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Jonathan Hinkle hynkle

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hynkle /
Last active January 29, 2025 02:31
Getting AppleScript to output multiple lines to shell when executed with `osascript` proved challenging.

I wanted to output a list of single-line strings, each item separated by a newline. I couldn't find a way to do that without combining them all into a single string. Fine.

Reasonable attempt:

osascript -e '
set myList to {"foo", "bar", "baz"}
set myString to ""
repeat with myItem in myList
 set myString to myString & myItem & return


  • 'frozen' in Ruby means 'immutable'.
  • Strings are not frozen by default. I.e., 'foo'.frozen? is false.

Question: {'foo' => true}.keys.first.frozen?
Answer: true

Okay. I can totally see why you don't want hash keys to be mutable. That's completely sensible.

Question: {[] => true}.keys.first.frozen?

In my codebase, I've got something like the following, where Foo, Bar, and Baz are classes:

case o
when Foo then process!
when Bar then trash!
when Baz then flag!
else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected type #{o.class}"

I do not like the way Ruby does its constant name resolution.

Suppose somewhere in your codebase you define a module Parent:

module Parent
  FOO = "foo"

And some other place, you add a method onto a module inside Parent called Child:

I'd always assumed that alias_method(new, existing) was equivalent to something like the following (plus support for passing arguments and a block along):

def new

But no, apparently it really does just give you another name with which you can refer to the same method body. Thus:

hynkle /
Last active December 11, 2015 22:09
Rails constant buffoonery

Given an otherwise empty Rails app with the following two models:

# app/models/cities/massachusetts/boston.rb

class Cities::Massachusetts::Boston

  def self.refer_to_denver
hynkle / twitter_regex.js
Created December 14, 2012 15:33
Sweet regex found in Twitter's javascript.
hynkle / ppjson.js
Created December 13, 2012 19:41
Reads JSON from stdin; pretty prints it to stdout.
#!/usr/bin/env node
var flatJSON = '';
process.stdin.on('data', function(data) {
flatJSON = flatJSON + data;
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
prettyJSON = JSON.stringify( JSON.parse(flatJSON), null, 2 )
hynkle / raise_as.rb
Created October 31, 2012 14:07
Raise As
# for those times you want to bubble an exception up, but want to put it in a different exception class
module Kernel
def raise_as(exception_class)
raise if $!.nil?
raise exception_class, $!.message, $!.backtrace
error: refusing to create funny ref 'refs/master' remotely