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Created August 30, 2023 13:40
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For lfortran issue reproduction
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! Buddha blessed , no BUG
! Reany bugs of the TNSP to [email protected]
module Tools
use mpi
implicit none
!Here define the commom data
real*8, public, parameter::default_zero_double_number = 1d-15
real*4, public, parameter::default_zero_real_number = 1e-7
real*8, public, parameter::default_max_double_number = 1d300! max double is +-1.79*10^308
real*4, public, parameter::default_max_real_number = 1e30! max real is +-3.4*10^38
integer, public, parameter::default_max_integer_number = 2107483647!max integer is -2^31 to 2^31-1
integer, public, save::LAPACK_LENGTH = 0!if the number of the data larger than LAPACK_LENGTH, call the lapack routine
integer, public, save::LAPACK_LENGTH2 = 0
! used in Tensor.f90
integer, public, parameter::default_classtype_in_Tensor = 5
logical, public, parameter::default_DynamicClass_in_Tensor = .true.
integer, public, parameter::max_len_of_char_in_TData = 100
logical, public, save::deallocate_memory_flag = .false.
integer, public, parameter::characterLen = max_len_of_char_in_TData
character*1, public::dag_mark = '+'
! used in Dimension.f90
CHARACTER*1, public, save::indexsymbol = '.'
integer, public, parameter::len_of_Name = 20
logical, public::check_same_name_flag = .false.
! used in this file
integer, public, save::max_len_of_char = 1000
character(len=12)::formInt = '(I0)'
character(len=12)::formreal4 = '(F25.8)'
character(len=12)::formreal8 = '(F50.16)'
character(len=12)::formlarge = '(ES20.10E5)'
character(len=3)::form_space = 'A2'
! used in SymTensor.f90
logical, public::ProductTensor_output_check_flag = .false.
logical, private::error_backtrace_Flag = .false.
logical, private::rewriteFlag1 = .false.
logical, private::rewriteFlag2 = .false.
integer, private, save::randomseed
logical, private, save::seed_flag = .false.
integer, private, save::initial_randomseed = 0
integer, private, save::initial_mpi_randomseed_in_cpus = 0
!use for output mess
integer, save, private::output_cpu_number = 0!write into the output files
integer, save, private::output_cpu_number2 = 0!print
logical, save, private::log_flag = .false.!if false,there is no log,create a new file
CHARACTER*100, private::log_address
logical, save, private::out_log_flag = .false.!If true, write output on the log file
logical, save, private::MPI_running = .false.!if true,that means there are more than 1 cpus running
integer, save, private:: log_address_unit = 9999
logical, save, private::Time_calculater_start_flag = .true.
integer, save, private::Time_calculater_TotalStep = 1
integer, save, private::Time_calculater_numOutput = 1
integer, save, private::Time_calculater_limit_time = 0
integer, save, private::persentCharLen = 30
integer, save, private::persentCharLen2 = 12
! MPI parameter
integer, public, save::output_ProID = 0, output_ProNum = 1, output_Ierr = 1
integer, private, parameter::IDmin = 0
interface writemess
module procedure writemess_char
module procedure writemess_char2
module procedure writemess_char_form
module procedure writemess_real
module procedure writemess_real4
module procedure writemess_logi
module procedure writemess_int
module procedure writemess_com4
module procedure writemess_com8
module procedure writemess_real_array
module procedure writemess_real4_array
module procedure writemess_logi_array
module procedure writemess_int_array
module procedure writemess_com4_array
module procedure writemess_com8_array
module procedure writemess_real_form
module procedure writemess_real4_form
module procedure writemess_int_form
module procedure writemess_com4_form
module procedure writemess_com8_form
module procedure writemess_real_array_form
module procedure writemess_real4_array_form
module procedure writemess_int_array_form
module procedure writemess_com4_array_form
module procedure writemess_com8_array_form
module procedure writemess_logi_array_form
module procedure writemess_char_array
module procedure writemess_char_array_form
end interface
interface sortData!Bubble Sort
module procedure sortCom4
module procedure sortCom4_
module procedure sortCom8
module procedure sortCom8_
module procedure sortreal8
module procedure sortreal8_
module procedure sortreal4
module procedure sortreal4_
module procedure sortint
module procedure sortint_
end interface
interface maxvalue
module procedure maxvalue_real
end interface
interface allocateCheck! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
module procedure allocateCheck_int
module procedure allocateCheck_real4
module procedure allocateCheck_real
module procedure allocateCheck_com4
module procedure allocateCheck_com
module procedure allocateCheck_logi
module procedure allocateCheck_char
end interface
interface operator(.ltne.)
module procedure lt_ne_fun
end interface
interface system_time
module procedure system_time1
module procedure system_time2
end interface
interface set_lapack_length
module procedure set_lapack_length1
module procedure set_lapack_length2
end interface
interface randomnumber
module procedure randomnumber1
module procedure randomnumber2
module procedure randomnumber3
module procedure randomnumber4
end interface
interface System_time_calculater
module procedure System_time_calculater1!(stepi,totalstep,numOutput,firstnum),start from stepi=1
module procedure System_time_calculater2
end interface
!reset_Time_calculator(totalstep,optional(numOutput))!inital the time calculater
!Time_calculator()! it is the same as System_time_calculater
!reset_Time_calculator_limit (totalstep,limit_time,optional(numOutput))!inital the time calculater_limit
!time_calculator_limit ! if using time > time_calculator_limit_time, output .false. else output .true.
interface operator(+)
module procedure charAdd
module procedure charAddint
module procedure intAddchar
module procedure charAddreal
module procedure realAddchar
module procedure charAddreal4
module procedure real4Addchar
module procedure charAddlogi
module procedure logiAddchar
module procedure com8Addchar
module procedure com4Addchar
module procedure charAddcom4
module procedure charAddcom8
end interface
! cha.subL.'c'='ab'
! cha.subR.'c'='defgh'
! cha.sub.['c','g']='def'
interface operator(.subL.)
module procedure SubCharleft
end interface
interface operator(.subR.)
module procedure SubCharRight
end interface
interface operator(.sub.)
module procedure SubChar
end interface
public::initial_output_cpu_info, initial_mpi
interface initial_mpi
module procedure initial_output_cpu_info
end interface
public::initial_log, set_output_log_address
interface initial_log
module procedure set_output_log_address
end interface
public::set_MPI_log, set_output_MPI_log
interface set_MPI_log
module procedure set_output_MPI_log
end interface
public::set_error_pointer, set_error_backtrace
interface set_error_pointer
module procedure set_error_backtrace
end interface
interface set_seed
module procedure set_seed1
module procedure set_seed2
end interface
interface operator(.equ.)
module procedure equal_character
module procedure equal_real4
module procedure equal_real8
module procedure equal_com4
module procedure equal_com8
module procedure equal_of_array_real4
module procedure equal_of_array_real8
module procedure equal_of_array_com4
module procedure equal_of_array_com8
module procedure equal_of_array_char
module procedure equal_of_array
end interface
interface operator(.nequ.)
module procedure nequal_character
module procedure nequal_real4
module procedure nequal_real8
module procedure nequal_com4
module procedure nequal_com8
end interface
interface assignment(=)
module procedure charset
module procedure charset_array
module procedure charset_array2
module procedure charsetreal4
module procedure charsetreal4_array
module procedure charsetreal4_array2
module procedure charsetreal8
module procedure charsetreal8_array
module procedure charsetreal8_array2
module procedure charsetcom4
module procedure charsetcom4_array
module procedure charsetcom4_array2
module procedure charsetcom8
module procedure charsetcom8_array
module procedure charsetcom8_array2
module procedure charsetlogi
module procedure charsetlogi_array
module procedure charsetlogi_array2
module procedure charsetChar_array2
module procedure char2int
module procedure char2real4
module procedure char2real8
module procedure logi2com8
module procedure logi2int
module procedure logi2real4
module procedure logi2real8
module procedure logi2com4
module procedure int2log
module procedure real42log
module procedure real82log
module procedure com42log
module procedure com82log
module procedure cha2log
module procedure cha2com4
module procedure cha2com8
module procedure l2i_array
module procedure l2s_array
module procedure l2d_array
module procedure l2c_array
module procedure l2z_array
module procedure i2l_array
module procedure s2l_array
module procedure d2l_array
module procedure c2l_array
module procedure z2l_array
module procedure a2l_array
module procedure a2i_array
module procedure a2s_array
module procedure a2d_array
module procedure a2c_array
module procedure a2z_array
end interface
public::set_persent_Len, set_lapack_length1, set_lapack_length2
public::set_writing_type, reset_writing_type, set_writing_type_scientific, unset_writing_type_scientific
public::unset_check_dimension, set_check_dimension
public::set_deallocate_memory_flag, unset_deallocate_memory_flag, set_check_dimension_no_use
public::set_output_log_unit, set_output_cpu, stop_program, error_stop
interface index_counter
module procedure inde_counter1
module procedure inde_counter2
end interface
public::open_File, ifopen_File
public::outputmessTime, reset_Time_calculator, Time_calculator, reset_Time_calculator_limit, time_calculator_limit
public::out_randomseed, out_initial_randomseed, out_initial_mpi_randomseed, out_and_set_seed
public::IndesToaddressRoutine, IndesToaddress, addressToIndes
public::iselect, sselect, dselect, cselect, zselect, lselect, aselect
subroutine set_error_backtrace()
error_backtrace_Flag = .true.
call writemess(' ')
call writemess('############# Set the error_backtrace ##################')
call writemess(' The error_backtrace can print the location of the bugs!')
call writemess(' Add the code: ')
call writemess(' -g -static -ffpe-trap=invalid ')
call writemess(' or Add the code for macbook: ')
call writemess(' -static -g -ffpe-trap=invalid -fdump-core -fbacktrace ')
call writemess(' when compiling your files ')
call writemess(' Example: ')
call writemess(' mpif90 -g -static -ffpe-trap=invalid test.f90 -o test')
call writemess('###########################################################')
call writemess(' ')
end subroutine
subroutine unset_error_backtrace()
error_backtrace_Flag = .false.
call writemess(' unSet the error_backtrace')
end subroutine
subroutine set_persent_Len(length)
integer, intent(in)::length
persentCharLen = length
persentCharLen2 = persentCharLen/2 - 2
end subroutine
subroutine set_lapack_length1(length)
integer, intent(in)::length
LAPACK_LENGTH2 = length + length
end subroutine
subroutine set_lapack_length2(length1, length2)
integer, intent(in)::length1, length2
LAPACK_LENGTH2 = length2
end subroutine
subroutine set_writing_type(form, typ)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form, typ
if (trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'integer') then
formInt = form
end if
if ((trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'real*4') .or. (trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'real(kind=4)') &
.or. (trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'real')) then
formreal4 = form
end if
if ((trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'real*8') .or. (trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'real(kind=8)') &
.or. (trim(adjustl(typ)) == 'dble')) then
formreal8 = form
end if
write (*, *) "ERROR in set_writemess_type"
call error_stop()
end subroutine
subroutine reset_writing_type()
formInt = '(I0)'
formreal4 = '(F25.8)'
formreal8 = '(F50.16)'
formlarge = '(ES20.10E5)'
end subroutine
subroutine unset_check_dimension()
check_same_name_flag = .false.
ProductTensor_output_check_flag = .false.
call writemess('Do not check dimension Name')
end subroutine
subroutine set_check_dimension()
check_same_name_flag = .true.
ProductTensor_output_check_flag = .true.
call writemess('check dimension Name')
end subroutine
subroutine set_deallocate_memory_flag()
deallocate_memory_flag = .true.
call writemess('deallocate memory after using them')
end subroutine
subroutine unset_deallocate_memory_flag()
deallocate_memory_flag = .false.
call writemess('do not deallocate memory after using them')
end subroutine
subroutine set_check_dimension_no_use()
check_same_name_flag = .true.
ProductTensor_output_check_flag = .true.
end subroutine
subroutine set_writing_type_scientific()
formreal4 = formlarge
formreal8 = formlarge
end subroutine
subroutine unset_writing_type_scientific()
formreal4 = '(F25.8)'
formreal8 = '(F50.16)'
end subroutine
subroutine set_max_len_of_cha(maxlen)
integer, intent(in)::maxlen
max_len_of_char = maxlen
end subroutine
subroutine initial_output_cpu_info(id, num, ierr, MPICOMM)
integer, intent(out)::id, num, ierr
integer, optional, intent(inout)::MPICOMM
call MPI_INIT(output_Ierr) !!MPI initializing
if (present(MPICOMM)) then
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPICOMM, output_ProID, output_Ierr) !!set MPI ranks for each process
call MPI_Comm_size(MPICOMM, output_ProNum, output_Ierr) !!set MPI sizes
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, output_ProID, output_Ierr) !!set MPI ranks for each process
call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, output_ProNum, output_Ierr) !!set MPI sizes
end if
id = output_ProID
num = output_ProNum
ierr = output_Ierr
if (output_ProNum > 1) then
MPI_running = .true.
MPI_running = .false.
end if
log_flag = .false.
end subroutine
subroutine set_output_cpu_info(output_ProID_, output_ProNum_, output_Ierr_)
integer, intent(in)::output_ProID_, output_ProNum_, output_Ierr_
output_ProID = output_ProID_
output_ProNum = output_ProNum_
output_Ierr = output_Ierr_
if (output_ProNum > 1) then
MPI_running = .true.
MPI_running = .false.
end if
log_flag = .false.
end subroutine
subroutine set_output_log_address(address, notOverWrite)
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::address
CHARACTER(len=*), optional, intent(in)::notOverWrite
log_address = address
out_log_flag = .true.
log_flag = .false.!replace the log_file
if (present(notOverWrite)) then
if (notOverWrite.nequ.'overwrite') then
inquire (file=address, exist=alive)
log_flag = alive
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine set_output_MPI_log(notOverWrite)
CHARACTER(len=*), optional, intent(in)::notOverWrite
logical, save::first_flag = .true.
if (.not. out_log_flag) then
call writemess('Set the log address first by calling set_output_log_address(address,notOverWrite)')
call error_stop
end if
if (first_flag) then
first_flag = .false.
call writemess('The program have set the MPI log before')
call error_stop
end if
call writemess('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
call writemess('% Set log files for every cpu')
call writemess('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
if (output_ProID == output_cpu_number) return
log_address = log_address + output_ProID
log_flag = .false.!replace the log_file
output_cpu_number = output_ProID
if (present(notOverWrite)) then
if (notOverWrite.nequ.'overwrite') then
inquire (file=log_address, exist=alive)
log_flag = alive
end if
end if
call writemess('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
call writemess('% This is the output log of cpu'+output_ProID)
call writemess('%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%')
call writemess(' ')
call writemess(' ')
call writemess(' ')
end subroutine
subroutine set_output_log_unit(logunit)
integer, intent(in)::logunit
log_address_unit = logunit
end subroutine
subroutine set_output_cpu(cpu)
integer, intent(in)::cpu
output_cpu_number = cpu
output_cpu_number2 = cpu
end subroutine
subroutine stop_program()! no bug, stop
if (MPI_running) then
call MPI_FINALIZE(output_ierr)
end if
end subroutine
subroutine error_stop()! bug , stop
if (MPI_running) then
if (seed_flag) call writemess('The random seed is'+initial_randomseed)
if (seed_flag) call writemess('The random seed in cpu is'+initial_mpi_randomseed_in_cpus, -1)
call writemess(' Running CPU number is '+(' '+output_ProNum))
call writemess(' All cups are going to stop ')
call writemess(' ')
call outpicture()
call sleep(2)
if (error_backtrace_Flag) CALL BACKTRACE
!call MPI_FINALIZE( output_ierr )
end if
if (seed_flag) call writemess('The random seed is,seed='+initial_randomseed)
call outpicture()
if (error_backtrace_Flag) CALL BACKTRACE
end subroutine
logical function lt_ne_fun(a, b)
integer, intent(in)::a, b
if (deallocate_memory_flag) then
lt_ne_fun = a /= b
lt_ne_fun = a < b
end if
end function
subroutine allocateCheck_int(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
integer, allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine allocateCheck_real4(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
real(kind=4), allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine allocateCheck_real(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
real*8, allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine allocateCheck_com4(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
complex(kind=4), allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine allocateCheck_com(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
complex(kind=8), allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine allocateCheck_logi(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
logical, allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine allocateCheck_char(A, lenA)! if size(A)<lenA then allocate A,else do nothing
character(len=*), allocatable, intent(inout)::A(:)
if (allocated(A)) then
if (size(A) .ltne.lenA) then
deallocate (A)
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
allocate (A(lenA))
end if
end subroutine
!!if[s1,s2,...,sn]=[max_s1,max_s2,..,max_sn] output false and return
!else output ture and do the code below
!if s1+1>max_s1,s1=min_s1 and s2=s2+1
!if s2+1>max_s2,s2=min_s2 and s3=s3+1
!inde are [s1,s2,...,sn]
!minindex are [min_s1,min_s2,..,min_sn]
!maxindex are [max_s1,max_s2,..,max_sn]
logical function inde_counter1(inde, minindex, maxindex, delta) result(inde_counter)
integer, intent(inout)::inde(:)
integer, intent(in)::minindex(:), maxindex(:), delta
integer::indexlen, i
indexlen = size(inde)
if (equal_array_int(inde, maxindex)) then
inde_counter = .false.
end if
i = 1
inde_counter = .true.
do i = 1, indexlen
inde(i) = inde(i) + delta
if (inde(i) > maxindex(i)) then
inde(i) = minindex(i)
end if
end do
if (delta > 1) then
inde_counter = .true.
do i = 1, indexlen
inde_counter = inde_counter .and. (inde(i) > maxindex(i))
end do
inde_counter = .not. inde_counter
if (.not. inde_counter) return
end if
end function
logical function inde_counter2(inde, maxindex) result(inde_counter)
integer, intent(inout)::inde(:)
integer, intent(in)::maxindex(:)
integer::indexlen, i
indexlen = size(inde)
if (equal_array_int(inde, maxindex)) then
inde_counter = .false.
end if
i = 1
inde_counter = .true.
do i = 1, indexlen
inde(i) = inde(i) + 1
if (inde(i) > maxindex(i)) then
inde(i) = 1
end if
end do
end function
logical function equal_array_int(array1, array2) result(res)
integer, intent(in)::array1(:), array2(:)
integer::i, len1, len2
res = .true.
len1 = size(array1)
len2 = size(array2)
if (len1 /= len2) then
res = .false.
end if
do i = 1, len1
if (array1(i) /= array2(i)) then
res = .false.
end if
end do
end function
!***************** Bubble Sort ****************
!inde output the order of the output
!sort the data form small to big
!if realpart=.true.,then sort base on the real part of the data
! else the imag part
subroutine sortReal8(a, inde, increase)
real*8, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::increase
real*8 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (increase) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) > a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) < a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortReal8_(a, increase)
real*8, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::increase
real*8 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (increase) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) > a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) < a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortReal4(a, inde, increase)
real*4, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::increase
real*4 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (increase) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) > a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) < a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortReal4_(a, increase)
real*4, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::increase
real*4 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (increase) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) > a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) < a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortint(a, inde, increase)
integer, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::increase
integer :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (increase) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) > a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) < a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortint_(a, increase)
integer, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::increase
integer :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (increase) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) > a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (a(i) < a(j)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortCom8(a, inde, realpart, increase)
complex*16, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart, increase
complex*16 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (increase) then
call sort1(a, inde, realpart)
end if
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (dreal(a(i)) < dreal(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) < aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortCom8_(a, realpart, increase)
complex*16, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart, increase
complex*16 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (increase) then
call sort2(a, realpart)
end if
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (dreal(a(i)) <= dreal(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) <= aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortCom4(a, inde, realpart, increase)
complex*8, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart, increase
complex*8 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (increase) then
call sort3(a, inde, realpart)
end if
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (real(a(i), kind=4) < real(a(j), kind=4)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) < aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sortCom4_(a, realpart, increase)
complex*8, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart, increase
complex*8 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (increase) then
call sort4(a, realpart)
end if
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (real(a(i), kind=4) <= real(a(j), kind=4)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) <= aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sort1(a, inde, realpart)
complex*16, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart
complex*16 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (dreal(a(i)) > dreal(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) > aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sort2(a, realpart)
complex*16, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart
complex*16 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (dreal(a(i)) > dreal(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) > aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sort3(a, inde, realpart)
complex*8, intent(inout) :: a(:)
integer, intent(inout):: inde(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart
complex*8 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n, tempi
n = size(a)
do i = 1, n
inde(i) = i
end do
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (real(a(i), kind=4) > real(a(j), kind=4)) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) > aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
tempi = inde(i)
a(i) = a(j)
inde(i) = inde(j)
a(j) = temp
inde(j) = tempi
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
subroutine sort4(a, realpart)
complex*8, intent(inout) :: a(:)
logical, intent(in)::realpart
complex*8 :: temp
integer :: i, j, n
n = size(a)
if (realpart) then
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (real(a(i), kind=4) > real(a(j), kind=4)) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
do i = 1, n - 1
do j = i + 1, n
if (aimag(a(i)) > aimag(a(j))) then
temp = a(i)
a(i) = a(j)
a(j) = temp
end if
end do
end do
end if
end subroutine
! find the max value of a
! the line element of a is the max
subroutine maxvalue_real(a, line, maxel)
real*8, intent(in)::a(:)
real*8, intent(inout)::maxel
integer, intent(inout)::line
real*8 :: temp
integer :: i, n
n = size(a)
temp = a(1)
line = 1
do i = 2, n
if (a(i) > temp) then
temp = a(i)
line = i
end if
end do
maxel = temp
end subroutine
! character(len=(max(len(w1)+len(w2),max_len_of_char))) function charAdd(w1,w2)
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAdd(w1, w2)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1, w2
if (len_trim(w1) == 0) then
charAdd = ' '//(trim(w2))
end if
charAdd = (trim(w1))//(trim(w2))
!A='A'+'B' ~~~~ using time:1d-2
!A=(trim('A'))//(trim('B')) ~~~~ using time:1d-4
end function
subroutine charset(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
integer, intent(in)::inte
integer(1)::temp(20), i, j, st
if (inte == 0) then
w = '0'
else if (inte > 0) then
temp2 = inte
w = ''
st = 0
temp2 = -inte
w = '-'
st = 1
end if
i = 0
do while (temp2 > 0)
i = i + 1
temp(i) = mod(temp2, 10)
temp2 = temp2/10
end do
if (len(w) < i) then
call writemess('The input character is too short to store the data. in character=integer')
call error_stop
end if
do j = 1, i
w(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charset_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
integer, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in charset_array"
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charset_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
integer, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine charsetreal4(str, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::str
real*4, intent(in)::inte
real(8) :: num
real(8) :: temp2
integer :: appro, tenexp, tenexp2, lenint
integer(1) :: temp(10), i, j, k, dotpos, st, len_not0
real(8) :: compare(8) = [1d-2, 1d-1, 1d0, 1d1, 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d5]
num = inte
if (num > 0d0) then
temp2 = num*(1 + 1d-10)
str = ''
st = 0
else if (num < 0d0) then
temp2 = -num*(1 + 1d-10)
str = '-'
st = 1
str = '0'
end if
if (temp2 > compare(size(compare)) .or. temp2 < compare(1)) then
tenexp = 0
if (temp2 > 1) then
do while (temp2 >= 10)
tenexp = tenexp + 1
temp2 = temp2/10
end do
else if (temp2 < 1) then
do while (temp2 < 1)
tenexp = tenexp - 1
temp2 = temp2*10
end do
end if
appro = nint(temp2*1d5)
i = 0
do while (appro > 0)
i = i + 1
temp(i) = mod(appro, 10)
appro = appro/10
end do
k = 0
do while (temp(k + 1) == 0)
k = k + 1
end do
str(st + 1:st + 1) = char(temp(i) + 48)
st = st + 1
if (i - k >= 2) then
str(st + 1:st + 1) = '.'
do j = 2, i - k
str(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
st = st + i - k
end if
str(st + 1:st + 1) = 'E'
tempchar = tenexp
str(st + 2:) = tempchar
dotpos = count(temp2 > compare)
appro = nint(temp2/compare(dotpos)*1d5)
dotpos = dotpos - count(0.9 > compare)
i = 0
do while (appro > 0)
i = i + 1
temp(i) = mod(appro, 10)
appro = appro/10
end do
k = 0
do while (temp(k + 1) == 0)
k = k + 1
end do
if (dotpos <= 0) then
str(st + 1:st + 2) = '0.'
if (dotpos < 0) str(st + 3:st + 4 - dotpos) = repeat('0', -dotpos)
st = st + 2 - dotpos
do j = 1, i - k
str(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
do j = 1, dotpos
str(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
if (i - k > dotpos) then
str(st + dotpos + 1:st + dotpos + 1) = '.'
do j = dotpos + 1, i - k
str(st + j + 1:st + j + 1) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine charsetreal4_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
real*4, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in charsetreal4_array"
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charsetreal4_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
real*4, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine charsetreal8(str, num)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::str
real*8, intent(in)::num
real(8) :: temp2
integer :: appro, tenexp, tenexp2, lenint
integer(1) :: temp(10), i, j, k, dotpos, st, len_not0
real(8) :: compare(8) = [1d-2, 1d-1, 1d0, 1d1, 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d5]
if (num > 0d0) then
temp2 = num*(1 + 1d-10)
str = ''
st = 0
else if (num < 0d0) then
temp2 = -num*(1 + 1d-10)
str = '-'
st = 1
str = '0'
end if
if (temp2 > compare(size(compare)) .or. temp2 < compare(1)) then
tenexp = 0
if (temp2 > 1) then
do while (temp2 >= 10)
tenexp = tenexp + 1
temp2 = temp2/10
end do
else if (temp2 < 1) then
do while (temp2 < 1)
tenexp = tenexp - 1
temp2 = temp2*10
end do
end if
appro = nint(temp2*1d5)
i = 0
do while (appro > 0)
i = i + 1
temp(i) = mod(appro, 10)
appro = appro/10
end do
k = 0
do while (temp(k + 1) == 0)
k = k + 1
end do
str(st + 1:st + 1) = char(temp(i) + 48)
st = st + 1
if (i - k >= 2) then
str(st + 1:st + 1) = '.'
do j = 2, i - k
str(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
st = st + i - k
end if
str(st + 1:st + 1) = 'E'
tempchar = tenexp
str(st + 2:) = tempchar
dotpos = count(temp2 > compare)
appro = nint(temp2/compare(dotpos)*1d5)
dotpos = dotpos - count(0.9 > compare)
i = 0
do while (appro > 0)
i = i + 1
temp(i) = mod(appro, 10)
appro = appro/10
end do
k = 0
do while (temp(k + 1) == 0)
k = k + 1
end do
if (dotpos <= 0) then
str(st + 1:st + 2) = '0.'
if (dotpos < 0) str(st + 3:st + 4 - dotpos) = repeat('0', -dotpos)
st = st + 2 - dotpos
do j = 1, i - k
str(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
do j = 1, dotpos
str(st + j:st + j) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
if (i - k > dotpos) then
str(st + dotpos + 1:st + dotpos + 1) = '.'
do j = dotpos + 1, i - k
str(st + j + 1:st + j + 1) = char(temp(i + 1 - j) + 48)
end do
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine charsetreal8_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
real*8, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in charsetreal8_array"
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charsetreal8_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
real*8, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine charsetcom4(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::inte
character*100::tempR, tempI
tempR = real(inte)
tempI = abs(aimag(inte))
inum = aimag(inte)
if (inum >= 0.) then
w = (trim(adjustl(tempR)))//'+i'//(trim(adjustl(tempI)))
w = (trim(adjustl(tempR)))//'-i'//(trim(adjustl(tempI)))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine charsetcom4_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in charsetreal8_array"
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charsetcom4_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine charsetcom8(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::inte
character*100::tempR, tempI
tempR = real(inte)
tempI = abs(aimag(inte))
inum = aimag(inte)
if (inum >= 0d0) then
w = (trim(adjustl(tempR)))//'+i'//(trim(adjustl(tempI)))
w = (trim(adjustl(tempR)))//'-i'//(trim(adjustl(tempI)))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine charsetcom8_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in charsetreal8_array"
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charsetcom8_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine charsetlogi(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
logical, intent(in)::inte
if (inte) then
w = '.true.'
w = '.false.'
end if
end subroutine
subroutine charsetlogi_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in charsetlogi_array"
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine charsetlogi_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine charsetChar_array2(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
w = inte(1) + ','
do i = 2, length - 1
w = inte(i) + ','
end do
w = inte(length)
end subroutine
subroutine char2int(i, w)
integer, intent(inout)::i
character(len=*), intent(in)::w
read (w, *) i
end subroutine
subroutine char2real4(i, w)
real*4, intent(inout)::i
character(len=*), intent(in)::w
read (w, *) i
end subroutine
subroutine char2real8(i, w)
real*8, intent(inout)::i
character(len=*), intent(in)::w
read (w, *) i
end subroutine
subroutine logi2int(A, B)
integer, intent(out)::A
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
A = 1
A = 0
end if
end subroutine
subroutine logi2real4(A, B)
real*4, intent(out)::A
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
A = 1
A = 0
end if
end subroutine
subroutine int2log(B, A)
logical, intent(out)::B
integer, intent(in)::A
if (A == 1) then
B = .true.
B = .false.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine real42log(A, B)
logical, intent(out)::A
real*4, intent(in)::B
if (int(B) == 1) then
A = .true.
A = .false.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine logi2real8(A, B)
real*8, intent(out)::A
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
A = 1
A = 0
end if
end subroutine
subroutine real82log(A, B)
logical, intent(out)::A
real*8, intent(in)::B
if (int(B) == 1) then
A = .true.
A = .false.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine logi2com4(A, B)
complex*8, intent(out)::A
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
A = 1
A = 0
end if
end subroutine
subroutine com42log(A, B)
logical, intent(out)::A
complex*8, intent(in)::B
if (int(B) == 1) then
A = .true.
A = .false.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine logi2com8(A, B)
complex*16, intent(out)::A
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
A = 1
A = 0
end if
end subroutine
subroutine com82log(B, A)
logical, intent(out)::B
complex*16, intent(in)::A
if (int(A) == 1) then
B = .true.
B = .false.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine cha2log(B, A)
logical, intent(out)::B
character(len=*), intent(in)::A
iA = A
if (int(iA) == 1) then
B = .true.
B = .false.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine cha2com4(B, A)
complex*8, intent(out)::B
character(len=*), intent(in)::A
call writemess('DO not set complex=character', -1)
call error_stop
end subroutine
subroutine cha2com8(B, A)
complex*16, intent(out)::B
character(len=*), intent(in)::A
call writemess('DO not set complex=character', -1)
call error_stop
end subroutine
subroutine l2i_array(w, inte)
integer, intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine l2s_array(w, inte)
real*4, intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine l2d_array(w, inte)
real*8, intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine l2c_array(w, inte)
complex*8, intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine l2z_array(w, inte)
complex*16, intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine l2a_array(w, inte)
character(len=*), intent(inout)::w(:)
logical, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine i2l_array(w, inte)
logical, intent(inout)::w(:)
integer, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine s2l_array(w, inte)
logical, intent(inout)::w(:)
real*4, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine d2l_array(w, inte)
logical, intent(inout)::w(:)
real*8, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine c2l_array(w, inte)
logical, intent(inout)::w(:)
complex*8, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine z2l_array(w, inte)
logical, intent(inout)::w(:)
complex*16, intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine a2l_array(w, inte)
logical, intent(inout)::w(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine a2i_array(w, inte)
integer, intent(inout)::w(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine a2s_array(w, inte)
real*4, intent(inout)::w(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine a2d_array(w, inte)
real*8, intent(inout)::w(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine a2c_array(w, inte)
complex*8, intent(inout)::w(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
subroutine a2z_array(w, inte)
complex*16, intent(inout)::w(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inte(:)
integer::i, length
length = size(inte)
if (size(w) < length) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in ="
end if
do i = 1, length
w(i) = inte(i)
end do
end subroutine
!input inchar=ABCDEFG,cha=D, output the character befor D, output=ABC
!If inchar=ABCDEFG,cha=K,(there is no K in inchar), output=''
character(len=max_len_of_char) function SubCharleft(inchar, cha)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inchar
character(len=1), intent(in)::cha
ith = index(inchar, cha)
if (ith == 0) then
SubCharleft = ''
end if
SubCharleft = inchar(1:ith - 1)
end function
!input inchar=ABCDEFG,cha=D, output the character after D, output=EFG
!If inchar=ABCDEFG,cha=K,(there is no K in inchar), output=''
character(len=max_len_of_char) function SubCharRight(inchar, cha)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inchar
character(len=1), intent(in)::cha
ith = index(inchar, cha)
if (ith == 0) then
SubCharRight = ''
end if
SubCharRight = inchar(ith + 1:)
end function
!input inchar=ABCDEFG,cha1=B,char2=F, output=CDE
!If on putput, output=''
character(len=max_len_of_char) function SubChar(inchar, cha)
character(len=*), intent(in)::inchar
character(len=1), intent(in)::cha(2)
integer::ith1, ith2
ith1 = index(inchar, cha(1))
ith2 = index(inchar, cha(2))
if (ith1 == 0) then
SubChar = inchar(1:(ith2 - 1))
end if
if (ith2 == 0) then
SubChar = inchar((ith1 + 1):)
end if
if (ith1 + 1 > ith2 - 1) then
call writemess('ERROR in getting sub character')
call error_stop
end if
SubChar = inchar((ith1 + 1):(ith2 - 1))
end function
! character(len=(max(len(w1),max_len_of_char))) function charAddint(w1,inte)
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAddint(w1, inte)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
integer, intent(in)::inte
temp = inte
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddint = ' '//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end if
charAddint = (trim(w1))//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end function
! character(len=(max(len(w1),max_len_of_char))) function intAddchar(inte,w1)
character(len=max_len_of_char) function intAddchar(inte, w1)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
integer, intent(in)::inte
temp = inte
intAddchar = (trim(adjustl(temp)))//(trim(w1))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAddreal(w1, B)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
real*8, intent(in)::B
temp = B
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddreal = ' '//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end if
charAddreal = (trim(w1))//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function realAddchar(B, w1)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
real*8, intent(in)::B
temp = B
realAddchar = (trim(adjustl(temp)))//(trim(w1))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function real4Addchar(B, w1)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
real*4, intent(in)::B
temp = B
real4Addchar = (trim(adjustl(temp)))//(trim(w1))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAddreal4(w1, B)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
real*4, intent(in)::B
temp = B
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddreal4 = ' '//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end if
charAddreal4 = (trim(w1))//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAddcom4(w1, B)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::B
temp = B
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddcom4 = ' '//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end if
charAddcom4 = (trim(w1))//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function com4Addchar(B, w1)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::B
temp = B
com4Addchar = (trim(adjustl(temp)))//(trim(w1))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function com8Addchar(B, w1)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::B
temp = B
com8Addchar = (trim(adjustl(temp)))//(trim(w1))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAddcom8(w1, B)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::B
temp = B
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddcom8 = ' '//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end if
charAddcom8 = (trim(w1))//(trim(adjustl(temp)))
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function logiAddchar(B, w1)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
logiAddchar = '.true.'//(trim(w1))
logiAddchar = '.false.'//(trim(w1))
end if
end function
character(len=max_len_of_char) function charAddlogi(w1, B)
character(len=*), intent(in)::w1
logical, intent(in)::B
if (B) then
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddlogi = ' .true.'
end if
charAddlogi = (trim(w1))//'.true.'
if (len(trim(w1)) == 0) then
charAddlogi = ' .false.'
end if
charAddlogi = (trim(w1))//'.false.'
end if
end function
logical function equal_character(w1, w2)
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::w1
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::w2
equal_character = trim(adjustl(w1)) == trim(adjustl(w2))
end function
logical function equal_of_array(a, b)
integer, intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: la, lb, i
la = size(a)
lb = size(b)
if (la /= lb) then
equal_of_array = .false.
end if
do i = 1, la
if (a(i) /= b(i)) then
equal_of_array = .false.
end if
end do
equal_of_array = .true.
end function
logical function equal_of_array_real4(a, b) result(equal_of_array)
real*4, intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: la, lb, i, l
la = size(a)
lb = size(b)
equal_of_array = .false.
if (la == lb) then
l = count(abs(a - b) > default_zero_real_number)
if (l == 0) then
equal_of_array = .true.
end if
end if
end function
logical function equal_of_array_real8(a, b) result(equal_of_array)
real*8, intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: la, lb, i, l
la = size(a)
lb = size(b)
equal_of_array = .false.
if (la == lb) then
l = count(abs(a - b) > default_zero_double_number)
if (l == 0) then
equal_of_array = .true.
end if
end if
end function
logical function equal_of_array_com4(a, b) result(equal_of_array)
complex(kind=4), intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: la, lb, i, l1, l2
la = size(a)
lb = size(b)
equal_of_array = .false.
if (la == lb) then
l1 = count(abs(real(a, kind=4) - real(b, kind=4)) > default_zero_real_number)
l2 = count(abs(aimag(a) - aimag(b)) > default_zero_real_number)
if (l1 == 0 .and. l2 == 0) then
equal_of_array = .true.
end if
end if
end function
logical function equal_of_array_com8(a, b) result(equal_of_array)
complex(kind=8), intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: la, lb, i, l1, l2
la = size(a)
lb = size(b)
equal_of_array = .false.
if (la == lb) then
l1 = count(abs(real(a, kind=8) - real(b, kind=8)) > default_zero_double_number)
l2 = count(abs(dimag(a) - dimag(b)) > default_zero_double_number)
if (l1 == 0 .and. l2 == 0) then
equal_of_array = .true.
end if
end if
end function
logical function equal_of_array_char(a, b) result(equal_of_array)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: a(:), b(:)
integer :: la, lb, i, l
la = size(a)
lb = size(b)
if (la /= lb) then
equal_of_array = .false.
end if
do i = 1, la
if (equal_character(a(i), b(i))) then
equal_of_array = .false.
end if
end do
equal_of_array = .true.
end function
logical function equal_real4(a, b) result(equal)
real*4, intent(in)::a, b
equal = abs(a - b) < default_zero_real_number
end function
logical function equal_real8(a, b) result(equal)
real*8, intent(in)::a, b
equal = abs(a - b) < default_zero_double_number
end function
logical function equal_com4(a, b) result(equal)
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::a, b
temp = abs(a - b)
equal = real(a) < default_zero_real_number
equal = equal .and. (aimag(a) < default_zero_real_number)
end function
logical function equal_com8(a, b) result(equal)
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::a, b
temp = abs(a - b)
equal = dble(a) < default_zero_double_number
equal = equal .and. (dimag(a) < default_zero_double_number)
end function
logical function nequal_character(w1, w2)
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::w1
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::w2
nequal_character = trim(adjustl(w1)) /= trim(adjustl(w2))
end function
logical function nequal_real4(a, b) result(equal)
real*4, intent(in)::a, b
equal = abs(a - b) >= default_zero_real_number
end function
logical function nequal_real8(a, b) result(equal)
real*8, intent(in)::a, b
equal = abs(a - b) >= default_zero_double_number
end function
logical function nequal_com4(a, b) result(equal)
complex(kind=4), intent(in)::a, b
temp = abs(a - b)
equal = real(a) >= default_zero_real_number
equal = equal .or. (aimag(a) >= default_zero_real_number)
end function
logical function nequal_com8(a, b) result(equal)
complex(kind=8), intent(in)::a, b
temp = abs(a - b)
equal = dble(a) >= default_zero_double_number
equal = equal .or. (dimag(a) >= default_zero_double_number)
end function
subroutine openlog(not_write_cpu)
logical, intent(in), optional::not_write_cpu
logical :: alive
if (present(not_write_cpu)) then
inquire (file=log_address, exist=alive)
log_flag = .true.
if (alive) then
open (unit=log_address_unit, file=log_address, STATUS='old', POSITION='APPEND')
open (unit=log_address_unit, file=log_address, STATUS='REPLACE', POSITION='APPEND')
end if
end if
if (log_flag) then
open (unit=log_address_unit, file=log_address, STATUS='old', POSITION='APPEND')
open (unit=log_address_unit, file=log_address, STATUS='REPLACE', POSITION='APPEND')
log_flag = .true.
end if
end subroutine
subroutine closelog()
close (unit=log_address_unit)
end subroutine
subroutine open_File(uni, FileAddress, inSTATUS, inPOSITION)
character(len=*), intent(in)::FileAddress
character(len=*), intent(in)::inSTATUS
integer, intent(in)::uni
character(len=*), optional, intent(in)::inPOSITION
if (inSTATUS.equ.'old') then
inquire (file=FileAddress, exist=alive)
if (.not. alive) then
call writemess(' ')
call writemess('***** Cannot open the file of '+(' '+FileAddress) + ' ******')
call writemess(' ')
call error_stop
end if
end if
if (present(inPOSITION)) then
if (inPOSITION.equ.'end') then
open (unit=uni, file=FileAddress, status=inSTATUS, POSITION='APPEND')
open (unit=uni, file=FileAddress, status=inSTATUS, POSITION=inPOSITION)
end if
open (unit=uni, file=FileAddress, status=inSTATUS)
end if
end subroutine
logical function ifopen_File(uni, FileAddress, inSTATUS, inPOSITION) result(alive)
character(len=*), intent(in)::FileAddress
character(len=*), intent(in)::inSTATUS
integer, intent(in)::uni
character(len=*), optional, intent(in)::inPOSITION
if (inSTATUS.equ.'old') then
inquire (file=FileAddress, exist=alive)
if (.not. alive) return
end if
alive = .true.
if (present(inPOSITION)) then
if (inPOSITION.equ.'end') then
open (unit=uni, file=FileAddress, status=inSTATUS, POSITION='APPEND')
open (unit=uni, file=FileAddress, status=inSTATUS, POSITION=inPOSITION)
end if
open (unit=uni, file=FileAddress, status=inSTATUS)
end if
end function
subroutine writemess_char(mess, cpu_number)
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) trim(mess)
call closelog()
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (rewriteFlag1) write (*, *) ''
write (*, *) trim(mess)
end if
end if
if ((cpu_number < 0) .and. (output_proID /= output_cpu_number)) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) trim(mess + ' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (rewriteFlag1) write (*, *) ''
write (*, *) trim(mess + ' | CPU'+output_proID)
end if
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) trim(mess)
call closelog()
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (rewriteFlag1) write (*, *) ''
write (*, *) trim(mess)
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) trim(mess)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (rewriteFlag1) write (*, *) ''
write (*, *) trim(mess)
end if
end if
rewriteFlag1 = .false.
rewriteFlag2 = .false.
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_char_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::mess
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
character(len=max_len_of_char)::form, mess2
logical::Flag, Flag2
integer, save::lastlength = -1
Flag = .true.
Flag2 = .false.
if (form_.equ.'-') then
form = '(1a1,a,$)'
if (lastlength == -1) then
lastlength = len_trim(mess)
lastlength = max(len_trim(mess), lastlength)
end if
Flag2 = .true.
else if (form_.equ.'+') then
form = '(1a1,a)'
if (lastlength == -1) then
lastlength = len_trim(mess)
lastlength = max(len_trim(mess), lastlength)
end if
else if (form_.equ.'*') then
form = '(1a1,a,$)'
lastlength = len_trim(mess)
Flag2 = .true.
else if (form_.equ.'/') then
form = '(1a1,a)'
lastlength = len_trim(mess)
form = '('+form_ + ')'
Flag = .false.
end if
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
if (Flag) then
mess2 = mess
if (rewriteFlag2) BACKSPACE (UNIT=log_address_unit)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess2(1:lastlength)
write (log_address_unit, form) trim(mess)
end if
call closelog()
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (Flag) then
mess2 = mess
write (*, form) char(13), mess2(1:lastlength)
write (*, form) trim(mess)
end if
end if
end if
if ((cpu_number < 0) .and. (output_proID /= output_cpu_number)) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
if (Flag) then
mess2 = trim(mess + ' | CPU'+output_proID)
lastlength = max(len_trim(mess2), lastlength)
if (rewriteFlag2) BACKSPACE (UNIT=log_address_unit)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess2(1:lastlength)
write (log_address_unit, form) trim(mess)
end if
call closelog()
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (Flag) then
mess2 = trim(mess + ' | CPU'+output_proID)
lastlength = max(len_trim(mess2), lastlength)
write (*, form) char(13), mess2(1:lastlength)
write (*, form) trim(mess + ' | CPU'+output_proID)
end if
end if
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
if (Flag) then
mess2 = mess
if (rewriteFlag2) BACKSPACE (UNIT=log_address_unit)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess2(1:lastlength)
write (log_address_unit, form) trim(mess)
end if
call closelog()
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (Flag) then
mess2 = mess
write (*, form) char(13), mess2(1:lastlength)
write (*, form) trim(mess)
end if
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
if (Flag) then
mess2 = mess
if (rewriteFlag2) BACKSPACE (UNIT=log_address_unit)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess2(1:lastlength)
write (log_address_unit, form) trim(mess)
end if
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
if (Flag) then
mess2 = mess
write (*, form) char(13), mess2(1:lastlength)
write (*, form) trim(mess)
end if
end if
end if
if (Flag) then
if (Flag2) then
rewriteFlag1 = .true.
rewriteFlag2 = .true.
rewriteFlag1 = .false.
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_char2(noadjustl, mess, cpu_number)
CHARACTER(len=*), intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
logical, intent(in)::noadjustl
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real(mess, cpu_number)
real*8, intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real_array(mess, cpu_number)
real*8, intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
real*8, intent(in)::mess
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
form = '('+form_ + ')'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
real*8, intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ','+form_ + '))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real4(mess, cpu_number)
real*4, intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real4_array(mess, cpu_number)
real*4, intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real4_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
real*4, intent(in)::mess
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
form = '('+form_ + ')'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_real4_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
real*4, intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ','+form_ + '))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, size(mess))
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, size(mess))
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, size(mess))
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, size(mess))
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_int(mess, cpu_number)
integer, intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_int_array(mess, cpu_number)
integer, intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_int_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
integer, intent(in)::mess
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
form = '('+form_ + ')'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_int_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
integer, intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ','+form_ + '))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com4(mess, cpu_number)
complex*8, intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess + trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com4_array(mess, cpu_number)
complex*8, intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com4_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
complex*8, intent(in)::mess
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
form = '(A1,'+form_ + ',A1,'+form_ + ',A1))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess + trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com4_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
complex*8, intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ',A1,'+form_ + ',A1,'+form_ + ',A1))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com8(mess, cpu_number)
complex*16, intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com8_array(mess, cpu_number)
complex*16, intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com8_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
complex*16, intent(in)::mess
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
form = '(A1,'+form_ + ',A1,'+form_ + ',A1))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) '(', real(mess), ' ', aimag(mess), ')'
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_com8_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
complex*16, intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ',A1,'+form_ + ',A1,'+form_ + ',A1))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', '(', real(mess(i)), ' ', aimag(mess(i)), ')', i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_char_array(mess, cpu_number)
character(len=*), intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) (trim(' '+mess(i)), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) (trim(' '+mess(i)), i=1, length), trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) (trim(' '+mess(i)), i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) (trim(' '+mess(i)), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) (trim(' '+mess(i)), i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_char_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
character(len=*), intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ','+form_ + '))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', trim(mess(i)), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) (trim(' '+mess(i)), i=1, length), trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', trim(mess(i)), i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', trim(mess(i)), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', trim(mess(i)), i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_logi_array_form(mess, form_, cpu_number)
logical, intent(in)::mess(:)
character(len=*), intent(in)::form_
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
integer::i, length
length = size(mess)
form = '('+length + '('+form_space + ','+form_ + '))'
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, form) (' ', mess(i), i=1, length)
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_logi(mess, cpu_number)
logical, intent(in)::mess
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim(' | CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine writemess_logi_array(mess, cpu_number)
logical, intent(in)::mess(:)
integer, optional, intent(in)::cpu_number
if (present(cpu_number)) then
if (output_proID == cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (cpu_number < 0) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog(.true.)
write (log_address_unit, *) mess, trim('| CPU'+output_proID)
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number2) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
if (out_log_flag) then
call openlog()
write (log_address_unit, *) mess
call closelog()
end if
end if
if (output_proID == output_cpu_number) then
write (*, *) mess
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine outputmessTime(cputime)
real*8, intent(in)::cputime
integer::times, timem, timeh, timed, temp
CHARACTER(10) :: cput
Character(8) :: cpud
CHARACTER(5) :: cpuz
CHARACTER*50::w1, w2, w3
if (output_ProID == output_cpu_number) then
if (cputime < 60) then
times = cputime
timem = 0
timeh = 0
timed = 0
else if ((cputime >= 60) .and. (cputime < 3600)) then
timem = cputime/60
times = cputime - timem*60
timeh = 0
timed = 0
else if ((cputime >= 3600) .and. (cputime < 86400)) then
timeh = cputime/3600
temp = cputime - timeh*3600
timem = temp/60
times = temp - timem*60
timed = 0
timed = cputime/86400
temp = cputime - timed*86400
timeh = temp/3600
temp = temp - timeh*3600
timem = temp/60
times = temp - timem*60
end if
call writemess("now the time is :")
w1 = cpud
w2 = cput
w3 = trim(adjustl(w1))//" "//trim(adjustl(w2))
call writemess(trim(adjustl(w3)))
call system("date '+%D%n%c' ")
call writemess("The time it cost up to now is")
w1 = timed
w3 = " "//trim(adjustl(w1))//"day,"
w1 = timeh
w3 = trim(adjustl(w3))//trim(adjustl(w1))//"hour,"
w1 = timem
w3 = trim(adjustl(w3))//trim(adjustl(w1))//"minute,"
w1 = times
w3 = trim(adjustl(w3))//trim(adjustl(w1))//"second."
call writemess(trim(adjustl(w3)))
end if
end subroutine
subroutine system_time1(cputime, times, timem, timeh, timed, chartime)
real*8, intent(in)::cputime
integer, intent(inout)::times, timem, timeh, timed
character(len=*), intent(inout), optional::chartime
if (cputime < 60) then
times = cputime
timem = 0
timeh = 0
timed = 0
if (present(chartime)) then
chartime = times + 's'
end if
else if ((cputime >= 60) .and. (cputime < 3600)) then
timem = cputime/60
times = cputime - timem*60
timeh = 0
timed = 0
if (present(chartime)) then
chartime = timem + 'min,'+times + 's'
end if
else if ((cputime >= 3600) .and. (cputime < 86400)) then
timeh = cputime/3600
temp = cputime - timeh*3600
timem = temp/60
times = temp - timem*60
timed = 0
if (present(chartime)) then
chartime = timeh + 'hour,'+timem + 'min,'+times + 's'
end if
timed = cputime/86400
temp = cputime - timed*86400
timeh = temp/3600
temp = temp - timeh*3600
timem = temp/60
times = temp - timem*60
if (present(chartime)) then
chartime = timed + 'days,'+timeh + 'hour,'+timem + 'min,'+times + 's'
end if
end if
end subroutine
subroutine system_time2(cputime, chartime)
real*8, intent(in)::cputime
character(len=*), intent(inout)::chartime
integer::times, timem, timeh, timed
if (cputime < 60) then
times = cputime
timem = 0
timeh = 0
timed = 0
chartime = times + 's'
else if ((cputime >= 60) .and. (cputime < 3600)) then
timem = cputime/60
times = cputime - timem*60
timeh = 0
timed = 0
chartime = timem + 'min,'+times + 's'
else if ((cputime >= 3600) .and. (cputime < 86400)) then
timeh = cputime/3600
temp = cputime - timeh*3600
timem = temp/60
times = temp - timem*60
timed = 0
chartime = timeh + 'hour,'+timem + 'min,'+times + 's'
timed = cputime/86400
temp = cputime - timed*86400
timeh = temp/3600
temp = temp - timeh*3600
timem = temp/60
times = temp - timem*60
chartime = timed + 'days,'+timeh + 'hour,'+timem + 'min,'+times + 's'
end if
end subroutine
subroutine reset_Time_calculator(totalstep, numOutput)
integer, intent(in)::totalstep
integer, intent(in), optional::numOutput
Time_calculater_start_flag = .true.
Time_calculater_TotalStep = totalstep
if (present(numOutput)) then
Time_calculater_numOutput = numOutput
Time_calculater_numOutput = 15
end if
call writemess(' --- reset Time calculator ---')
end subroutine
subroutine Time_calculator(delta_step_)
integer, intent(in), optional::delta_step_
real*8, save::time1, time2
integer, save::modi, stepi
logical, save::first_write = .true.
character*100::timechar, timechar2, systemtime
integer::remainStep, per
integer::i, delta_step
if (present(delta_step_)) then
delta_step = delta_step_
delta_step = 1
end if
if (Time_calculater_start_flag) then
!time1= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time1)
Time_calculater_start_flag = .false.
first_write = .true.
if (Time_calculater_numOutput > Time_calculater_TotalStep) then
modi = 2
modi = Time_calculater_TotalStep/Time_calculater_numOutput
end if
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(' ##########'+(' '+systemtime) + ' ##########')
stepi = max(0 + delta_step, 1)
end if
stepi = max(stepi + delta_step, 1)
if (first_write) then
if (stepi == max(Time_calculater_TotalStep/800, 20)) then
first_write = .false.
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(Time_calculater_TotalStep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = Time_calculater_TotalStep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(w + '.'+systemtime + '. Using:'+timechar + '. Remain:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
end if
if (mod(stepi, modi) == 0) then
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(Time_calculater_TotalStep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = Time_calculater_TotalStep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(w + '.'+systemtime + '. Using:'+timechar + '. Remain:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
if (stepi == Time_calculater_TotalStep) then
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
w = persentChar(100)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
call writemess(w + '.Using time:'+timechar, '+')
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(' =========='+(' '+systemtime) + ' ==========')
call writemess(' ')
end if
end subroutine
subroutine reset_Time_calculator_limit(totalstep, limit_time, numOutput)
integer, intent(in)::totalstep, limit_time
integer, intent(in), optional::numOutput
Time_calculater_start_flag = .true.
Time_calculater_TotalStep = totalstep
if (present(numOutput)) then
Time_calculater_numOutput = numOutput
Time_calculater_numOutput = 15
end if
Time_calculater_limit_time = limit_time
call writemess(' ------- reset Time calculator ------')
call writemess(' limit_time='+limit_time + 's')
end subroutine
logical function time_calculator_limit(delta_step_) Result(notstopFlag)
integer, intent(in), optional::delta_step_
real*8, save::time1, time2
integer, save::modi, stepi
logical, save::first_write = .true.
character*100::timechar, timechar2, systemtime
integer::remainStep, per
integer::i, delta_step
notstopFlag = .true.
if (present(delta_step_)) then
delta_step = delta_step_
delta_step = 1
end if
if (Time_calculater_start_flag) then
!time1= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time1)
Time_calculater_start_flag = .false.
first_write = .true.
if (Time_calculater_numOutput > Time_calculater_TotalStep) then
modi = 2
modi = Time_calculater_TotalStep/Time_calculater_numOutput
end if
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(' ##########'+(' '+systemtime) + ' ##########')
stepi = max(0 + delta_step, 1)
end if
stepi = max(stepi + delta_step, 1)
if (first_write) then
if (stepi == max(Time_calculater_TotalStep/800, 20)) then
first_write = .false.
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(Time_calculater_TotalStep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = Time_calculater_TotalStep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(w + '.'+systemtime + '. Using:'+timechar + '. Remain:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
end if
if (mod(stepi, modi) == 0) then
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(Time_calculater_TotalStep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = Time_calculater_TotalStep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(w + '.'+systemtime + '. Using:'+timechar + '. Remain:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
if (stepi == Time_calculater_TotalStep) then
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
w = persentChar(100)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
call writemess(w + '.Using time:'+timechar, '+')
call date_and_time(VALUES=values)
systemtime = values(1) + '-'+values(2) + '-'+values(3) + '-'+values(5) + ':'+values(6) + ':'+values(7)
call writemess(' =========='+(' '+systemtime) + ' ==========')
call writemess(' ')
end if
notstopFlag = (time2 - time1) < Time_calculater_limit_time
end function
subroutine System_time_calculater1(stepi, totalstep, numOutput, firstnum)
integer, intent(in)::stepi, totalstep, numOutput
integer, intent(in), optional::firstnum
real*8, save::time1, time2
integer, save::modi
logical, save::first = .true., first_write = .true.
character*100::timechar, timechar2
integer::remainStep, per
if ((stepi == 1) .or. first) then
!time1= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time1)
first = .false.
if (numOutput > totalstep) then
modi = 2
modi = totalstep/numOutput
end if
call writemess('=====================================')
call writemess('output the running time for the loop:')
end if
if (first_write) then
if (present(firstnum)) then
if (stepi == firstnum) then
first_write = .false.
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(totalstep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = totalstep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call writemess(w + 'Using time:'+timechar + '. Remaining time:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
end if
if (stepi == max(totalstep/1000, 20)) then
first_write = .false.
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(totalstep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = totalstep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call writemess(w + '.Using time:'+timechar + '. Remaining time:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
end if
if (mod(stepi, modi) == 0) then
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
per = dble(stepi)/dble(totalstep)*100.
w = persentChar(per)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/stepi
remainStep = totalstep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, timechar2)
call writemess(w + '.Using time:'+timechar + '. Remaining time:'+timechar2, '-')
end if
if (stepi == totalstep) then
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call cpu_time(time2)
w = persentChar(100)
call system_time(time2 - time1, timechar)
call writemess(w + '.Using time:'+timechar, '+')
call writemess('=====================================')
first = .true.
first_write = .true.
end if
end subroutine
character(len=60) function persentChar(per_)
integer, intent(in)::per_
integer::i, lenchar, per
persentChar = '['
perchar = per_ + '%'
lenchar = len_trim(perchar)
i = 1
per = per_*persentCharLen/100
do while (i <= per)
if (i /= persentCharLen2) then
persentChar = persentChar + '*'
i = i + 1
persentChar = persentChar + perchar
i = i + lenchar
end if
end do
do while (i <= persentCharLen)
if (i /= persentCharLen2) then
persentChar = persentChar + '-'
i = i + 1
persentChar = persentChar + perchar
i = i + lenchar
end if
end do
persentChar = persentChar + ']'
end function
subroutine System_time_calculater2(stepi, totalstep, runningtime, remaintime, time1_)
integer, intent(in)::stepi, totalstep
character(len=*)::runningtime, remaintime
real*8, intent(in), optional::time1_
real*8, save::time1, time2
integer, save::modi, first_stepi
if (present(time1_)) then
time1 = time1_
first_stepi = stepi
end if
call cpu_time(time2)
!time2= omp_get_wtime()
call system_time(time2 - time1, runningtime)
persetpTime = (time2 - time1)/(stepi - first_stepi + 1)
remainStep = totalstep - stepi
call system_time(persetpTime*remainStep, remaintime)
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture()
ty = randomnumber(1, 10)
select case (ty)
case (1)
call outpicture1()
case (2)
call outpicture2()
case (3)
call outpicture3()
case (4)
call outpicture4()
case (5)
call outpicture5()
case (6)
call outpicture6()
case (7)
call outpicture7()
case (8)
call outpicture8()
case (9)
call outpicture9()
case (10)
call outpicture10()
end select
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture1()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' _ooOoo_')
call writemess(.true., ' _____________ o8888888o')
call writemess(.true., '|you have bugs| 88" . "88')
call writemess(.true., '|------------__\ (| -_- |)')
call writemess(.true., ' O\ = /O')
call writemess(.true., ' ____/`---`\\____')
call writemess(.true., ' .` \\| |// `.')
call writemess(.true., ' / \\||| : |||// \')
call writemess(.true., ' / _||||| -:- |||||- \')
call writemess(.true., ' | | \\\ - /// | |')
call writemess(.true., ' | \_| ``\---/`` | |')
call writemess(.true., ' \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. /')
call writemess(.true., ' ___`. .` /--.--\ `. . __')
call writemess(.true., ' ."" `< `.___\_<|>_/___.` >`"".')
call writemess(.true., ' | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | |')
call writemess(.true., ' \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / /')
call writemess(.true., '======`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-`======')
call writemess(.true., ' `=---=` ')
call writemess(.true., '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^')
call writemess(.true., ' Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] ')
call writemess(.true., ' ')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture2()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' \ / ')
call writemess(.true., ' ___\/__')
call writemess(.true., ' / ^ ^ \ ')
call writemess(.true., ' / (@) (@) \ ')
call writemess(.true., ' / | , \ _____________________')
call writemess(.true., ' | U /~~~\ | || |')
call writemess(.true., ' \ `~~~ ) || |')
call writemess(.true., ' _ / / || |')
call writemess(.true., ' ( \ (```) \ || ERROR | ')
call writemess(.true., ' ` `, / -` \ || |')
call writemess(.true., '============ /|=\ " / __| |===|| |==')
call writemess(.true., ' / | \___/ ______/ ||____________________|')
call writemess(.true., ' ________.,` | __||_______|__')
call writemess(.true., '|you have bugs! |_________________________________________')
call writemess(.true., '|Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] | ')
call writemess(.true., '`~-------------------------------------------------------~` ')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture3()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' ___ \ /')
call writemess(.true., ' / \ ____\/____')
call writemess(.true., ' / \ / \')
call writemess(.true., ' |:: | | / ::\::::/::: \')
call writemess(.true., ' |;;;; U | / < 0 >::< 0 > \')
call writemess(.true., ' |::;;; | | (/\) ) ')
call writemess(.true., ' |;;;; ] \ _/ ')
call writemess(.true., ' \:::: ) | | \ ')
call writemess(.true., ' / \ | | ME | | . ')
call writemess(.true., '_______/ \_____,|,|,_________|_/__|\_______________')
call writemess(.true., ' | YOU \ | \____________')
call writemess(.true., '_________________________________________( you have bugs|')
call writemess(.true., '|Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] | ')
call writemess(.true., '`~-----------------------------------------------------~` ')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture4()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., '______ ')
call writemess(.true., '___|__| _________________________________ ')
call writemess(.true., '_|____| |you have bugs!! | ')
call writemess(.true., '___|__|--^\ __|Report any bugs of the TNSP to |')
call writemess(.true., '_|____|w ` ) /_ | [email protected] ! |')
call writemess(.true., '___|__| C=] |________________________________|')
call writemess(.true., '_|____|=========')
call writemess(.true., '___|____|____|__|')
call writemess(.true., '_|____|____|____|')
call writemess(.true., '___|____|____|__|')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture5()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' _ _')
call writemess(.true., ' __| |___| |__ _________________________________')
call writemess(.true., ' | _ | |you have bugs!! | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | __/ \__ | __|Report any bugs of the TNSP to | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | 0 0 || / [email protected] ! | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | U| /_____________________________________| ')
call writemess(.true., ' | _|_ |')
call writemess(.true., ' |__ ___|')
call writemess(.true., ' | |')
call writemess(.true., ' | |____________')
call writemess(.true., ' | |__')
call writemess(.true., ' | |__}')
call writemess(.true., ' |_________________|')
call writemess(.true., ' | | | | | |')
call writemess(.true., ' | | | | | |')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture6()
call writemess(.true., ' /^\/^\ ')
call writemess(.true., ' ( -3-)')
call writemess(.true., ' =====O=======O=====================')
call writemess(.true., ' |you have bugs!! ||')
call writemess(.true., ' |Report ONLY bugs of the package ||')
call writemess(.true., ' |to [email protected] ! ||')
call writemess(.true., ' ===================================')
call writemess(.true., ' | || | ||')
call writemess(.true., ' |__|| |__|| ')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture7()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' _________________________________________________________')
call writemess(.true., ' |you have bugs!! |')
call writemess(.true., ' |Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] !|')
call writemess(.true., ' | ------------------------------------------------------|')
call writemess(.true., ' | /')
call writemess(.true., ' |/__________')
call writemess(.true., ' / \ ')
call writemess(.true., ' / X X')
call writemess(.true., ' | Y Y \')
call writemess(.true., ' | | | oo |')
call writemess(.true., ' | \_/ _/\_)')
call writemess(.true., ' | ___/ ')
call writemess(.true., ' \ / ')
call writemess(.true., ' | | |')
call writemess(.true., ' (___)__)')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture8()
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' ')
call writemess(.true., ' __ ')
call writemess(.true., ' ##### ### ')
call writemess(.true., ' #########___---------____##### ')
call writemess(.true., ' ######## ##### ')
call writemess(.true., ' ###### ### ')
call writemess(.true., ' #### ## ')
call writemess(.true., ' ## \ ')
call writemess(.true., ' / ## ## | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | #0# #0# | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | ### ### | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | # ## | ')
call writemess(.true., ' | #### | ')
call writemess(.true., ' /\ \ ## / / ')
call writemess(.true., ' / \ \_______/ / ')
call writemess(.true., ' ### \ \\ ## ')
call writemess(.true., ' ######################\\######## ')
call writemess(.true., ' ############/|###########\\######## ')
call writemess(.true., ' / | \\ ')
call writemess(.true., ' ________.,` | ')
call writemess(.true., '|you have bugs! |_________________________________________')
call writemess(.true., '|Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] | ')
call writemess(.true., '`~-------------------------------------------------------~` ')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture9()
call writemess(' ')
call writemess(' ________ ')
call writemess(' _/__|__|__\_ ')
call writemess(' / _ \ ')
call writemess(' /_ _(_)_ __\ ')
call writemess(' ||_| |____o| |_|_| ')
call writemess(' ____|================|___ ')
call writemess(' | | __________ | \ ')
call writemess(' | | | WARNING! | | \ ')
call writemess(' | || | you | |\ \ ')
call writemess(' | || | have | | \ \ ')
call writemess(' | || | bugs | | \ \ ')
call writemess(' | || |__________| | \ \ ')
call writemess(' | || | \____\ ')
call writemess(' | ||________________| | \ ')
call writemess(' |___| \ / | \ ')
call writemess(' / \ \___/ |___\ ')
call writemess(' / \ / \ ')
call writemess(' /_____\ /_____\ ')
call writemess('_____________________________________________________________ ')
call writemess('|Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] |')
call writemess('`~----------------------------------------------------------~`')
end subroutine
subroutine outpicture10()
call writemess(' ')
call writemess(' |_| ')
call writemess(' _P P_ ')
call writemess(' \___ / \|/ \ ___/ ')
call writemess(' \/ | \/ ')
call writemess(' | 0 | 0| ')
call writemess(' __/| 000| 00|\__ ')
call writemess(' / \ 00| / \ ')
call writemess(' __/\___|___/\__ ')
call writemess(' / \ ')
call writemess(' _______________ ')
call writemess('|you have bugs! |____________________________________________ ')
call writemess('|Report any bugs of the TNSP to [email protected] |')
call writemess('`~----------------------------------------------------------~`')
end subroutine
! Purpose: Generate seed for each process
subroutine seed_gen(myseed)
implicit none
integer::seed0, counter, myseed, i
call system_clock(count=counter)
seed0 = -counter
myseed = int(-5970*rand(seed0))
initial_randomseed = myseed
if (MPI_running) then
seed0 = myseed
do i = 1, output_proID + 1
myseed = int(-5970*rand(seed0))
end do
initial_mpi_randomseed_in_cpus = myseed
end if
end subroutine
! Purpose:
! "Minimal" random number generator of Park and Miller with
! Bays-Durham shuffle and added safeguards. Returns a uniform
! random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0 (exclusive of the end points).
! Call with idum a negative integer to initialize; thereafter do
! not alter idum between successive deviates in a sequence. RNMX
! should approximate the largest floating point value that is
! less than 1.
! Input: idum, the seed
! Output: random number between 0.0 and 1.0
real*8 function rand(idum)
implicit none
integer ia, im, iq, ir, ntab, ndiv
real am, eps, rnmx
parameter(ia=16807, im=2147483647, am=1./im)
parameter(iq=127773, ir=2836, ntab=32, ndiv=1 + (im - 1)/ntab)
parameter(eps=1.2e-7, rnmx=1.-eps)
integer j, k, iv(ntab), iy
save iv, iy
data iv/ntab*0/, iy/0/
if (idum <= 0 .or. iy == 0) then
idum = max(-idum, 1)
do j = ntab + 8, 1, -1
k = idum/iq
idum = ia*(idum - k*iq) - ir*k
if (idum < 0) idum = idum + im
if (j <= ntab) iv(j) = idum
end do
iy = iv(1)
end if
k = idum/iq
idum = ia*(idum - k*iq) - ir*k
if (idum < 0) idum = idum + im
j = 1 + iy/ndiv
iy = iv(j)
iv(j) = idum
rand = min(am*iy, rnmx)
end function
real*8 function randomnumber1()
if (seed_flag) then
randomnumber1 = rand(randomseed)
call seed_gen(randomseed)
seed_flag = .true.
randomnumber1 = rand(randomseed)
end if
end function
real*8 function randomnumber2(minr, maxr)
real*8, intent(in)::minr, maxr
randomnumber2 = (maxr - minr)*randomnumber1() + minr
end function
real*4 function randomnumber3(minr, maxr)
real*4, intent(in)::minr, maxr
randomnumber3 = (maxr - minr)*randomnumber1() + minr
end function
integer function randomnumber4(minr, maxr)
integer, intent(in)::minr, maxr
randomnumber4 = (maxr - minr + 1)*randomnumber1() + minr
end function
subroutine set_seed1(idum)
integer, intent(in)::idum
integer::seed0, i
if (idum == 0) then
seed_flag = .false.
end if
randomseed = idum
initial_randomseed = randomseed
if (MPI_running) then
seed0 = randomseed
do i = 1, output_proID + 1
randomseed = int(-5970*rand(seed0))
end do
initial_mpi_randomseed_in_cpus = randomseed
end if
seed_flag = .true.
end subroutine
subroutine set_seed2(idum, id)
integer, intent(in)::idum, id
integer::seed0, i
if (idum == 0) then
seed_flag = .false.
end if
randomseed = idum
initial_randomseed = randomseed
if (MPI_running) then
call writemess(' ERROR in set_seed, can not run the MPI')
call error_stop
end if
seed0 = randomseed
do i = 1, id + 1
randomseed = int(-5970*rand(seed0))
end do
initial_mpi_randomseed_in_cpus = randomseed
seed_flag = .true.
end subroutine
integer function out_randomseed()
out_randomseed = randomseed
end function
integer function out_initial_randomseed()
out_initial_randomseed = initial_randomseed
end function
integer function out_initial_mpi_randomseed()
out_initial_mpi_randomseed = initial_mpi_randomseed_in_cpus
end function
integer function out_and_set_seed()
call seed_gen(randomseed)
seed_flag = .true.
out_and_set_seed = randomseed
end function
subroutine IndesToaddressRoutine(k, N, Num)
integer, intent(inout)::k
integer, intent(in)::N, Num
logical ::goon
goon = .true.
if (N < 0) then
call writemess("ERROR in IndesToaddressRoutine")
call error_stop()
end if
k = 1
do while (goon)
if ((k - 1)*N >= Num) then
k = k - 1
goon = .false.
k = k + 1
end if
end do
end subroutine
subroutine IndesToaddress(TDim, Adim, inde_)
integer, intent(in) :: TDim(:)!max dimension
integer, intent(in) :: inde_
integer, intent(inout)::Adim(:)
integer :: i, lenDim, productdim, inde
lenDim = size(TDim)
if (size(Adim) /= lenDim) then
write (*, *) "ERROR in IndesToaddress"
call error_stop()
end if
inde = inde_
do i = lenDim, 2, -1
productdim = product(TDim(1:i - 1))
call IndesToaddressRoutine(Adim(i), productdim, inde)
inde = inde - ((Adim(i) - 1)*productdim)
end do
Adim(1) = inde
end subroutine
function addressToIndes(Adim, Tdim)
integer, intent(in) :: Adim(:), Tdim(:)
integer :: i, Dimlen
Dimlen = size(TDim)
if (Dimlen == 1) then
addressToIndes = Adim(1)
end if
addressToIndes = 0
do i = Dimlen, 2, -1
addressToIndes = addressToIndes + (Adim(i) - 1)*product(TDim(1:(i - 1)))
end do
addressToIndes = addressToIndes + Adim(1)
end function
integer function iselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
real*4 function sselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
real*8 function dselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
complex(kind=4) function cselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
complex(kind=8) function zselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
logical function lselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (logical)
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
character(len=characterlen) function aselect(num) result(Res)
class(*), intent(in)::num
select type (num)
type is (integer)
Res = num
type is (real(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (real(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=4))
Res = num
type is (complex(kind=8))
Res = num
type is (logical)
Res = num
type is (character(len=*))
Res = num
class default
call writemess('ERROR in select type for class(*)', -1)
call error_stop
end select
end function
end module
module memory_type
use Tools
implicit none
type memory
integer, pointer::iwork(:)
real*4, pointer::swork(:)
real*8, pointer::dwork(:)
complex*8, pointer::cwork(:)
complex*16, pointer::zwork(:)
logical, pointer::lwork(:)
character(len=characterLen), pointer::awork(:)
integer::iLength = 0
integer::iith = 0
integer::sLength = 0
integer::sith = 0
integer::dLength = 0
integer::dith = 0
integer::cLength = 0
integer::cith = 0
integer::zLength = 0
integer::zith = 0
integer::lLength = 0
integer::lith = 0
integer::aLength = 0
integer::aith = 0
logical::DynamicLength = .true.
logical::Flag = .false.
procedure::allocate_memory1, allocate_memory2
generic, public::allocate => allocate_memory1, allocate_memory2
procedure, public::deallocate => deallocate_memory_All
procedure::iget_memory, sget_memory, dget_memory, cget_memory, zget_memory, lget_memory, aget_memory
procedure::iget_memory2, sget_memory2, dget_memory2, cget_memory2, zget_memory2
generic, public::get_memory => iget_memory, sget_memory, dget_memory, cget_memory, zget_memory, lget_memory, aget_memory, &
iget_memory2, sget_memory2, dget_memory2, cget_memory2, zget_memory2
procedure, public::free => free_memory_All
procedure, public::Dynamic
procedure, public::Static
procedure, public::print => print_info
procedure, public::getLength
procedure, public::check => check_memory
procedure, public::ifDynamic
end type
logical function getFlag(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
getFlag = mem%flag
end function
logical function ifDynamic(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
ifDynamic = mem%DynamicLength
end function
subroutine check_memory(mem, w)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
if (mem%flag) then
call writemess('some subroutine are using the memory ')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end subroutine
subroutine Dynamic(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
mem%DynamicLength = .true.
end subroutine
subroutine Static(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
mem%DynamicLength = .false.
end subroutine
integer function select_data_type_char(indata) result(select_data_type)
character(len=*), intent(in) ::indata
if (indata.equ.'integer') then
select_data_type = 1
end if
if ((indata.equ.'real*4') .or. (indata.equ.'real(kind=4)') .or. (indata.equ.'real')) then
select_data_type = 2
end if
if ((indata.equ.'real*8') .or. (indata.equ.'real(kind=8)') .or. (indata.equ.'double')) then
select_data_type = 3
end if
if ((indata.equ.'complex*8') .or. (indata.equ.'complex(kind=4)') .or. (indata.equ.'complex')) then
select_data_type = 4
end if
if ((indata.equ.'complex*16') .or. (indata.equ.'complex(kind=8)')) then
select_data_type = 5
end if
if (indata.equ.'logical') then
select_data_type = 6
end if
if (indata.equ.'character') then
select_data_type = 7
end if
write (*, *) "ERROR type"
call error_stop()
end function
subroutine allocate_memory1(mem, dataType, length, w)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
character(len=*), intent(in)::dataType
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer, intent(in)::length
iType = select_data_type_char(dataType)
select case (iType)
case (1)
if (mem%iLength < length) then
if (mem%iith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%iwork)) deallocate (mem%iwork)
allocate (mem%iwork(length))
mem%iLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (2)
if (mem%sLength < length) then
if (mem%sith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%swork)) deallocate (mem%swork)
allocate (mem%swork(length))
mem%sLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (3)
if (mem%dLength < length) then
if (mem%dith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%dwork)) deallocate (mem%dwork)
allocate (mem%dwork(length))
mem%dLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (4)
if (mem%cLength < length) then
if (mem%cith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%cwork)) deallocate (mem%cwork)
allocate (mem%cwork(length))
mem%cLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (5)
if (mem%zLength < length) then
if (mem%zith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%zwork)) deallocate (mem%zwork)
allocate (mem%zwork(length))
mem%zLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (6)
if (mem%lLength < length) then
if (mem%lith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%lwork)) deallocate (mem%lwork)
allocate (mem%lwork(length))
mem%lLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (7)
if (mem%aLength < length) then
if (mem%aith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%awork)) deallocate (mem%awork)
allocate (mem%awork(length))
mem%aLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
end select
end subroutine
subroutine allocate_memory2(mem, iType, length, w)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
integer, intent(in)::length, iType
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
select case (iType)
case (1)
if (mem%iLength < length) then
if (mem%iith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%iwork)) deallocate (mem%iwork)
allocate (mem%iwork(length))
mem%iLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (2)
if (mem%sLength < length) then
if (mem%sith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%swork)) deallocate (mem%swork)
allocate (mem%swork(length))
mem%sLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (3)
if (mem%dLength < length) then
if (mem%dith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%dwork)) deallocate (mem%dwork)
allocate (mem%dwork(length))
mem%dLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (4)
if (mem%cLength < length) then
if (mem%cith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%cwork)) deallocate (mem%cwork)
allocate (mem%cwork(length))
mem%cLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (5)
if (mem%zLength < length) then
if (mem%zith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%zwork)) deallocate (mem%zwork)
allocate (mem%zwork(length))
mem%zLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (6)
if (mem%lLength < length) then
if (mem%lith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%lwork)) deallocate (mem%lwork)
allocate (mem%lwork(length))
mem%lLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case (7)
if (mem%aLength < length) then
if (mem%aith == 0) then
if (associated(mem%awork)) deallocate (mem%awork)
allocate (mem%awork(length))
mem%aLength = length
call writemess('Can not reallocate memory, some subroutine are using the memory!')
if (present(w)) then
call writemess('The info of the error is ')
call writemess(w)
end if
call error_stop()
end if
end if
case default
call writemess('ERRO input type in allocate memory')
call error_stop
end select
end subroutine
subroutine iget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
integer, intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
integer, intent(in)::length
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%iith + length
if (ith > mem%iLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(1, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for integer is length='+mem%iLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%iwork(mem%iith + 1:ith)
mem%iith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine iget_memory2(mem, p, m, n, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
integer, intent(inout), pointer::P(:, :)
integer, intent(in)::m, n
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer::ith, length
length = m*n
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%iith + length
if (ith > mem%iLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(1, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for integer is length='+mem%iLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p(1:m, 1:n) => mem%iwork(mem%iith + 1:ith)
mem%iith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine sget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
real*4, intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
integer, intent(in)::length
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%sith + length
if (ith > mem%sLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(2, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for real*4 is length='+mem%sLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%swork(mem%sith + 1:ith)
mem%sith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine sget_memory2(mem, p, m, n, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
real*4, intent(inout), pointer::P(:, :)
integer, intent(in)::m, n
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer::ith, length
mem%Flag = .true.
length = m*n
ith = mem%sith + length
if (ith > mem%sLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(2, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for real*4 is length='+mem%sLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p(1:m, 1:n) => mem%swork(mem%sith + 1:ith)
mem%sith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine dget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
real*8, intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer, intent(in)::length
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%dith + length
if (ith > mem%dLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(3, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for real*8 is length='+mem%dLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%dwork(mem%dith + 1:ith)
mem%dith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine dget_memory2(mem, p, m, n, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
real*8, intent(inout), pointer::P(:, :)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer, intent(in)::m, n
integer::ith, length
mem%Flag = .true.
length = m*n
ith = mem%dith + length
if (ith > mem%dLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(3, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for real*8 is length='+mem%dLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p(1:m, 1:n) => mem%dwork(mem%dith + 1:ith)
mem%dith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine cget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
complex*8, intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer, intent(in)::length
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%cith + length
if (ith > mem%cLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(4, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for complex*8 is length='+mem%cLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%cwork(mem%cith + 1:ith)
mem%cith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine cget_memory2(mem, p, m, n, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
complex*8, intent(inout), pointer::P(:, :)
integer, intent(in)::m, n
integer::ith, length
length = m*n
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%cith + length
if (ith > mem%cLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(4, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for complex*8 is length='+mem%cLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p(1:m, 1:n) => mem%cwork(mem%cith + 1:ith)
mem%cith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine zget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
complex*16, intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer, intent(in)::length
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%zith + length
if (ith > mem%zLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(5, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for complex*16 is length='+mem%zLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%zwork(mem%zith + 1:ith)
mem%zith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine zget_memory2(mem, p, m, n, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
complex*16, intent(inout), pointer::P(:, :)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
integer, intent(in)::m, n
integer::ith, length
length = m*n
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%zith + length
if (ith > mem%zLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(5, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for complex*16 is length='+mem%zLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p(1:m, 1:n) => mem%zwork(mem%zith + 1:ith)
mem%zith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine lget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
logical, intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
integer, intent(in)::length
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%lith + length
if (ith > mem%lLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(6, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for logical is length='+mem%lLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%lwork(mem%lith + 1:ith)
mem%lith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine aget_memory(mem, p, length, w)
class(memory), target, intent(inout)::mem
character(len=characterlen), intent(inout), pointer::P(:)
integer, intent(in)::length
character(len=*), intent(in), optional::w
mem%Flag = .true.
ith = mem%aith + length
if (ith > mem%aLength) then
if (mem%DynamicLength) then
call mem%allocate(7, ith, w)
call writemess('maximum memory limit reach')
call writemess('memory for logical is length='+mem%aLength)
call error_stop
end if
end if
p => mem%awork(mem%aith + 1:ith)
mem%aith = ith
end subroutine
subroutine free_memory_All(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
mem%Flag = .false.
if (deallocate_memory_flag) then
call deallocate_memory_All(mem)
end if
mem%iith = 0
mem%sith = 0
mem%dith = 0
mem%cith = 0
mem%zith = 0
mem%lith = 0
mem%aith = 0
end subroutine
subroutine deallocate_memory_All(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
if (mem%Flag) then
call writemess('Can not deallocate memory, there are some subroutine using the memory')
call error_stop
end if
if (associated(mem%iwork)) deallocate (mem%iwork)
if (associated(mem%swork)) deallocate (mem%swork)
if (associated(mem%dwork)) deallocate (mem%dwork)
if (associated(mem%cwork)) deallocate (mem%cwork)
if (associated(mem%zwork)) deallocate (mem%zwork)
if (associated(mem%lwork)) deallocate (mem%lwork)
if (associated(mem%awork)) deallocate (mem%awork)
mem%iith = 0
mem%sith = 0
mem%dith = 0
mem%cith = 0
mem%zith = 0
mem%lith = 0
mem%aith = 0
mem%iLength = 0
mem%sLength = 0
mem%dLength = 0
mem%cLength = 0
mem%zLength = 0
mem%lLength = 0
mem%aLength = 0
mem%Flag = .false.
mem%DynamicLength = .true.
end subroutine
subroutine print_info(mem)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
call writemess('The length of the memory are')
call writemess('integer :'+mem%iLength)
call writemess('real(kind=4) :'+mem%sLength)
call writemess('real(kind=8) :'+mem%dLength)
call writemess('complex(kind=4) :'+mem%cLength)
call writemess('complex(kind=8) :'+mem%zLength)
call writemess('logical :'+mem%lLength)
call writemess('character :'+mem%aLength)
end subroutine
subroutine getLength(mem, inoutlen)
class(memory), intent(inout)::mem
integer, intent(inout)::inoutlen(:)
if (size(inoutlen) < 7) then
call writemess('ERROR in get length of the memory')
call error_stop
end if
inoutlen(1) = mem%iLength
inoutlen(2) = mem%sLength
inoutlen(3) = mem%dLength
inoutlen(4) = mem%cLength
inoutlen(5) = mem%zLength
inoutlen(6) = mem%lLength
inoutlen(7) = mem%aLength
end subroutine
end module
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