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Created September 22, 2018 06:34
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Convert Point Cloud to Voxels
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyntcloud import PyntCloud
import binvox_rw
cloud = PyntCloud.from_file("test/00000.txt",
sep=" ",
# cloud.plot(mesh=True, backend="threejs")
voxelgrid_id = cloud.add_structure("voxelgrid", n_x=32, n_y=32, n_z=32)
voxelgrid = cloud.structures[voxelgrid_id]
# voxelgrid.plot(d=3, mode="density", cmap="hsv")
x_cords = voxelgrid.voxel_x
y_cords = voxelgrid.voxel_y
z_cords = voxelgrid.voxel_z
voxel = np.zeros((32, 32, 32)).astype(np.bool)
for x, y, z in zip(x_cords, y_cords, z_cords):
voxel[x][y][z] = True
with open("test/00000.binvox", 'wb') as f:
v = binvox_rw.Voxels(voxel, (32, 32, 32), (0, 0, 0), 1, 'xyz')
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