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Created July 19, 2021 07:37
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exports.purescriptSyntax = {
displayName: "Purescript",
name: "purescript",
mimeTypes: ["text/purescript"],
fileExtensions: ["purs"],
editorOptions: { tabSize: 2, insertSpaces: true },
lineComment: "--",
blockCommentStart: "{-",
blockCommentEnd: "-}",
keywords: [
extraKeywords: [],
typeKeywords: [],
dataStart: ["^data"],
typeStart: ["class", "instance", "type", "derive"],
escapes: "\\\\(?:[nrt\\\\\"'\\?]|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{6})",
symbols0: "[\\$%&\\*\\+@!\\/\\\\\\^~=\\.:\\-\\?]",
symbols: "(?:@symbols0|[\\|<>])+",
idchars: "(?:[\\w'])*",
tokenizer: {
root: [
["identifier.namespace", "identifier"],
["identifier.namespace", "constructor"],
cases: {
"@dataStart": { token: "keyword", next: "@type_data" },
"@typeStart": { token: "keyword", next: "@type_type" },
"@keywords": "keyword",
"@extraKeywords": "keyword",
"@default": "identifier",
["[A-Z]@idchars", "type.identifier"],
["_@idchars", "identifier.wildcard"],
["([a-z]@idchars\\.)+", "identifier.namespace"],
{ include: "@whitespace" },
["[{}()\\[\\]]", "@brackets"],
["[,`]", "delimiter"],
["::(?!@symbols0)", "type.operator", "@type_line"],
cases: {
"@keywords": "keyword.operator",
"@extraKeywords": "keyword.operator",
"@default": "operator",
["[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+([eE][\\-+]?[0-9]+)?", "number.float"],
["0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+", "number.hex"],
["[0-9]+", "number"],
['"([^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*$', "string.invalid"],
['"', { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@open", next: "@string" }],
["'[^\\\\']'", "string"],
["(')(@escapes)(')", ["string", "string.escape", "string"]],
["'", "string.invalid"],
["^[ ]*#.*", "namespace"],
whitespace: [
["[ \\r\\n]+", ""],
["{-", "comment", "@comment"],
["--.*$", "comment"],
comment: [
["[^\\{\\-]+", "comment"],
["{-", "comment", "@push"],
["-}", "comment", "@pop"],
["[\\{\\-]", "comment"],
string: [
['[^\\\\"]+', "string"],
["@escapes", "string.escape"],
["\\\\.", "string.escape.invalid"],
['"', { token: "string.quote", bracket: "@close", next: "@pop" }],
type_type: [
["\\=", "keyword"],
["^\\s*(?!\\-\\-|\\{\\-)[^\\s]", { token: "@rematch", next: "@pop" }],
{ include: "@type" },
type_data: [
["([=|])(\\s*)([A-Z]@idchars)", ["keyword.operator", "", "constructor"]],
["^\\s*$", { token: "", next: "@pop" }],
{ include: "@type" },
type_line: [
["^\\s*(?!\\-\\-|\\{\\-)[_a-z]", { token: "@rematch", next: "@pop" }],
["[^=]*=", { token: "@rematch", next: "@pop" }],
{ include: "@type" },
type: [
["[(\\[]", { token: "@brackets.type" }, "@type_nested"],
{ include: "@type_content" },
type_nested: [
["[)\\]]", { token: "@brackets.type" }, "@pop"],
["[(\\[]", { token: "@brackets.type" }, "@push"],
[",", "delimiter.type"],
{ include: "@type_content" },
type_content: [
{ include: "@whitespace" },
["[a-z]\\d*\\b", "type.identifier.typevar"],
["_@idchars", "type.identifier.typevar"],
["type.identifier.namespace", "type.identifier"],
cases: {
"@typeKeywords": ["type.identifier.namespace", "type.keyword"],
"@keywords": { token: "@rematch", next: "@pop" },
"@default": ["type.identifier.namespace", "type.identifier"],
["::|->|[\\.:|]", "type.operator"],
["[\\s\\S]", "@rematch", "@pop"],
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