Flux has a lot different concerns and not easily approachable by smaller projects.
- manages state changes via pure functions and a uni-directional data flow
- ispired by the Elm Architecture
- Remove business logic out of React View.
- Redux does not have async out of the box
- redux-thunk: it is weird to dispatch function
- a third-party extension point between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducer
- Uses curring to allow you to create custom dispatch functions(middleware) that are called sequentially in between dispatching and the reducer
- Pending: Operation is in progress. Useful for telling the user to stand by or to keep other requests in sync
- Fulfilled: Operation is finieshed. Update the UI or other operation
- Rejected: Operation failed. Handle the failure in whatever way makes sense for your app
- Normal actionsa re objects.
- Redux-thunk allows you to dispatch a function which will be called by redux-thunk middleware
- Redux-thunk will pass in dispatcher and getState functions so you can dispatch an action
- very simple abstraction. You can write this yourself without the need of a library
- Fairly easy to test if you run you test
- good for small one
- No real dependency injection that isn't clunky
- Not FSA compliant
- Unlike promise, not explicit about the states of the action, and easy to be ignored.
- similar to thunk middleware
- Most redux promise middleware libraries are already FSA compliant
- https://github.com/pburtchaell/redux-promise-middleware
- Reactive extension for JavaScript
- If Functional Reactive Programming is your thing, this is the library for you
- it is a good abstraction, but it doesn't feel like it belongs in JavaScript
- DSL is huge and confusing
- Many really smart people love it so from your own opinion
- However, don't use with redux
- A Redux implementation of the Saga pattern
- Based on generators
- Instead of dispatching Thunks, you create Sagas to gather all your Side Effects logic in a central place
- This means application logic lives in 2 places
- Reducers are responsible for handling state transitions between actions
- Sagas are responsible for orchestrating complex/asynchronous operations
Is showing a lot of promise
- Offically: Redux is a predictable state container for JS apps. Bascially it's a functions approach to managing state.
- Designed with React in mind, but can be used with any rendering library
- Excellent developer experince
- Like React, it works on the client, server and native environments
- Ability to rewind our state aka time traveling. Makes testing easy
- Extremely small (around 300 lines of code)
- Unlike Flux, all the state of your application lives in just one single store in Redux.
- Single source of truth
- This makes it easy to serialize and debug your application
- In Practice, there is very little need for multiple stores
- A good analogy is a simple JSON store
- Gretting the entire state of the application is easy
- To get the truth, just call
- State is read-only. In other words it's immutable
- To change the state, you need to dispatch an "event" or "action" to the store.
- Basically, actions describe what happened which the store figures out how to handle
The store uses a reducer function to determine how to handle actions and update the state
A reducer is a pure function with no side effects (does not change the environment)
Nice to have a central place for constants (fewer spelling errors and such)
- Middleware is computer software that procides services to software applications beyond those available from the operating system. It can be described as "software glue".
- Ruby on Rails and Koa.js have robust middleware sysatems to deal with requests before they're handled by the main application
- Middleware on the server is used to
- In the case of REdux middleware the main execution task is the store's dispatch function
- The dispatch functon is responsible for sending actions to one or many reducer functions for state changes
- Redux middleware is designed by creating function
- out of the box, redux does not support async actions.
- Redux chains together middleware you provide, passing in special functions to your each middleware
export default store => next => action => {
let result = next(action);
console.log('dispatching', action);
console.log('next state', store.getState());
return result
- a curried function can accept some of it's arguments, returning a function that takes the remaining arguments
- this is useful if you want to apply an argument
next() is the next middleware in the chain of middlewares. Perhaps it should have been called nextMiddleware() for clarity
only your middleware konws when
starts from the beginning;next
goes to the next middleware
- Redux documentation recommends redux-thunk
- A thunk is a function that wraps an expression to delay its evaluation
- normal actions are objects
- redux-thunk allows you to dispatch a function which will be called by redux-thunk middleware
- redux-thunk will pass in dispatcher and getState functions so you can dispatch an action at the end of the function.
- very simple abstraction. you can write this yourself
- dependency injection
- Too easy to forget error handling and pending state
- very similar to thunk middleware but better
- Most redux proise middleware libraries are already FSA compliatn
- Promises are in the language and are built for async
- Much easier to remember to catch errors and do things with it
- Generators are functions which can be exited and later re-entered. Their context(variable bindings_ will be saved across re-entrances.
- Generators have 2 parts
function* fibonacciGenerator(n) {
let back2 = 0;
let back1 = 1;
let current = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
current = back1 + back2;
back2 = back1;
back1 = current;
yield current;
return current;
const fibonacci = fibonacciGenerator(10);
const interval = setInterval(() => {
const result = fibonacci.next();
if (result.done) {
}, 0);
- A Redux implementation of the Saga Pattern
- Based on generators
- Instead of dispatching Thunks, you create Sagas to gather all your Side Effects logic in a central place.
- This means application logic lives in 2 places:
- Reducers are responsible for handling state transitions between actions
- Sagas are responsible for orchestrating complex/asynchronous operations