
`scale` : scales the model with this factor before exporting
X3D exporter doesn't support `fuse` parameter.
# objects = []
# for p in
# objects.append((p[0], p[1]))
objects =
# TODO: raise Exception, if there are no objects to export!
if len(objects) == 1: # can't fuse if there is only 1 object
fuse = False
# export to X3D, continue for other exporters (VRML, FREECAD, STEP)
if ftype == "X3D":
if fuse: print("X3D exporter can't do fuse, ignoring.")
if scale: print("X3D exporter can't do scale, ignoring.")
exportx3d(objects, filename)
# init FreeCADGui
import ImportGui
except ImportError:
FreeCADGui.getMainWindow().hide() # prevent splash of main window
import ImportGui # must be after `showMainWindow`
# make sure RefineShape=False
pg = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Part/Boolean")
usersRSOption = pg.GetBool("RefineModel") # will be restored, we promise
pg.SetBool("RefineModel", False)
# create a FreeCAD document
doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
# create objects
fcobjects = [makeFCObject(doc, componentName+"_"+co[2], co[0], co[1])
for co in objects]
if fuse:
fuseobj = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", componentName)
fuseobj.Shapes = fcobjects
exportObjects = [fuseobj]
exportObjects = fcobjects
if scale:
import Draft
v = FreeCAD.Vector(scale, scale, scale)
vc = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0)
# legacy=False, sometimes fail if scale < 1.0
exportObjects = [Draft.scale(obj, delta=v, center=vc, legacy=True) for obj in exportObjects]
if ftype == "STEP":
# check filename
if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in ['.stp', '.step']:
raise Exception("Filename for STEP export must end with '.stp' or '.step'.")
ImportGui.export(exportObjects, filename)
elif ftype == "VRML":
# check filename
if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in ['.wrl', '.vrml']:
raise Exception("Filename for VRML export must end with '.wrl' or '.vrml'.")
# workaround for not exporting unselected objects (v0.16)
for o in exportObjects: FreeCADGui.Selection.addSelection(o)
# deal with points and lines
for o in exportObjects: o.ViewObject.DisplayMode = "Shaded"
FreeCADGui.export(exportObjects, filename)
elif ftype == "FREECAD":
for obj in list(doc.Objects):
if not (obj in exportObjects): doc.removeObject(obj.Name)
raise Exception("Unknown export file type!")
# restore RefineShape option
pg.SetBool("RefineModel", usersRSOption)
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