The Span API does not at this time require any authentication. This will probably change in the future.
Description: Gets panel summary, firmware version, door state, serial number, network status Request: GET /api/v1/status Response:
"software": {
"firmwareVersion": "spanos2/r202216/04",
"updateStatus": "idle",
"env": "prod"
"system": {
"manufacturer": "Span",
"serial": "nt-2139-c1ac4",
"model": "00200",
"doorState": "OPEN",
"uptime": 1475028
"network": {
"eth0Link": false,
"wlanLink": true,
"wwanLink": false
Description: Gets panel state, grid state, power draw for whole panel, and for each breaker Request: GET /api/v1/panel Response:
"mainRelayState": "CLOSED",
"instantGridPowerW": 8361.962890625,
"feedthroughPowerW": -82.79021826386452,
"gridSampleStartMs": 836674,
"gridSampleEndMs": 836686,
"dsmGridState": "DSM_GRID_UP",
"dsmState": "DSM_ON_GRID",
"currentRunConfig": "PANEL_ON_GRID",
"branches": [
"id": 1,
"relayState": "CLOSED",
"instantPowerW": -3.015791177749634,
"importedActiveEnergyWh": 1.4696391820907593,
"exportedActiveEnergyWh": 12594.255859375
"id": 2,
"relayState": "CLOSED",
"instantPowerW": -8.53760051727295,
"importedActiveEnergyWh": 343.6731262207031,
"exportedActiveEnergyWh": 19945.1328125
"id": 3,
"relayState": "CLOSED",
"instantPowerW": -4.699003219604492,
"importedActiveEnergyWh": 27.433591842651367,
"exportedActiveEnergyWh": 6132.89697265625
Description: Get information on individual breakers, their positions, names, state, priority Request: GET /api/v1/circuits Response:
"spaces": {
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "Garage 220",
"relayState": "CLOSED",
"instantPowerW": -3625.2879638671875,
"instantPowerUpdateTimeS": 1656531017,
"importEnergyAccumWh": 4146.5565185546875,
"exportEnergyAccumWh": 313066.625,
"energyAccumUpdateTimeS": 1656530716,
"tabs": [
"priority": "NOT_ESSENTIAL",
"is_user_controllable": true,
"is_sheddable": false,
"is_never_backup": false
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "A/C condeser",
"relayState": "CLOSED",
"instantPowerW": -2428.6781005859375,
"instantPowerUpdateTimeS": 1656531017,
"importEnergyAccumWh": 11638.456787109375,
"exportEnergyAccumWh": 752839.09375,
"energyAccumUpdateTimeS": 1656530716,
"tabs": [
"priority": "MUST_HAVE",
"is_user_controllable": true,
"is_sheddable": false,
"is_never_backup": false
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "Tesla charger",
"relayState": "CLOSED",
"instantPowerW": -503.9554138183594,
"instantPowerUpdateTimeS": 1656531017,
"importEnergyAccumWh": 30.012138724327087,
"exportEnergyAccumWh": 218781.4375,
"energyAccumUpdateTimeS": 1656530716,
"tabs": [
"priority": "NICE_TO_HAVE",
"is_user_controllable": true,
"is_sheddable": false,
"is_never_backup": false
Description: Change breaker state, turn on/off a breaker Valid Values: OPEN, CLOSED Request: POST /api/v1/circuits/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"relay_state_in": {
"name":"Garage outlets*",
Description: Change breaker priority Valid Values: MUST_HAVE, NICE_TO_HAVE, NOT_ESSENTIAL Request: POST /api/v1/circuits/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"priority_in": {
"name":"Garage outlets*",
So pleased to find this! I got a new Span a couple of weeks ago and was feeling disappointed about the available data exports from the app relative to the iotawatt I had installed in my old panel. I'd like to build a client that samples the panel API every second and stores the instantaneous power data in a time-series database so I can recreate the analytics I was used to having on iotawatt.