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Recusively list medida files, use ffmpeg (with hwaccel qsv) to scrub the files (attempt to decode from start to end) to find errors
#$ErrorView = "Basic"
# Suppresses all errors globally in the script/session
#$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" #causes script to stuck at get-childitem
function Sanitize-FileName {
param ([string]$fileName)
$invalidChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()
foreach ($char in $invalidChars) {
$fileName = $fileName -replace [regex]::Escape($char), '_'
return $fileName
$ffmpegdir = "D:\ffmpeg-2024-09-26-git-f43916e217-full_build\bin"
# Define the folder to start searching for video files
$rootFolder = $rootfolderarg
# Define the folder where error reports will be stored
$errorReportFolder = "E:\ffmpeg_scrub_error_reports"
$warnReportFolder = "E:\ffmpeg_scrub_error_reports\warnings_non-mono-dts"
# Create the error report folder if it does not exist
if (!(Test-Path -Path $errorReportFolder)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $errorReportFolder | Out-Null
# Define video file extensions to search for
$fileExtensions = @("*.mkv", "*.mp4", "*.webm", "*.avi", "*.divx")
#$fileExtensions = @("*.VOB")
#$fileExtensions = @("*.flac", "*.ape", "*.mp3")
# Recursively get all video files with the specified extensions
write-host "LISTING FILES..." -ForegroundColor darkgray -NoNewline
$videoFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootFolder -Recurse -Include $fileExtensions | Sort-Object LastWriteTime #-Descending
#$videoFiles = $videoFiles | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt '2023-04-14' }
$totalCnt = ($videoFiles | Measure-Object).count
write-host "DONE, TOTAL $totalCnt" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
$cleanCnt = 0
$warnCnt = 0
$errorCnt = 0
$processedCnt = 0
# Loop through each video file and check for errors using ffmpeg
foreach ($file in $videoFiles) {
$filePath = $file.FullName
$errorFileName = "ERRORS_$filePath.txt"
$errorFileName = Sanitize-FileName -fileName $errorFileName
$errorFilePath = "$errorReportFolder\$errorFileName"
$warnFileName = "WARN_NON-MONO-DTS_$filePath.txt"
$warnFileName = Sanitize-FileName -fileName $warnFileName
$warnFilePath = "$warnReportFolder\$warnFileName"
# Run ffmpeg command to check for errors
#write-host "PROBE: $filePath`r" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -nonewline
$filecodec = & "$ffmpegdir\ffprobe.exe" -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name -of default=nw=1:nk=1 "$filePath" 2>$null
#write-host "CODEC: `'$filecodec`'" -ForegroundColor darkgray
Write-Host "START: $filePath`r" -ForegroundColor DarkGray -NoNewline
if ( $filecodec -eq "av1" -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filecodec) ){
#write-host "DEBUG: NO HWACCEL" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
$ffmpegOutput = & "$ffmpegdir\ffmpeg.exe" -hide_banner -v repeat+error -i "$filePath" -f null - 2>&1 | ForEach-Object ToString
#write-host "DEBUG: HWACCEL QSV" -ForegroundColor DarkGray
$ffmpegOutput = & "$ffmpegdir\ffmpeg.exe" -hide_banner -v repeat+error -hwaccel qsv -i "$filePath" -f null - 2>&1 | ForEach-Object ToString
$ffmpegOutput = ($ffmpegOutput -split "`n" | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "*Unknown Metadata OBU type 6*" }) -join "`n"
# If there is any output from the ffmpeg command, save it to a file
if ($ffmpegOutput) {
#$ffmpegOutput | get-member
#write-host ( $ffmpegOutput ) -ForegroundColor darkgray
#write-host ( $ffmpegOutput | out-string) -ForegroundColor darkgray
#echo $ffmpegOutput
$allContainDTS = ($ffmpegOutput -split "`n" | ForEach-Object { $_ -like "*non monotonically increasing dts*" }) -notcontains $false
if( $allContainDTS ){
Write-Host "WARNG: $filePath" -ForegroundColor yellow
$ffmpegOutput | Out-String -Width 8000 -Stream | %{ $_.TrimEnd() } | Out-File -literalPath "$warnFilePath"
Write-Host "ERROR: $filePath" -ForegroundColor red
$ffmpegOutput | Out-String -Width 8000 -Stream | %{ $_.TrimEnd() } | Out-File -literalPath "$errorFilePath"
#Write-Host "OUTFFILE: $errorFilePath" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
} else {
Write-Host "CLEAN: $filePath." -ForegroundColor green
$percentComplete = [math]::Round(($processedCnt / $totalCnt) * 100, 0)
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "$processedCnt/$totalCnt $percentComplete% CLEAN $cleanCnt WARN $warnCnt ERROR $errorCnt"
}#END foreach
write-host "`nCOMPLETE: TOTAL $totalCnt " -NoNewline
if($cleanCnt -eq 0) {Write-host "CLEAN $cleanCnt " -ForegroundColor darkgray -NoNewline} else {Write-host "CLEAN $cleanCnt " -ForegroundColor green -NoNewline}
if($warnCnt -eq 0) {write-host "WARN $warnCnt " -ForegroundColor darkgray -NoNewline} else {write-host "WARN $warnCnt " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline}
if($errorCnt -eq 0) {Write-Host "ERROR $errorCnt" -ForegroundColor darkgray} else {Write-Host "ERROR $warnCnt" -ForegroundColor red}
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