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Created July 17, 2012 08:31
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console.log() snippet for Sublime Text 2
<!-- put this file in /packages/User/<Folder Name>/console_log.sublime-snippet then restart your Sublime Text 2 -->
<!-- put this in another file /packages/User/<Folder Name>/console_dir.sublime-snippet then restart your Sublime Text 2 -->
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Great! thank you.

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I'm using Sublime Build 3114 and the process mentioned by @SkullMasher still stands, apart from the path to add a new snippet.
Now it seems to be Tools > Developer > New Snippet

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tiocadu commented Oct 31, 2016

Really useful! Thanks!

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vlpak commented Dec 12, 2016

Hello everyone,
I am quite new in sublime, so, can someone tell if it is a program to see an output, like console.log("Hello!")?
But I still don't understand how does it work. I saved as instructed, then typed console.log("Hello!").sublime-conl and hit return
nothing happened, what did I do wrong?

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vlpak commented Dec 12, 2016

this is an output from the
Could not open file:
[Finished in 0.1s with exit code 3]
[cmd: ['/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/jsc', '']]
[dir: /Applications/Sublime]
[path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin]

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@vlpak No, this is just a snippet (or a shortcut) to write faster the console.log() command in JavaScript files or <scripts> tags in HTML. Check the instructions posted by @SkullMasher.

Then you can type "conl" and press the "tab" key and sublime will complete the rest.

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Thanks! Work perfectly!

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gonwms commented Mar 14, 2018

Thanks! @hzlzh @vlpak

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ljayz commented Mar 15, 2018

Thank you

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