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Created September 12, 2017 03:10
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export default class appiumTutorial extends Component {
state = {
counter: 0,
text: '',
onPress = () => this.setState({ counter: this.state.counter + 1 })
onChangeText = text => this.setState({ text })
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container} accessibilityLabel="testview">
<Text style={styles.welcome}>
Welcome to React Native!
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
To get started, edit
<Text style={styles.instructions}>
Double tap R on your keyboard to reload,{'\n'}
Shake or press menu button for dev menu
<Text accessibilityLabel="counter">{this.state.counter}</Text>
<Button onPress={this.onPress} title="Press me" accessibilityLabel="button" />
<Text accessibilityLabel="text">{this.state.text}</Text>
style={{ width: '100%' }}
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