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Created June 26, 2017 18:32
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The main examples from the "Bifunctor + Profunctor" post.
const { Left, Right } = require('fantasy-eithers')
const daggy = require('daggy') = function (f) {
return x => f(this(x))
//- Where everything changes...
const login = user => == 'Tom'
? Right(user)
: Left('Boo')
//- Function map === "piping".
//+ failureStream :: String
//+ -> HTML
const failureStream =
(x => x.toUpperCase())
.map(x => x + '!')
.map(x => '<em>' + x + '</em>')
//+ successStream :: User
//+ -> HTML
const successStream =
(x =>
.map(x => 'Hey, ' + x + '!')
.map(x => '<h1>' + x + '</h1>')
const user = { name: 'Tom' }
//- We can now pass in our two
//- possible application flows
//- using `bimap`!
//- Fancy wrapping around a specific type
//- of function: an "f a" to a "b"
//+ Costar f a b = f a -> b
const Costar = daggy.tagged('run')
//- Contramap with the "before" function,
//- fold, then apply the "after" function.
//+ promap :: Functor f
//+ => Costar f b c
//+ -> (b -> a, c -> d)
//+ -> Costar f a d
Costar.prototype.promap = function (f, g) {
return Costar(x => g(
//- Takes a list of ints to the sum
//+ sum :: Costar Array Int Int
const sum = Costar(xs =>
xs.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0))
//- Make every element 1, then sum them!
const length = sum.promap(_ => 1, x => x)
//- Is the result over 5?
const isOk = sum.promap(x => x, x => x > 5)
//- Why not both? Is the length over 5?
const longEnough = sum.promap(
_ => 1, x => x > 5)
// Returns false![1, 3, 5, 7])
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