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Last active May 24, 2021 08:30
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React tagged template
interface HighlightTextConfig {
highlightStyle: React.CSSProperties;
baseStyle: React.CSSProperties;
export const highlightText = (config?: HighlightTextConfig) => (
literals: TemplateStringsArray,
...substitutions: string[]
) => (
<div style={config?.baseStyle ?? {}}>
{, i) => (
<span style={config?.highlightStyle ?? {}}>{substitutions[i]}</span>
// usage
const action = "send a message";
const user = "Pingpong";
const description = highlightText(
)`You’re going to ${action} to ${user}. Please confirm?`;
// in the render method
// hof
const description = (user, action, styles) => highlightText(
)`You’re going to ${action} to ${user}. Please confirm?`;
// in the render method
<Text>{description('Pingpong', 'Send a message', styles)}</Text>;
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