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Forked from sparkcodeuk/
Last active January 12, 2020 17:19
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Digital Ocean floating IP gateway script (force droplet to use the assigned floating IP for outbound traffic as well as inbound traffic)
# Force outbound traffic through the attached floating IP
# Script must be run as root
echo -n "Setting floating IP as the default gateway: "
# Check there's a floating IP attached to this droplet
if [ "$(curl -s --connect-timeout $CURL_TIMEOUT" != "true" ]; then
echo "Error: this droplet doesn't have a floating IP assigned to it."
exit 1
# Get the gateway IP for the floating IP
GATEWAY_IP=$(curl -s --connect-timeout $CURL_TIMEOUT
if [ -z "$GATEWAY_IP" ]; then
echo "Error: failed getting gateway IP for this droplet."
exit 1
PHYS_GATEWAY=$(curl -s --connect-timeout $CURL_TIMEOUT
if [ -z "$PHYS_GATEWAY" ]; then
echo "Error: failed getting physical gateway IP for this droplet."
exit 1
# Check we haven't already got the floating IP as a default gateway
if [ ! -z $(ip route ls 0/0|awk '{print $3}'|grep "$GATEWAY_IP") ]; then
echo "Error: gateway IP already a default route."
exit 1
# Add the new route with metric 100 before we remove any
ip route add default via $GATEWAY_IP dev $NET_INT metric 100
# Delete any other default gatways for this interface
ip route ls 0/0 dev $NET_INT|awk '{print $3}'|grep -v "$GATEWAY_IP"|xargs -n1 -I{} ip route del default
# Add the physical gateway route with metric 101
ip route add default via $PHYS_GATEWAY dev $NET_INT metric 101
# Add route to DO metadata server via physical interface
ip route add via $PHYS_GATEWAY dev $NET_INT
echo "Done."
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