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Created December 11, 2012 08:33
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  • Save i11v/4256961 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save i11v/4256961 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NPM SM installation log
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.8.15/bin/node',
1 verbose cli '/usr/local/bin/npm',
1 verbose cli 'install',
1 verbose cli '-g',
1 verbose cli 'sm' ]
2 info using [email protected]
3 info using [email protected]
4 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/package.json
5 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/package.json
6 verbose cache add [ 'sm', null ]
7 silly cache add name=undefined spec="sm" args=["sm",null]
8 verbose parsed url { pathname: 'sm', path: 'sm', href: 'sm' }
9 silly lockFile 3e76c243-sm sm
10 verbose lock sm /Users/R2D2/.npm/3e76c243-sm.lock
11 silly lockFile 3e76c243-sm sm
12 verbose addNamed [ 'sm', '' ]
13 verbose addNamed [ null, '' ]
14 silly lockFile 852f3b84-sm sm@
15 verbose lock sm@ /Users/R2D2/.npm/852f3b84-sm.lock
16 silly addNameRange { name: 'sm', range: '', hasData: false }
17 verbose url raw sm
18 verbose url resolving [ '', './sm' ]
19 verbose url resolved
20 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:18
21 verbose etag "6BRDUCG6OL5G7SSSW6P21SZAB"
22 http GET
23 http 304
24 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
24 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
24 silly registry.get etag: '"6BRDUCG6OL5G7SSSW6P21SZAB"',
24 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:29 GMT',
24 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
25 verbose etag sm from cache
26 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'sm', range: '', hasData: true }
27 silly addNameRange versions [ 'sm',
27 silly addNameRange [ '0.0.1',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.6',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.7',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.8',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.9',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.10',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.11',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.12',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.13',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.14',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.15',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.16',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.17',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.23',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.24',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.25',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.26',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.27',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.29',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.30',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.31',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.33',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.38',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.39',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.40',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.41',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.45',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.46',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.47',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.48',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.49',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.50',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.51',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.52',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.53',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.54',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.55',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.57',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.58',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.59',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.60',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.61',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.62',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.63',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.64',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.65',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.66',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.67',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.68',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.69',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.70',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.71',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.72',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.73',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.74',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.75',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.76',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.2',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.3',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.4',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.5',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.6',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.7',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.8',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.9',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.10',
27 silly addNameRange '0.2.11' ] ]
28 verbose addNamed [ 'sm', '0.2.11' ]
29 verbose addNamed [ '0.2.11', '0.2.11' ]
30 silly lockFile d4552f90-sm-0-2-11 [email protected]
31 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/d4552f90-sm-0-2-11.lock
32 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sm/0.2.11/package/package.json
33 silly lockFile d4552f90-sm-0-2-11 [email protected]
34 silly lockFile 852f3b84-sm sm@
35 silly resolved [ { name: 'sm',
35 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Open Source Tooling ~ Package Management. Evolved.',
35 silly resolved version: '0.2.11',
35 silly resolved license: 'MIT',
35 silly resolved author:
35 silly resolved { name: 'Christoph Dorn',
35 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
35 silly resolved url: '' },
35 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
35 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object] ],
35 silly resolved bugs:
35 silly resolved { email: '[email protected]',
35 silly resolved url: '' },
35 silly resolved homepage: '',
35 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
35 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
35 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.15', npm: '>= 1.1.16' },
35 silly resolved preferGlobal: true,
35 silly resolved bin: { sm: './bin/sm' },
35 silly resolved main: './lib/sm.js',
35 silly resolved dependencies:
35 silly resolved { 'sourcemint-pinf-js': '0.1.x',
35 silly resolved 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x',
35 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.x' },
35 silly resolved shrinkwrap: true,
35 silly resolved scripts: { postinstall: 'node ./scripts/postinstall.js' },
35 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint for NPM\n==================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\nThe sourcemint `sm` command delivered via [NPM](\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n\nRequirements\n============\n\n * [NodeJS]( `>= 0.6.15`\n * [NPM]( `>= 1.1.16`\n\n\nInstall\n=======\n\n npm install -g sm\n\n\nUsage\n=====\n\n sm -h\n \n ------------------ ------------------\n | Sourcemint Open Source Tooling |\n | ~ Package Management. Evolved. ~ |\n | News : |\n | Discuss: |\n | Source : |\n | Bugs : |\n | DOCS : |\n ----- (c) 2012+ Christoph Dorn -- License: MIT -----\n Usage: sm [OPTIONS] COMMAND\n Run sourcemint tools on the specified package/program path.\n bump : Bump the package/program version.\n clone : Clone a package/program from a URI.\n deploy : Deploy the package/program.\n edit : Setup a dependency (see `sm status`) package for editing (similar to `npm link` but local).\n fix : Fix a package/program aspect.\n help : Help for package/program.\n install : Install package/program.\n publish : Publish package/program.\n status : Check package/program status.\n update : Update package/program.\n --version : Show `sm` version.\n -h --help : displays usage information (final option)\n',
35 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
35 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
35 silly resolved _from: 'sm' } ]
36 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib
37 info installOne [email protected]
38 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sm/0.2.11/package/package.json
39 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm unbuild
40 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/package.json
41 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sm/0.2.11/package.tgz
42 silly lockFile 5ded1ee1-al-share-npm-lib-node-modules-sm /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
43 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm /Users/R2D2/.npm/5ded1ee1-al-share-npm-lib-node-modules-sm.lock
44 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
45 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
46 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
47 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
48 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/sm
49 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/cli.js
50 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sm.js
51 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/bump.js
52 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/deploy.js
53 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/edit.js
54 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/fix.js
55 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/clone.js
56 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/install.js
57 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/publish.js
58 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/run-script.js
59 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/status.js
60 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/update.js
61 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/help.js
62 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry npm-shrinkwrap.json
63 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry scripts/postinstall.js
64 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/dynamic-install/package.json
65 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/dynamic-install/main.js
66 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/package.json
67 silly lockFile 5ded1ee1-al-share-npm-lib-node-modules-sm /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
68 info preinstall [email protected]
69 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/package.json
70 info shrinkwrap file "/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/npm-shrinkwrap.json"
71 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'sourcemint-pinf-js': '0.1.7',
71 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.53',
71 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.33' }
72 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/package.json
73 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm',
73 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'sourcemint-pinf-js': { version: '0.1.7' },
73 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-util-js': { version: '0.1.53', dependencies: [Object] },
73 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-sm': { version: '0.1.33', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
74 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pinf-js', { version: '0.1.7' } ]
75 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-util-js',
75 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.53',
75 verbose from wrap dependencies:
75 verbose from wrap { 'n-util': [Object],
75 verbose from wrap q: [Object],
75 verbose from wrap glob: [Object],
75 verbose from wrap wrench: [Object],
75 verbose from wrap 'console-trace': [Object] } } ]
76 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-sm',
76 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.33',
76 verbose from wrap dependencies:
76 verbose from wrap { 'sourcemint-pm-git': [Object],
76 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-url': [Object],
76 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-npm': [Object],
76 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-zip': [Object],
76 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-tar': [Object],
76 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-deployer': [Object],
76 verbose from wrap mappings: [Object],
76 verbose from wrap semver: [Object],
76 verbose from wrap prompt: [Object] } } ]
77 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'sourcemint-pinf-js': '0.1.7',
77 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.53',
77 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.33' }
78 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.7 to [email protected]
79 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
80 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
81 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
81 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
81 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
82 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pinf-js" spec="0.1.7" args=["sourcemint-pinf-js","0.1.7"]
83 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.7', path: '0.1.7', href: '0.1.7' }
84 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pinf-js', '0.1.7' ]
85 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.7', '0.1.7' ]
86 silly lockFile 5d1f7914-sourcemint-pinf-js-0-1-7 [email protected]
87 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/5d1f7914-sourcemint-pinf-js-0-1-7.lock
88 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.53 to [email protected]
89 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
90 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
91 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
91 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
91 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
92 silly cache add name="sourcemint-util-js" spec="0.1.53" args=["sourcemint-util-js","0.1.53"]
93 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.53', path: '0.1.53', href: '0.1.53' }
94 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-util-js', '0.1.53' ]
95 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.53', '0.1.53' ]
96 silly lockFile 09b534c5-sourcemint-util-js-0-1-53 [email protected]
97 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/09b534c5-sourcemint-util-js-0-1-53.lock
98 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.33 to [email protected]
99 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
100 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
101 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
101 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
101 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
102 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-sm" spec="0.1.33" args=["sourcemint-pm-sm","0.1.33"]
103 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.33', path: '0.1.33', href: '0.1.33' }
104 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-sm', '0.1.33' ]
105 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.33', '0.1.33' ]
106 silly lockFile b9dd9b5c-sourcemint-pm-sm-0-1-33 [email protected]
107 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/b9dd9b5c-sourcemint-pm-sm-0-1-33.lock
108 verbose url raw sourcemint-pinf-js/0.1.7
109 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pinf-js/0.1.7' ]
110 verbose url resolved
111 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:21
112 verbose etag "95YP51J5L4I1QU4JQLQEMZHHH"
113 http GET
114 verbose url raw sourcemint-util-js/0.1.53
115 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-util-js/0.1.53' ]
116 verbose url resolved
117 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:21
118 verbose etag "20WKO9P9H1RB7A1EX6A74L4B8"
119 http GET
120 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-sm/0.1.33
121 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-sm/0.1.33' ]
122 verbose url resolved
123 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:21
124 verbose etag "31MWZMIMU34ABSOP86BBZZRGY"
125 http GET
126 http 304
127 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
127 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
127 silly registry.get etag: '"31MWZMIMU34ABSOP86BBZZRGY"',
127 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:31 GMT',
127 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
128 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-sm/0.1.33 from cache
129 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-sm/0.1.33/package/package.json
130 http 304
131 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
131 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
131 silly registry.get etag: '"20WKO9P9H1RB7A1EX6A74L4B8"',
131 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:31 GMT',
131 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
132 verbose etag sourcemint-util-js/0.1.53 from cache
133 silly lockFile b9dd9b5c-sourcemint-pm-sm-0-1-33 [email protected]
134 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-util-js/0.1.53/package/package.json
135 silly lockFile 09b534c5-sourcemint-util-js-0-1-53 [email protected]
136 http 304
137 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
137 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
137 silly registry.get etag: '"95YP51J5L4I1QU4JQLQEMZHHH"',
137 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:31 GMT',
137 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
138 verbose etag sourcemint-pinf-js/0.1.7 from cache
139 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pinf-js/0.1.7/package/package.json
140 silly lockFile 5d1f7914-sourcemint-pinf-js-0-1-7 [email protected]
141 silly resolved [ { name: 'sourcemint-pm-sm',
141 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Open Source Tooling ~ Package Management. Evolved.',
141 silly resolved version: '0.1.33',
141 silly resolved license: 'MIT',
141 silly resolved author:
141 silly resolved { name: 'Christoph Dorn',
141 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
141 silly resolved url: '' },
141 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
141 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object] ],
141 silly resolved bugs:
141 silly resolved { email: '[email protected]',
141 silly resolved url: '' },
141 silly resolved homepage: '',
141 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
141 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
141 silly resolved dependencies:
141 silly resolved { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pinf-js': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-git': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-url': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-npm': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-zip': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-tar': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved 'sourcemint-deployer': '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved mappings: '0.1.x',
141 silly resolved semver: '1.x',
141 silly resolved prompt: '0.2.3' },
141 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Package Manager\n==========================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n\nSupported package manager plugins:\n\n * [npm]( via `sourcemint-pm-npm`\n * [git]( via `sourcemint-pm-git`\n * [url]( via `sourcemint-pm-url`\n * [tar]( via `sourcemint-pm-tar`\n * [zip]( via `sourcemint-pm-zip` (**NYI**)\n * [pip]( via `sourcemint-pm-pip` (**NYI**)\n * [pear]( via `sourcemint-pm-pear` (**NYI**)\n',
141 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
141 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
141 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
141 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-util-js',
141 silly resolved version: '0.1.53',
141 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
141 silly resolved shrinkwrap: true,
141 silly resolved dependencies:
141 silly resolved { 'n-util': '0.0.x',
141 silly resolved q: '0.8.5',
141 silly resolved glob: '3.x',
141 silly resolved wrench: '1.x',
141 silly resolved 'console-trace': '' },
141 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint JavaScript Utilities\n===============================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\nVarious JavaScript utility modules. These will eventually be cross-platform.\n\n * Copyright: 2010-2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
141 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
141 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
141 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint JavaScript Utilities ===============================',
141 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
141 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-pinf-js',
141 silly resolved version: '0.1.7',
141 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
141 silly resolved dependencies: { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x' },
141 silly resolved readme: 'PINF JavaScript implementation for Sourcemint\n=============================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
141 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
141 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
141 silly resolved description: 'PINF JavaScript implementation for Sourcemint =============================================',
141 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
142 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
143 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
144 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
145 info installOne [email protected]
146 info installOne [email protected]
147 info installOne [email protected]
148 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-sm/0.1.33/package/package.json
149 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-util-js/0.1.53/package/package.json
150 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pinf-js/0.1.7/package/package.json
151 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm unbuild
152 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/package.json
153 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js unbuild
154 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/package.json
155 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js unbuild
156 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js/package.json
157 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-sm/0.1.33/package.tgz
158 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-util-js/0.1.53/package.tgz
159 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pinf-js/0.1.7/package.tgz
160 silly lockFile 84f6c9f1-sm-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-sm /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
161 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm /Users/R2D2/.npm/84f6c9f1-sm-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-sm.lock
162 silly lockFile 3584e9b4--node-modules-sourcemint-util-js /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
163 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js /Users/R2D2/.npm/3584e9b4--node-modules-sourcemint-util-js.lock
164 silly lockFile 20d31825--node-modules-sourcemint-pinf-js /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js
165 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js /Users/R2D2/.npm/20d31825--node-modules-sourcemint-pinf-js.lock
166 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
167 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
168 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
169 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
170 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
171 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
172 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
173 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
174 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
175 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
176 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
177 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
178 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
179 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
180 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
181 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
182 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
183 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
184 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
185 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
186 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
187 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
188 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
189 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
190 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
191 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
192 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
193 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
194 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
195 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
196 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
197 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
198 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
199 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
200 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
201 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
202 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
203 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
204 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
205 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
206 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
207 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
208 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
209 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
210 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
211 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
212 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
213 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
214 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
215 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
216 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/descriptor.js
217 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/descriptors.js
218 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
219 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/args.js
220 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
221 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
222 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/package.js
223 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/packages.js
224 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/fs-recursive.js
225 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/glob.js
226 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
227 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
228 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/program.js
229 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/semver.js
230 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
231 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
232 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/json-store.js
233 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/error.js
234 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
235 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
236 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/q-throttle.js
237 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/q.js
238 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
239 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
240 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/term.js
241 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/url-proxy-cache.js
242 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/util.js
243 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/console.js
244 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
245 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
246 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
247 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
248 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/wait-for.js
249 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/md5.js
250 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
251 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
252 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
253 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
254 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
255 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
256 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
257 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
258 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry npm-shrinkwrap.json
259 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
260 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
261 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
262 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
263 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
264 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/package.json
265 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/
266 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/main.js
267 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/dist/helloworld-0.0.0.tar.gz
268 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/helloworld.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
269 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/helloworld.egg-info/PKG-INFO
270 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/helloworld.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
271 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/helloworld.egg-info/top_level.txt
272 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/
273 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pip-helloworld/packages/helloworld/
274 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/credentials.js
275 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
276 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sm.js
277 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/uri-parser.js
278 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/bump.js
279 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/deploy.js
280 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/edit.js
281 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/fix.js
282 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/clone.js
283 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/install.js
284 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/publish.js
285 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/run-script.js
286 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/status.js
287 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/update.js
288 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/commands/help.js
289 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js/package.json
290 silly lockFile 20d31825--node-modules-sourcemint-pinf-js /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js
291 info preinstall [email protected]
292 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js/package.json
293 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js',
293 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
294 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
295 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js/package.json
296 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js',
296 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
297 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
298 silly resolved []
299 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js
300 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js
301 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pinf-js/package.json
302 verbose linkStuff [ true,
302 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
302 verbose linkStuff false,
302 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules' ]
303 info linkStuff [email protected]
304 verbose linkBins [email protected]
305 verbose linkMans [email protected]
306 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
307 info install [email protected]
308 info postinstall [email protected]
309 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/package.json
310 silly lockFile 3584e9b4--node-modules-sourcemint-util-js /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
311 info preinstall [email protected]
312 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/package.json
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js',
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'n-util': { version: '0.0.1' },
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap q: { version: '0.8.5' },
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap glob: { version: '3.1.12', dependencies: [Object] },
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap wrench: { version: '1.3.9' },
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'console-trace':
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { version: '0.1.0',
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap from: '',
313 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap dependencies: [Object] } } ]
314 verbose from wrap [ 'n-util', { version: '0.0.1' } ]
315 verbose from wrap [ 'q', { version: '0.8.5' } ]
316 verbose from wrap [ 'glob',
316 verbose from wrap { version: '3.1.12',
316 verbose from wrap dependencies:
316 verbose from wrap { minimatch: [Object],
316 verbose from wrap 'graceful-fs': [Object],
316 verbose from wrap inherits: [Object] } } ]
317 verbose from wrap [ 'wrench', { version: '1.3.9' } ]
318 verbose from wrap [ 'console-trace',
318 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.0',
318 verbose from wrap from: '',
318 verbose from wrap dependencies: { callsite: [Object] } } ]
319 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'n-util': '0.0.1',
319 verbose readDependencies returned deps q: '0.8.5',
319 verbose readDependencies returned deps glob: '3.1.12',
319 verbose readDependencies returned deps wrench: '1.3.9',
319 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'console-trace': '' }
320 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/package.json
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js',
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'n-util': { version: '0.0.1' },
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap q: { version: '0.8.5' },
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap glob: { version: '3.1.12', dependencies: [Object] },
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap wrench: { version: '1.3.9' },
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'console-trace':
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { version: '0.1.0',
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap from: '',
321 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap dependencies: [Object] } } ]
322 verbose from wrap [ 'n-util', { version: '0.0.1' } ]
323 verbose from wrap [ 'q', { version: '0.8.5' } ]
324 verbose from wrap [ 'glob',
324 verbose from wrap { version: '3.1.12',
324 verbose from wrap dependencies:
324 verbose from wrap { minimatch: [Object],
324 verbose from wrap 'graceful-fs': [Object],
324 verbose from wrap inherits: [Object] } } ]
325 verbose from wrap [ 'wrench', { version: '1.3.9' } ]
326 verbose from wrap [ 'console-trace',
326 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.0',
326 verbose from wrap from: '',
326 verbose from wrap dependencies: { callsite: [Object] } } ]
327 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'n-util': '0.0.1',
327 verbose readDependencies returned deps q: '0.8.5',
327 verbose readDependencies returned deps glob: '3.1.12',
327 verbose readDependencies returned deps wrench: '1.3.9',
327 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'console-trace': '' }
328 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.0.1 to [email protected]
329 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
330 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
331 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
331 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
331 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
332 silly cache add name="n-util" spec="0.0.1" args=["n-util","0.0.1"]
333 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.0.1', path: '0.0.1', href: '0.0.1' }
334 verbose addNamed [ 'n-util', '0.0.1' ]
335 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.1', '0.0.1' ]
336 silly lockFile 0714b519-n-util-0-0-1 [email protected]
337 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/0714b519-n-util-0-0-1.lock
338 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.8.5 to [email protected]
339 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
340 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
341 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]', path: '[email protected]', href: '[email protected]' }
342 silly cache add name="q" spec="0.8.5" args=["q","0.8.5"]
343 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.8.5', path: '0.8.5', href: '0.8.5' }
344 verbose addNamed [ 'q', '0.8.5' ]
345 verbose addNamed [ '0.8.5', '0.8.5' ]
346 silly lockFile 5bd80e4e-q-0-8-5 [email protected]
347 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/5bd80e4e-q-0-8-5.lock
348 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 3.1.12 to [email protected]
349 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
350 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
351 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
351 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
351 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
352 silly cache add name="glob" spec="3.1.12" args=["glob","3.1.12"]
353 verbose parsed url { pathname: '3.1.12', path: '3.1.12', href: '3.1.12' }
354 verbose addNamed [ 'glob', '3.1.12' ]
355 verbose addNamed [ '3.1.12', '3.1.12' ]
356 silly lockFile 610a1e2c-glob-3-1-12 [email protected]
357 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/610a1e2c-glob-3-1-12.lock
358 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.3.9 to [email protected]
359 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
360 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
361 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
361 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
361 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
362 silly cache add name="wrench" spec="1.3.9" args=["wrench","1.3.9"]
363 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.3.9', path: '1.3.9', href: '1.3.9' }
364 verbose addNamed [ 'wrench', '1.3.9' ]
365 verbose addNamed [ '1.3.9', '1.3.9' ]
366 silly lockFile de31968e-wrench-1-3-9 [email protected]
367 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/de31968e-wrench-1-3-9.lock
368 verbose url raw n-util/0.0.1
369 verbose url resolving [ '', './n-util/0.0.1' ]
370 verbose url resolved
371 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
372 verbose etag "AUIFX7VC2TWJ8ZFKKF4MNSII6"
373 http GET
374 verbose url raw q/0.8.5
375 verbose url resolving [ '', './q/0.8.5' ]
376 verbose url resolved
377 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
378 verbose etag "3WDHF5CD2GCMG2F2OLASKXKX1"
379 http GET
380 verbose shrinkwrap resolving to console-trace@
381 verbose cache add [ 'console-trace@',
381 verbose cache add null ]
382 silly cache add name=undefined spec="console-trace@" args=["console-trace@",null]
383 verbose parsed url { pathname: 'console-trace@',
383 verbose parsed url path: 'console-trace@',
383 verbose parsed url href: 'console-trace@' }
384 silly cache add name="console-trace" spec="" args=["console-trace",""]
385 verbose parsed url { protocol: 'https:',
385 verbose parsed url slashes: true,
385 verbose parsed url host: '',
385 verbose parsed url hostname: '',
385 verbose parsed url href: '',
385 verbose parsed url pathname: '/LearnBoost/console-trace/tarball/8a54bf706d001f1eef166b99391e952e4be10982',
385 verbose parsed url path: '/LearnBoost/console-trace/tarball/8a54bf706d001f1eef166b99391e952e4be10982' }
386 silly lockFile 2181b264-6d001f1eef166b99391e952e4be10982
387 verbose lock /Users/R2D2/.npm/2181b264-6d001f1eef166b99391e952e4be10982.lock
388 verbose addRemoteTarball [ '',
388 verbose addRemoteTarball null ]
389 verbose url raw glob/3.1.12
390 verbose url resolving [ '', './glob/3.1.12' ]
391 verbose url resolved
392 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
393 verbose etag "K0RD15S7FDF3Y8VLV8WCFKDL"
394 http GET
395 verbose url raw wrench/1.3.9
396 verbose url resolving [ '', './wrench/1.3.9' ]
397 verbose url resolved
398 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
399 verbose etag "4AY0O5OKP18PMEZMMFT9FQ1KI"
400 http GET
401 info retry fetch attempt 1 at 14:09:22
402 verbose fetch to= /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/tmp.tgz
403 http GET
404 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/package.json
405 silly lockFile 84f6c9f1-sm-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-sm /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
406 info preinstall [email protected]
407 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/package.json
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm',
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'sourcemint-pm-git': { version: '0.1.22' },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-url': { version: '0.1.2' },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-npm': { version: '0.1.19', dependencies: [Object] },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-zip': { version: '0.1.1' },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-tar': { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: [Object] },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-deployer': { version: '0.1.5', dependencies: [Object] },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap mappings: { version: '0.1.5' },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap semver: { version: '1.0.14' },
408 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap prompt: { version: '0.2.3', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
409 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-git', { version: '0.1.22' } ]
410 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-url', { version: '0.1.2' } ]
411 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-npm',
411 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.19', dependencies: { semver: [Object] } } ]
412 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-zip', { version: '0.1.1' } ]
413 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-tar',
413 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: { tar: [Object] } } ]
414 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-deployer',
414 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.5',
414 verbose from wrap dependencies:
414 verbose from wrap { 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': [Object],
414 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': [Object],
414 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': [Object] } } ]
415 verbose from wrap [ 'mappings', { version: '0.1.5' } ]
416 verbose from wrap [ 'semver', { version: '1.0.14' } ]
417 verbose from wrap [ 'prompt',
417 verbose from wrap { version: '0.2.3',
417 verbose from wrap dependencies:
417 verbose from wrap { pkginfo: [Object],
417 verbose from wrap read: [Object],
417 verbose from wrap revalidator: [Object],
417 verbose from wrap utile: [Object],
417 verbose from wrap winston: [Object] } } ]
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'sourcemint-pm-git': '0.1.22',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-url': '0.1.2',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-npm': '0.1.19',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-zip': '0.1.1',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-tar': '0.1.6',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-deployer': '0.1.5',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps mappings: '0.1.5',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps semver: '1.0.14',
418 verbose readDependencies returned deps prompt: '0.2.3' }
419 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/package.json
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm',
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'sourcemint-pm-git': { version: '0.1.22' },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-url': { version: '0.1.2' },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-npm': { version: '0.1.19', dependencies: [Object] },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-zip': { version: '0.1.1' },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-tar': { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: [Object] },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-deployer': { version: '0.1.5', dependencies: [Object] },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap mappings: { version: '0.1.5' },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap semver: { version: '1.0.14' },
420 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap prompt: { version: '0.2.3', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
421 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-git', { version: '0.1.22' } ]
422 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-url', { version: '0.1.2' } ]
423 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-npm',
423 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.19', dependencies: { semver: [Object] } } ]
424 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-zip', { version: '0.1.1' } ]
425 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-tar',
425 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: { tar: [Object] } } ]
426 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-deployer',
426 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.5',
426 verbose from wrap dependencies:
426 verbose from wrap { 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': [Object],
426 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': [Object],
426 verbose from wrap 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': [Object] } } ]
427 verbose from wrap [ 'mappings', { version: '0.1.5' } ]
428 verbose from wrap [ 'semver', { version: '1.0.14' } ]
429 verbose from wrap [ 'prompt',
429 verbose from wrap { version: '0.2.3',
429 verbose from wrap dependencies:
429 verbose from wrap { pkginfo: [Object],
429 verbose from wrap read: [Object],
429 verbose from wrap revalidator: [Object],
429 verbose from wrap utile: [Object],
429 verbose from wrap winston: [Object] } } ]
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'sourcemint-pm-git': '0.1.22',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-url': '0.1.2',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-npm': '0.1.19',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-zip': '0.1.1',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-tar': '0.1.6',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-deployer': '0.1.5',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps mappings: '0.1.5',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps semver: '1.0.14',
430 verbose readDependencies returned deps prompt: '0.2.3' }
431 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.22 to [email protected]
432 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
433 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
434 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
434 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
434 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
435 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-git" spec="0.1.22" args=["sourcemint-pm-git","0.1.22"]
436 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.22', path: '0.1.22', href: '0.1.22' }
437 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-git', '0.1.22' ]
438 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.22', '0.1.22' ]
439 silly lockFile f0231cc8-sourcemint-pm-git-0-1-22 [email protected]
440 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/f0231cc8-sourcemint-pm-git-0-1-22.lock
441 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.2 to [email protected]
442 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
443 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
444 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
444 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
444 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
445 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-url" spec="0.1.2" args=["sourcemint-pm-url","0.1.2"]
446 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.2', path: '0.1.2', href: '0.1.2' }
447 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-url', '0.1.2' ]
448 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.2', '0.1.2' ]
449 silly lockFile 25a5972e-sourcemint-pm-url-0-1-2 [email protected]
450 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/25a5972e-sourcemint-pm-url-0-1-2.lock
451 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.19 to [email protected]
452 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
453 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
454 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
454 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
454 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
455 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-npm" spec="0.1.19" args=["sourcemint-pm-npm","0.1.19"]
456 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.19', path: '0.1.19', href: '0.1.19' }
457 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-npm', '0.1.19' ]
458 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.19', '0.1.19' ]
459 silly lockFile 9bf0e5aa-sourcemint-pm-npm-0-1-19 [email protected]
460 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/9bf0e5aa-sourcemint-pm-npm-0-1-19.lock
461 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.1 to [email protected]
462 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
463 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
464 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
464 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
464 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
465 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-zip" spec="0.1.1" args=["sourcemint-pm-zip","0.1.1"]
466 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.1', path: '0.1.1', href: '0.1.1' }
467 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-zip', '0.1.1' ]
468 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.1', '0.1.1' ]
469 silly lockFile a6c1aa3c-sourcemint-pm-zip-0-1-1 [email protected]
470 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/a6c1aa3c-sourcemint-pm-zip-0-1-1.lock
471 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.6 to [email protected]
472 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
473 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
474 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
474 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
474 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
475 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-tar" spec="0.1.6" args=["sourcemint-pm-tar","0.1.6"]
476 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.6', path: '0.1.6', href: '0.1.6' }
477 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-tar', '0.1.6' ]
478 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.6', '0.1.6' ]
479 silly lockFile 18800837-sourcemint-pm-tar-0-1-6 [email protected]
480 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/18800837-sourcemint-pm-tar-0-1-6.lock
481 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-git/0.1.22
482 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-git/0.1.22' ]
483 verbose url resolved
484 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
485 verbose etag "AB2SWHJKNUOD5L6C8VKD2GM6M"
486 http GET
487 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-url/0.1.2
488 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-url/0.1.2' ]
489 verbose url resolved
490 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
491 verbose etag "A049BVOA5CV29MV67FC7TP57B"
492 http GET
493 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-npm/0.1.19
494 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-npm/0.1.19' ]
495 verbose url resolved
496 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
497 verbose etag "EV4T2WLLQQGFS0YGWZLDH71G5"
498 http GET
499 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-zip/0.1.1
500 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-zip/0.1.1' ]
501 verbose url resolved
502 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
503 verbose etag "7K7XISXANG14KITQEUE6W7B0W"
504 http GET
505 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.0.14 to [email protected]
506 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
507 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
508 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
508 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
508 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
509 silly cache add name="semver" spec="1.0.14" args=["semver","1.0.14"]
510 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.0.14', path: '1.0.14', href: '1.0.14' }
511 verbose addNamed [ 'semver', '1.0.14' ]
512 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.14', '1.0.14' ]
513 silly lockFile 01678457-semver-1-0-14 [email protected]
514 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/01678457-semver-1-0-14.lock
515 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.5 to [email protected]
516 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
517 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
518 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
518 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
518 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
519 silly cache add name="sourcemint-deployer" spec="0.1.5" args=["sourcemint-deployer","0.1.5"]
520 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.5', path: '0.1.5', href: '0.1.5' }
521 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-deployer', '0.1.5' ]
522 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.5', '0.1.5' ]
523 silly lockFile de69f34c-sourcemint-deployer-0-1-5 [email protected]
524 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/de69f34c-sourcemint-deployer-0-1-5.lock
525 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.2.3 to [email protected]
526 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
527 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
528 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
528 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
528 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
529 silly cache add name="prompt" spec="0.2.3" args=["prompt","0.2.3"]
530 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.2.3', path: '0.2.3', href: '0.2.3' }
531 verbose addNamed [ 'prompt', '0.2.3' ]
532 verbose addNamed [ '0.2.3', '0.2.3' ]
533 silly lockFile 3a67ba9e-prompt-0-2-3 [email protected]
534 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/3a67ba9e-prompt-0-2-3.lock
535 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.5 to [email protected]
536 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
537 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
538 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
538 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
538 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
539 silly cache add name="mappings" spec="0.1.5" args=["mappings","0.1.5"]
540 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.5', path: '0.1.5', href: '0.1.5' }
541 verbose addNamed [ 'mappings', '0.1.5' ]
542 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.5', '0.1.5' ]
543 silly lockFile 5b054ae5-mappings-0-1-5 [email protected]
544 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/5b054ae5-mappings-0-1-5.lock
545 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-tar/0.1.6
546 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-tar/0.1.6' ]
547 verbose url resolved
548 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
549 verbose etag "6QBV25MQKDQSSTIF789HYKBJG"
550 http GET
551 verbose url raw sourcemint-deployer/0.1.5
552 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-deployer/0.1.5' ]
553 verbose url resolved
554 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
555 verbose etag "2TU96BXP64XNF37X50RHH7RXX"
556 http GET
557 verbose url raw mappings/0.1.5
558 verbose url resolving [ '', './mappings/0.1.5' ]
559 verbose url resolved
560 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
561 verbose etag "DWV2E3VRGAK5B2X3AWU603NYQ"
562 http GET
563 verbose url raw prompt/0.2.3
564 verbose url resolving [ '', './prompt/0.2.3' ]
565 verbose url resolved
566 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
567 verbose etag "3C7LIAR3WX3YK2693SMOY642D"
568 http GET
569 verbose url raw semver/1.0.14
570 verbose url resolving [ '', './semver/1.0.14' ]
571 verbose url resolved
572 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:22
573 verbose etag "29FE60CKEDT2TNNOYY1J3LAIJ"
574 http GET
575 http 304
576 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
576 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
576 silly registry.get etag: '"AUIFX7VC2TWJ8ZFKKF4MNSII6"',
576 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
576 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
577 verbose etag n-util/0.0.1 from cache
578 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/n-util/0.0.1/package/package.json
579 silly lockFile 0714b519-n-util-0-0-1 [email protected]
580 http 304
581 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
581 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
581 silly registry.get etag: '"4AY0O5OKP18PMEZMMFT9FQ1KI"',
581 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
581 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
582 verbose etag wrench/1.3.9 from cache
583 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/wrench/1.3.9/package/package.json
584 silly lockFile de31968e-wrench-1-3-9 [email protected]
585 http 304
586 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
586 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
586 silly registry.get etag: '"3WDHF5CD2GCMG2F2OLASKXKX1"',
586 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
586 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
587 verbose etag q/0.8.5 from cache
588 http 304
589 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
589 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
589 silly registry.get etag: '"K0RD15S7FDF3Y8VLV8WCFKDL"',
589 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
589 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
590 verbose etag glob/3.1.12 from cache
591 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/q/0.8.5/package/package.json
592 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/glob/3.1.12/package/package.json
593 silly lockFile 5bd80e4e-q-0-8-5 [email protected]
594 silly lockFile 610a1e2c-glob-3-1-12 [email protected]
595 http 304
596 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
596 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
596 silly registry.get etag: '"AB2SWHJKNUOD5L6C8VKD2GM6M"',
596 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
596 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
597 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-git/0.1.22 from cache
598 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-git/0.1.22/package/package.json
599 silly lockFile f0231cc8-sourcemint-pm-git-0-1-22 [email protected]
600 http 304
601 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
601 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
601 silly registry.get etag: '"A049BVOA5CV29MV67FC7TP57B"',
601 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
601 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
602 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-url/0.1.2 from cache
603 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-url/0.1.2/package/package.json
604 http 304
605 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
605 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
605 silly registry.get etag: '"EV4T2WLLQQGFS0YGWZLDH71G5"',
605 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
605 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
606 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-npm/0.1.19 from cache
607 silly lockFile 25a5972e-sourcemint-pm-url-0-1-2 [email protected]
608 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-npm/0.1.19/package/package.json
609 silly lockFile 9bf0e5aa-sourcemint-pm-npm-0-1-19 [email protected]
610 http 304
611 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
611 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
611 silly registry.get etag: '"7K7XISXANG14KITQEUE6W7B0W"',
611 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
611 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
612 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-zip/0.1.1 from cache
613 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-zip/0.1.1/package/package.json
614 http 304
615 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
615 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
615 silly registry.get etag: '"6QBV25MQKDQSSTIF789HYKBJG"',
615 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
615 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
616 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-tar/0.1.6 from cache
617 silly lockFile a6c1aa3c-sourcemint-pm-zip-0-1-1 [email protected]
618 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-tar/0.1.6/package/package.json
619 silly lockFile 18800837-sourcemint-pm-tar-0-1-6 [email protected]
620 http 304
621 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
621 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
621 silly registry.get etag: '"2TU96BXP64XNF37X50RHH7RXX"',
621 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:32 GMT',
621 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
622 verbose etag sourcemint-deployer/0.1.5 from cache
623 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-deployer/0.1.5/package/package.json
624 silly lockFile de69f34c-sourcemint-deployer-0-1-5 [email protected]
625 http 304
626 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
626 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
626 silly registry.get etag: '"DWV2E3VRGAK5B2X3AWU603NYQ"',
626 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:33 GMT',
626 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
627 verbose etag mappings/0.1.5 from cache
628 http 304
629 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
629 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
629 silly registry.get etag: '"3C7LIAR3WX3YK2693SMOY642D"',
629 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:33 GMT',
629 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
630 verbose etag prompt/0.2.3 from cache
631 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/mappings/0.1.5/package/package.json
632 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/prompt/0.2.3/package/package.json
633 warn package.json [email protected] No file found!
634 silly lockFile 5b054ae5-mappings-0-1-5 [email protected]
635 silly lockFile 3a67ba9e-prompt-0-2-3 [email protected]
636 http 304
637 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
637 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
637 silly registry.get etag: '"29FE60CKEDT2TNNOYY1J3LAIJ"',
637 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:33 GMT',
637 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
638 verbose etag semver/1.0.14 from cache
639 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/semver/1.0.14/package/package.json
640 silly lockFile 01678457-semver-1-0-14 [email protected]
641 silly resolved [ { name: 'sourcemint-pm-git',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.22',
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved dependencies:
641 silly resolved { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pinf-js': '0.1.x' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for GIT Repositories\n======================================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n\n\nLinks\n=====\n\nPotentially Integrate\n---------------------\n\n *\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for GIT Repositories ======================================================',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-pm-url',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.2',
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved dependencies: { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for URLs\n==========================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for URLs ==========================================',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-pm-npm',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.19',
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved dependencies:
641 silly resolved { 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-git': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved semver: '1.x' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for NPM Packages\n==================================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for NPM Packages ==================================================',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-pm-zip',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.1',
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved dependencies: { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for ZIP Archives\n==================================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for ZIP Archives ==================================================',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-pm-tar',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.6',
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.15' },
641 silly resolved dependencies: { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x', tar: '~0.1.12' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for TAR Archives\n==================================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Package Manager plugin for TAR Archives ==================================================',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { uid: '',
641 silly resolved name: 'sourcemint-deployer',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.5',
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved dependencies:
641 silly resolved { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': '0.1.x' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Program Deployer\n===========================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\nDeploy CommonJS programs.\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Program Deployer ===========================',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'mappings',
641 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint CommonJS Package Mappings Support',
641 silly resolved version: '0.1.5',
641 silly resolved license: 'MIT',
641 silly resolved author:
641 silly resolved { name: 'Christoph Dorn',
641 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved url: '' },
641 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
641 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object] ],
641 silly resolved bugs:
641 silly resolved { email: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved url: '' },
641 silly resolved homepage: '',
641 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
641 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
641 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.15' },
641 silly resolved main: './index.js',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved readme: 'ERROR: No file found!',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'prompt',
641 silly resolved description: 'A beautiful command-line prompt for node.js',
641 silly resolved version: '0.2.3',
641 silly resolved author: { name: 'Nodejitsu Inc.', email: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object], [Object] ],
641 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
641 silly resolved dependencies:
641 silly resolved { pkginfo: '0.x.x',
641 silly resolved read: '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved revalidator: '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved utile: '0.1.x',
641 silly resolved winston: '0.6.x' },
641 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.6.x' },
641 silly resolved main: './lib/prompt',
641 silly resolved scripts:
641 silly resolved { test: 'vows test/prompt-test.js --spec',
641 silly resolved 'test-all': 'vows --spec' },
641 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.6' },
641 silly resolved readme: '# prompt [![Build Status](](\n\nA beautiful command-line prompt for node.js\n\n## Features\n\n* prompts the user for input\n* supports validation and defaults\n* hides passwords\n\n## Usage\nUsing prompt is relatively straight forward. There are two core methods you should be aware of: `prompt.get()` and `prompt.addProperties()`. There methods take strings representing property names in addition to objects for complex property validation (and more). There are a number of [examples][0] that you should examine for detailed usage.\n\n### Getting Basic Prompt Information\nGetting started with `prompt` is easy. Lets take a look at `examples/simple-prompt.js`:\n\n``` js\n var prompt = require(\'prompt\');\n\n //\n // Start the prompt\n //\n prompt.start();\n\n //\n // Get two properties from the user: username and email\n //\n prompt.get([\'username\', \'email\'], function (err, result) {\n //\n // Log the results.\n //\n console.log(\'Command-line input received:\');\n console.log(\' username: \' + result.username);\n console.log(\' email: \' +;\n });\n```\n\nThis will result in the following command-line output:\n\n```\n $ node examples/simple-prompt.js \n prompt: username: some-user\n prompt: email: [email protected]\n Command-line input received:\n username: some-user\n email: [email protected]\n```\n\n### Prompting with Validation, Default Values, and More (Complex Properties)\nIn addition to prompting the user with simple string prompts, there is a robust API for getting and validating complex information from a command-line prompt. Here\'s a quick sample:\n\n``` js\n var schema = {\n properties: {\n name: {\n pattern: /^[a-zA-Z\\s\\-]+$/,\n message: \'Name must be only letters, spaces, or dashes\',\n required: true\n },\n password: {\n hidden: true\n }\n }\n };\n\n //\n // Start the prompt\n //\n prompt.start();\n\n //\n // Get two properties from the user: email, password\n //\n prompt.get(schema, function (err, result) {\n //\n // Log the results.\n //\n console.log(\'Command-line input received:\');\n console.log(\' name: \' +;\n console.log(\' password: \' + result.password);\n });\n```\n\nPretty easy right? The output from the above script is: \n\n```\n $ node examples/property-prompt.js\n prompt: name: nodejitsu000\n error: Invalid input for name\n error: Name must be only letters, spaces, or dashes\n prompt: name: Nodejitsu Inc\n prompt: password: \n Command-line input received:\n name: Nodejitsu Inc\n password: some-password \n```\n\n## Valid Property Settings\n`prompt` understands JSON-schema with a few extra parameters and uses [revalidator]( for validation.\n\nHere\'s an overview of the properties that may be used for validation and prompting controls:\n\n``` js\n {\n description: \'Enter your password\', // Prompt displayed to the user. If not supplied name will be used.\n pattern: /^\\w+$/, // Regular expression that input must be valid against.\n message: \'Password must be letters\', // Warning message to display if validation fails.\n hidden: true, // If true, characters entered will not be output to console.\n default: \'lamepassword\', // Default value to use if no value is entered.\n required: true // If true, value entered must be non-empty.\n }\n```\n\nAlternatives to `pattern` include `format` and `conform`, as documented in [revalidator](\n\n### Alternate Validation API:\n\nPrompt, in addition to iterating over JSON-Schema properties, will also happily iterate over an array of validation objects given an extra \'name\' property:\n\n```js\n var prompt = require(\'../lib/prompt\');\n\n //\n // Start the prompt\n //\n prompt.start();\n\n //\n // Get two properties from the user: username and password\n //\n prompt.get([{\n name: \'username\',\n required: true\n }, {\n name: \'password\',\n hidden: true,\n conform: function (value) {\n return true;\n }\n }], function (err, result) {\n //\n // Log the results.\n //\n console.log(\'Command-line input received:\');\n console.log(\' username: \' + result.username);\n console.log(\' password: \' + result.password);\n });\n```\n\n### Backward Compatibility\n\nNote that, while this structure is similar to that used by prompt 0.1.x, that the object properties use the same names as in JSON-Schema. prompt 0.2.x is backward compatible with prompt 0.1.x except for asynchronous validation.\n\n### Skipping Prompts\n\nSometimes power users may wish to skip promts and specify all data as command line options. \nif a value is set as a property of `prompt.override` prompt will use that instead of \nprompting the user.\n\n``` js\n //prompt-override.js\n\n var prompt = require(\'prompt\'),\n optimist = require(\'optimist\')\n\n //\n // set the overrides\n //\n prompt.override = optimist.argv\n\n //\n // Start the prompt\n //\n prompt.start();\n\n //\n // Get two properties from the user: username and email\n //\n prompt.get([\'username\', \'email\'], function (err, result) {\n //\n // Log the results.\n //\n console.log(\'Command-line input received:\');\n console.log(\' username: \' + result.username);\n console.log(\' email: \' +;\n })\n\n //: node prompt-override.js --username USER --email EMAIL\n```\n\n\n### Adding Properties to an Object \nA common use-case for prompting users for data from the command-line is to extend or create a configuration object that is passed onto the entry-point method for your CLI tool. `prompt` exposes a convenience method for doing just this: \n\n``` js\n var obj = {\n password: \'lamepassword\',\n mindset: \'NY\'\n }\n\n //\n // Log the initial object.\n //\n console.log(\'Initial object to be extended:\');\n console.dir(obj);\n\n //\n // Add two properties to the empty object: username and email\n //\n prompt.addProperties(obj, [\'username\', \'email\'], function (err) {\n //\n // Log the results.\n //\n console.log(\'Updated object received:\');\n console.dir(obj);\n });\n```\n\n## Customizing your prompt\nAside from changing `property.message`, you can also change `prompt.message`\nand `prompt.delimiter` to change the appearance of your prompt.\n\nThe basic structure of a prompt is this:\n\n``` js\nprompt.message + prompt.delimiter + property.message + prompt.delimiter;\n```\n\nThe default `prompt.message` is "prompt," the default `prompt.delimiter` is\n": ", and the default `property.message` is ``.\nChanging these allows you to customize the appearance of your prompts! In\naddition, prompt supports ANSI color codes via the\n[colors module]( for custom colors. For a\nvery colorful example:\n\n``` js\n var prompt = require("prompt");\n\n //\n // Setting these properties customizes the prompt.\n //\n prompt.message = "Question!".rainbow;\n prompt.delimiter = "><".green;\n\n prompt.start();\n\n prompt.get({\n properties: {\n name: {\n description: "What is your name?".magenta\n }\n }\n }, function (err, result) {\n console.log("You said your name is: ".cyan +;\n });\n```\n\nIf you don\'t want colors, you can set\n\n```js\nvar prompt = require(\'prompt\');\n\nprompt.colors = false;\n```\n\n## Installation\n\n``` bash\n $ [sudo] npm install prompt\n```\n\n## Running tests\n\n``` bash \n $ npm test\n```\n\n#### License: MIT\n#### Author: [Charlie Robbins](\n#### Contributors: [Josh Holbrook](, [Pavan Kumar Sunkara](\n\n[0]:\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
641 silly resolved { name: 'semver',
641 silly resolved version: '1.0.14',
641 silly resolved description: 'The semantic version parser used by npm.',
641 silly resolved main: 'semver.js',
641 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test.js' },
641 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '0.x >=0.0.4' },
641 silly resolved license:
641 silly resolved { type: 'MIT',
641 silly resolved url: '' },
641 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
641 silly resolved bin: { semver: './bin/semver' },
641 silly resolved readme: 'semver(1) -- The semantic versioner for npm\n===========================================\n\n## Usage\n\n $ npm install semver\n\n semver.valid(\'1.2.3\') // true\n semver.valid(\'a.b.c\') // false\n semver.clean(\' =v1.2.3 \') // \'1.2.3\'\n semver.satisfies(\'1.2.3\', \'1.x || >=2.5.0 || 5.0.0 - 7.2.3\') // true\n\'1.2.3\', \'9.8.7\') // false\n\'1.2.3\', \'9.8.7\') // true\n\nAs a command-line utility:\n\n $ semver -h\n\n Usage: semver -v <version> [-r <range>]\n Test if version(s) satisfy the supplied range(s),\n and sort them.\n\n Multiple versions or ranges may be supplied.\n\n Program exits successfully if any valid version satisfies\n all supplied ranges, and prints all satisfying versions.\n\n If no versions are valid, or ranges are not satisfied,\n then exits failure.\n\n Versions are printed in ascending order, so supplying\n multiple versions to the utility will just sort them.\n\n## Versions\n\nA version is the following things, in this order:\n\n* a number (Major)\n* a period\n* a number (minor)\n* a period\n* a number (patch)\n* OPTIONAL: a hyphen, followed by a number (build)\n* OPTIONAL: a collection of pretty much any non-whitespace characters\n (tag)\n\nA leading `"="` or `"v"` character is stripped off and ignored.\n\n## Comparisons\n\nThe ordering of versions is done using the following algorithm, given\ntwo versions and asked to find the greater of the two:\n\n* If the majors are numerically different, then take the one\n with a bigger major number. `2.3.4 > 1.3.4`\n* If the minors are numerically different, then take the one\n with the bigger minor number. `2.3.4 > 2.2.4`\n* If the patches are numerically different, then take the one with the\n bigger patch number. `2.3.4 > 2.3.3`\n* If only one of them has a build number, then take the one with the\n build number. `2.3.4-0 > 2.3.4`\n* If they both have build numbers, and the build numbers are numerically\n different, then take the one with the bigger build number.\n `2.3.4-10 > 2.3.4-9`\n* If only one of them has a tag, then take the one without the tag.\n `2.3.4 > 2.3.4-beta`\n* If they both have tags, then take the one with the lexicographically\n larger tag. `2.3.4-beta > 2.3.4-alpha`\n* At this point, they\'re equal.\n\n## Ranges\n\nThe following range styles are supported:\n\n* `>1.2.3` Greater than a specific version.\n* `<1.2.3` Less than\n* `1.2.3 - 2.3.4` := `>=1.2.3 <=2.3.4`\n* `~1.2.3` := `>=1.2.3 <1.3.0`\n* `~1.2` := `>=1.2.0 <2.0.0`\n* `~1` := `>=1.0.0 <2.0.0`\n* `1.2.x` := `>=1.2.0 <1.3.0`\n* `1.x` := `>=1.0.0 <2.0.0`\n\nRanges can be joined with either a space (which implies "and") or a\n`||` (which implies "or").\n\n## Functions\n\n* valid(v): Return the parsed version, or null if it\'s not valid.\n* inc(v, release): Return the version incremented by the release type\n (major, minor, patch, or build), or null if it\'s not valid.\n\n### Comparison\n\n* gt(v1, v2): `v1 > v2`\n* gte(v1, v2): `v1 >= v2`\n* lt(v1, v2): `v1 < v2`\n* lte(v1, v2): `v1 <= v2`\n* eq(v1, v2): `v1 == v2` This is true if they\'re logically equivalent,\n even if they\'re not the exact same string. You already know how to\n compare strings.\n* neq(v1, v2): `v1 != v2` The opposite of eq.\n* cmp(v1, comparator, v2): Pass in a comparison string, and it\'ll call\n the corresponding function above. `"==="` and `"!=="` do simple\n string comparison, but are included for completeness. Throws if an\n invalid comparison string is provided.\n* compare(v1, v2): Return 0 if v1 == v2, or 1 if v1 is greater, or -1 if\n v2 is greater. Sorts in ascending order if passed to Array.sort().\n* rcompare(v1, v2): The reverse of compare. Sorts an array of versions\n in descending order when passed to Array.sort().\n\n\n### Ranges\n\n* validRange(range): Return the valid range or null if it\'s not valid\n* satisfies(version, range): Return true if the version satisfies the\n range.\n* maxSatisfying(versions, range): Return the highest version in the list\n that satisfies the range, or null if none of them do.\n',
641 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
641 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
641 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
642 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
643 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
644 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
645 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
646 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
647 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
648 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
649 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
650 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
651 info installOne [email protected]
652 info installOne [email protected]
653 info installOne [email protected]
654 info installOne [email protected]
655 info installOne [email protected]
656 info installOne [email protected]
657 info installOne [email protected]
658 info installOne [email protected]
659 info installOne [email protected]
660 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-git/0.1.22/package/package.json
661 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-url/0.1.2/package/package.json
662 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-npm/0.1.19/package/package.json
663 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-zip/0.1.1/package/package.json
664 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-tar/0.1.6/package/package.json
665 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-deployer/0.1.5/package/package.json
666 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/mappings/0.1.5/package/package.json
667 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/prompt/0.2.3/package/package.json
668 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/semver/1.0.14/package/package.json
669 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git unbuild
670 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git/package.json
671 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url unbuild
672 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url/package.json
673 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm unbuild
674 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm/package.json
675 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip unbuild
676 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip/package.json
677 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar unbuild
678 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/package.json
679 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer unbuild
680 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/package.json
681 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings unbuild
682 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings/package.json
683 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt unbuild
684 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/package.json
685 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver unbuild
686 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver/package.json
687 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-git/0.1.22/package.tgz
688 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-url/0.1.2/package.tgz
689 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-npm/0.1.19/package.tgz
690 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-zip/0.1.1/package.tgz
691 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-tar/0.1.6/package.tgz
692 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-deployer/0.1.5/package.tgz
693 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/mappings/0.1.5/package.tgz
694 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/prompt/0.2.3/package.tgz
695 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/semver/1.0.14/package.tgz
696 silly lockFile 84d5a8cf-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-git /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git
697 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git /Users/R2D2/.npm/84d5a8cf-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-git.lock
698 silly lockFile b05d19d2-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-url /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url
699 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url /Users/R2D2/.npm/b05d19d2-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-url.lock
700 silly lockFile 0c2cb2db-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-npm /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm
701 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm /Users/R2D2/.npm/0c2cb2db-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-npm.lock
702 silly lockFile c44b1786-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-zip /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip
703 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip /Users/R2D2/.npm/c44b1786-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-zip.lock
704 silly lockFile be098348-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-tar /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar
705 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar /Users/R2D2/.npm/be098348-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-tar.lock
706 silly lockFile 459ce167-node-modules-sourcemint-deployer /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
707 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer /Users/R2D2/.npm/459ce167-node-modules-sourcemint-deployer.lock
708 silly lockFile 23ea8403-mint-pm-sm-node-modules-mappings /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings
709 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings /Users/R2D2/.npm/23ea8403-mint-pm-sm-node-modules-mappings.lock
710 silly lockFile 2712e870-cemint-pm-sm-node-modules-prompt /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt
711 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt /Users/R2D2/.npm/2712e870-cemint-pm-sm-node-modules-prompt.lock
712 silly lockFile f8536a52-cemint-pm-sm-node-modules-semver /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver
713 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver /Users/R2D2/.npm/f8536a52-cemint-pm-sm-node-modules-semver.lock
714 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
715 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
716 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
717 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
718 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
719 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
720 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
721 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
722 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
723 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
724 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
725 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
726 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
727 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
728 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
729 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
730 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
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732 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
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734 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
735 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
736 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
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738 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
739 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
740 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
741 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
742 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
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744 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
745 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
746 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
747 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
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749 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
750 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
751 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
752 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
753 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
754 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
755 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
756 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
757 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry semver.js
758 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
759 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
760 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
761 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
762 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
763 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .jshintrc
764 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/semver
765 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
766 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
767 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
768 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
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771 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
772 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
773 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry docs/docco.css
774 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry docs/prompt.html
775 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/add-properties.js
776 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip/package.json
777 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/history.js
778 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/nested-properties-prompt.js
779 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/old-schema.js
780 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/existing-properties.js
781 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/password.js
782 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
783 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/url-cache/
784 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/prompt-override.js
785 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/property-prompt.js
786 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/simple-prompt.js
787 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/yes-or-no-prompt.js
788 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/git.js
789 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
790 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/override-validation.js
791 silly lockFile c44b1786-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-zip /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip
792 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
793 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/prompt.js
794 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
795 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
796 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/helpers.js
797 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/package.json
798 info preinstall [email protected]
799 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip/package.json
800 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/interactive-prompt-test.js
801 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/prompt-test.js
802 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry scripts/postinstall-notice.js
803 silly lockFile be098348-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-tar /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar
804 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/
805 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
806 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
807 info preinstall [email protected]
808 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/package.json
809 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
810 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
811 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/package.json
812 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
813 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
814 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
815 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
816 silly lockFile 459ce167-node-modules-sourcemint-deployer /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
817 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sourcemint/pm-npm/cache/status/
818 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/npm.js
819 info preinstall [email protected]
820 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url/package.json
821 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/package.json
822 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
823 silly lockFile b05d19d2-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-url /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url
824 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings/package.json
825 info preinstall [email protected]
826 silly lockFile 23ea8403-mint-pm-sm-node-modules-mappings /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings
827 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url/package.json
828 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver/package.json
829 info preinstall [email protected]
830 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings/package.json
831 silly lockFile f8536a52-cemint-pm-sm-node-modules-semver /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver
832 info preinstall [email protected]
833 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver/package.json
834 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip',
834 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
835 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
836 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip/package.json
837 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar',
837 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { tar: { version: '0.1.13', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
838 verbose from wrap [ 'tar',
838 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.13',
838 verbose from wrap dependencies:
838 verbose from wrap { inherits: [Object],
838 verbose from wrap 'block-stream': [Object],
838 verbose from wrap fstream: [Object] } } ]
839 verbose readDependencies returned deps { tar: '0.1.13' }
840 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/package.json
841 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer',
841 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: [Object] },
841 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': { version: '0.1.3' },
841 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': { version: '0.1.2' } } ]
842 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-sdk-aws',
842 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: { 'aws-lib': [Object] } } ]
843 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-rsync', { version: '0.1.3' } ]
844 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-ssh', { version: '0.1.2' } ]
845 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': '0.1.6',
845 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': '0.1.3',
845 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': '0.1.2' }
846 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/package.json
847 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url',
847 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
848 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
849 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url/package.json
850 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings',
850 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
851 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
852 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings/package.json
853 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver',
853 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
854 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
855 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver/package.json
856 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip',
856 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
857 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
858 silly resolved []
859 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip
860 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip
861 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-zip/package.json
862 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar',
862 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { tar: { version: '0.1.13', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
863 verbose from wrap [ 'tar',
863 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.13',
863 verbose from wrap dependencies:
863 verbose from wrap { inherits: [Object],
863 verbose from wrap 'block-stream': [Object],
863 verbose from wrap fstream: [Object] } } ]
864 verbose readDependencies returned deps { tar: '0.1.13' }
865 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer',
865 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: [Object] },
865 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': { version: '0.1.3' },
865 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': { version: '0.1.2' } } ]
866 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-sdk-aws',
866 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.6', dependencies: { 'aws-lib': [Object] } } ]
867 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-rsync', { version: '0.1.3' } ]
868 verbose from wrap [ 'sourcemint-pm-ssh', { version: '0.1.2' } ]
869 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'sourcemint-sdk-aws': '0.1.6',
869 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-rsync': '0.1.3',
869 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': '0.1.2' }
870 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url',
870 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
871 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
872 silly resolved []
873 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url
874 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url
875 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-url/package.json
876 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings',
876 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
877 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
878 silly resolved []
879 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings
880 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings
881 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/mappings/package.json
882 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver',
882 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
883 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
884 silly resolved []
885 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver
886 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver
887 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/semver/package.json
888 verbose linkStuff [ true,
888 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
888 verbose linkStuff false,
888 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
889 info linkStuff [email protected]
890 verbose linkBins [email protected]
891 verbose linkMans [email protected]
892 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
893 verbose linkStuff [ true,
893 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
893 verbose linkStuff false,
893 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
894 info linkStuff [email protected]
895 verbose linkBins [email protected]
896 verbose linkMans [email protected]
897 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
898 verbose linkStuff [ true,
898 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
898 verbose linkStuff false,
898 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
899 info linkStuff [email protected]
900 verbose linkBins [email protected]
901 verbose linkMans [email protected]
902 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
903 verbose linkStuff [ true,
903 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
903 verbose linkStuff false,
903 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
904 info linkStuff [email protected]
905 verbose linkBins [email protected]
906 verbose link bins [ { semver: './bin/semver' },
906 verbose link bins '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/.bin',
906 verbose link bins false ]
907 verbose linkMans [email protected]
908 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
909 info install [email protected]
910 info install [email protected]
911 info install [email protected]
912 info postinstall [email protected]
913 info postinstall [email protected]
914 info postinstall [email protected]
915 info install [email protected]
916 info postinstall [email protected]
917 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git/package.json
918 silly lockFile 84d5a8cf-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-git /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git
919 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.13 to [email protected]
920 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
921 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
922 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
922 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
922 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
923 silly cache add name="tar" spec="0.1.13" args=["tar","0.1.13"]
924 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.13', path: '0.1.13', href: '0.1.13' }
925 verbose addNamed [ 'tar', '0.1.13' ]
926 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.13', '0.1.13' ]
927 silly lockFile 49e8117c-tar-0-1-13 [email protected]
928 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/49e8117c-tar-0-1-13.lock
929 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.6 to [email protected]
930 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
931 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
932 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
932 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
932 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
933 silly cache add name="sourcemint-sdk-aws" spec="0.1.6" args=["sourcemint-sdk-aws","0.1.6"]
934 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.6', path: '0.1.6', href: '0.1.6' }
935 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-sdk-aws', '0.1.6' ]
936 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.6', '0.1.6' ]
937 silly lockFile f9fad9c8-sourcemint-sdk-aws-0-1-6 [email protected]
938 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/f9fad9c8-sourcemint-sdk-aws-0-1-6.lock
939 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.3 to [email protected]
940 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
941 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
942 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
942 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
942 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
943 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-rsync" spec="0.1.3" args=["sourcemint-pm-rsync","0.1.3"]
944 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.3', path: '0.1.3', href: '0.1.3' }
945 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-rsync', '0.1.3' ]
946 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.3', '0.1.3' ]
947 silly lockFile 9f95bd28-sourcemint-pm-rsync-0-1-3 [email protected]
948 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/9f95bd28-sourcemint-pm-rsync-0-1-3.lock
949 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.2 to [email protected]
950 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
951 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
952 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
952 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
952 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
953 silly cache add name="sourcemint-pm-ssh" spec="0.1.2" args=["sourcemint-pm-ssh","0.1.2"]
954 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.2', path: '0.1.2', href: '0.1.2' }
955 verbose addNamed [ 'sourcemint-pm-ssh', '0.1.2' ]
956 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.2', '0.1.2' ]
957 silly lockFile ac0ab56d-sourcemint-pm-ssh-0-1-2 [email protected]
958 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/ac0ab56d-sourcemint-pm-ssh-0-1-2.lock
959 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm/package.json
960 info preinstall [email protected]
961 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git/package.json
962 verbose url raw sourcemint-sdk-aws/0.1.6
963 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-sdk-aws/0.1.6' ]
964 verbose url resolved
965 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
966 verbose etag "EHL5UP564HH5D9RX2HSFRMFEY"
967 http GET
968 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-rsync/0.1.3
969 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-rsync/0.1.3' ]
970 verbose url resolved
971 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
972 verbose etag "BJLS1XNO8UY7OFRS1UBEVCJKK"
973 http GET
974 verbose url raw tar/0.1.13
975 verbose url resolving [ '', './tar/0.1.13' ]
976 verbose url resolved
977 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
978 verbose etag "EKMRR29SOYKX8QOZD1NTG0EI"
979 http GET
980 verbose url raw sourcemint-pm-ssh/0.1.2
981 verbose url resolving [ '', './sourcemint-pm-ssh/0.1.2' ]
982 verbose url resolved
983 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
984 verbose etag "8HOVS08Z37YH21HA23VTSOSPK"
985 http GET
986 silly lockFile 0c2cb2db-m-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-npm /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm
987 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git',
987 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
988 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
989 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git/package.json
990 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git',
990 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
991 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
992 silly resolved []
993 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git
994 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git
995 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-git/package.json
996 verbose linkStuff [ true,
996 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
996 verbose linkStuff false,
996 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
997 info linkStuff [email protected]
998 verbose linkBins [email protected]
999 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1000 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1001 info install [email protected]
1002 info postinstall [email protected]
1003 info preinstall [email protected]
1004 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm/package.json
1005 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm',
1005 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { semver: { version: '1.0.14' } } ]
1006 verbose from wrap [ 'semver', { version: '1.0.14' } ]
1007 verbose readDependencies returned deps { semver: '1.0.14' }
1008 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm/package.json
1009 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm',
1009 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { semver: { version: '1.0.14' } } ]
1010 verbose from wrap [ 'semver', { version: '1.0.14' } ]
1011 verbose readDependencies returned deps { semver: '1.0.14' }
1012 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.0.14 to [email protected]
1013 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1014 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1015 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1015 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1015 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1016 silly cache add name="semver" spec="1.0.14" args=["semver","1.0.14"]
1017 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.0.14', path: '1.0.14', href: '1.0.14' }
1018 verbose addNamed [ 'semver', '1.0.14' ]
1019 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.14', '1.0.14' ]
1020 silly lockFile 01678457-semver-1-0-14 [email protected]
1021 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/01678457-semver-1-0-14.lock
1022 verbose url raw semver/1.0.14
1023 verbose url resolving [ '', './semver/1.0.14' ]
1024 verbose url resolved
1025 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1026 verbose etag "29FE60CKEDT2TNNOYY1J3LAIJ"
1027 http GET
1028 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/package.json
1029 silly lockFile 2712e870-cemint-pm-sm-node-modules-prompt /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt
1030 info preinstall [email protected]
1031 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/package.json
1032 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt',
1032 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { pkginfo: { version: '0.2.3' },
1032 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap read: { version: '0.1.1' },
1032 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap revalidator: { version: '0.1.2' },
1032 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap utile: { version: '0.1.3', dependencies: [Object] },
1032 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap winston: { version: '0.6.2', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
1033 verbose from wrap [ 'pkginfo', { version: '0.2.3' } ]
1034 verbose from wrap [ 'read', { version: '0.1.1' } ]
1035 verbose from wrap [ 'revalidator', { version: '0.1.2' } ]
1036 verbose from wrap [ 'utile',
1036 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.3',
1036 verbose from wrap dependencies:
1036 verbose from wrap { async: [Object],
1036 verbose from wrap 'deep-equal': [Object],
1036 verbose from wrap i: [Object],
1036 verbose from wrap mkdirp: [Object],
1036 verbose from wrap ncp: [Object],
1036 verbose from wrap rimraf: [Object] } } ]
1037 verbose from wrap [ 'winston',
1037 verbose from wrap { version: '0.6.2',
1037 verbose from wrap dependencies:
1037 verbose from wrap { async: [Object],
1037 verbose from wrap colors: [Object],
1037 verbose from wrap cycle: [Object],
1037 verbose from wrap eyes: [Object],
1037 verbose from wrap request: [Object],
1037 verbose from wrap 'stack-trace': [Object] } } ]
1038 verbose readDependencies returned deps { pkginfo: '0.2.3',
1038 verbose readDependencies returned deps read: '0.1.1',
1038 verbose readDependencies returned deps revalidator: '0.1.2',
1038 verbose readDependencies returned deps utile: '0.1.3',
1038 verbose readDependencies returned deps winston: '0.6.2' }
1039 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/package.json
1040 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt',
1040 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { pkginfo: { version: '0.2.3' },
1040 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap read: { version: '0.1.1' },
1040 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap revalidator: { version: '0.1.2' },
1040 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap utile: { version: '0.1.3', dependencies: [Object] },
1040 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap winston: { version: '0.6.2', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
1041 verbose from wrap [ 'pkginfo', { version: '0.2.3' } ]
1042 verbose from wrap [ 'read', { version: '0.1.1' } ]
1043 verbose from wrap [ 'revalidator', { version: '0.1.2' } ]
1044 verbose from wrap [ 'utile',
1044 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.3',
1044 verbose from wrap dependencies:
1044 verbose from wrap { async: [Object],
1044 verbose from wrap 'deep-equal': [Object],
1044 verbose from wrap i: [Object],
1044 verbose from wrap mkdirp: [Object],
1044 verbose from wrap ncp: [Object],
1044 verbose from wrap rimraf: [Object] } } ]
1045 verbose from wrap [ 'winston',
1045 verbose from wrap { version: '0.6.2',
1045 verbose from wrap dependencies:
1045 verbose from wrap { async: [Object],
1045 verbose from wrap colors: [Object],
1045 verbose from wrap cycle: [Object],
1045 verbose from wrap eyes: [Object],
1045 verbose from wrap request: [Object],
1045 verbose from wrap 'stack-trace': [Object] } } ]
1046 verbose readDependencies returned deps { pkginfo: '0.2.3',
1046 verbose readDependencies returned deps read: '0.1.1',
1046 verbose readDependencies returned deps revalidator: '0.1.2',
1046 verbose readDependencies returned deps utile: '0.1.3',
1046 verbose readDependencies returned deps winston: '0.6.2' }
1047 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.2.3 to [email protected]
1048 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1049 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1050 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1050 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1050 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1051 silly cache add name="pkginfo" spec="0.2.3" args=["pkginfo","0.2.3"]
1052 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.2.3', path: '0.2.3', href: '0.2.3' }
1053 verbose addNamed [ 'pkginfo', '0.2.3' ]
1054 verbose addNamed [ '0.2.3', '0.2.3' ]
1055 silly lockFile d1747791-pkginfo-0-2-3 [email protected]
1056 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/d1747791-pkginfo-0-2-3.lock
1057 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.1 to [email protected]
1058 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1059 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1060 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1060 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1060 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1061 silly cache add name="read" spec="0.1.1" args=["read","0.1.1"]
1062 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.1', path: '0.1.1', href: '0.1.1' }
1063 verbose addNamed [ 'read', '0.1.1' ]
1064 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.1', '0.1.1' ]
1065 silly lockFile 042676d4-read-0-1-1 [email protected]
1066 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/042676d4-read-0-1-1.lock
1067 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.2 to [email protected]
1068 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1069 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1070 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1070 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1070 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1071 silly cache add name="revalidator" spec="0.1.2" args=["revalidator","0.1.2"]
1072 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.2', path: '0.1.2', href: '0.1.2' }
1073 verbose addNamed [ 'revalidator', '0.1.2' ]
1074 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.2', '0.1.2' ]
1075 silly lockFile 469f3881-revalidator-0-1-2 [email protected]
1076 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/469f3881-revalidator-0-1-2.lock
1077 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.3 to [email protected]
1078 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1079 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1080 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1080 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1080 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1081 silly cache add name="utile" spec="0.1.3" args=["utile","0.1.3"]
1082 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.3', path: '0.1.3', href: '0.1.3' }
1083 verbose addNamed [ 'utile', '0.1.3' ]
1084 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.3', '0.1.3' ]
1085 silly lockFile 032200e0-utile-0-1-3 [email protected]
1086 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/032200e0-utile-0-1-3.lock
1087 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.6.2 to [email protected]
1088 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1089 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1090 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1090 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1090 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1091 silly cache add name="winston" spec="0.6.2" args=["winston","0.6.2"]
1092 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.6.2', path: '0.6.2', href: '0.6.2' }
1093 verbose addNamed [ 'winston', '0.6.2' ]
1094 verbose addNamed [ '0.6.2', '0.6.2' ]
1095 silly lockFile 6b025e09-winston-0-6-2 [email protected]
1096 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/6b025e09-winston-0-6-2.lock
1097 verbose url raw pkginfo/0.2.3
1098 verbose url resolving [ '', './pkginfo/0.2.3' ]
1099 verbose url resolved
1100 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1101 verbose etag "3KBHTDNTS0ZJ419YFGSA2MK4N"
1102 http GET
1103 verbose url raw revalidator/0.1.2
1104 verbose url resolving [ '', './revalidator/0.1.2' ]
1105 verbose url resolved
1106 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1107 verbose etag "B24YJ1T6QEC66ZVFKM4SG4HOC"
1108 http GET
1109 verbose url raw utile/0.1.3
1110 verbose url resolving [ '', './utile/0.1.3' ]
1111 verbose url resolved
1112 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1113 verbose etag "9RU3CYU0DHUEYA6BIAX8HQHSY"
1114 http GET
1115 verbose url raw read/0.1.1
1116 verbose url resolving [ '', './read/0.1.1' ]
1117 verbose url resolved
1118 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1119 verbose etag "6UYDCND0RB9MPI55YJ9YCNV6"
1120 http GET
1121 verbose url raw winston/0.6.2
1122 verbose url resolving [ '', './winston/0.6.2' ]
1123 verbose url resolved
1124 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1125 verbose etag "BZQB0VIN5S533G4YKZQ3OVL4O"
1126 http GET
1127 http 200
1128 verbose tar unpack /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/tmp.tgz
1129 silly lockFile f6ba9964-695-0-028630540007725358-package /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package
1130 verbose lock /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package /Users/R2D2/.npm/f6ba9964-695-0-028630540007725358-package.lock
1131 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1132 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1133 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 509, 493 ]
1134 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore
1135 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.gitignore', 436, 420 ]
1136 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1137 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 436, 420 ]
1138 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1139 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 436, 420 ]
1140 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry console-trace.js
1141 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'console-trace.js', 436, 420 ]
1142 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1143 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 436, 420 ]
1144 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
1145 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test.js', 436, 420 ]
1146 verbose read json /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package/package.json
1147 silly lockFile f6ba9964-695-0-028630540007725358-package /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package
1148 verbose from cache /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package/package.json
1149 verbose tar pack [ '/Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz',
1149 verbose tar pack '/var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package' ]
1150 verbose tarball /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz
1151 verbose folder /var/folders/80/h1lmzpz94n752h5tvll8np2c0000gn/T/npm-49706/1355213362695-0.028630540007725358/package
1152 silly lockFile 83bbed71--console-trace-0-1-0-package-tgz /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz
1153 verbose lock /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz /Users/R2D2/.npm/83bbed71--console-trace-0-1-0-package-tgz.lock
1154 silly lockFile 83bbed71--console-trace-0-1-0-package-tgz /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz
1155 silly lockFile b694d810--npm-console-trace-0-1-0-package /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package
1156 verbose lock /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package /Users/R2D2/.npm/b694d810--npm-console-trace-0-1-0-package.lock
1157 silly lockFile b694d810--npm-console-trace-0-1-0-package /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package
1158 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz
1159 silly lockFile b694d810--npm-console-trace-0-1-0-package /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package
1160 verbose lock /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package /Users/R2D2/.npm/b694d810--npm-console-trace-0-1-0-package.lock
1161 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1162 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1163 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1164 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1165 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry console-trace.js
1166 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
1167 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1168 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package/package.json
1169 silly lockFile b694d810--npm-console-trace-0-1-0-package /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package
1170 silly shasum updated bytes 3052
1171 info shasum 9491d78470f8be94e06778736b285dcd23e59386
1171 info shasum /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz
1172 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package/package.json
1173 verbose chmod /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz 644
1174 verbose chown /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz [ 501, 20 ]
1175 silly lockFile 2181b264-6d001f1eef166b99391e952e4be10982
1176 silly resolved [ { name: 'n-util',
1176 silly resolved description: 'JavaScript\'s missing methods',
1176 silly resolved version: '0.0.1',
1176 silly resolved homepage: '',
1176 silly resolved author:
1176 silly resolved { name: 'Kris Kowal',
1176 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved url: '' },
1176 silly resolved main: 'lib/util.js',
1176 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
1176 silly resolved bugs:
1176 silly resolved { mail: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved url: '' },
1176 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.2.0' },
1176 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
1176 silly resolved readme: '\n\nProvides the missing methods for JavaScript\n\n - usable as a CommonJS module, in Node\n - usable as a <script> in all web browsers\n\n\nFor Node:\n\n $ curl | sh\n $ npm install n-util\n\n\nAs a CommonJS module:\n\n var UTIL = require("n-util");\n UTIL.unique([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4]);\n\n\nAs a <script src="n-util.js"></script>:\n\n UTIL.unique([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4]);\n\n\nTHE API\n\n\n no(value)\n returns whether value is null or undefined,\n thus whether it is not safe to grab properties.\n\n object(value)\n converts values to objects\n \n - returns value.toObject() if available in the object\'s\n prototype chain but not owned.\n - creates shallow copies of objects\n - converts sequences of [key, value] items into objects,\n using the items(value) missing method\n - any value can have items if it provides a\n value.items() method.\n - returns {} if value is undefined\n\n array(value)\n converts values to arrays\n\n - creates shallow copies of all array-like objects,\n including arguments and strings\n - returns value.toArray() if available in the object\'s\n prototype chain but not owned.\n - uses value.forEach() if available in the object\'s\n prototype chain but not owned.\n - constructs arrays of [key, value] items from objects,\n using the items(value) missing method\n - any value can have items if it provides a\n value.items() method.\n - returns [] if value is undefined\n \n array.coerce(value)\n returns Arrays unmodified, and uses array(value)\n to convert all other values into arrays.\n \n isArrayLike(value)\n returns whether the value is an array or arguments\n object.\n\n isArguments(value)\n returns whether the given value is an arguments\n object.\n\n string(value)\n converts a value to a string.\n - converts null and undefined to an empty string.\n - uses value.toString() if available in the polymorphic\n chain and not owned.\n - uses value.valueOf().toString() generally.\n\n copy(value)\n creates a shallow copy for the following values:\n - null (null)\n - undefined (undefined)\n - array-like objects (as arrays)\n - dates (passed through)\n - objects (only owned properties reflected,\n no prototype copy)\n\n array.copy or object.copy are available if the type of the\n value is known and non-polymorphic.\n\n deepCopy(value)\n creates a deep copy of a given value, recursing on arrays an\n objects, not replicating prototype chains or non-owned\n values.\n\n Use array.deepCopy or object.deepCopy if the type\n is known and polymorphism would be wasteful.\n \n keys(object)\n returns an array of owned keys for both objects and array-like\n objects. the keys of an array are the range(0, object.length)\n\n Use object.keys if the type of object is known and\n polymorphism would be wasteful.\n\n values(object)\n returns an array of the owned values of both objects and\n array-like objects. the values of an array is a shallow\n copy of the array.\n\n Use object.values if the type of object is known\n and polymorphism would be wasteful.\n \n items(object)\n returns an array of the owned [key, value] items of the given\n object. the items of an array are an enumeration of\n [offset, index] for indexes in the range(0, object.length)\n\n Use object.items if the type of object is known and\n polymorphism would be wasteful.\n\n len(object)\n returns the length of an array or object. The\n length of an object is the number of owned properties.\n - uses object.len() if available in the object\'s prototype\n chain.\n - uses object.length if available\n\n Use array.len or object.len if the type is known\n and polymorphism would be wasteful.\n\n has(object, value)\n returns whether a given value is owned by an object.\n - uses object.has(value) if available in the object\'s\n prototype chain if not owned.\n - curries on the value if partially applied.\n\n Use array.has or object.has if the type is known\n and polymorphism would be wasteful.\n\n get(object, key, default_opt)\n returns the value for a given key or offset in an object,\n array, or string. if the object does not own the key, or the\n offset is out of the array or string\'s range, returns the\n default object. `undefined` qualifies as an owned value if it\n exists. throws an error if the key does not exist\n if no default is provided. `undefined` qualifies as\n a provided default; the argument must be literally\n omitted to signal that a default should be used instead\n of throwing an error.\n - uses object.get(key, default_opt) if available in\n the object\'s prototype chain if not owned.\n - curries on the key and default value once if partially\n applied.\n\n set(object, key, value)\n sets the value for a given key or offset in the\n given object or array.\n - returns the object for chainability.\n - uses object.set(key, value) if available in the\n object\'s prototype chain if not owned.\n - curries on the key and then the value if partially\n applied once or twice.\n \n getset(object, key, default_opt)\n returns the value for a given key or offset in an object,\n array, or string. if the object does not own the key yet,\n or the offset is out of an array\'s range, sets the value\n before returning. `undefined` qualifies as an owned\n value if it exists.\n - uses object.getset(key, default) if it exists.\n - curries on the key and default value once if partially\n applied.\n\n del(object, key)\n del(object, begin, end)\n deletes the key or all values for a range of offsets\n in a given object or array.\n - returns the object for chainability.\n - uses object.del(...) if provided in the prototype chain but\n not owned.\n - curries once on the key or range if partially applied.\n\n Use array.del if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n cut(object, key)\n deletes the item for a given key from an object or\n array and returns the corresponding value.\n - uses object.cut(key) if available in the prototype\n chain but not owned.\n - curries on the key if partially applied.\n\n put(object, key, value)\n operates like set(object, key, value) for objects,\n but displaces an offset if the object is an array,\n such that all subsequent values are shifted right.\n - returns object for chainability.\n - uses object.put(key, value) if available on the prototype\n chain but not if it is owned.\n - curries on key and value if partially applied.\n\n Use array.put if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n first(value)\n returns the value at the first offset of an array\n or array-like object.\n - use value.first() if available on the prototype chain\n but not owned.\n\n Use array.first if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n last(value)\n returns the value at the last offset of an array or\n array-like object.\n - use value.last() if available on the prototype chain\n but not owned.\n\n Use array.last if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n update(object, other)\n shallowly copies the owned values of other over the object.\n - returns the object for chainability\n - uses object.update(other) if available on the prototype\n chain but not owned.\n - curries on the other object once.\n\n Use object.update if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n deepUpdate(object, other)\n deeply copies the owned values of other over this object,\n recursing on arrays and object.\n - uses object.deepUpdate(other) if available on the prototype\n chain but not owned, recursively.\n - returns the object for chainability\n - curries on the other object once.\n\n Use object.deepUpdate if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n complete(object, other)\n shallowly copies the owned values of other into this\n object if such keys do not already exist.\n - uses object.complete(other) if available on the prototype\n chain but not owned, recursively.\n - returns the object for chainability\n - curries on the other object once.\n\n Use object.complete if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n deepComplete(object, other)\n deeply copies the owned properties of other into this\n object if such keys do not already exist.\n - uses object.deepComplete(other) if available on the\n prototype chain but not owned, recursively.\n - returns the object for chainability.\n - curries on the other object once.\n\n Use object.deepComplete if the type is known and polymorphism\n would be wasteful.\n\n remove(object, value)\n removes a value from an array (O(n)).\n - uses object.remove(value) if available in the prototype\n chain but not owned.\n\n range(length)\n range(start, stop)\n range(start, stop, step)\n - constructs an array of integers in the given range\n - NOT polymorphic\n\n forEach(array, callback, that_opt)\n calls back on each value in the array, using\n array.coerce, such that it can be used\n to iterate over the items of objects or other\n values that provide a toArray or forEach\n method in their prototype chain after owned\n properties.\n \n - returns the array for chainability\n\n forEachApply(arrayOfArrays, callback, that_opt)\n calls back variadically, using apply, using each\n array. uses array.coerce on the arrayOfArrays\n such that it can be used to iterate over the items\n of objects or other values that provide a toArray\n or forEach method in their prototype chain after\n owned properties.\n\n forEachApply({\n "a": 10,\n "b": 20\n }, function (key, value) {\n })\n\n - returns the array for chainability\n\n map(array, callback, that_opt)\n Analogous to forEach but returns the respective\n values of each callback in an array.\n\n mapApply(array, callback, that_opt)\n Analogous to forEachApply but returns the respective\n values of each callback in an array.\n\n every(array, callback, that_opt)\n Applies the callback to each value in the array\n (after coercion) and returns whether all of\n the returned values were truthy, shorting on\n the first falsy value.\n - curries on the callback and that object once.\n - uses array.every(callback, that) if available\n in the prototype chain but not owned.\n\n some(array, callback, that_opt)\n Applies the callback to each value in the array\n (after coercion) and returns whether any of the\n returned values were truthy, shorting on the\n first truthy value.\n - curries on the callback and that object once.\n - uses array.some(callback, that) if available\n in the prototype chain but not owned.\n \n all(array)\n returns whether all of the values in the array\n are truthy.\n - uses array.all() if available in the prototype\n chain but not owned.\n\n any(array)\n returns whether any value in the array is truthy.\n - uses array.any() if available in the prototype\n chain but not owned.\n\n reduce(array, callback(accumulated, value, index, array), basis_opt)\n reduces an array by iteratively accumulating the return value\n of the callback, given the current accumulation and the next\n value. the first accumulated value is the basis or undefined.\n - uses array.reduce if provided in the prototype chain and not\n owned.\n\n reduce(array, callback(accumulated, value, index, array), basis_opt)\n reduces an array by iteratively accumulating the return value\n of the callback, given the current accumulation and the\n previous value. the first accumulated value is the basis or\n undefined.\n - uses array.reduceRight if provided in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n\n zip(...)\n returns an array of the respective values of each argument,\n coercing non-array values.\n\n transpose(matrix)\n returns the transpose of an array of arrays, such that\n the rows and columns are swapped. transpose is the\n inverse of itself, and equivalent to zipping variadically.\n\n enumerate(array, start_opt)\n returns an array of [offset, value] items for the\n values in a given array, array-like object, or\n object converted to an array using toArray or forEach.\n - start defaults to 0\n\n is(a, b)\n returns whether two objects are identical by reference.\n unlike pure ===, "is" is reflexive and treats\n negative and positive zero and infinity as distinct.\n\n eq(a, b)\n returns whether to values are deeply equal by type\n and value.\n - use a.eq(b) if available in the prototype chain and\n not owned, recursively.\n - curries on second value if partially applied.\n\n Use array.eq or object.eq if the type is known\n and polymorphism would be wasteful.\n\n ne(a, b)\n !eq(a, b)\n - uses if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n lt(a, b)\n returns whether a is less than b. operates\n on arrays recursively.\n - uses if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n\n\n gt(a, b) \n returns whether a is greater than b.\n !(lt(a, b) || eq(a, b))\n - uses if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n le(a, b)\n returns whether a is less than or equal to b.\n lt(a, b) || eq(a, b)\n - uses a.le(b) if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n ge(a, b)\n returns whether a is greater than or equal to b.\n lt(a, b) || eq(a, b)\n - uses if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n mul(a, b)\n multiplies numbers and strings by numbers.\n - uses a.mul(b) if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n Use string.mul(a, b) if a is known to be a string\n and polymorphism is wasteful.\n\n compare(a, b)\n returns a number such that a as compared to be\n is equivalent to that value as compared to 0.\n for example, if a is less than b, compare will\n return a value that is less than zero.\n Operates on numbers, strings, and arrays recursively.\n Object comparison always returns 0.\n - uses if available in the prototype\n chain and not owned.\n - curries on the second value if partially applied.\n\n by(callback)\n returns a comparator, like compare, that will compare\n values based on the comparison of the value returned\n by the callback.\n\n sort(array, compare_opt)\n sorts an array, using array.sort(compare), where compare\n defaults to deep comparison. Object comparison is stable.\n \n If by(relation) is used to generate the comparator, sort\n applies a Schwartzian transform which renders higher\n performance generally for arrays that are longer than 3 by\n guaranteeing that the relation will only be used on each value\n once.\n\n sorted(array, compare_opt)\n returns a sorted copy of given array, using the\n given comparator, or the default comapre function above.\n\n reverse(array)\n reverses an array in place.\n\n reversed(array)\n returns a reversed copy of an array.\n\n hash(object)\n returns a string representing a "hash" of the given\n object, suitable for slotting arbitrary objects\n in another object for high-performance look-ups.\n - uses object.hash() if available in the prototype chain\n and not owned.\n - defaults to stringifying the object, which will perform\n poorly (O(n)) if used to slot objects.\n\n unique(values, eq_opt, hash_opt)\n returns an array that only contains each equivalent\n object in values once. Uses "hash" for higher performance\n look-ups of numbers and objects that implement that method,\n and uses "eq" to distinguish equivalent objects.\n "eq" and "hash" can be independently overridden.\n\n escape(string, strictlyForJson_opt)\n escapes non-printable and unicode characters with\n back-slashes, like \\b, \\t, \\n, \\f, \\r, \\", \\\\,\n \\xff, \\uffff. If strictlyForJson is truthy,\n does not use single-byte \\xff encoding.\n\n enquote(string, strictlyForJson_opt)\n produces a double-quoted, escaped version of the\n given string.\n\n expand(string, tabLength_opt)\n converts all tabs in a string into a visually\n equivalent number of spaces, assuming that the\n text begins at column 0.\n - tab length is 4 by default\n\n trimBegin(string)\n trims white space on the left side of a string\n\n trimEnd(string)\n trims white space on the right side of a string\n\n trim(string)\n trims white space on both sides of a string\n\n padBegin(padding, length, pad_opt)\n pads a string with the padding on the left, "0" by default\n until it is at least length-long.\n \n padEnd(padding, length, pad_opt)\n pads a string with the padding on the right, "0" by default\n until it is at least length-long.\n \n splitName(string)\n splits a name into a string of its component words,\n regardless of the case convention. Respects\n acronyms as single words, such that:\n\n >>> splitName("XMLHttpRequest")\n ["XML", "Http", "Request"]\n\n joinName(delimiter, parts)\n joins the words of a name into a single string,\n using the given delimiter between numbers.\n - if delimiter is undefined, it defaults to "_" \n \n upper(value, delimiter_opt)\n returns an "UPPERCASE" or "UPPER_CASE" (if a delimiter is\n provided) variant of the given string, regardless of the input\n case convention.\n \n lower(value, delimiter_opt)\n returns an "lowercase" or "lower_case" (if a delimiter is\n provided) variant of the given string, regardless of the input\n case convention.\n \n camel(value, delimiter_opt)\n returns a "camelCase" variant of the given string, regardless\n of its case convention.\n\n title(value, delimiter_opt)\n returns a "TitleCase" or "Title Case" (if a delimiter is\n provided) variant of the given string, regardless of its\n original case convention.\n\n',
1176 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README',
1176 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1176 silly resolved { name: 'wrench',
1176 silly resolved description: 'Recursive filesystem (and other) operations that Node *should* have.',
1176 silly resolved version: '1.3.9',
1176 silly resolved author: { name: 'Ryan McGrath', email: '[email protected]' },
1176 silly resolved repository:
1176 silly resolved { type: 'git',
1176 silly resolved url: 'https://[email protected]/ryanmcgrath/wrench-js.git' },
1176 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
1176 silly resolved directories: { lib: './lib/' },
1176 silly resolved dependencies: {},
1176 silly resolved devDependencies: { nodeunit: '>= 0.6.4' },
1176 silly resolved main: './lib/wrench',
1176 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.1.97' },
1176 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'nodeunit tests/runner.js' },
1176 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
1176 silly resolved readme: 'wrench.js - Recursive file operations in Node.js\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWhile I love Node.js, I\'ve found myself missing some functions. Things like\nrecursively deleting/chmodding a directory (or even deep copying a directory),\nor even a basic line reader, shouldn\'t need to be re-invented time and time again.\n\nThat said, here\'s my attempt at a re-usable solution, at least until something\nmore formalized gets integrated into Node.js (*hint hint*). wrench.js is fairly simple\nto use - check out the documentation/examples below:\n\nInstallation\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n npm install wrench\n\nUsage\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n``` javascript\nvar wrench = require(\'wrench\'),\n\tutil = require(\'util\');\n```\n\n### Synchronous operations\n``` javascript\n// Recursively create directories, sub-trees and all.\nwrench.mkdirSyncRecursive(dir, 0777);\n\n// Recursively delete the entire sub-tree of a directory, then kill the directory\nwrench.rmdirSyncRecursive(\'my_directory_name\', failSilently);\n\n// Recursively read directories contents.\nwrench.readdirSyncRecursive(\'my_directory_name\');\n\n// Recursively chmod the entire sub-tree of a directory\nwrench.chmodSyncRecursive(\'my_directory_name\', 0755);\n\n// Recursively chown the entire sub-tree of a directory\nwrench.chownSyncRecursive("directory", uid, gid);\n\n// Deep-copy an existing directory\nwrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(\'directory_to_copy\', \'location_where_copy_should_end_up\');\n\n// Read lines in from a file until you hit the end\nvar f = new wrench.LineReader(\'x.txt\');\nwhile(f.hasNextLine()) {\n\tutil.puts(x.getNextLine());\n}\n```\n\n### Asynchronous operations\n``` javascript\n// Recursively read directories contents\nvar files = [];\nwrench.readdirRecursive(\'my_directory_name\', function(error, curFiles) {\n // curFiles is what you want\n});\n\n```\n\nQuestions, comments? Hit me up. (ryan [at] |\n',
1176 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1176 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1176 silly resolved { name: 'q',
1176 silly resolved version: '0.8.5',
1176 silly resolved description: 'A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)',
1176 silly resolved homepage: '',
1176 silly resolved author:
1176 silly resolved { name: 'Kris Kowal',
1176 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved url: '' },
1176 silly resolved keywords:
1176 silly resolved [ 'q',
1176 silly resolved 'promise',
1176 silly resolved 'deferred',
1176 silly resolved 'future',
1176 silly resolved 'async',
1176 silly resolved 'fluent',
1176 silly resolved 'browser',
1176 silly resolved 'node' ],
1176 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
1176 silly resolved bugs:
1176 silly resolved { mail: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved url: '' },
1176 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
1176 silly resolved main: 'q.js',
1176 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
1176 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.2.0', teleport: '>=0.2.0' },
1176 silly resolved dependencies: {},
1176 silly resolved devDependencies: { test: '>=0.3.0', jshint: '*' },
1176 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node test/all.js' },
1176 silly resolved overlay: { teleport: [Object] },
1176 silly resolved directories: { test: './test' },
1176 silly resolved readme: '[![Build Status](](\n\nIf a function cannot return a value or throw an exception without\nblocking, it can return a promise instead. A promise is an object\nthat represents the return value or the thrown exception that the\nfunction may eventually provide. A promise can also be used as a\nproxy for a [remote object][Q-Comm] to overcome latency.\n\n[Q-Comm]:\n\nOn the first pass, promises can mitigate the “[Pyramid of\nDoom][POD]”: the situation where code marches to the right faster\nthan it marches forward.\n\n[POD]:\n\n```javascript\nstep1(function (value1) {\n step2(value1, function(value2) {\n step3(value2, function(value3) {\n step4(value3, function(value4) {\n // Do something with value4\n });\n });\n });\n});\n```\n\nWith a promise library, you can flatten the pyramid.\n\n```javascript\nQ.fcall(step1)\n.then(step2)\n.then(step3)\n.then(step4)\n.then(function (value4) {\n // Do something with value4\n}, function (error) {\n // Handle any error from step1 through step4\n})\n.end();\n```\n\nWith this approach, you also get implicit error propagation,\njust like ``try``, ``catch``, and ``finally``. An error in\n``step1`` will flow all the way to ``step5``, where it’s\ncaught and handled.\n\nThe callback approach is called an “inversion of control”.\nA function that accepts a callback instead of a return value\nis saying, “Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”. Promises\n[un-invert][IOC] the inversion, cleanly separating the input\narguments from control flow arguments. This simplifies the\nuse and creation of API’s, particularly variadic,\nrest and spread arguments.\n\n[IOC]:\n\n\n## Getting Started\n\nThe Q module can be loaded as:\n\n- a ``<script>`` tag (creating a ``Q`` global variable):\n ~3.3 KB minified and gzipped.\n- a NodeJS and CommonJS module available from NPM as the ``q``\n package\n- a RequireJS module\n\nQ can exchange promises with jQuery and Dojo and the following libraries\nare based on Q.\n\n- [q-fs](\n file system\n- [q-http](\n http client and server\n- [q-comm](\n remote objects\n- [jaque](\n promising HTTP server, JSGI middleware\n\n[Many other projects]( in NPM use Q\ninternally or provide Q promises.\n\nPlease join the Q-Continuum [mailing list](!forum/q-continuum).\n\n\n## Tutorial\n\nPromises have a ``then`` method, which you can use to get the eventual\nreturn value (fulfillment) or thrown exception (rejection).\n\n```javascript\nfoo()\n.then(function (value) {\n}, function (reason) {\n})\n```\n\nIf ``foo`` returns a promise that gets fulfilled later with a return\nvalue, the first function (the value handler) will be called with the\nvalue. However, if the ``foo`` function gets rejected later by a\nthrown exception, the second function (the error handler) will be\ncalled with the error.\n\nNote that resolution of a promise is always asynchronous: that is, the\nvalue or error handler will always be called in the next turn of the\nevent loop (i.e. `process.nextTick` in Node). This gives you a nice\nguarantee when mentally tracing the flow of your code, namely that\n``then`` will always return before either handler is executed.\n\n\n### Propagation\n\nThe ``then`` method returns a promise, which in this example, I’m\nassigning to ``bar``.\n\n```javascript\nvar bar = foo()\n.then(function (value) {\n}, function (reason) {\n})\n```\n\nThe ``bar`` variable becomes a new promise for the return value of\neither handler. Since a function can only either return a value or\nthrow an exception, only one handler will ever be called and it will\nbe responsible for resolving ``bar``.\n\n- If you return a value in a handler, ``bar`` will get fulfilled.\n\n- If you throw an exception in a handler ``bar`` will get rejected.\n\n- If you return a **promise** in a handler, ``bar`` will “become”\n that promise. Being able to become a new promise is useful for\n managing delays, combining results, or recovering from errors.\n\nIf the ``foo()`` promise gets rejected and you omit the error handler,\nthe **error** will go to ``bar``:\n\n```javascript\nvar bar = foo()\n.then(function (value) {\n})\n```\n\nIf the ``foo()`` promise gets fulfilled and you omit the value\nhandler, the **value** will go to ``bar``:\n\n```javascript\nvar bar = foo()\n.then(null, function (error) {\n})\n```\n\nQ promises provide a ``fail`` shorthand for ``then`` when you are only\ninterested in handling the error:\n\n```javascript\nvar bar = foo()\ (error) {\n})\n```\n\nThey also have a ``fin`` function that is like a ``finally`` clause.\nThe final handler gets called, with no arguments, when the promise\nreturned by ``foo()`` either returns a value or throws an error. The\nvalue returned or error thrown by ``foo()`` passes directly to ``bar``.\n\n```javascript\nvar bar = foo()\n.fin(function () {\n // close files, database connections, stop servers, conclude tests\n})\n```\n\n- If the handler returns a value, the value is ignored\n- If the handler throws an error, the error passes to ``bar``\n- If the handler returns a promise, ``bar`` gets postponed. The\n eventual value or error has the same effect as an immediate return\n value or thrown error: a value would be ignored, an error would be\n forwarded.\n\n### Chaining\n\nThere are two ways to chain promises. You can chain promises either\ninside or outside handlers. The next two examples are equivalent.\n\n```javascript\nreturn foo()\n.then(function (fooValue) {\n return bar(fooValue)\n .then(function (barValue) {\n // if we get here without an error,\n // the value returned here\n // or the exception thrown here\n // resolves the promise returned\n // by the first line\n })\n})\n```\n\n```javascript\nreturn foo()\n.then(function (fooValue) {\n return bar(fooValue);\n})\n.then(function (barValue) {\n // if we get here without an error,\n // the value returned here\n // or the exception thrown here\n // resolves the promise returned\n // by the first line\n})\n```\n\nThe only difference is nesting. It’s useful to nest handlers if you\nneed to capture both ``fooValue`` and ``barValue`` in the last\nhandler.\n\n```javascript\nfunction eventualAdd(a, b) {\n return a.then(function (a) {\n return b.then(function (b) {\n return a + b;\n });\n });\n}\n```\n\n\n### Combination\n\nYou can turn an array of promises into a promise for the whole,\nfulfilled array using ``all``.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.all([\n eventualAdd(2, 2),\n eventualAdd(10, 20)\n])\n```\n\nIf you have a promise for an array, you can use ``spread`` as a\nreplacement for ``then``. The ``spread`` function “spreads” the\nvalues over the arguments of the value handler. The error handler\nwill get called at the first sign of failure. That is, whichever of\nthe recived promises fails first gets handled by the error handler.\n\n```javascript\nfunction eventualAdd(a, b) {\n return Q.all([a, b])\n .spread(function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n })\n}\n```\n\nBut ``spread`` calls ``all`` initially, so you can skip it in chains.\n\n```javascript\nreturn foo()\n.then(function (name, location) {\n return [name,, "utf-8")];\n // returns a promise, so this array\n // mixes values and promises\n})\n.spread(function (name, text) {\n})\n```\n\nAnd you can use ``Q.spread`` directly on an array of promises.\n\n```javascript\nfunction eventualAdd(a, b) {\n return Q.spread([a, b], function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n })\n}\n```\n\nThe ``all`` function returns a promise for an array of values. If one\nof the given promise fails, the whole returned promise fails, not\nwaiting for the rest of the batch. If you want to wait for all of the\npromises to either be fulfilled or rejected, you can use\n``allResolved``.\n\n```javascript\nQ.allResolved(promises)\n.then(function (promises) {\n promises.forEach(function (promise) {\n if (promise.isFulfilled()) {\n var value = promise.valueOf();\n } else {\n }\n })\n})\n```\n\n\n### Sequences\n\nIf you have a number of promise-producing functions that need\nto be run sequentially, you can of course do so manually:\n\n```javascript\nreturn foo(initialVal).then(bar).then(baz).then(quux);\n```\n\nHowever, if you want to run a dynamically constructed sequence of\nfunctions, you\'ll want something like this:\n\n```javascript\nvar funcs = [foo, bar, baz, quux];\n\nvar result = Q.resolve(initialVal);\nfuncs.forEach(function (f) {\n result = result.then(f);\n});\nreturn result;\n```\n\nYou can make this slightly more compact using `reduce`:\n\n```javascript\nreturn funcs.reduce(function (soFar, f) {\n return soFar.then(f);\n}, Q.resolve(initialVal));\n```\n\n\n### Handling Errors\n\nOne sometimes-unintuive aspect of promises is that if you throw an\nexception in the value handler, it will not be be caught by the error\nhandler.\n\n```javascript\nfoo()\n.then(function (value) {\n throw new Error("Can\'t bar.");\n}, function (error) {\n // We only get here if "foo" fails\n})\n```\n\nTo see why this is, consider the parallel between promises and\n``try``/``catch``. We are ``try``-ing to execute ``foo()``: the error\nhandler represents a ``catch`` for ``foo()``, while the value handler\nrepresents code that happens *after* the ``try``/``catch`` block.\nThat code then needs its own ``try``/``catch`` block.\n\nIn terms of promises, this means chaining your error handler:\n\n```javascript\nfoo()\n.then(function (value) {\n throw new Error("Can\'t bar.");\n})\ (error) {\n // We get here with either foo\'s error or bar\'s error\n})\n```\n\n\n### The End\n\nWhen you get to the end of a chain of promises, you should either\nreturn the last promise or end the chain. Since handlers catch\nerrors, it’s an unfortunate pattern that the exceptions can go\nunobserved.\n\nSo, either return it,\n\n```javascript\nreturn foo()\n.then(function () {\n return "bar";\n})\n```\n\nOr, end it.\n\n```javascript\nfoo()\n.then(function () {\n return "bar";\n})\n.end()\n```\n\nEnding a promise chain makes sure that, if an error doesn’t get\nhandled before the end, it will get rethrown and reported.\n\nThis is a stopgap. We are exploring ways to make unhandled errors\nvisible without any explicit handling.\n\n\n### The Beginning\n\nEverything above assumes you get a promise from somewhere else. This\nis the common case. Every once in a while, you will need to create a\npromise from scratch.\n\nYou can create a promise from a value using ````. This returns a\npromise for 10.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.fcall(function () {\n return 10;\n});\n```\n\nYou can also use ``call`` to get a promise for an exception.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.fcall(function () {\n throw new Error("Can\'t do it");\n})\n```\n\nAs the name implies, ``call`` can call functions, or even promised\nfunctions. This uses the ``eventualAdd`` function above to add two\nnumbers. The second argument is the ``this`` object to pass into the\nfunction.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.fcall(eventualAdd, null, 2, 2);\n```\n\nWhen nothing else will do the job, you can use ``defer``, which is\nwhere all promises ultimately come from.\n\n```javascript\nvar deferred = Q.defer();\nFS.readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8", function (error, text) {\n if (error) {\n deferred.reject(new Error(error));\n } else {\n deferred.resolve(text);\n }\n});\nreturn deferred.promise;\n```\n\nNote that a deferred can be resolved with a value or a promise. The\n``reject`` function is a shorthand for resolving with a rejected\npromise.\n\n```javascript\nvar rejection = Q.fcall(function () {\n throw new Error("Can\'t do it");\n});\ndeferred.resolve(rejection);\n```\n\nThis is a simplified implementation of ``Q.delay``.\n\n```javascript\nfunction delay(ms) {\n var deferred = Q.defer();\n setTimeout(deferred.resolve, ms);\n return deferred.promise;\n}\n```\n\nThis is a simplified implementation of ``Q.timeout``\n\n```javascript\nfunction timeout(promise, ms) {\n var deferred = Q.defer();\n Q.when(promise, deferred.resolve);\n Q.when(delay(ms), function () {\n deferred.reject(new Error("Timed out"));\n });\n return deferred.promise;\n}\n```\n\n\n### The Middle\n\nIf you are using a function that may return a promise, but just might\nreturn a value if it doesn’t need to defer, you can use the “static”\nmethods of the Q library.\n\nThe ``when`` function is the static equivalent for ``then``.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.when(valueOrPromise, function (value) {\n}, function (error) {\n});\n```\n\nAll of the other methods on a promise have static analogs with the\nsame name.\n\nThe following are equivalent:\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.all([a, b]);\n```\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.fcall(function () {\n return [a, b];\n})\n.all();\n```\n\nWhen working with promises provided by other libraries, you should\nconvert it to a Q promise. Not all promise libraries make the same\nguarantees as Q and certainly don’t provide all of the same methods.\nMost libraries only provide a partially functional ``then`` method.\nThis thankfully is all we need to turn them into vibrant Q promises.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.when($.ajax(...))\n.then(function () {\n})\n```\n\nIf there is any chance that the promise you receive is not a Q promise\nas provided by your library, you should wrap it using a Q function.\nYou can even use ``Q.invoke`` as a shorthand.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.invoke($, \'ajax\', ...)\n.then(function () {\n})\n```\n\n\n### Over the Wire\n\nA promise can serve as a proxy for another object, even a remote\nobject. There are methods that allow you to optimistically manipulate\nproperties or call functions. All of these interactions return\npromises, so they can be chained.\n\n```\ndirect manipulation using a promise as a proxy\n-------------------------- -------------------------------\ promise.get("foo")\ = value promise.put("foo", value)\ndelete promise.del("foo")\"foo", [args])\ promise.invoke("foo", ...args)\nvalue(...args) promise.fapply([args])\nvalue(...args) promise.fcall(...args)\n```\n\nIf the promise is a proxy for a remote object, you can shave\nround-trips by using these functions instead of ``then``. To take\nadvantage of promises for remote objects, check out [Q-Comm][].\n\n[Q-Comm]:\n\nEven in the case of non-remote objects, these methods can be used as\nshorthand for particularly-simple value handlers. For example, you\ncan replace\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.fcall(function () {\n return [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }];\n})\n.then(function (value) {\n return value[0].foo;\n})\n```\n\nwith\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.fcall(function () {\n return [{ foo: "bar" }, { foo: "baz" }];\n})\n.get(0)\n.get("foo")\n```\n\n\n### Adapting Node\n\nThere is a ``makeNodeResolver`` method on deferreds that is handy for\nthe NodeJS callback pattern.\n\n```javascript\nvar deferred = Q.defer();\nFS.readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8", deferred.makeNodeResolver());\nreturn deferred.promise;\n```\n\nAnd there are ``Q.ncall`` and ``Q.ninvoke`` for even shorter\nexpression.\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.ncall(FS.readFile, FS, "foo.txt", "utf-8");\n```\n\n```javascript\nreturn Q.ninvoke(FS, \'readFile\', "foo.txt", "utf-8");\n```\n\nThere is also a ``Q.nbind`` function that that creates a reusable\nwrapper.\n\n```javascript\nvar readFile = Q.nbind(FS.readFile, FS)\nreturn readFile("foo.txt", "utf-8");\n```\n\nNote that, since promises are always resolved in the next turn of the\nevent loop, working with streams [can be tricky][streams]. The\nessential problem is that, since Node does not buffer input, it is\nnecessary to attach your ``"data"`` event listeners immediately,\nbefore this next turn comes around. There are a variety of solutions\nto this problem, and even some hope that in future versions of Node it\nwill [be ameliorated][streamsnext].\n\n[streams]:\n[streamsnext]:\n\n## Reference\n\nA method-by-method [Q API reference][reference] is available on the wiki.\n\n[reference]: q/wiki/API-Reference\n\n---\n\nCopyright 2009-2012 Kristopher Michael Kowal\nMIT License (enclosed)\n\n',
1176 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1176 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1176 silly resolved { author:
1176 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
1176 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved url: '' },
1176 silly resolved name: 'glob',
1176 silly resolved description: 'a little globber',
1176 silly resolved version: '3.1.12',
1176 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
1176 silly resolved main: 'glob.js',
1176 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
1176 silly resolved dependencies: { minimatch: '0.2', 'graceful-fs': '~1.1.2', inherits: '1' },
1176 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '~0.2.3', mkdirp: '0', rimraf: '1' },
1176 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
1176 silly resolved license: 'BSD',
1176 silly resolved readme: '# Glob\n\nThis is a glob implementation in JavaScript. It uses the `minimatch`\nlibrary to do its matching.\n\n## Attention: node-glob users!\n\nThe API has changed dramatically between 2.x and 3.x. This library is\nnow 100% JavaScript, and the integer flags have been replaced with an\noptions object.\n\nAlso, there\'s an event emitter class, proper tests, and all the other\nthings you\'ve come to expect from node modules.\n\nAnd best of all, no compilation!\n\n## Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar glob = require("glob")\n\n// options is optional\nglob("**/*.js", options, function (er, files) {\n // files is an array of filenames.\n // If the `nonull` option is set, and nothing\n // was found, then files is ["**/*.js"]\n // er is an error object or null.\n})\n```\n\n## Features\n\nPlease see the [minimatch\ndocumentation]( for more details.\n\nSupports these glob features:\n\n* Brace Expansion\n* Extended glob matching\n* "Globstar" `**` matching\n\nSee:\n\n* `man sh`\n* `man bash`\n* `man 3 fnmatch`\n* `man 5 gitignore`\n* [minimatch documentation](\n\n## glob(pattern, [options], cb)\n\n* `pattern` {String} Pattern to be matched\n* `options` {Object}\n* `cb` {Function}\n * `err` {Error | null}\n * `matches` {Array<String>} filenames found matching the pattern\n\nPerform an asynchronous glob search.\n\n## glob.sync(pattern, [options]\n\n* `pattern` {String} Pattern to be matched\n* `options` {Object}\n* return: {Array<String>} filenames found matching the pattern\n\nPerform a synchronous glob search.\n\n## Class: glob.Glob\n\nCreate a Glob object by instanting the `glob.Glob` class.\n\n```javascript\nvar Glob = require("glob").Glob\nvar mg = new Glob(pattern, options, cb)\n```\n\nIt\'s an EventEmitter, and starts walking the filesystem to find matches\nimmediately.\n\n### new glob.Glob(pattern, [options], [cb])\n\n* `pattern` {String} pattern to search for\n* `options` {Object}\n* `cb` {Function} Called when an error occurs, or matches are found\n * `err` {Error | null}\n * `matches` {Array<String>} filenames found matching the pattern\n\nNote that if the `sync` flag is set in the options, then matches will\nbe immediately available on the `g.found` member.\n\n### Properties\n\n* `minimatch` The minimatch object that the glob uses.\n* `options` The options object passed in.\n* `error` The error encountered. When an error is encountered, the\n glob object is in an undefined state, and should be discarded.\n* `aborted` Boolean which is set to true when calling `abort()`. There\n is no way at this time to continue a glob search after aborting, but\n you can re-use the statCache to avoid having to duplicate syscalls.\n\n### Events\n\n* `end` When the matching is finished, this is emitted with all the\n matches found. If the `nonull` option is set, and no match was found,\n then the `matches` list contains the original pattern. The matches\n are sorted, unless the `nosort` flag is set.\n* `match` Every time a match is found, this is emitted with the matched.\n* `error` Emitted when an unexpected error is encountered, or whenever\n any fs error occurs if `options.strict` is set.\n* `abort` When `abort()` is called, this event is raised.\n\n### Methods\n\n* `abort` Stop the search.\n\n### Options\n\nAll the options that can be passed to Minimatch can also be passed to\nGlob to change pattern matching behavior. Also, some have been added,\nor have glob-specific ramifications.\n\nAll options are false by default, unless otherwise noted.\n\nAll options are added to the glob object, as well.\n\n* `cwd` The current working directory in which to search. Defaults\n to `process.cwd()`.\n* `root` The place where patterns starting with `/` will be mounted\n onto. Defaults to `path.resolve(options.cwd, "/")` (`/` on Unix\n systems, and `C:\\` or some such on Windows.)\n* `nomount` By default, a pattern starting with a forward-slash will be\n "mounted" onto the root setting, so that a valid filesystem path is\n returned. Set this flag to disable that behavior.\n* `mark` Add a `/` character to directory matches. Note that this\n requires additional stat calls.\n* `nosort` Don\'t sort the results.\n* `stat` Set to true to stat *all* results. This reduces performance\n somewhat, and is completely unnecessary, unless `readdir` is presumed\n to be an untrustworthy indicator of file existence. It will cause\n ELOOP to be triggered one level sooner in the case of cyclical\n symbolic links.\n* `silent` When an unusual error is encountered\n when attempting to read a directory, a warning will be printed to\n stderr. Set the `silent` option to true to suppress these warnings.\n* `strict` When an unusual error is encountered\n when attempting to read a directory, the process will just continue on\n in search of other matches. Set the `strict` option to raise an error\n in these cases.\n* `statCache` A cache of results of filesystem information, to prevent\n unnecessary stat calls. While it should not normally be necessary to\n set this, you may pass the statCache from one glob() call to the\n options object of another, if you know that the filesystem will not\n change between calls. (See "Race Conditions" below.)\n* `sync` Perform a synchronous glob search.\n* `nounique` In some cases, brace-expanded patterns can result in the\n same file showing up multiple times in the result set. By default,\n this implementation prevents duplicates in the result set.\n Set this flag to disable that behavior.\n* `nonull` Set to never return an empty set, instead returning a set\n containing the pattern itself. This is the default in glob(3).\n* `nocase` Perform a case-insensitive match. Note that case-insensitive\n filesystems will sometimes result in glob returning results that are\n case-insensitively matched anyway, since readdir and stat will not\n raise an error.\n* `debug` Set to enable debug logging in minimatch and glob.\n* `globDebug` Set to enable debug logging in glob, but not minimatch.\n\n## Comparisons to other fnmatch/glob implementations\n\nWhile strict compliance with the existing standards is a worthwhile\ngoal, some discrepancies exist between node-glob and other\nimplementations, and are intentional.\n\nIf the pattern starts with a `!` character, then it is negated. Set the\n`nonegate` flag to suppress this behavior, and treat leading `!`\ncharacters normally. This is perhaps relevant if you wish to start the\npattern with a negative extglob pattern like `!(a|B)`. Multiple `!`\ncharacters at the start of a pattern will negate the pattern multiple\ntimes.\n\nIf a pattern starts with `#`, then it is treated as a comment, and\nwill not match anything. Use `\\#` to match a literal `#` at the\nstart of a line, or set the `nocomment` flag to suppress this behavior.\n\nThe double-star character `**` is supported by default, unless the\n`noglobstar` flag is set. This is supported in the manner of bsdglob\nand bash 4.1, where `**` only has special significance if it is the only\nthing in a path part. That is, `a/**/b` will match `a/x/y/b`, but\n`a/**b` will not. **Note that this is different from the way that `**` is\nhandled by ruby\'s `Dir` class.**\n\nIf an escaped pattern has no matches, and the `nonull` flag is set,\nthen glob returns the pattern as-provided, rather than\ninterpreting the character escapes. For example,\n`glob.match([], "\\\\*a\\\\?")` will return `"\\\\*a\\\\?"` rather than\n`"*a?"`. This is akin to setting the `nullglob` option in bash, except\nthat it does not resolve escaped pattern characters.\n\nIf brace expansion is not disabled, then it is performed before any\nother interpretation of the glob pattern. Thus, a pattern like\n`+(a|{b),c)}`, which would not be valid in bash or zsh, is expanded\n**first** into the set of `+(a|b)` and `+(a|c)`, and those patterns are\nchecked for validity. Since those two are valid, matching proceeds.\n\n## Windows\n\n**Please only use forward-slashes in glob expressions.**\n\nThough windows uses either `/` or `\\` as its path separator, only `/`\ncharacters are used by this glob implementation. You must use\nforward-slashes **only** in glob expressions. Back-slashes will always\nbe interpreted as escape characters, not path separators.\n\nResults from absolute patterns such as `/foo/*` are mounted onto the\nroot setting using `path.join`. On windows, this will by default result\nin `/foo/*` matching `C:\\foo\\bar.txt`.\n\n## Race Conditions\n\nGlob searching, by its very nature, is susceptible to race conditions,\nsince it relies on directory walking and such.\n\nAs a result, it is possible that a file that exists when glob looks for\nit may have been deleted or modified by the time it returns the result.\n\nAs part of its internal implementation, this program caches all stat\nand readdir calls that it makes, in order to cut down on system\noverhead. However, this also makes it even more susceptible to races,\nespecially if the statCache object is reused between glob calls.\n\nUsers are thus advised not to use a glob result as a\nguarantee of filesystem state in the face of rapid changes.\nFor the vast majority of operations, this is never a problem.\n',
1176 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1176 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1176 silly resolved { name: 'console-trace',
1176 silly resolved version: '0.1.0',
1176 silly resolved description: 'Adds a handy `trace` flag to the console object to prepend the file and line number',
1176 silly resolved main: './console-trace',
1176 silly resolved dependencies: { callsite: '*' },
1176 silly resolved readme: '# console-trace\n\nExtends the native Node.JS `console` object to prefix logging functions\nwith the [CallSite]( information.\n\nTo read more about runtime stack trace introspection you can refer to [this\narticle](\n\n![](\n\n## Installation\n\n $ npm install console-trace\n\n### Syntax:\n\n```javascript\nrequire(\'console-trace\')([options])\n```\n\n### Available Options:\n\n* __always__ - (`Boolean`: defaults to false) always print the callsite info even without accessing methods from the `t` or `traced` getters.\n* __cwd__ - (`String`: defaults to `process.cwd()`) the path that will be stripped from the callsite info\n* __colors__ - (`Boolean|Object`: defaults to true) terminal colors support flag or a custom color object\n* __right__ - (`Boolean`: defaults to false) callsite alignment flag, when true prints infos on the right\n\n### Examples:\n\n```javascript\nrequire(\'console-trace\')\n```\n\nYou can add the `t` or `traced` getter to your calls to obtain a stacktrace:\n\n```javascript\nconsole.t.log(\'a\');\nconsole.traced.log(\'a\');\n```\n\nYou can also make every console call trace:\n\n```javascript\nrequire(\'console-trace\')({\n always: true,\n})\n\n...\n\nconsole.log(\'a\'); // tracing\nconsole.error(\'a\'); // tracing\n```\n\nYou can align the callsite infos to the right\n\n```javascript\nrequire(\'console-trace\')({\n always: true,\n right: true\n})\n\n...\n\nconsole.log(\'a\'); // tracing right\nconsole.error(\'a\'); // tracing right\n```\n\nYou can change defaults colors too\n\n```javascript\nrequire(\'./console-trace\')({\n always: true,\n colors: {\n warn: \'35\',\n info: \'32\'\n }\n})\n\n...\n\nconsole.warn(\'a\'); // magenta\\'a\'); // green\n```\n\nTo customize the string that\'s prefixed to the calls, override the\n`console.traceFormat` function.\n\n## Beyond console\n\nIf you have more sophisticated logging needs, or don\'t wish to extend\n`console`, I suggest you look at [tracer](\n\n## Credits\n\n * [Guillermo Rauch](\n * [Kilian Ciuffolo](\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2012 Guillermo Rauch &lt;[email protected]&gt;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.',
1176 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1176 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1176 silly resolved dist: { shasum: '9491d78470f8be94e06778736b285dcd23e59386' },
1176 silly resolved _from: 'console-trace@' } ]
1177 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
1178 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
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1181 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
1182 info installOne [email protected]
1183 info installOne [email protected]
1184 info installOne [email protected]
1185 info installOne [email protected]
1186 info installOne [email protected]
1187 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/n-util/0.0.1/package/package.json
1188 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/wrench/1.3.9/package/package.json
1189 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/q/0.8.5/package/package.json
1190 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/glob/3.1.12/package/package.json
1191 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package/package.json
1192 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util unbuild
1193 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util/package.json
1194 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench unbuild
1195 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench/package.json
1196 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q unbuild
1197 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q/package.json
1198 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob unbuild
1199 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/package.json
1200 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace unbuild
1201 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/package.json
1202 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/n-util/0.0.1/package.tgz
1203 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/wrench/1.3.9/package.tgz
1204 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/q/0.8.5/package.tgz
1205 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/glob/3.1.12/package.tgz
1206 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/console-trace/0.1.0/package.tgz
1207 silly lockFile 2b9d4da9-mint-util-js-node-modules-n-util /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util
1208 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util /Users/R2D2/.npm/2b9d4da9-mint-util-js-node-modules-n-util.lock
1209 silly lockFile 1ecd3737-mint-util-js-node-modules-wrench /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench
1210 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench /Users/R2D2/.npm/1ecd3737-mint-util-js-node-modules-wrench.lock
1211 silly lockFile 0b7b3f18-ourcemint-util-js-node-modules-q /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q
1212 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q /Users/R2D2/.npm/0b7b3f18-ourcemint-util-js-node-modules-q.lock
1213 silly lockFile 8df33ccc-cemint-util-js-node-modules-glob /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
1214 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob /Users/R2D2/.npm/8df33ccc-cemint-util-js-node-modules-glob.lock
1215 silly lockFile 54ffdf83-il-js-node-modules-console-trace /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace
1216 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace /Users/R2D2/.npm/54ffdf83-il-js-node-modules-console-trace.lock
1217 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1218 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1219 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1220 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1221 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1222 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1223 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1224 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1225 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1226 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1227 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README
1228 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1229 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1230 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1231 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1232 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1233 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1234 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1235 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1236 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1237 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1238 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry CHANGES
1239 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/util.js
1240 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry console-trace.js
1241 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
1242 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/wrench.js
1243 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/x.js
1244 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
1245 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry glob.js
1246 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry q-spec.js
1247 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry q.js
1248 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1249 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1250 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/mkdir.js
1251 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
1252 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/g.js
1253 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry q.min.js
1254 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1255 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/readdir.js
1256 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/usr-local.js
1257 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
1258 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/00-setup.js
1259 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/makeQ.js
1260 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/bash-comparison.js
1261 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/map.js
1262 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cwd-test.js
1263 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/markm-mzero.js
1264 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/pause-resume.js
1265 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/stream.js
1266 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/root-nomount.js
1267 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/runner.js
1268 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/readdir/bar.txt
1269 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/weak-map.js
1270 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/root.js
1271 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/promiseAllFulfilled.emaker
1272 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/zz-cleanup.js
1273 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/readdir/foo/bar/ipsum.js
1274 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .tmp/promiseAllResolved.emaker
1275 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/readdir/foo/
1276 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1277 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/readdir/foo/lorem.txt
1278 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q0.js
1279 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q1.js
1280 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q2.js
1281 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q3.js
1282 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q4.js
1283 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q5.js
1284 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q6.js
1285 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/q7.js
1286 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry design/README.js
1287 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/all.js
1288 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/delay.js
1289 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/async-generators/
1290 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/async-generators/0.html
1291 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/async-generators/1-return.html
1292 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/async-generators/2-error-propagation.html
1293 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/async-generators/3-wishful-thinking.html
1294 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/async-generators/4-shim.html
1295 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry q.min.js.gz
1296 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/jasmine-promise.js
1297 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/jasmine-1.2.0/jasmine-html.js
1298 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/package.json
1299 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/jasmine-1.2.0/jasmine.js
1300 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/jasmine-1.2.0/jasmine.css
1301 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/jasmine-1.2.0/MIT.LICENSE
1302 silly lockFile 54ffdf83-il-js-node-modules-console-trace /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace
1303 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1304 info preinstall [email protected]
1305 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/all-resolved.js
1306 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/thenable.js
1307 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/package.json
1308 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/methods.js
1309 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/multiple-listeners.js
1310 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/bind.js
1311 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/all.js
1312 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/promised-chains.js
1313 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/reject.js
1314 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/resolve-reject.js
1315 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/spread.js
1316 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/node.js
1317 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/value-of.js
1318 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/progress.js
1319 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/issue/22.js
1320 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/issue/9.js
1321 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry q-spec.html
1322 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench/package.json
1323 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util/package.json
1324 silly lockFile 1ecd3737-mint-util-js-node-modules-wrench /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench
1325 info preinstall [email protected]
1326 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench/package.json
1327 silly lockFile 2b9d4da9-mint-util-js-node-modules-n-util /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util
1328 info preinstall [email protected]
1329 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util/package.json
1330 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace',
1330 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { callsite: { version: '0.0.2' } } ]
1331 verbose from wrap [ 'callsite', { version: '0.0.2' } ]
1332 verbose readDependencies returned deps { callsite: '0.0.2' }
1333 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/package.json
1334 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench',
1334 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1335 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1336 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench/package.json
1337 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util',
1337 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1338 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1339 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util/package.json
1340 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace',
1340 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { callsite: { version: '0.0.2' } } ]
1341 verbose from wrap [ 'callsite', { version: '0.0.2' } ]
1342 verbose readDependencies returned deps { callsite: '0.0.2' }
1343 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench',
1343 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1344 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1345 silly resolved []
1346 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench
1347 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench
1348 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/wrench/package.json
1349 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util',
1349 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1350 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1351 silly resolved []
1352 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util
1353 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util
1354 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/n-util/package.json
1355 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1355 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1355 verbose linkStuff false,
1355 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules' ]
1356 info linkStuff [email protected]
1357 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1358 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1359 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1360 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1360 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1360 verbose linkStuff false,
1360 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules' ]
1361 info linkStuff [email protected]
1362 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1363 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1364 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1365 info install [email protected]
1366 info install [email protected]
1367 info postinstall [email protected]
1368 info postinstall [email protected]
1369 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.0.2 to [email protected]
1370 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1371 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1372 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1372 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1372 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1373 silly cache add name="callsite" spec="0.0.2" args=["callsite","0.0.2"]
1374 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.0.2', path: '0.0.2', href: '0.0.2' }
1375 verbose addNamed [ 'callsite', '0.0.2' ]
1376 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.2', '0.0.2' ]
1377 silly lockFile 746d15fb-callsite-0-0-2 [email protected]
1378 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/746d15fb-callsite-0-0-2.lock
1379 verbose url raw callsite/0.0.2
1380 verbose url resolving [ '', './callsite/0.0.2' ]
1381 verbose url resolved
1382 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1383 verbose etag "DYDT98OPFGXR179BDTBQU8254"
1384 http GET
1385 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/package.json
1386 silly lockFile 8df33ccc-cemint-util-js-node-modules-glob /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
1387 info preinstall [email protected]
1388 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/package.json
1389 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob',
1389 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { minimatch: { version: '0.2.6', dependencies: [Object] },
1389 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'graceful-fs': { version: '1.1.10' },
1389 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap inherits: { version: '1.0.0' } } ]
1390 verbose from wrap [ 'minimatch',
1390 verbose from wrap { version: '0.2.6', dependencies: { 'lru-cache': [Object] } } ]
1391 verbose from wrap [ 'graceful-fs', { version: '1.1.10' } ]
1392 verbose from wrap [ 'inherits', { version: '1.0.0' } ]
1393 verbose readDependencies returned deps { minimatch: '0.2.6',
1393 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'graceful-fs': '1.1.10',
1393 verbose readDependencies returned deps inherits: '1.0.0' }
1394 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/package.json
1395 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob',
1395 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { minimatch: { version: '0.2.6', dependencies: [Object] },
1395 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'graceful-fs': { version: '1.1.10' },
1395 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap inherits: { version: '1.0.0' } } ]
1396 verbose from wrap [ 'minimatch',
1396 verbose from wrap { version: '0.2.6', dependencies: { 'lru-cache': [Object] } } ]
1397 verbose from wrap [ 'graceful-fs', { version: '1.1.10' } ]
1398 verbose from wrap [ 'inherits', { version: '1.0.0' } ]
1399 verbose readDependencies returned deps { minimatch: '0.2.6',
1399 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'graceful-fs': '1.1.10',
1399 verbose readDependencies returned deps inherits: '1.0.0' }
1400 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.2.6 to [email protected]
1401 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1402 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1403 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1403 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1403 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1404 silly cache add name="minimatch" spec="0.2.6" args=["minimatch","0.2.6"]
1405 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.2.6', path: '0.2.6', href: '0.2.6' }
1406 verbose addNamed [ 'minimatch', '0.2.6' ]
1407 verbose addNamed [ '0.2.6', '0.2.6' ]
1408 silly lockFile 89547412-minimatch-0-2-6 [email protected]
1409 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/89547412-minimatch-0-2-6.lock
1410 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.1.10 to [email protected]
1411 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1412 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1413 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1413 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1413 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1414 silly cache add name="graceful-fs" spec="1.1.10" args=["graceful-fs","1.1.10"]
1415 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.1.10', path: '1.1.10', href: '1.1.10' }
1416 verbose addNamed [ 'graceful-fs', '1.1.10' ]
1417 verbose addNamed [ '1.1.10', '1.1.10' ]
1418 silly lockFile edbbd549-graceful-fs-1-1-10 [email protected]
1419 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/edbbd549-graceful-fs-1-1-10.lock
1420 verbose url raw minimatch/0.2.6
1421 verbose url resolving [ '', './minimatch/0.2.6' ]
1422 verbose url resolved
1423 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1424 verbose etag "CNJNE4BXHVUOOI7FBGODHFM67"
1425 http GET
1426 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.0.0 to [email protected]
1427 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1428 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1429 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1429 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1429 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1430 silly cache add name="inherits" spec="1.0.0" args=["inherits","1.0.0"]
1431 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.0.0', path: '1.0.0', href: '1.0.0' }
1432 verbose addNamed [ 'inherits', '1.0.0' ]
1433 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.0', '1.0.0' ]
1434 silly lockFile 776fbe77-inherits-1-0-0 [email protected]
1435 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/776fbe77-inherits-1-0-0.lock
1436 verbose url raw graceful-fs/1.1.10
1437 verbose url resolving [ '', './graceful-fs/1.1.10' ]
1438 verbose url resolved
1439 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1440 verbose etag "6DM5CESPCN34MJ87I9XDEEKDP"
1441 http GET
1442 verbose url raw inherits/1.0.0
1443 verbose url resolving [ '', './inherits/1.0.0' ]
1444 verbose url resolved
1445 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:24
1446 verbose etag "ACLCP149SI4ZU820PXU11LW8U"
1447 http GET
1448 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q/package.json
1449 silly lockFile 0b7b3f18-ourcemint-util-js-node-modules-q /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q
1450 info preinstall [email protected]
1451 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q/package.json
1452 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q',
1452 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1453 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1454 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q/package.json
1455 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q',
1455 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1456 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1457 silly resolved []
1458 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q
1459 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q
1460 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/q/package.json
1461 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1461 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1461 verbose linkStuff false,
1461 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules' ]
1462 info linkStuff [email protected]
1463 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1464 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1465 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1466 info install [email protected]
1467 info postinstall [email protected]
1468 http 304
1469 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1469 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1469 silly registry.get etag: '"BJLS1XNO8UY7OFRS1UBEVCJKK"',
1469 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1469 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1470 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-rsync/0.1.3 from cache
1471 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-rsync/0.1.3/package/package.json
1472 warn package.json [email protected] No file found!
1473 silly lockFile 9f95bd28-sourcemint-pm-rsync-0-1-3 [email protected]
1474 http 304
1475 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1475 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1475 silly registry.get etag: '"EHL5UP564HH5D9RX2HSFRMFEY"',
1475 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1475 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1476 verbose etag sourcemint-sdk-aws/0.1.6 from cache
1477 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-sdk-aws/0.1.6/package/package.json
1478 silly lockFile f9fad9c8-sourcemint-sdk-aws-0-1-6 [email protected]
1479 http 304
1480 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1480 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1480 silly registry.get etag: '"29FE60CKEDT2TNNOYY1J3LAIJ"',
1480 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1480 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1481 verbose etag semver/1.0.14 from cache
1482 http 304
1483 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1483 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1483 silly registry.get etag: '"8HOVS08Z37YH21HA23VTSOSPK"',
1483 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1483 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1484 verbose etag sourcemint-pm-ssh/0.1.2 from cache
1485 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/semver/1.0.14/package/package.json
1486 silly lockFile 01678457-semver-1-0-14 [email protected]
1487 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-ssh/0.1.2/package/package.json
1488 info already installed [email protected]
1489 silly resolved []
1490 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm
1491 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm
1492 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-npm/package.json
1493 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1493 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1493 verbose linkStuff false,
1493 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
1494 info linkStuff [email protected]
1495 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1496 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1497 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1498 info install [email protected]
1499 warn package.json [email protected] No file found!
1500 silly lockFile ac0ab56d-sourcemint-pm-ssh-0-1-2 [email protected]
1501 info postinstall [email protected]
1502 silly resolved [ { uid: '',
1502 silly resolved name: 'sourcemint-pm-rsync',
1502 silly resolved version: '0.1.3',
1502 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
1502 silly resolved dependencies: { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x' },
1502 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1502 silly resolved readme: 'ERROR: No file found!',
1502 silly resolved description: 'ERROR: No file found!',
1502 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1502 silly resolved { name: 'sourcemint-sdk-aws',
1502 silly resolved version: '0.1.6',
1502 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
1502 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.15' },
1502 silly resolved dependencies:
1502 silly resolved { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x',
1502 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-ssh': '0.1.x',
1502 silly resolved 'sourcemint-pm-sm': '0.1.x',
1502 silly resolved 'aws-lib': '0.0.6',
1502 silly resolved mappings: '0.1.x' },
1502 silly resolved readme: 'Sourcemint Amazon Web Services SDK\n==================================\n\n*Status: ALPHA*\n\n[Amazon Web Services]( support for the [Sourcemint]( Ecosystem.\n\n * Copyright: 2012 [Christoph Dorn](\n * Code License: [MIT License](\n * Docs License: [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0](\n * Sponsor: [Sourcemint](\n * Mailing list: [](\n\n\nLinks\n=====\n\n *\n',
1502 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1502 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1502 silly resolved description: 'Sourcemint Amazon Web Services SDK ==================================',
1502 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1502 silly resolved { uid: '',
1502 silly resolved name: 'sourcemint-pm-ssh',
1502 silly resolved version: '0.1.2',
1502 silly resolved pm: 'npm',
1502 silly resolved dependencies: { 'sourcemint-util-js': '0.1.x' },
1502 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1502 silly resolved readme: 'ERROR: No file found!',
1502 silly resolved description: 'ERROR: No file found!',
1502 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
1503 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
1504 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
1505 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
1506 info installOne [email protected]
1507 info installOne [email protected]
1508 info installOne [email protected]
1509 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-rsync/0.1.3/package/package.json
1510 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-sdk-aws/0.1.6/package/package.json
1511 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-ssh/0.1.2/package/package.json
1512 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync unbuild
1513 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync/package.json
1514 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws unbuild
1515 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/package.json
1516 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh unbuild
1517 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh/package.json
1518 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-rsync/0.1.3/package.tgz
1519 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-sdk-aws/0.1.6/package.tgz
1520 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sourcemint-pm-ssh/0.1.2/package.tgz
1521 silly lockFile b4eae6da-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-rsync /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync
1522 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync /Users/R2D2/.npm/b4eae6da-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-rsync.lock
1523 silly lockFile 4dce6bf1--node-modules-sourcemint-sdk-aws /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws
1524 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws /Users/R2D2/.npm/4dce6bf1--node-modules-sourcemint-sdk-aws.lock
1525 silly lockFile f71cac46-r-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-ssh /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh
1526 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh /Users/R2D2/.npm/f71cac46-r-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-ssh.lock
1527 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1528 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1529 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1530 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1531 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1532 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1533 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1534 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
1535 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1536 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1537 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1538 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
1539 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/01-Deploy-Static-HelloWorld/package.json
1540 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/01-Deploy-Static-HelloWorld/
1541 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/01-Deploy-Static-HelloWorld/program.json
1542 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pm.js
1543 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync/package.json
1544 silly lockFile b4eae6da-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-rsync /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync
1545 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh/package.json
1546 info preinstall [email protected]
1547 silly lockFile f71cac46-r-node-modules-sourcemint-pm-ssh /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh
1548 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync/package.json
1549 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync',
1549 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1550 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1551 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync/package.json
1552 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync',
1552 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1553 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1554 silly resolved []
1555 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync
1556 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync
1557 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-rsync/package.json
1558 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1558 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1558 verbose linkStuff false,
1558 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules' ]
1559 info linkStuff [email protected]
1560 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1561 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1562 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1563 info install [email protected]
1564 info preinstall [email protected]
1565 info postinstall [email protected]
1566 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh/package.json
1567 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh',
1567 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1568 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1569 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh/package.json
1570 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh',
1570 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1571 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1572 silly resolved []
1573 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh
1574 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh
1575 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-ssh/package.json
1576 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1576 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1576 verbose linkStuff false,
1576 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules' ]
1577 info linkStuff [email protected]
1578 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1579 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1580 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1581 info install [email protected]
1582 info postinstall [email protected]
1583 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/package.json
1584 http 304
1585 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1585 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1585 silly registry.get etag: '"EKMRR29SOYKX8QOZD1NTG0EI"',
1585 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1585 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1586 verbose etag tar/0.1.13 from cache
1587 silly lockFile 4dce6bf1--node-modules-sourcemint-sdk-aws /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws
1588 info preinstall [email protected]
1589 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/package.json
1590 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws',
1590 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'aws-lib': { version: '0.0.6', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
1591 verbose from wrap [ 'aws-lib',
1591 verbose from wrap { version: '0.0.6',
1591 verbose from wrap dependencies: { xml2js: [Object], sax: [Object] } } ]
1592 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'aws-lib': '0.0.6' }
1593 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/package.json
1594 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws',
1594 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'aws-lib': { version: '0.0.6', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
1595 verbose from wrap [ 'aws-lib',
1595 verbose from wrap { version: '0.0.6',
1595 verbose from wrap dependencies: { xml2js: [Object], sax: [Object] } } ]
1596 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'aws-lib': '0.0.6' }
1597 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/tar/0.1.13/package/package.json
1598 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.0.6 to [email protected]
1599 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1600 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1601 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1601 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1601 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1602 silly cache add name="aws-lib" spec="0.0.6" args=["aws-lib","0.0.6"]
1603 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.0.6', path: '0.0.6', href: '0.0.6' }
1604 verbose addNamed [ 'aws-lib', '0.0.6' ]
1605 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.6', '0.0.6' ]
1606 silly lockFile 166eff27-aws-lib-0-0-6 [email protected]
1607 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/166eff27-aws-lib-0-0-6.lock
1608 verbose url raw aws-lib/0.0.6
1609 verbose url resolving [ '', './aws-lib/0.0.6' ]
1610 verbose url resolved
1611 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:25
1612 verbose etag "1KK2AA2LUU6KJ9HNLZ61MO8H9"
1613 http GET
1614 silly lockFile 49e8117c-tar-0-1-13 [email protected]
1615 silly resolved [ { author:
1615 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
1615 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
1615 silly resolved url: '' },
1615 silly resolved name: 'tar',
1615 silly resolved description: 'tar for node',
1615 silly resolved version: '0.1.13',
1615 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
1615 silly resolved main: 'tar.js',
1615 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
1615 silly resolved engines: { node: '~0.5.9 || 0.6 || 0.7 || 0.8' },
1615 silly resolved dependencies: { inherits: '1.x', 'block-stream': '*', fstream: '~0.1.8' },
1615 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '0.x', rimraf: '1.x' },
1615 silly resolved readme: '# node-tar\n\nTar for Node.js.\n\n## Goals of this project\n\n1. Be able to parse and reasonably extract the contents of any tar file\n created by any program that creates tar files, period.\n\n At least, this includes every version of:\n\n * bsdtar\n * gnutar\n * solaris posix tar\n * Joerg Schilling\'s star ("Schilly tar")\n\n2. Create tar files that can be extracted by any of the following tar\n programs:\n\n * bsdtar/libarchive version 2.6.2\n * gnutar 1.15 and above\n * SunOS Posix tar\n * Joerg Schilling\'s star ("Schilly tar")\n\n3. 100% test coverage. Speed is important. Correctness is slightly\n more important.\n\n4. Create the kind of tar interface that Node users would want to use.\n\n5. Satisfy npm\'s needs for a portable tar implementation with a\n JavaScript interface.\n\n6. No excuses. No complaining. No tolerance for failure.\n\n## But isn\'t there already a tar.js?\n\nYes, there are a few. This one is going to be better, and it will be\nfanatically maintained, because npm will depend on it.\n\nThat\'s why I need to write it from scratch. Creating and extracting\ntarballs is such a large part of what npm does, I simply can\'t have it\nbe a black box any longer.\n\n## Didn\'t you have something already? Where\'d it go?\n\nIt\'s in the "old" folder. It\'s not functional. Don\'t use it.\n\nIt was a useful exploration to learn the issues involved, but like most\nsoftware of any reasonable complexity, node-tar won\'t be useful until\nit\'s been written at least 3 times.\n',
1615 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1615 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1615 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
1616 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar
1617 info installOne [email protected]
1618 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/tar/0.1.13/package/package.json
1619 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar unbuild
1620 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/package.json
1621 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/tar/0.1.13/package.tgz
1622 silly lockFile 08af2692-urcemint-pm-tar-node-modules-tar /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
1623 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar /Users/R2D2/.npm/08af2692-urcemint-pm-tar-node-modules-tar.lock
1624 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
1625 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
1626 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
1627 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
1628 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tar.js
1629 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
1630 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/extracter.js
1631 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/reader.js
1632 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/buffer-entry.js
1633 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/entry-writer.js
1634 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/entry.js
1635 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/extended-header-writer.js
1636 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/extended-header.js
1637 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/extract.js
1638 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/global-header-writer.js
1639 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/header.js
1640 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pack.js
1641 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/parse.js
1642 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/00-setup-fixtures.js
1643 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/extract.js
1644 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/header.js
1645 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/pack-no-proprietary.js
1646 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/pack.js
1647 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/parse.js
1648 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/zz-cleanup.js
1649 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures.tgz
1650 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/package.json
1651 silly lockFile 08af2692-urcemint-pm-tar-node-modules-tar /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
1652 info preinstall [email protected]
1653 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/package.json
1654 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar',
1654 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { inherits: { version: '1.0.0' },
1654 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'block-stream': { version: '0.0.6' },
1654 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap fstream: { version: '0.1.18', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
1655 verbose from wrap [ 'inherits', { version: '1.0.0' } ]
1656 verbose from wrap [ 'block-stream', { version: '0.0.6' } ]
1657 verbose from wrap [ 'fstream',
1657 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.18',
1657 verbose from wrap dependencies: { rimraf: [Object], mkdirp: [Object], 'graceful-fs': [Object] } } ]
1658 verbose readDependencies returned deps { inherits: '1.0.0', 'block-stream': '0.0.6', fstream: '0.1.18' }
1659 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/package.json
1660 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar',
1660 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { inherits: { version: '1.0.0' },
1660 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'block-stream': { version: '0.0.6' },
1660 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap fstream: { version: '0.1.18', dependencies: [Object] } } ]
1661 verbose from wrap [ 'inherits', { version: '1.0.0' } ]
1662 verbose from wrap [ 'block-stream', { version: '0.0.6' } ]
1663 verbose from wrap [ 'fstream',
1663 verbose from wrap { version: '0.1.18',
1663 verbose from wrap dependencies: { rimraf: [Object], mkdirp: [Object], 'graceful-fs': [Object] } } ]
1664 verbose readDependencies returned deps { inherits: '1.0.0', 'block-stream': '0.0.6', fstream: '0.1.18' }
1665 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.0.0 to [email protected]
1666 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1667 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1668 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1668 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1668 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1669 silly cache add name="inherits" spec="1.0.0" args=["inherits","1.0.0"]
1670 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.0.0', path: '1.0.0', href: '1.0.0' }
1671 verbose addNamed [ 'inherits', '1.0.0' ]
1672 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.0.6 to [email protected]
1673 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1674 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1675 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1675 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1675 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1676 silly cache add name="block-stream" spec="0.0.6" args=["block-stream","0.0.6"]
1677 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.0.6', path: '0.0.6', href: '0.0.6' }
1678 verbose addNamed [ 'block-stream', '0.0.6' ]
1679 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.6', '0.0.6' ]
1680 silly lockFile 3b2e67af-block-stream-0-0-6 [email protected]
1681 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/3b2e67af-block-stream-0-0-6.lock
1682 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.18 to [email protected]
1683 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1684 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1685 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1685 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1685 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1686 silly cache add name="fstream" spec="0.1.18" args=["fstream","0.1.18"]
1687 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.18', path: '0.1.18', href: '0.1.18' }
1688 verbose addNamed [ 'fstream', '0.1.18' ]
1689 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.18', '0.1.18' ]
1690 silly lockFile 8d709e04-fstream-0-1-18 [email protected]
1691 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/8d709e04-fstream-0-1-18.lock
1692 verbose url raw block-stream/0.0.6
1693 verbose url resolving [ '', './block-stream/0.0.6' ]
1694 verbose url resolved
1695 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:25
1696 verbose etag "6FL7JDPES3EW6TA2UBVMU29UC"
1697 http GET
1698 verbose url raw fstream/0.1.18
1699 verbose url resolving [ '', './fstream/0.1.18' ]
1700 verbose url resolved
1701 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:25
1702 verbose etag "5KYDHE3JKLZ5LSPU7OEINKNS0"
1703 http GET
1704 http 304
1705 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1705 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1705 silly registry.get etag: '"3KBHTDNTS0ZJ419YFGSA2MK4N"',
1705 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1705 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1706 verbose etag pkginfo/0.2.3 from cache
1707 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/pkginfo/0.2.3/package/package.json
1708 silly lockFile d1747791-pkginfo-0-2-3 [email protected]
1709 http 304
1710 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1710 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1710 silly registry.get etag: '"B24YJ1T6QEC66ZVFKM4SG4HOC"',
1710 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1710 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1711 verbose etag revalidator/0.1.2 from cache
1712 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/revalidator/0.1.2/package/package.json
1713 silly lockFile 469f3881-revalidator-0-1-2 [email protected]
1714 http 304
1715 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1715 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1715 silly registry.get etag: '"9RU3CYU0DHUEYA6BIAX8HQHSY"',
1715 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1715 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1716 verbose etag utile/0.1.3 from cache
1717 http 304
1718 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1718 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1718 silly registry.get etag: '"6UYDCND0RB9MPI55YJ9YCNV6"',
1718 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1718 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1719 verbose etag read/0.1.1 from cache
1720 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/utile/0.1.3/package/package.json
1721 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/read/0.1.1/package/package.json
1722 silly lockFile 032200e0-utile-0-1-3 [email protected]
1723 silly lockFile 042676d4-read-0-1-1 [email protected]
1724 http 304
1725 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
1725 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
1725 silly registry.get etag: '"BZQB0VIN5S533G4YKZQ3OVL4O"',
1725 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
1725 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
1726 verbose etag winston/0.6.2 from cache
1727 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/winston/0.6.2/package/package.json
1728 silly lockFile 6b025e09-winston-0-6-2 [email protected]
1729 silly resolved [ { name: 'pkginfo',
1729 silly resolved version: '0.2.3',
1729 silly resolved description: 'An easy way to expose properties on a module from a package.json',
1729 silly resolved author: { name: 'Charlie Robbins', email: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved repository:
1729 silly resolved { type: 'git',
1729 silly resolved url: '' },
1729 silly resolved keywords: [ 'info', 'tools', 'package.json' ],
1729 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.6.x' },
1729 silly resolved main: './lib/pkginfo',
1729 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'vows test/*-test.js --spec' },
1729 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.4.0' },
1729 silly resolved readme: '# node-pkginfo\n\nAn easy way to expose properties on a module from a package.json\n\n## Installation\n\n### Installing npm (node package manager)\n```\n curl | sh\n```\n\n### Installing pkginfo\n```\n [sudo] npm install pkginfo\n```\n\n## Motivation\nHow often when writing node.js modules have you written the following line(s) of code? \n\n* Hard code your version string into your code\n\n``` js\n exports.version = \'0.1.0\';\n```\n\n* Programmatically expose the version from the package.json\n\n``` js\n exports.version = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(\'/path/to/package.json\', \'utf8\')).version;\n```\n\nIn other words, how often have you wanted to expose basic information from your package.json onto your module programmatically? **WELL NOW YOU CAN!**\n\n## Usage\n\nUsing `pkginfo` is idiot-proof, just require and invoke it. \n\n``` js\n var pkginfo = require(\'pkginfo\')(module);\n \n console.dir(module.exports);\n```\n\nBy invoking the `pkginfo` module all of the properties in your `package.json` file will be automatically exposed on the callee module (i.e. the parent module of `pkginfo`). \n\nHere\'s a sample of the output:\n\n```\n { name: \'simple-app\',\n description: \'A test fixture for pkginfo\',\n version: \'0.1.0\',\n author: \'Charlie Robbins <[email protected]>\',\n keywords: [ \'test\', \'fixture\' ],\n main: \'./index.js\',\n scripts: { test: \'vows test/*-test.js --spec\' },\n engines: { node: \'>= 0.4.0\' } }\n```\n\n### Expose specific properties\nIf you don\'t want to expose **all** properties on from your `package.json` on your module then simple pass those properties to the `pkginfo` function:\n\n``` js\n var pkginfo = require(\'pkginfo\')(module, \'version\', \'author\');\n \n console.dir(module.exports);\n```\n\n```\n { version: \'0.1.0\',\n author: \'Charlie Robbins <[email protected]>\' }\n```\n\nIf you\'re looking for further usage see the [examples][0] included in this repository. \n\n## Run Tests\nTests are written in [vows][1] and give complete coverage of all APIs.\n\n```\n vows test/*-test.js --spec\n```\n\n[0]:\n[1]:\n\n#### Author: [Charlie Robbins](',
1729 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1729 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1729 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved { name: 'revalidator',
1729 silly resolved version: '0.1.2',
1729 silly resolved description: 'A cross-browser / node.js validator used by resourceful',
1729 silly resolved author: { name: 'Nodejitsu Inc.', email: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object], [Object] ],
1729 silly resolved repository:
1729 silly resolved { type: 'git',
1729 silly resolved url: '' },
1729 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.6.x' },
1729 silly resolved main: './lib/revalidator',
1729 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'vows test/*-test.js --spec' },
1729 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.4.0' },
1729 silly resolved readme: '# revalidator [![Build Status](](\n\nA cross-browser / node.js validator used by resourceful and flatiron.\n\n## Example\nThe core of `revalidator` is simple and succinct: `revalidator.validate(obj, schema)`: \n \n``` js\n var revalidator = require(\'revalidator\');\n \n console.dir(revalidator.validate(someObject, {\n properties: {\n url: {\n description: \'the url the object should be stored at\',\n type: \'string\',\n pattern: \'^/[^#%&*{}\\\\:<>?\\/+]+$\',\n required: true\n },\n challenge: {\n description: \'a means of protecting data (insufficient for production, used as example)\',\n type: \'string\',\n minLength: 5\n },\n body: {\n description: \'what to store at the url\',\n type: \'any\',\n default: null\n }\n }\n }));\n```\n\nThis will return with a value indicating if the `obj` conforms to the `schema`. If it does not, a descriptive object will be returned containing the errors encountered with validation.\n\n``` js\n {\n valid: true // or false\n errors: [/* Array of errors if valid is false */]\n }\n```\n\nIn the browser, the validation function is exposed on `window.validate` by simply including `revalidator.js`.\n\n## Installation\n\n### Installing npm (node package manager)\n``` bash\n $ curl | sh\n```\n\n### Installing revalidator\n``` bash \n $ [sudo] npm install revalidator\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n`revalidator` takes json-schema as input to validate objects.\n\n### revalidator.validate (obj, schema, options)\n\nThis will return with a value indicating if the `obj` conforms to the `schema`. If it does not, a descriptive object will be returned containing the errors encountered with validation.\n\n``` js\n{\n valid: true // or false\n errors: [/* Array of errors if valid is false */]\n}\n```\n\n#### Available Options\n\n* __validateFormats__: Enforce format constraints (_default true_)\n* __validateFormatsStrict__: When `validateFormats` is _true_ treat unrecognized formats as validation errors (_default false_)\n* __validateFormatExtensions__: When `validateFormats` is _true_ also validate formats defined in `validate.formatExtensions` (_default true_)\n\n### Schema\nFor a property an `value` is that which is given as input for validation where as an `expected value` is the value of the below fields\n\n#### required\nIf true, the value should not be empty\n\n```js\n{ required: true }\n```\n\n#### type\nThe `type of value` should be equal to the expected value\n\n```js\n{ type: \'string\' }\n{ type: \'number\' }\n{ type: \'integer\' }\n{ type: \'array\' }\n{ type: \'boolean\' }\n{ type: \'object\' }\n{ type: \'null\' }\n{ type: \'any\' }\n{ type: [\'boolean\', \'string\'] }\n```\n\n#### pattern\nThe expected value regex needs to be satisfied by the value\n\n```js\n{ pattern: /^[a-z]+$/ }\n```\n\n#### maxLength\nThe length of value must be greater than or equal to expected value\n\n```js\n{ maxLenght: 8 }\n```\n\n#### minLength\nThe length of value must be lesser than or equal to expected value\n\n```js\n{ minLenght: 8 }\n```\n\n#### minimum\nValue must be greater than or equal to the expected value\n\n```js\n{ minimum: 10 }\n```\n\n#### maximum\nValue must be lesser than or equal to the expected value\n\n```js\n{ maximum: 10 }\n```\n\n#### exclusiveMinimum\nValue must be greater than expected value\n\n```js\n{ exclusiveMinimum: 9 }\n```\n\n### exclusiveMaximum\nValue must be lesser than expected value\n\n```js\n{ exclusiveMaximum: 11 }\n```\n\n#### divisibleBy\nValue must be divisible by expected value\n\n```js\n{ divisibleBy: 5 }\n{ divisibleBy: 0.5 }\n```\n\n#### minItems\nValue must contain more then expected value number of items\n\n```js\n{ minItems: 2 }\n```\n\n#### maxItems\nValue must contains less then expected value number of items\n\n```js\n{ maxItems: 5 }\n```\n\n#### uniqueItems\nValue must hold a unique set of values\n\n```js\n{ uniqueItems: true }\n```\n\n#### enum\nValue must be present in the array of expected value\n\n```js\n{ enum: [\'month\', \'year\'] }\n```\n\n#### format\nValue must be a valid format\n\n```js\n{ format: \'url\' }\n{ format: \'email\' }\n{ format: \'ip-address\' }\n{ format: \'ipv6\' }\n{ format: \'date-time\' }\n{ format: \'date\' }\n{ format: \'time\' }\n{ format: \'color\' }\n{ format: \'host-name\' }\n{ format: \'utc-millisec\' }\n{ format: \'regex\' }\n```\n\n#### conform\nValue must conform to constraint denoted by expected value\n\n```js\n{ conform: function (v) {\n if (v%3==1) return true;\n return false;\n }\n}\n```\n\n#### dependencies\nValue is valid only if the dependent value is valid\n\n```js\n{\n town: { required: true, dependencies: \'country\' },\n country: { maxLength: 3, required: true }\n}\n```\n\n### Nested Schema\nWe also allow nested schema\n\n```js\n{\n properties: {\n title: {\n type: \'string\',\n maxLength: 140,\n required: true\n },\n author: {\n type: \'object\',\n required: true,\n properties: {\n name: {\n type: \'string\',\n required: true\n },\n email: {\n type: \'string\',\n format: \'email\'\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Custom Messages\nWe also allow custom message for different constraints\n\n```js\n{\n type: \'string\',\n format: \'url\'\n messages: {\n type: \'WOAH! Do you use a number for url in your village?\',\n format: \'DUDE! Its a goddamn url\'\n }\n```\n\n```js\n{\n conform: function () { ... },\n message: \'This can be used as a global message\'\n}\n```\n\n## Tests\nAll tests are written with [vows][0] and should be run with [npm][1]:\n\n``` bash\n $ npm test\n```\n\n#### Author: [Charlie Robbins](, [Alexis Sellier](\n#### Contributors: [Fedor Indutny](, [Bradley Meck](, [Laurie Harper](\n#### License: Apache 2.0\n\n[0]:\n[1]:\n',
1729 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1729 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1729 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved { name: 'utile',
1729 silly resolved description: 'A drop-in replacement for `util` with some additional advantageous functions',
1729 silly resolved version: '0.1.3',
1729 silly resolved author: { name: 'Nodejitsu Inc.', email: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
1729 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
1729 silly resolved dependencies:
1729 silly resolved { async: '0.1.x',
1729 silly resolved 'deep-equal': '*',
1729 silly resolved i: '0.3.x',
1729 silly resolved mkdirp: '0.x.x',
1729 silly resolved ncp: '0.2.x',
1729 silly resolved rimraf: '1.x.x' },
1729 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.6.x' },
1729 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'vows --spec' },
1729 silly resolved main: './lib/index',
1729 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.6.4' },
1729 silly resolved readme: '# utile [![Build Status](](\n\nA drop-in replacement for `util` with some additional advantageous functions\n\n## Motivation\nJavascript is definitely a "batteries not included language" when compared to languages like Ruby or Python. Node.js has a simple utility library which exposes some basic (but important) functionality:\n\n```\n$ node\n> var util = require(\'util\');\n> util.\n(...)\n\nutil.debug util.error util.exec util.inherits util.inspect\nutil.log util.p util.print util.pump util.puts\n```\n\nWhen one considers their own utility library, why ever bother requiring `util` again? That is the approach taken by this module. To compare:\n\n```\n$ node\n> var utile = require(\'./lib\')\n> utile.\n(...)\n\nutile.async utile.capitalize utile.clone utile.cpr utile.createPath utile.debug\nutile.each utile.error utile.exec utile.file utile.filter utile.find\nutile.inherits utile.log utile.mixin utile.mkdirp utile.p utile.path\nutile.print utile.pump utile.puts utile.randomString utile.requireDir uile.requireDirLazy\nutile.rimraf\n```\n\nAs you can see all of the original methods from `util` are there, but there are several new methods specific to `utile`. A note about implementation: _no node.js native modules are modified by utile, it simply copies those methods._\n\n## Methods\nThe `utile` modules exposes some simple utility methods:\n\n* `.each(obj, iterator)`: Iterate over the keys of an object.\n* `.mixin(target [source0, source1, ...])`: Copies enumerable properties from `source0 ... sourceN` onto `target` and returns the resulting object.\n* `.clone(obj)`: Shallow clones the specified object.\n* `.capitalize(str)`: Capitalizes the specified `str`.\n* `.randomString(length)`: randomString returns a pseudo-random ASCII string (subset) the return value is a string of length ⌈bits/6⌉ of characters from the base64 alphabet.\n* `.filter(obj, test)`: return an object with the properties that `test` returns true on.\n* `.args(arguments)`: Converts function arguments into actual array with special `callback`, `cb`, `array`, and `last` properties. Also supports *optional* argument contracts. See [the example]( for more details.\n* `.requireDir(directory)`: Requires all files and directories from `directory`, returning an object with keys being filenames (without trailing `.js`) and respective values being return values of `require(filename)`.\n* `.requireDirLazy(directoy)`: Lazily requires all files and directories from `directory`, returning an object with keys being filenames (without trailing `.js`) and respective values (getters) being return values of `require(filename)`.\n\n## Packaged Dependencies\nIn addition to the methods that are built-in, utile includes a number of commonly used dependencies to reduce the number of includes in your package.json. These modules _are not eagerly loaded to be respectful of startup time,_ but instead are lazy-loaded getters on the `utile` object\n\n* `.async`: [Async utilities for node and the browser][0]\n* `.inflect`: [Customizable inflections for node.js][6]\n* `.mkdirp`: [Recursively mkdir, like mkdir -p, but in node.js][1]\n* `.rimraf`: [A rm -rf util for nodejs][2]\n* `.cpr`: [Asynchronous recursive file copying with Node.js][3]\n\n## Installation\n\n### Installing npm (node package manager)\n```\n curl | sh\n```\n\n### Installing utile\n```\n [sudo] npm install utile\n```\n\n## Tests\nAll tests are written with [vows][4] and should be run with [npm][5]:\n\n``` bash\n $ npm test\n```\n\n#### Author: [Nodejitsu Inc.](\n#### Contributors: [Charlie Robbins](, [Dominic Tarr](\n#### License: MIT\n\n[0]:\n[1]:\n[2]:\n[3]:\n[4]:\n[5]:\n[6]:\n',
1729 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1729 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1729 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved { name: 'read',
1729 silly resolved version: '0.1.1',
1729 silly resolved main: 'lib/read.js',
1729 silly resolved dependencies: {},
1729 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '*' },
1729 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.6' },
1729 silly resolved author:
1729 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
1729 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
1729 silly resolved url: '' },
1729 silly resolved description: 'read(1) for node programs',
1729 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
1729 silly resolved license: 'BSD',
1729 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
1729 silly resolved readme: 'For reading user input from stdin.\n\n## USAGE\n\n```javascript\nvar read = require("read")\nread(options, callback)\n```\n\nThe callback gets called with either the user input, or the default\nspecified, or an error, in the traditional `callback(error, result)`\nnode style.\n\n## OPTIONS\n\nEvery option is optional.\n\n* `prompt` What to write to stdout before reading input.\n* `silent` Don\'t echo the output as the user types it.\n* `num` Max number of chars to read from terminal.\n* `timeout` Number of ms to wait for user input before giving up.\n* `default` The default value if the user enters nothing.\n* `stdin` Readable stream to get input data from. (default `process.stdin`)\n* `stdout` Writeable stream to write prompts to. (default: `process.stdout`)\n\nIf silent is true, or num is set, and the input is a TTY,\nthen read will set raw mode, and read character by character.\n\nAt this time, backspace and arrow keys are not supported very well.\nIt\'s probably not too hard to add support for this, perhaps using node\'s\nbuilt-in readline module.\n\n## CONTRIBUTING\n\nPatches welcome.\n\n## BUGS\n\nIn node 0.6.0 through 0.6.5, you must explicitly call\n`process.stdin.destroy()` or `process.exit()` when you know that your\nprogram is done reading, or else it will keep the event loop running\nforever.\n\nSee: <>\n',
1729 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1729 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1729 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved { name: 'winston',
1729 silly resolved description: 'A multi-transport async logging library for Node.js',
1729 silly resolved version: '0.6.2',
1729 silly resolved author: { name: 'Nodejitsu Inc.', email: '[email protected]' },
1729 silly resolved maintainers: [ [Object] ],
1729 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
1729 silly resolved keywords: [ 'logging', 'sysadmin', 'tools' ],
1729 silly resolved dependencies:
1729 silly resolved { async: '0.1.x',
1729 silly resolved colors: '0.x.x',
1729 silly resolved cycle: '1.0.x',
1729 silly resolved eyes: '0.1.x',
1729 silly resolved pkginfo: '0.2.x',
1729 silly resolved request: '2.9.x',
1729 silly resolved 'stack-trace': '0.0.x' },
1729 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.6.x' },
1729 silly resolved main: './lib/winston',
1729 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'vows --spec --isolate' },
1729 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.4.0' },
1729 silly resolved readme: '# winston [![Build Status](](\n\nA multi-transport async logging library for node.js. <span style="font-size:28px; font-weight:bold;">&quot;CHILL WINSTON! ... I put it in the logs.&quot;</span>\n\n## Motivation\nWinston is designed to be a simple and universal logging library with support for multiple transports. A transport is essentially a storage device for your logs. Each instance of a winston logger can have multiple transports configured at different levels. For example, one may want error logs to be stored in a persistent remote location (like a database), but all logs output to the console or a local file.\n\nThere also seemed to be a lot of logging libraries out there that coupled their implementation of logging (i.e. how the logs are stored / indexed) to the API that they exposed to the programmer. This library aims to decouple those parts of the process to make it more flexible and extensible.\n\n## Usage\nThere are two different ways to use winston: directly via the default logger, or by instantiating your own Logger. The former is merely intended to be a convenient shared logger to use throughout your application if you so choose.\n\n* [Logging](#logging)\n * [Using the Default Logger](#using-the-default-logger)\n * [Instantiating your own Logger](#instantiating-your-own-logger)\n * [Logging with Metadata](#logging-with-metadata)\n* [Transports](\n* [Profiling](#profiling)\n* [Streaming Logs](#streaming-logs)\n* [Querying Logs](#querying-logs) \n* [Exceptions](#exceptions)\n * [Handling Uncaught Exceptions with winston](#handling-uncaught-exceptions-with-winston)\n * [To Exit or Not to Exit](#to-exit-or-not-to-exit)\n* [Logging Levels](#logging-levels)\n * [Using Logging Levels](#using-logging-levels)\n * [Using Custom Logging Levels](#using-custom-logging-levels)\n* [Further Reading](#further-reading)\n * [Events and Callbacks in Winston](#events-and-callbacks-in-winston)\n * [Working with multiple Loggers in winston](#working-with-multiple-loggers-in-winston)\n * [Using winston in a CLI tool](#using-winston-in-a-cli-tool)\n * [Extending another object with Logging](#extending-another-object-with-logging)\n * [Adding Custom Transports](#adding-custom-transports)\n\n## Logging\n\n### Using the Default Logger\nThe default logger is accessible through the winston module directly. Any method that you could call on an instance of a logger is available on the default logger:\n\n``` js\n var winston = require(\'winston\');\n\n winston.log(\'info\', \'Hello distributed log files!\');\n\'Hello again distributed logs\');\n```\n\nBy default, only the Console transport is set on the default logger. You can add or remove transports via the add() and remove() methods:\n\n``` js\n winston.add(winston.transports.File, { filename: \'somefile.log\' });\n winston.remove(winston.transports.Console);\n```\n\nFor more documenation about working with each individual transport supported by Winston see the "Working with Transports" section below.\n\n### Instantiating your own Logger\nIf you would prefer to manage the object lifetime of loggers you are free to instantiate them yourself:\n\n``` js\n var logger = new (winston.Logger)({\n transports: [\n new (winston.transports.Console)(),\n new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: \'somefile.log\' })\n ]\n });\n```\n\nYou can work with this logger in the same way that you work with the default logger:\n\n``` js\n //\n // Logging\n //\n logger.log(\'info\', \'Hello distributed log files!\');\n\'Hello again distributed logs\');\n\n //\n // Adding / Removing Transports\n // (Yes It\'s chainable)\n //\n logger.add(winston.transports.File)\n .remove(winston.transports.Console);\n```\n\n### Logging with Metadata\nIn addition to logging string messages, winston will also optionally log additional JSON metadata objects. Adding metadata is simple:\n\n``` js\n winston.log(\'info\', \'Test Log Message\', { anything: \'This is metadata\' });\n```\n\nThe way these objects is stored varies from transport to transport (to best support the storage mechanisms offered). Here\'s a quick summary of how each transports handles metadata:\n\n1. __Console:__ Logged via util.inspect(meta)\n2. __File:__ Logged via util.inspect(meta)\n\n## Profiling\nIn addition to logging messages and metadata, winston also has a simple profiling mechanism implemented for any logger:\n\n``` js\n //\n // Start profile of \'test\'\n // Remark: Consider using with async operations\n //\n winston.profile(\'test\');\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n //\n // Stop profile of \'test\'. Logging will now take place:\n // "17 Jan 21:00:00 - info: test duration=1000ms"\n //\n winston.profile(\'test\');\n }, 1000);\n```\n\nAll profile messages are set to the \'info\' by default and both message and metadata are optional There are no plans in the Roadmap to make this configurable, but I\'m open to suggestions / issues.\n\n\n## Querying Logs\nWinston supports querying of logs with Loggly-like options.\nSpecifically: `File`, `Couchdb`, `Redis`, `Loggly`, `Nssocket`, and `Http`.\n\n``` js\n var options = {\n from: new Date - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,\n until: new Date\n };\n\n //\n // Find items logged between today and yesterday.\n //\n winston.query(options, function (err, results) {\n if (err) {\n throw err;\n }\n \n console.log(results);\n });\n```\n\n## Streaming Logs\nStreaming allows you to stream your logs back from your chosen transport.\n\n``` js\n //\n // Start at the end.\n //\n{ start: -1 }).on(\'log\', function(log) {\n console.log(log);\n });\n```\n\n## Exceptions\n\n### Handling Uncaught Exceptions with winston\n\nWith `winston`, it is possible to catch and log `uncaughtException` events from your process. There are two distinct ways of enabling this functionality either through the default winston logger or your own logger instance.\n\nIf you want to use this feature with the default logger simply call `.handleExceptions()` with a transport instance.\n\n``` js\n //\n // You can add a separate exception logger by passing it to `.handleExceptions`\n //\n winston.handleExceptions(new winston.transports.File({ filename: \'path/to/exceptions.log\' }))\n\n //\n // Alternatively you can set `.handleExceptions` to true when adding transports to winston\n //\n winston.add(winston.transports.File, {\n filename: \'path/to/all-logs.log\',\n handleExceptions: true\n });\n```\n\n### To Exit or Not to Exit\n\nby default, winston will exit after logging an uncaughtException. if this is not the behavior you want,\nset `exitOnError = false`\n\n``` js\n var logger = new (winston.Logger)({ exitOnError: false });\n\n //\n // or, like this:\n //\n logger.exitOnError = false;\n```\n\nWhen working with custom logger instances, you can pass in separate transports to the `exceptionHandlers` property or set `.handleExceptions` on any transport.\n\nExample 1\n\n``` js\n var logger = new (winston.Logger)({\n transports: [\n new winston.transports.File({ filename: \'path/to/all-logs.log\' })\n ]\n exceptionHandlers: [\n new winston.transports.File({ filename: \'path/to/exceptions.log\' })\n ]\n });\n```\n\nExample 2\n\n```\nvar logger = new winston.Logger({\n transports: [\n new winston.transports.Console({\n handleExceptions: true,\n json: true\n })\n ],\n exitOnError: false\n});\n```\n\nThe `exitOnError` option can also be a function to prevent exit on only certain types of errors:\n\n``` js\n function ignoreEpipe(err) {\n return err.code !== \'EPIPE\';\n }\n\n var logger = new (winston.Logger)({ exitOnError: ignoreEpipe });\n\n //\n // or, like this:\n //\n logger.exitOnError = ignoreEpipe;\n```\n\n## Logging Levels\n\n### Using Logging Levels\nSetting the level for your logging message can be accomplished in one of two ways. You can pass a string representing the logging level to the log() method or use the level specified methods defined on every winston Logger.\n\n``` js\n //\n // Any logger instance\n //\n logger.log(\'info\', " - there\'s no place like home");\n logger.log(\'warn\', " - there\'s no place like home");\n logger.log(\'error\', " - there\'s no place like home");\n" - there\'s no place like home");\n logger.warn(" - there\'s no place like home");\n logger.error(" - there\'s no place like home");\n\n //\n // Default logger\n //\n winston.log(\'info\', " - there\'s no place like home");\n" - there\'s no place like home");\n```\n\nWinston allows you to set a `level` on each transport that specifies the level of messages this transport should log. For example, you could log only errors to the console, with the full logs in a file:\n\n``` js\n var logger = new (winston.Logger)({\n transports: [\n new (winston.transports.Console)({ level: \'error\' }),\n new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: \'somefile.log\' })\n ]\n });\n```\n\nAs of 0.2.0, winston supports customizable logging levels, defaulting to [npm][0] style logging levels. Changing logging levels is easy:\n\n``` js\n //\n // Change levels on the default winston logger\n //\n winston.setLevels(winston.config.syslog.levels);\n\n //\n // Change levels on an instance of a logger\n //\n logger.setLevels(winston.config.syslog.levels);\n```\n\nCalling `.setLevels` on a logger will remove all of the previous helper methods for the old levels and define helper methods for the new levels. Thus, you should be careful about the logging statements you use when changing levels. For example, if you ran this code after changing to the syslog levels:\n\n``` js\n //\n // Logger does not have \'silly\' defined since that level is not in the syslog levels\n //\n logger.silly(\'some silly message\');\n```\n\n### Using Custom Logging Levels\nIn addition to the predefined `npm` and `syslog` levels available in Winston, you can also choose to define your own:\n\n``` js\n var myCustomLevels = {\n levels: {\n foo: 0,\n bar: 1,\n baz: 2,\n foobar: 3\n },\n colors: {\n foo: \'blue\',\n bar: \'green\',\n baz: \'yellow\',\n foobar: \'red\'\n }\n };\n\n var customLevelLogger = new (winston.Logger)({ levels: myCustomLevels.levels });\n customLevelLogger.foobar(\'some foobar level-ed message\');\n```\n\nAlthough there is slight repetition in this data structure, it enables simple encapsulation if you not to have colors. If you do wish to have colors, in addition to passing the levels to the Logger itself, you must make winston aware of them:\n\n``` js\n //\n // Make winston aware of these colors\n //\n winston.addColors(myCustomLevels.colors);\n```\n\nThis enables transports with the \'colorize\' option set to appropriately color the output of custom levels.\n\n## Further Reading\n\n### Events and Callbacks in Winston\nEach instance of winston.Logger is also an instance of an [EventEmitter][1]. A log event will be raised each time a transport successfully logs a message:\n\n``` js\n logger.on(\'logging\', function (transport, level, msg, meta) {\n // [msg] and [meta] have now been logged at [level] to [transport]\n });\n\n\'CHILL WINSTON!\', { seriously: true });\n```\n\nIt is also worth mentioning that the logger also emits an \'error\' event which you should handle or suppress if you don\'t want unhandled exceptions:\n\n``` js\n //\n // Handle errors\n //\n logger.on(\'error\', function (err) { /* Do Something */ });\n\n //\n // Or just suppress them.\n //\n logger.emitErrs = false;\n```\n\nEvery logging method described in the previous section also takes an optional callback which will be called only when all of the transports have logged the specified message.\n\n``` js\n\'CHILL WINSTON!\', { seriously: true }, function (err, level, msg, meta) {\n // [msg] and [meta] have now been logged at [level] to **every** transport.\n });\n```\n\n### Working with multiple Loggers in winston\n\nOften in larger, more complex applications it is necessary to have multiple logger instances with different settings. Each logger is responsible for a different feature area (or category). This is exposed in `winston` in two ways: through `winston.loggers` and instances of `winston.Container`. In fact, `winston.loggers` is just a predefined instance of `winston.Container`:\n\n``` js\n var winston = require(\'winston\');\n\n //\n // Configure the logger for `category1`\n //\n winston.loggers.add(\'category1\', {\n console: {\n level: \'silly\',\n colorize: \'true\'\n },\n file: {\n filename: \'/path/to/some/file\'\n }\n });\n\n //\n // Configure the logger for `category2`\n //\n winston.loggers.add(\'category2\', {\n couchdb: {\n host: \'\',\n port: 5984\n }\n });\n```\n\nNow that your loggers are setup you can require winston _in any file in your application_ and access these pre-configured loggers:\n\n``` js\n var winston = require(\'winston\');\n\n //\n // Grab your preconfigured logger\n //\n var category1 = winston.loggers.get(\'category1\');\n\n\'logging from your IoC container-based logger\');\n```\n\nIf you prefer to manage the `Container` yourself you can simply instantiate one:\n\n``` js\n var winston = require(\'winston\'),\n container = new winston.Container();\n\n container.add(\'category1\', {\n console: {\n level: \'silly\',\n colorize: \'true\'\n },\n file: {\n filename: \'/path/to/some/file\'\n }\n });\n```\n\n### Sharing transports between Loggers in winston\n\n``` js\n var winston = require(\'winston\');\n\n //\n // Setup transports to be shared across all loggers\n // in three ways:\n //\n // 1. By setting it on the default Container\n // 2. By passing `transports` into the constructor function of winston.Container\n // 3. By passing `transports` into the `.get()` or `.add()` methods\n //\n\n //\n // 1. By setting it on the default Container\n //\n winston.loggers.options.transports = [\n // Setup your shared transports here\n ];\n\n //\n // 2. By passing `transports` into the constructor function of winston.Container\n //\n var container = new winston.Container({\n transports: [\n // Setup your shared transports here\n ]\n });\n\n //\n // 3. By passing `transports` into the `.get()` or `.add()` methods\n //\n winston.loggers.add(\'some-category\', {\n transports: [\n // Setup your shared transports here\n ]\n });\n\n container.add(\'some-category\', {\n transports: [\n // Setup your shared transports here\n ]\n });\n```\n\n### Using winston in a CLI tool\nA common use-case for logging is output to a CLI tool. Winston has a special helper method which will pretty print output from your CLI tool. Here\'s an example from the [require-analyzer][2] written by [Nodejitsu][3]:\n\n```\n info: require-analyzer starting in /Users/Charlie/Nodejitsu/require-analyzer\n info: Found existing dependencies\n data: {\n data: colors: \'0.x.x\',\n data: eyes: \'0.1.x\',\n data: findit: \'0.0.x\',\n data: npm: \'1.0.x\',\n data: optimist: \'0.2.x\',\n data: semver: \'1.0.x\',\n data: winston: \'0.2.x\'\n data: }\n info: Analyzing dependencies...\n info: Done analyzing raw dependencies\n info: Retrieved packages from npm\n warn: No additional dependencies found\n```\n\nConfiguring output for this style is easy, just use the `.cli()` method on `winston` or an instance of `winston.Logger`:\n\n``` js\n var winston = require(\'winston\');\n\n //\n // Configure CLI output on the default logger\n //\n winston.cli();\n\n //\n // Configure CLI on an instance of winston.Logger\n //\n var logger = new winston.Logger({\n transports: [\n new (winston.transports.Console)()\n ]\n });\n\n logger.cli();\n```\n\n### Extending another object with Logging\nOften in a given code base with lots of Loggers it is useful to add logging methods a different object so that these methods can be called with less syntax. Winston exposes this functionality via the \'extend\' method:\n\n``` js\n var myObject = {};\n\n logger.extend(myObject);\n\n //\n // You can now call logger methods on \'myObject\'\n //\n\' - there\'s no place like home\');\n```\n\n## Working with Transports\nRight now there are four transports supported by winston core. If you have a transport you would like to add either open an issue or fork and submit a pull request. Commits are welcome, but I\'ll give you extra street cred if you __add tests too :D__\n \n1. __Console:__ Output to the terminal\n2. __Files:__ Append to a file\n3. __Loggly:__ Log to Logging-as-a-Service platform Loggly\n\n### Console Transport\n``` js\n winston.add(winston.transports.Console, options)\n```\n\nThe Console transport takes two simple options:\n\n* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log (default \'info\').\n* __silent:__ Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output (default false).\n* __colorize:__ Boolean flag indicating if we should colorize output (default false).\n* __timestamp:__ Boolean flag indicating if we should prepend output with timestamps (default false). If function is specified, its return value will be used instead of timestamps.\n\n*Metadata:* Logged via util.inspect(meta);\n\n### File Transport\n``` js\n winston.add(winston.transports.File, options)\n```\n\nThe File transport should really be the \'Stream\' transport since it will accept any [WritableStream][14]. It is named such because it will also accept filenames via the \'filename\' option:\n\n* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log.\n* __silent:__ Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output.\n* __colorize:__ Boolean flag indicating if we should colorize output.\n* __timestamp:__ Boolean flag indicating if we should prepend output with timestamps (default true). If function is specified, its return value will be used instead of timestamps.\n* __filename:__ The filename of the logfile to write output to.\n* __maxsize:__ Max size in bytes of the logfile, if the size is exceeded then a new file is created.\n* __maxFiles:__ Limit the number of files created when the size of the logfile is exceeded.\n* __stream:__ The WriteableStream to write output to.\n* __json:__ If true, messages will be logged as JSON (default true).\n\n*Metadata:* Logged via util.inspect(meta);\n\n### Loggly Transport\n``` js\n var Loggly = require(\'winston-loggly\').Loggly\n winston.add(Loggly, options);\n```\n\nThe Loggly transport is based on [Nodejitsu\'s][5] [node-loggly][6] implementation of the [Loggly][7] API. If you haven\'t heard of Loggly before, you should probably read their [value proposition][8]. The Loggly transport takes the following options. Either \'inputToken\' or \'inputName\' is required:\n\n* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log. \n* __subdomain:__ The subdomain of your Loggly account. *[required]*\n* __auth__: The authentication information for your Loggly account. *[required with inputName]*\n* __inputName:__ The name of the input this instance should log to.\n* __inputToken:__ The input token of the input this instance should log to.\n* __json:__ If true, messages will be sent to Loggly as JSON.\n\n*Metadata:* Logged in suggested [Loggly format][2]\n\n### Riak Transport\nAs of `0.3.0` the Riak transport has been broken out into a new module: [winston-riak][17]. Using it is just as easy:\n\n``` js\n var Riak = require(\'winston-riak\').Riak;\n winston.add(Riak, options);\n```\n\nIn addition to the options accepted by the [riak-js][3] [client][4], the Riak transport also accepts the following options. It is worth noting that the riak-js debug option is set to *false* by default:\n\n* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log.\n* __bucket:__ The name of the Riak bucket you wish your logs to be in or a function to generate bucket names dynamically.\n\n``` js\n // Use a single bucket for all your logs\n var singleBucketTransport = new (Riak)({ bucket: \'some-logs-go-here\' });\n \n // Generate a dynamic bucket based on the date and level\n var dynamicBucketTransport = new (Riak)({\n bucket: function (level, msg, meta, now) {\n var d = new Date(now);\n return level + [d.getDate(), d.getMonth(), d.getFullYear()].join(\'-\');\n }\n });\n```\n\n*Metadata:* Logged as JSON literal in Riak\n\n### MongoDB Transport\nAs of `0.3.0` the MongoDB transport has been broken out into a new module: [winston-mongodb][16]. Using it is just as easy:\n\n``` js\n var MongoDB = require(\'winston-mongodb\').MongoDB;\n winston.add(MongoDB, options);\n```\n\nThe MongoDB transport takes the following options. \'db\' is required:\n\n* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log. \n* __silent:__ Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output.\n* __db:__ The name of the database you want to log to. *[required]*\n* __collection__: The name of the collection you want to store log messages in, defaults to \'log\'.\n* __safe:__ Boolean indicating if you want eventual consistency on your log messages, if set to true it requires an extra round trip to the server to ensure the write was committed, defaults to true.\n* __host:__ The host running MongoDB, defaults to localhost.\n* __port:__ The port on the host that MongoDB is running on, defaults to MongoDB\'s default port.\n\n*Metadata:* Logged as a native JSON object.\n\n### SimpleDB Transport\n\nThe [winston-simpledb][18] transport is just as easy:\n\n``` js\n var SimpleDB = require(\'winston-simpledb\').SimpleDB;\n winston.add(SimpleDB, options);\n```\n\nThe SimpleDB transport takes the following options. All items marked with an asterisk are required:\n\n* __awsAccessKey__:* your AWS Access Key\n* __secretAccessKey__:* your AWS Secret Access Key\n* __awsAccountId__:* your AWS Account Id\n* __domainName__:* a string or function that returns the domain name to log to\n* __region__:* the region your domain resides in\n* __itemName__: a string (\'uuid\', \'epoch\', \'timestamp\') or function that returns the item name to log\n\n*Metadata:* Logged as a native JSON object to the \'meta\' attribute of the item.\n\n### Mail Transport\n\nThe [winston-mail][19] is an email transport:\n\n``` js\n var Mail = require(\'winston-mail\').Mail;\n winston.add(Mail, options);\n```\n\nThe Mail transport uses [emailjs]( behind the scenes. Options are the following:\n\n* __to:__ The address(es) you want to send to. *[required]*\n* __from:__ The address you want to send from. (default: `winston@[server-host-name]`)\n* __host:__ SMTP server hostname (default: localhost)\n* __port:__ SMTP port (default: 587 or 25)\n* __username__ User for server auth\n* __password__ Password for server auth\n* __ssl:__ Use SSL (boolean or object { key, ca, cert })\n* __tls:__ Boolean (if true, use starttls)\n* __level:__ Level of messages that this transport should log. \n* __silent:__ Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output.\n\n*Metadata:* Stringified as JSON in email.\n\n### Amazon SNS (Simple Notification System) Transport\n\nThe [winston-sns][21] transport uses amazon SNS to send emails, texts, or a bunch of other notifications.\n\n``` js\n require(\'winston-sns\').SNS;\n winston.add(winston.transports.SNS, options);\n```\n\nOptions:\n\n* __aws_key:__ Your Amazon Web Services Key. *[required]*\n* __aws_secret:__ Your Amazon Web Services Secret. *[required]*\n* __subscriber:__ Subscriber number - found in your SNS AWS Console, after clicking on a topic. Same as AWS Account ID. *[required]*\n* __topic_arn:__ Also found in SNS AWS Console - listed under a topic as Topic ARN. *[required]*\n* __region:__ AWS Region to use. Can be one of: `us-east-1`,`us-west-1`,`eu-west-1`,`ap-southeast-1`,`ap-northeast-1`,`us-gov-west-1`,`sa-east-1`. (default: `us-east-1`)\n* __subject:__ Subject for notifications. (default: "Winston Error Report")\n* __message:__ Message of notifications. Uses placeholders for level (%l), error message (%e), and metadata (%m). (default: "Level \'%l\' Error:\\n%e\\n\\nMetadata:\\n%m")\n* __level:__ lowest level this transport will log. (default: `info`)\n\n### Graylog2 Transport\n\n[winston-graylog2][22] is a Graylog2 transport:\n\n``` js\n var Graylog2 = require(\'winston-graylog2\').Graylog2;\n winston.add(Graylog2, options);\n```\n\nThe Graylog2 transport connects to a Graylog2 server over UDP using the following options:\n\n* __level:__ Level of messages this transport should log. (default: info)\n* __silent:__ Boolean flag indicating whether to suppress output. (default: false)\n\n* __graylogHost:__ IP address or hostname of the graylog2 server. (default: localhost)\n* __graylogPort:__ Port to send messages to on the graylog2 server. (default: 12201)\n* __graylogHostname:__ The hostname associated with graylog2 messages. (default: require(\'os\').hostname())\n* __graylogFacility:__ The graylog2 facility to send log messages.. (default: nodejs)\n\n*Metadata:* Stringified as JSON in the full message GELF field.\n\n### Adding Custom Transports\nAdding a custom transport (say for one of the datastore on the Roadmap) is actually pretty easy. All you need to do is accept a couple of options, set a name, implement a log() method, and add it to the set of transports exposed by winston.\n\n``` js\n var util = require(\'util\'),\n winston = require(\'winston\');\n\n var CustomLogger = winston.transports.CustomerLogger = function (options) {\n //\n // Name this logger\n //\n = \'customLogger\';\n\n //\n // Set the level from your options\n //\n this.level = options.level || \'info\';\n\n //\n // Configure your storage backing as you see fit\n //\n };\n\n //\n // Inherit from `winston.Transport` so you can take advantage\n // of the base functionality and `.handleExceptions()`.\n //\n util.inherits(CustomLogger, winston.Transport);\n\n CustomLogger.prototype.log = function (level, msg, meta, callback) {\n //\n // Store this message and metadata, maybe use some custom logic\n // then callback indicating success.\n //\n callback(null, true);\n };\n```\n\n### Inspirations\n1. [npm][0]\n2. [log.js][4]\n3. [][5]\n4. [node-rlog][6]\n5. [BigBrother][7]\n6. [Loggly][8]\n\n## Installation\n\n### Installing npm (node package manager)\n```\n curl | sh\n```\n\n### Installing winston\n```\n [sudo] npm install winston\n```\n\n## Run Tests\nAll of the winston tests are written in [vows][9], and designed to be run with npm. \n\n``` bash\n $ npm test\n```\n\n#### Author: [Charlie Robbins](\n#### Contributors: [Matthew Bergman](, [Marak Squires](\n\n[0]:\n[1]:\n[2]:\n[3]:\n[4]:\n[5]:\n[6]:\n[7]:\n[8]:\n[9]:\n',
1729 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
1729 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
1729 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
1730 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt
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1737 info installOne [email protected]
1738 info installOne [email protected]
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1740 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/pkginfo/0.2.3/package/package.json
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1754 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/package.json
1755 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/pkginfo/0.2.3/package.tgz
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1764 silly lockFile 2645f0c5-odules-prompt-node-modules-utile /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
1765 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile /Users/R2D2/.npm/2645f0c5-odules-prompt-node-modules-utile.lock
1766 silly lockFile 84183fb4-modules-prompt-node-modules-read /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read
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1815 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/exception.js
1816 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/index.js
1817 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/raw-mode.js
1818 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/file-test.js
1819 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/webhook-post.js
1820 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/function-args-test.js
1821 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston.js
1822 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/random-string-test.js
1823 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/common.js
1824 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/require-directory-test.js
1825 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/config.js
1826 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/utile-test.js
1827 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/single-property.js
1828 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/pkginfo.js
1829 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/container.js
1830 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/exception.js
1831 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/pkginfo-test.js
1832 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/logger.js
1833 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/transports.js
1834 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/config/cli-config.js
1835 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/config/npm-config.js
1836 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/config/syslog-config.js
1837 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/read-json-file/config.json
1838 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/require-directory/helloWorld.js
1839 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/transports/console.js
1840 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/transports/file.js
1841 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/require-directory/directory/index.js
1842 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/transports/http.js
1843 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/transports/transport.js
1844 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/winston/transports/webhook.js
1845 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cli-test.js
1846 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/custom-timestamp-test.js
1847 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/exception-test.js
1848 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/logger-test.js
1849 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/helpers/macros.js
1850 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/container-test.js
1851 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/log-exception-test.js
1852 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/log-rewriter-test.js
1853 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/winston-test.js
1854 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/helpers.js
1855 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/.gitkeep
1856 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem
1857 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem
1858 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/logs/.gitkeep
1859 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/scripts/default-exceptions.js
1860 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/scripts/exit-on-error.js
1861 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/scripts/log-exceptions.js
1862 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/scripts/unhandle-exceptions.js
1863 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/transports/console-test.js
1864 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/transports/file-maxfiles-test.js
1865 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/transports/file-maxsize-test.js
1866 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/transports/file-test.js
1867 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/transports/transport.js
1868 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/transports/webhook-test.js
1869 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read/package.json
1870 silly lockFile 84183fb4-modules-prompt-node-modules-read /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read
1871 info preinstall [email protected]
1872 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read/package.json
1873 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator/package.json
1874 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo/package.json
1875 silly lockFile 92dd2ce7--prompt-node-modules-revalidator /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator
1876 silly lockFile 0fdbd53f-ules-prompt-node-modules-pkginfo /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo
1877 info preinstall [email protected]
1878 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator/package.json
1879 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read',
1879 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1880 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1881 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read/package.json
1882 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator',
1882 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1883 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1884 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator/package.json
1885 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read',
1885 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1886 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1887 silly resolved []
1888 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read
1889 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read
1890 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/read/package.json
1891 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator',
1891 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1892 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1893 silly resolved []
1894 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator
1895 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator
1896 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/revalidator/package.json
1897 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1897 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1897 verbose linkStuff false,
1897 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules' ]
1898 info linkStuff [email protected]
1899 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1900 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1901 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1902 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1902 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1902 verbose linkStuff false,
1902 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules' ]
1903 info linkStuff [email protected]
1904 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1905 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1906 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1907 info preinstall [email protected]
1908 info install [email protected]
1909 info install [email protected]
1910 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo/package.json
1911 info postinstall [email protected]
1912 info postinstall [email protected]
1913 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo',
1913 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1914 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1915 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo/package.json
1916 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo',
1916 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
1917 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
1918 silly resolved []
1919 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo
1920 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo
1921 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/pkginfo/package.json
1922 verbose linkStuff [ true,
1922 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
1922 verbose linkStuff false,
1922 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules' ]
1923 info linkStuff [email protected]
1924 verbose linkBins [email protected]
1925 verbose linkMans [email protected]
1926 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
1927 info install [email protected]
1928 info postinstall [email protected]
1929 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/package.json
1930 silly lockFile 2645f0c5-odules-prompt-node-modules-utile /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
1931 info preinstall [email protected]
1932 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/package.json
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile',
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { async: { version: '0.1.22' },
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'deep-equal': { version: '0.0.0' },
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap i: { version: '0.3.0' },
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap mkdirp: { version: '0.3.3' },
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap ncp: { version: '0.2.6' },
1933 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap rimraf: { version: '1.0.9' } } ]
1934 verbose from wrap [ 'async', { version: '0.1.22' } ]
1935 verbose from wrap [ 'deep-equal', { version: '0.0.0' } ]
1936 verbose from wrap [ 'i', { version: '0.3.0' } ]
1937 verbose from wrap [ 'mkdirp', { version: '0.3.3' } ]
1938 verbose from wrap [ 'ncp', { version: '0.2.6' } ]
1939 verbose from wrap [ 'rimraf', { version: '1.0.9' } ]
1940 verbose readDependencies returned deps { async: '0.1.22',
1940 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'deep-equal': '0.0.0',
1940 verbose readDependencies returned deps i: '0.3.0',
1940 verbose readDependencies returned deps mkdirp: '0.3.3',
1940 verbose readDependencies returned deps ncp: '0.2.6',
1940 verbose readDependencies returned deps rimraf: '1.0.9' }
1941 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/package.json
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile',
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { async: { version: '0.1.22' },
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'deep-equal': { version: '0.0.0' },
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap i: { version: '0.3.0' },
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap mkdirp: { version: '0.3.3' },
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap ncp: { version: '0.2.6' },
1942 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap rimraf: { version: '1.0.9' } } ]
1943 verbose from wrap [ 'async', { version: '0.1.22' } ]
1944 verbose from wrap [ 'deep-equal', { version: '0.0.0' } ]
1945 verbose from wrap [ 'i', { version: '0.3.0' } ]
1946 verbose from wrap [ 'mkdirp', { version: '0.3.3' } ]
1947 verbose from wrap [ 'ncp', { version: '0.2.6' } ]
1948 verbose from wrap [ 'rimraf', { version: '1.0.9' } ]
1949 verbose readDependencies returned deps { async: '0.1.22',
1949 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'deep-equal': '0.0.0',
1949 verbose readDependencies returned deps i: '0.3.0',
1949 verbose readDependencies returned deps mkdirp: '0.3.3',
1949 verbose readDependencies returned deps ncp: '0.2.6',
1949 verbose readDependencies returned deps rimraf: '1.0.9' }
1950 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.22 to [email protected]
1951 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1952 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1953 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1953 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1953 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1954 silly cache add name="async" spec="0.1.22" args=["async","0.1.22"]
1955 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.22', path: '0.1.22', href: '0.1.22' }
1956 verbose addNamed [ 'async', '0.1.22' ]
1957 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.22', '0.1.22' ]
1958 silly lockFile 09d21715-async-0-1-22 [email protected]
1959 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/09d21715-async-0-1-22.lock
1960 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.0.0 to [email protected]
1961 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1962 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1963 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1963 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1963 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1964 silly cache add name="deep-equal" spec="0.0.0" args=["deep-equal","0.0.0"]
1965 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.0.0', path: '0.0.0', href: '0.0.0' }
1966 verbose addNamed [ 'deep-equal', '0.0.0' ]
1967 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.0', '0.0.0' ]
1968 silly lockFile 52f78ead-deep-equal-0-0-0 [email protected]
1969 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/52f78ead-deep-equal-0-0-0.lock
1970 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.3.0 to [email protected]
1971 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1972 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1973 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]', path: '[email protected]', href: '[email protected]' }
1974 silly cache add name="i" spec="0.3.0" args=["i","0.3.0"]
1975 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.3.0', path: '0.3.0', href: '0.3.0' }
1976 verbose addNamed [ 'i', '0.3.0' ]
1977 verbose addNamed [ '0.3.0', '0.3.0' ]
1978 silly lockFile 53aab8b9-i-0-3-0 [email protected]
1979 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/53aab8b9-i-0-3-0.lock
1980 verbose url raw deep-equal/0.0.0
1981 verbose url resolving [ '', './deep-equal/0.0.0' ]
1982 verbose url resolved
1983 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
1984 verbose etag "9MZTP2XEQ5GWPSHNL5ZJWUB14"
1985 http GET
1986 verbose url raw async/0.1.22
1987 verbose url resolving [ '', './async/0.1.22' ]
1988 verbose url resolved
1989 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
1990 verbose etag "R705GVCKKLN43YXAMGBCXNG"
1991 http GET
1992 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.3.3 to [email protected]
1993 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
1994 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
1995 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
1995 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
1995 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
1996 silly cache add name="mkdirp" spec="0.3.3" args=["mkdirp","0.3.3"]
1997 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.3.3', path: '0.3.3', href: '0.3.3' }
1998 verbose addNamed [ 'mkdirp', '0.3.3' ]
1999 verbose addNamed [ '0.3.3', '0.3.3' ]
2000 silly lockFile 453bb99b-mkdirp-0-3-3 [email protected]
2001 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/453bb99b-mkdirp-0-3-3.lock
2002 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.2.6 to [email protected]
2003 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2004 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2005 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]', path: '[email protected]', href: '[email protected]' }
2006 silly cache add name="ncp" spec="0.2.6" args=["ncp","0.2.6"]
2007 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.2.6', path: '0.2.6', href: '0.2.6' }
2008 verbose addNamed [ 'ncp', '0.2.6' ]
2009 verbose addNamed [ '0.2.6', '0.2.6' ]
2010 silly lockFile 318f1b24-ncp-0-2-6 [email protected]
2011 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/318f1b24-ncp-0-2-6.lock
2012 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.0.9 to [email protected]
2013 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2014 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2015 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2015 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2015 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2016 silly cache add name="rimraf" spec="1.0.9" args=["rimraf","1.0.9"]
2017 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.0.9', path: '1.0.9', href: '1.0.9' }
2018 verbose addNamed [ 'rimraf', '1.0.9' ]
2019 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.9', '1.0.9' ]
2020 silly lockFile 67d50f11-rimraf-1-0-9 [email protected]
2021 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/67d50f11-rimraf-1-0-9.lock
2022 verbose url raw i/0.3.0
2023 verbose url resolving [ '', './i/0.3.0' ]
2024 verbose url resolved
2025 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2026 verbose etag "2PMM9GQ3WJUGFMTXRC5ST7UMQ"
2027 http GET
2028 http 304
2029 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2029 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2029 silly registry.get etag: '"DYDT98OPFGXR179BDTBQU8254"',
2029 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
2029 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2030 verbose etag callsite/0.0.2 from cache
2031 verbose url raw mkdirp/0.3.3
2032 verbose url resolving [ '', './mkdirp/0.3.3' ]
2033 verbose url resolved
2034 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2035 verbose etag "AHKPZ9B5R2AVAN24CLVUD937X"
2036 http GET
2037 verbose url raw ncp/0.2.6
2038 verbose url resolving [ '', './ncp/0.2.6' ]
2039 verbose url resolved
2040 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2041 verbose etag "8F1UAN9A86LISHGW4TWQRJANW"
2042 http GET
2043 verbose url raw rimraf/1.0.9
2044 verbose url resolving [ '', './rimraf/1.0.9' ]
2045 verbose url resolved
2046 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2047 verbose etag "3SWSGPB4G6I4SSADPHHF7FWLQ"
2048 http GET
2049 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/callsite/0.0.2/package/package.json
2050 silly lockFile 746d15fb-callsite-0-0-2 [email protected]
2051 silly resolved [ { name: 'callsite',
2051 silly resolved version: '0.0.2',
2051 silly resolved description: 'access to v8\'s CallSites',
2051 silly resolved keywords: [ 'stack', 'trace', 'line' ],
2051 silly resolved author: { name: 'TJ Holowaychuk', email: '[email protected]' },
2051 silly resolved dependencies: {},
2051 silly resolved devDependencies: { mocha: '*', should: '*' },
2051 silly resolved main: 'index',
2051 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
2051 silly resolved readme: '# callstack\n\n Access to v8\'s "raw" `CallSite`s. This module provides the following "magical" global getters:\n\n - `__stack` array `CallSite` objects starting from the callee\n - `__line` the current line number\n\n## Installation\n\n $ npm install callsite\n\n## __stack\n\n For details on the v8 `CallSite` objects view the [stack trace api docs](, for example `__stack[0].getFileName()`.\n\n```js\nrequire(\'callsite\');\n\nfoo();\n\nfunction foo() {\n bar();\n}\n\nfunction bar() {\n baz();\n}\n\nfunction baz() {\n __stack[0].fun == baz;\n __stack[1].fun == bar;\n __stack[2].fun == foo;\n}\n```\n\n## __line\n\n Returns the current lineno:\n\n```js\nrequire(\'callsite\');\nconsole.log(\'foo\')\nconsole.log(\'bar\')\nconsole.log(__line) // => 4\n```\n\n## Why?\n\n Because you can do weird, stupid, clever, wacky things such as:\n \n - [better-assert](\n\n## License \n\n(The MIT License)\n\nCopyright (c) 2011 TJ Holowaychuk &lt;[email protected]&gt;\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\na copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n\'Software\'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\nwithout limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\ndistribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\npermit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\nthe following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\nincluded in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \'AS IS\', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.\nIN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nCLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,\nTORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE\nSOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.',
2051 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2051 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2051 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
2052 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace
2053 info installOne [email protected]
2054 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/callsite/0.0.2/package/package.json
2055 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite unbuild
2056 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite/package.json
2057 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/callsite/0.0.2/package.tgz
2058 silly lockFile fe302cd5-sole-trace-node-modules-callsite /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite
2059 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite /Users/R2D2/.npm/fe302cd5-sole-trace-node-modules-callsite.lock
2060 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2061 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2062 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2063 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2064 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2065 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/__line.js
2066 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/__stack.js
2067 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/callsite.js
2068 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2069 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2070 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite/package.json
2071 silly lockFile fe302cd5-sole-trace-node-modules-callsite /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite
2072 info preinstall [email protected]
2073 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite/package.json
2074 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite',
2074 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2075 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2076 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite/package.json
2077 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite',
2077 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2078 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2079 silly resolved []
2080 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite
2081 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite
2082 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules/callsite/package.json
2083 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2083 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2083 verbose linkStuff false,
2083 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/node_modules' ]
2084 info linkStuff [email protected]
2085 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2086 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2087 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2088 info install [email protected]
2089 info postinstall [email protected]
2090 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace
2091 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace
2092 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/console-trace/package.json
2093 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2093 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2093 verbose linkStuff false,
2093 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules' ]
2094 info linkStuff [email protected]
2095 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2096 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2097 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2098 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'callsite' ]
2099 info install [email protected]
2100 info postinstall [email protected]
2101 http 304
2102 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2102 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2102 silly registry.get etag: '"CNJNE4BXHVUOOI7FBGODHFM67"',
2102 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
2102 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2103 verbose etag minimatch/0.2.6 from cache
2104 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/minimatch/0.2.6/package/package.json
2105 silly lockFile 89547412-minimatch-0-2-6 [email protected]
2106 http 304
2107 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2107 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2107 silly registry.get etag: '"6DM5CESPCN34MJ87I9XDEEKDP"',
2107 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
2107 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2108 verbose etag graceful-fs/1.1.10 from cache
2109 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/graceful-fs/1.1.10/package/package.json
2110 http 304
2111 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2111 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2111 silly registry.get etag: '"ACLCP149SI4ZU820PXU11LW8U"',
2111 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
2111 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2112 verbose etag inherits/1.0.0 from cache
2113 silly lockFile edbbd549-graceful-fs-1-1-10 [email protected]
2114 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/inherits/1.0.0/package/package.json
2115 silly lockFile 776fbe77-inherits-1-0-0 [email protected]
2116 silly resolved [ { author:
2116 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2116 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2116 silly resolved url: '' },
2116 silly resolved name: 'minimatch',
2116 silly resolved description: 'a glob matcher in javascript',
2116 silly resolved version: '0.2.6',
2116 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
2116 silly resolved main: 'minimatch.js',
2116 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test' },
2116 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
2116 silly resolved dependencies: { 'lru-cache': '~2.0.0' },
2116 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '' },
2116 silly resolved license:
2116 silly resolved { type: 'MIT',
2116 silly resolved url: '' },
2116 silly resolved readme: '# minimatch\n\nA minimal matching utility.\n\n[![Build Status](](\n\n\nThis is the matching library used internally by npm.\n\nEventually, it will replace the C binding in node-glob.\n\nIt works by converting glob expressions into JavaScript `RegExp`\nobjects.\n\n## Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar minimatch = require("minimatch")\n\nminimatch("", "*.foo") // true!\nminimatch("", "*.bar") // false!\n```\n\n## Features\n\nSupports these glob features:\n\n* Brace Expansion\n* Extended glob matching\n* "Globstar" `**` matching\n\nSee:\n\n* `man sh`\n* `man bash`\n* `man 3 fnmatch`\n* `man 5 gitignore`\n\n### Comparisons to other fnmatch/glob implementations\n\nWhile strict compliance with the existing standards is a worthwhile\ngoal, some discrepancies exist between minimatch and other\nimplementations, and are intentional.\n\nIf the pattern starts with a `!` character, then it is negated. Set the\n`nonegate` flag to suppress this behavior, and treat leading `!`\ncharacters normally. This is perhaps relevant if you wish to start the\npattern with a negative extglob pattern like `!(a|B)`. Multiple `!`\ncharacters at the start of a pattern will negate the pattern multiple\ntimes.\n\nIf a pattern starts with `#`, then it is treated as a comment, and\nwill not match anything. Use `\\#` to match a literal `#` at the\nstart of a line, or set the `nocomment` flag to suppress this behavior.\n\nThe double-star character `**` is supported by default, unless the\n`noglobstar` flag is set. This is supported in the manner of bsdglob\nand bash 4.1, where `**` only has special significance if it is the only\nthing in a path part. That is, `a/**/b` will match `a/x/y/b`, but\n`a/**b` will not. **Note that this is different from the way that `**` is\nhandled by ruby\'s `Dir` class.**\n\nIf an escaped pattern has no matches, and the `nonull` flag is set,\nthen minimatch.match returns the pattern as-provided, rather than\ninterpreting the character escapes. For example,\n`minimatch.match([], "\\\\*a\\\\?")` will return `"\\\\*a\\\\?"` rather than\n`"*a?"`. This is akin to setting the `nullglob` option in bash, except\nthat it does not resolve escaped pattern characters.\n\nIf brace expansion is not disabled, then it is performed before any\nother interpretation of the glob pattern. Thus, a pattern like\n`+(a|{b),c)}`, which would not be valid in bash or zsh, is expanded\n**first** into the set of `+(a|b)` and `+(a|c)`, and those patterns are\nchecked for validity. Since those two are valid, matching proceeds.\n\n\n## Minimatch Class\n\nCreate a minimatch object by instanting the `minimatch.Minimatch` class.\n\n```javascript\nvar Minimatch = require("minimatch").Minimatch\nvar mm = new Minimatch(pattern, options)\n```\n\n### Properties\n\n* `pattern` The original pattern the minimatch object represents.\n* `options` The options supplied to the constructor.\n* `set` A 2-dimensional array of regexp or string expressions.\n Each row in the\n array corresponds to a brace-expanded pattern. Each item in the row\n corresponds to a single path-part. For example, the pattern\n `{a,b/c}/d` would expand to a set of patterns like:\n\n [ [ a, d ]\n , [ b, c, d ] ]\n\n If a portion of the pattern doesn\'t have any "magic" in it\n (that is, it\'s something like `"foo"` rather than `fo*o?`), then it\n will be left as a string rather than converted to a regular\n expression.\n\n* `regexp` Created by the `makeRe` method. A single regular expression\n expressing the entire pattern. This is useful in cases where you wish\n to use the pattern somewhat like `fnmatch(3)` with `FNM_PATH` enabled.\n* `negate` True if the pattern is negated.\n* `comment` True if the pattern is a comment.\n* `empty` True if the pattern is `""`.\n\n### Methods\n\n* `makeRe` Generate the `regexp` member if necessary, and return it.\n Will return `false` if the pattern is invalid.\n* `match(fname)` Return true if the filename matches the pattern, or\n false otherwise.\n* `matchOne(fileArray, patternArray, partial)` Take a `/`-split\n filename, and match it against a single row in the `regExpSet`. This\n method is mainly for internal use, but is exposed so that it can be\n used by a glob-walker that needs to avoid excessive filesystem calls.\n\nAll other methods are internal, and will be called as necessary.\n\n## Functions\n\nThe top-level exported function has a `cache` property, which is an LRU\ncache set to store 100 items. So, calling these methods repeatedly\nwith the same pattern and options will use the same Minimatch object,\nsaving the cost of parsing it multiple times.\n\n### minimatch(path, pattern, options)\n\nMain export. Tests a path against the pattern using the options.\n\n```javascript\nvar isJS = minimatch(file, "*.js", { matchBase: true })\n```\n\n### minimatch.filter(pattern, options)\n\nReturns a function that tests its\nsupplied argument, suitable for use with `Array.filter`. Example:\n\n```javascript\nvar javascripts = fileList.filter(minimatch.filter("*.js", {matchBase: true}))\n```\n\n### minimatch.match(list, pattern, options)\n\nMatch against the list of\nfiles, in the style of fnmatch or glob. If nothing is matched, and\noptions.nonull is set, then return a list containing the pattern itself.\n\n```javascript\nvar javascripts = minimatch.match(fileList, "*.js", {matchBase: true}))\n```\n\n### minimatch.makeRe(pattern, options)\n\nMake a regular expression object from the pattern.\n\n## Options\n\nAll options are `false` by default.\n\n### debug\n\nDump a ton of stuff to stderr.\n\n### nobrace\n\nDo not expand `{a,b}` and `{1..3}` brace sets.\n\n### noglobstar\n\nDisable `**` matching against multiple folder names.\n\n### dot\n\nAllow patterns to match filenames starting with a period, even if\nthe pattern does not explicitly have a period in that spot.\n\nNote that by default, `a/**/b` will **not** match `a/.d/b`, unless `dot`\nis set.\n\n### noext\n\nDisable "extglob" style patterns like `+(a|b)`.\n\n### nocase\n\nPerform a case-insensitive match.\n\n### nonull\n\nWhen a match is not found by `minimatch.match`, return a list containing\nthe pattern itself. When set, an empty list is returned if there are\nno matches.\n\n### matchBase\n\nIf set, then patterns without slashes will be matched\nagainst the basename of the path if it contains slashes. For example,\n`a?b` would match the path `/xyz/123/acb`, but not `/xyz/acb/123`.\n\n### nocomment\n\nSuppress the behavior of treating `#` at the start of a pattern as a\ncomment.\n\n### nonegate\n\nSuppress the behavior of treating a leading `!` character as negation.\n\n### flipNegate\n\nReturns from negate expressions the same as if they were not negated.\n(Ie, true on a hit, false on a miss.)\n',
2116 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2116 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2116 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2116 silly resolved { author:
2116 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2116 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2116 silly resolved url: '' },
2116 silly resolved name: 'graceful-fs',
2116 silly resolved description: 'fs monkey-patching to avoid EMFILE and other problems',
2116 silly resolved version: '1.1.10',
2116 silly resolved repository:
2116 silly resolved { type: 'git',
2116 silly resolved url: 'git://' },
2116 silly resolved main: 'graceful-fs.js',
2116 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.0' },
2116 silly resolved devDependencies: {},
2116 silly resolved directories: { test: 'test' },
2116 silly resolved dependencies: {},
2116 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
2116 silly resolved keywords: [ 'fs', 'EMFILE', 'error', 'handling', 'monkeypatch' ],
2116 silly resolved license: 'BSD',
2116 silly resolved readme: 'Just like node\'s `fs` module, but it does an incremental back-off when\nEMFILE is encountered.\n\nUseful in asynchronous situations where one needs to try to open lots\nand lots of files.\n',
2116 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2116 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2116 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2116 silly resolved { name: 'inherits',
2116 silly resolved description: 'A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js',
2116 silly resolved version: '1.0.0',
2116 silly resolved keywords: [ 'inheritance', 'class', 'klass', 'oop', 'object-oriented' ],
2116 silly resolved main: './inherits.js',
2116 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2116 silly resolved author:
2116 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2116 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2116 silly resolved url: '' },
2116 silly resolved readme: 'A dead simple way to do inheritance in JS.\n\n var inherits = require("inherits")\n\n function Animal () {\n this.alive = true\n }\n Animal.prototype.say = function (what) {\n console.log(what)\n }\n\n inherits(Dog, Animal)\n function Dog () {\n Dog.super.apply(this)\n }\n Dog.prototype.sniff = function () {\n this.say("sniff sniff")\n }\n Dog.prototype.bark = function () {\n this.say("woof woof")\n }\n\n inherits(Chihuahua, Dog)\n function Chihuahua () {\n Chihuahua.super.apply(this)\n }\n Chihuahua.prototype.bark = function () {\n this.say("yip yip")\n }\n\n // also works\n function Cat () {\n Cat.super.apply(this)\n }\n Cat.prototype.hiss = function () {\n this.say("CHSKKSS!!")\n }\n inherits(Cat, Animal, {\n meow: function () { this.say("miao miao") }\n })\n Cat.prototype.purr = function () {\n this.say("purr purr")\n }\n\n\n var c = new Chihuahua\n assert(c instanceof Chihuahua)\n assert(c instanceof Dog)\n assert(c instanceof Animal)\n\nThe actual function is laughably small. 10-lines small.\n',
2116 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2116 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2116 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
2117 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
2118 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
2119 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
2120 info installOne [email protected]
2121 info installOne [email protected]
2122 info installOne [email protected]
2123 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/minimatch/0.2.6/package/package.json
2124 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/graceful-fs/1.1.10/package/package.json
2125 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/inherits/1.0.0/package/package.json
2126 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch unbuild
2127 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/package.json
2128 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs unbuild
2129 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
2130 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits unbuild
2131 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2132 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/minimatch/0.2.6/package.tgz
2133 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/graceful-fs/1.1.10/package.tgz
2134 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/inherits/1.0.0/package.tgz
2135 silly lockFile 9b1b0813-ules-glob-node-modules-minimatch /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch
2136 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch /Users/R2D2/.npm/9b1b0813-ules-glob-node-modules-minimatch.lock
2137 silly lockFile 268c24c1-es-glob-node-modules-graceful-fs /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs
2138 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs /Users/R2D2/.npm/268c24c1-es-glob-node-modules-graceful-fs.lock
2139 silly lockFile ebc3642f-dules-glob-node-modules-inherits /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits
2140 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits /Users/R2D2/.npm/ebc3642f-dules-glob-node-modules-inherits.lock
2141 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2142 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2143 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2144 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2145 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2146 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2147 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2148 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2149 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2150 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry inherits.js
2151 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2152 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2153 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry minimatch.js
2154 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2155 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2156 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry graceful-fs.js
2157 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/basic.js
2158 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/brace-expand.js
2159 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/caching.js
2160 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/defaults.js
2161 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/open.js
2162 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2163 silly lockFile ebc3642f-dules-glob-node-modules-inherits /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits
2164 info preinstall [email protected]
2165 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/package.json
2166 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2167 silly lockFile 952bd271-ules-prompt-node-modules-winston /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2168 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits',
2168 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2169 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2170 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2171 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits',
2171 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2172 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2173 silly resolved []
2174 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits
2175 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits
2176 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2177 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2177 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2177 verbose linkStuff false,
2177 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules' ]
2178 info linkStuff [email protected]
2179 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2180 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2181 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2182 info install [email protected]
2183 info preinstall [email protected]
2184 info postinstall [email protected]
2185 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/package.json
2186 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
2187 silly lockFile 268c24c1-es-glob-node-modules-graceful-fs /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston',
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { async: { version: '0.1.22' },
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap colors: { version: '0.6.0-1' },
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap cycle: { version: '1.0.0' },
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap eyes: { version: '0.1.7' },
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap request: { version: '2.9.203' },
2188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'stack-trace': { version: '0.0.6' } } ]
2189 verbose from wrap [ 'async', { version: '0.1.22' } ]
2190 verbose from wrap [ 'colors', { version: '0.6.0-1' } ]
2191 verbose from wrap [ 'cycle', { version: '1.0.0' } ]
2192 verbose from wrap [ 'eyes', { version: '0.1.7' } ]
2193 verbose from wrap [ 'request', { version: '2.9.203' } ]
2194 verbose from wrap [ 'stack-trace', { version: '0.0.6' } ]
2195 verbose readDependencies returned deps { async: '0.1.22',
2195 verbose readDependencies returned deps colors: '0.6.0-1',
2195 verbose readDependencies returned deps cycle: '1.0.0',
2195 verbose readDependencies returned deps eyes: '0.1.7',
2195 verbose readDependencies returned deps request: '2.9.203',
2195 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'stack-trace': '0.0.6' }
2196 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/package.json
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston',
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { async: { version: '0.1.22' },
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap colors: { version: '0.6.0-1' },
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap cycle: { version: '1.0.0' },
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap eyes: { version: '0.1.7' },
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap request: { version: '2.9.203' },
2197 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'stack-trace': { version: '0.0.6' } } ]
2198 verbose from wrap [ 'async', { version: '0.1.22' } ]
2199 verbose from wrap [ 'colors', { version: '0.6.0-1' } ]
2200 verbose from wrap [ 'cycle', { version: '1.0.0' } ]
2201 verbose from wrap [ 'eyes', { version: '0.1.7' } ]
2202 verbose from wrap [ 'request', { version: '2.9.203' } ]
2203 verbose from wrap [ 'stack-trace', { version: '0.0.6' } ]
2204 verbose readDependencies returned deps { async: '0.1.22',
2204 verbose readDependencies returned deps colors: '0.6.0-1',
2204 verbose readDependencies returned deps cycle: '1.0.0',
2204 verbose readDependencies returned deps eyes: '0.1.7',
2204 verbose readDependencies returned deps request: '2.9.203',
2204 verbose readDependencies returned deps 'stack-trace': '0.0.6' }
2205 http 304
2206 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2206 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2206 silly registry.get etag: '"1KK2AA2LUU6KJ9HNLZ61MO8H9"',
2206 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:34 GMT',
2206 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2207 verbose etag aws-lib/0.0.6 from cache
2208 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.22 to [email protected]
2209 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2210 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2211 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2211 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2211 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2212 silly cache add name="async" spec="0.1.22" args=["async","0.1.22"]
2213 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.22', path: '0.1.22', href: '0.1.22' }
2214 verbose addNamed [ 'async', '0.1.22' ]
2215 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.6.0-1 to [email protected]
2216 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2217 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2218 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2218 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2218 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2219 silly cache add name="colors" spec="0.6.0-1" args=["colors","0.6.0-1"]
2220 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.6.0-1', path: '0.6.0-1', href: '0.6.0-1' }
2221 verbose addNamed [ 'colors', '0.6.0-1' ]
2222 verbose addNamed [ '0.6.0-1', '0.6.0-1' ]
2223 silly lockFile 02eba27f-colors-0-6-0-1 [email protected]
2224 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/02eba27f-colors-0-6-0-1.lock
2225 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.0.0 to [email protected]
2226 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2227 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2228 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2228 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2228 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2229 silly cache add name="cycle" spec="1.0.0" args=["cycle","1.0.0"]
2230 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.0.0', path: '1.0.0', href: '1.0.0' }
2231 verbose addNamed [ 'cycle', '1.0.0' ]
2232 verbose addNamed [ '1.0.0', '1.0.0' ]
2233 silly lockFile 6e8b5270-cycle-1-0-0 [email protected]
2234 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/6e8b5270-cycle-1-0-0.lock
2235 info preinstall [email protected]
2236 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
2237 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/aws-lib/0.0.6/package/package.json
2238 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs',
2238 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2239 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2240 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
2241 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.7 to [email protected]
2242 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2243 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2244 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2244 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2244 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2245 silly cache add name="eyes" spec="0.1.7" args=["eyes","0.1.7"]
2246 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.7', path: '0.1.7', href: '0.1.7' }
2247 verbose addNamed [ 'eyes', '0.1.7' ]
2248 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.7', '0.1.7' ]
2249 silly lockFile d5f92778-eyes-0-1-7 [email protected]
2250 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/d5f92778-eyes-0-1-7.lock
2251 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 2.9.203 to [email protected]
2252 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2253 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2254 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2254 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2254 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2255 silly cache add name="request" spec="2.9.203" args=["request","2.9.203"]
2256 verbose parsed url { pathname: '2.9.203', path: '2.9.203', href: '2.9.203' }
2257 verbose addNamed [ 'request', '2.9.203' ]
2258 verbose addNamed [ '2.9.203', '2.9.203' ]
2259 silly lockFile 3887d89d-request-2-9-203 [email protected]
2260 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/3887d89d-request-2-9-203.lock
2261 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.0.6 to [email protected]
2262 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2263 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2264 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2264 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2264 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2265 silly cache add name="stack-trace" spec="0.0.6" args=["stack-trace","0.0.6"]
2266 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.0.6', path: '0.0.6', href: '0.0.6' }
2267 verbose addNamed [ 'stack-trace', '0.0.6' ]
2268 verbose addNamed [ '0.0.6', '0.0.6' ]
2269 silly lockFile cdeb4bad-stack-trace-0-0-6 [email protected]
2270 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/cdeb4bad-stack-trace-0-0-6.lock
2271 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs',
2271 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2272 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2273 silly resolved []
2274 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs
2275 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs
2276 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
2277 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2277 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2277 verbose linkStuff false,
2277 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules' ]
2278 info linkStuff [email protected]
2279 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2280 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2281 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2282 info install [email protected]
2283 verbose url raw colors/0.6.0-1
2284 verbose url resolving [ '', './colors/0.6.0-1' ]
2285 verbose url resolved
2286 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2287 verbose etag "1CELN8I9RMFCK63JOXFG74XPI"
2288 http GET
2289 verbose url raw cycle/1.0.0
2290 verbose url resolving [ '', './cycle/1.0.0' ]
2291 verbose url resolved
2292 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2293 verbose etag "50H2L52F2IJ0UEA8PNOH2PJWV"
2294 http GET
2295 info postinstall [email protected]
2296 verbose url raw eyes/0.1.7
2297 verbose url resolving [ '', './eyes/0.1.7' ]
2298 verbose url resolved
2299 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2300 verbose etag "7E7RJ5RZ00I63LL8P2CAHGADR"
2301 http GET
2302 verbose url raw stack-trace/0.0.6
2303 verbose url resolving [ '', './stack-trace/0.0.6' ]
2304 verbose url resolved
2305 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2306 verbose etag "D0CLHJRN49A85MG98QA53PLUN"
2307 http GET
2308 verbose url raw request/2.9.203
2309 verbose url resolving [ '', './request/2.9.203' ]
2310 verbose url resolved
2311 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2312 verbose etag "4Z8GNVPJB6N5OX531KEO1CGZN"
2313 http GET
2314 silly lockFile 166eff27-aws-lib-0-0-6 [email protected]
2315 silly resolved [ { name: 'aws-lib',
2315 silly resolved description: 'Extensible Node.js library for the Amazon Web Services API',
2315 silly resolved version: '0.0.6',
2315 silly resolved homepage: '',
2315 silly resolved keywords:
2315 silly resolved [ 'amazon',
2315 silly resolved 'aws',
2315 silly resolved 'ec2',
2315 silly resolved 'product advertising',
2315 silly resolved 'simpledb',
2315 silly resolved 'Simple Queue Service',
2315 silly resolved 'SQS',
2315 silly resolved 'Simple Email Service',
2315 silly resolved 'SES' ],
2315 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
2315 silly resolved author:
2315 silly resolved { name: 'Mirko Kiefer',
2315 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2315 silly resolved url: '' },
2315 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
2315 silly resolved dependencies: { xml2js: '0.1.x', sax: '0.1.x' },
2315 silly resolved main: 'lib/aws',
2315 silly resolved directories: { lib: 'lib', example: 'examples', test: 'test' },
2315 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4' },
2315 silly resolved readme: 'Node.js library for the Amazon Web Services\n=====\n\nA simple [Node.js]( library to communicate with the Amazon Web Services API.\n\nThis version of aws-lib has been tested on Node v0.6.11.\n\nIt includes clients for the following services:\n\n * EC2\n * Product Advertising API\n * SimpleDB\n * SQS (Simple Queue Service)\n * SNS (Simple Notification Service)\n * SES (Simple Email Service)\n * ELB (Elastic Load Balancing Service) - added by [Bernhard Weißhuhn](\n * CW (CloudWatch)\n * IAM (Identity and Access Management)\n\nRichard Rodger maintains a user-friendly [SimpleDB library]( which is based on aws-lib.\n\naws-lib is designed to be easily extensible. If you want to add your own API client, have a look at ec2.js or simpledb.js and simply follow their example.\n\n### Usage\n\nThe following snippet implements an ec2 client and makes a call to DescribeInstances\n\n var aws = require("aws-lib");\n\n ec2 = aws.createEC2Client(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey);\n\n"DescribeInstances", {}, function(result) {\n console.log(JSON.stringify(result));\n })\n\nWhich returns a JSON response similar to:\n\n [...]\n {"item":{\n "instanceId":"i-acb2d1db","imageId":"ami-03765c77",\n "instanceState": {"code":"80","name":"stopped"},\n "privateDnsName":{},"dnsName":{},\n "reason":"User initiated (2010-07-28 19:37:54 GMT)"\n [...] \n\nAnother example, using Product Advertising API:\n\n prodAdv = aws.createProdAdvClient(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey, yourAssociateTag);\n\n"ItemSearch", {SearchIndex: "Books", Keywords: "Javascript"}, function(result) {\n console.log(JSON.stringify(result));\n })\n\nWill return a long list of books.\n\nMost clients, such as ec2, ses, simpledb, etc. accept an optional third parameter `options` which should be an object of options used to instantiate the client. For example, the ec2 client could be instantiated with an options object like:\n\n ec2 = aws.createEC2Client(yourAccessKeyId, yourSecretAccessKey, {version: \'2010-08-31\'});\n \nwhich would instantiate the ec2 client, but using the 2010-08-31 API version. See the library code for each service to learn about other possible options.\n',
2315 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2315 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2315 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
2316 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws
2317 info installOne [email protected]
2318 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/aws-lib/0.0.6/package/package.json
2319 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib unbuild
2320 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/package.json
2321 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/aws-lib/0.0.6/package.tgz
2322 silly lockFile 6da552a1-int-sdk-aws-node-modules-aws-lib /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib
2323 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib /Users/R2D2/.npm/6da552a1-int-sdk-aws-node-modules-aws-lib.lock
2324 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2325 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2326 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2327 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2328 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/cw.js
2329 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/ec2.js
2330 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/elb.js
2331 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/iam.js
2332 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/prod-adv.js
2333 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/ses.js
2334 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/sqs.js
2335 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/aws.js
2336 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/ec2.js
2337 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/elb.js
2338 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/iam.js
2339 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/cw.js
2340 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/ses.js
2341 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/simpledb.js
2342 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sns.js
2343 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sqs.js
2344 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/package.json
2345 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sts.js
2346 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/prodAdv.js
2347 silly lockFile 9b1b0813-ules-glob-node-modules-minimatch /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch
2348 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/common.js
2349 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/simpledb.test.js
2350 info preinstall [email protected]
2351 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/package.json
2352 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch',
2352 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'lru-cache': { version: '2.0.1' } } ]
2353 verbose from wrap [ 'lru-cache', { version: '2.0.1' } ]
2354 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'lru-cache': '2.0.1' }
2355 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/package.json
2356 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch',
2356 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { 'lru-cache': { version: '2.0.1' } } ]
2357 verbose from wrap [ 'lru-cache', { version: '2.0.1' } ]
2358 verbose readDependencies returned deps { 'lru-cache': '2.0.1' }
2359 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 2.0.1 to [email protected]
2360 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2361 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2362 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2362 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2362 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2363 silly cache add name="lru-cache" spec="2.0.1" args=["lru-cache","2.0.1"]
2364 verbose parsed url { pathname: '2.0.1', path: '2.0.1', href: '2.0.1' }
2365 verbose addNamed [ 'lru-cache', '2.0.1' ]
2366 verbose addNamed [ '2.0.1', '2.0.1' ]
2367 silly lockFile e331f516-lru-cache-2-0-1 [email protected]
2368 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/e331f516-lru-cache-2-0-1.lock
2369 verbose url raw lru-cache/2.0.1
2370 verbose url resolving [ '', './lru-cache/2.0.1' ]
2371 verbose url resolved
2372 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2373 verbose etag "3VG3M033NZ18EKMJEHOXMEHLG"
2374 http GET
2375 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/package.json
2376 silly lockFile 6da552a1-int-sdk-aws-node-modules-aws-lib /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib
2377 info preinstall [email protected]
2378 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/package.json
2379 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib',
2379 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { xml2js: { version: '0.1.14' }, sax: { version: '0.1.5' } } ]
2380 verbose from wrap [ 'xml2js', { version: '0.1.14' } ]
2381 verbose from wrap [ 'sax', { version: '0.1.5' } ]
2382 verbose readDependencies returned deps { xml2js: '0.1.14', sax: '0.1.5' }
2383 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/package.json
2384 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib',
2384 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { xml2js: { version: '0.1.14' }, sax: { version: '0.1.5' } } ]
2385 verbose from wrap [ 'xml2js', { version: '0.1.14' } ]
2386 verbose from wrap [ 'sax', { version: '0.1.5' } ]
2387 verbose readDependencies returned deps { xml2js: '0.1.14', sax: '0.1.5' }
2388 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.14 to [email protected]
2389 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2390 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2391 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2391 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2391 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2392 silly cache add name="xml2js" spec="0.1.14" args=["xml2js","0.1.14"]
2393 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.14', path: '0.1.14', href: '0.1.14' }
2394 verbose addNamed [ 'xml2js', '0.1.14' ]
2395 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.14', '0.1.14' ]
2396 silly lockFile 5a4fe3df-xml2js-0-1-14 [email protected]
2397 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/5a4fe3df-xml2js-0-1-14.lock
2398 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.1.5 to [email protected]
2399 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2400 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2401 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]', path: '[email protected]', href: '[email protected]' }
2402 silly cache add name="sax" spec="0.1.5" args=["sax","0.1.5"]
2403 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.1.5', path: '0.1.5', href: '0.1.5' }
2404 verbose addNamed [ 'sax', '0.1.5' ]
2405 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.5', '0.1.5' ]
2406 silly lockFile 059041bb-sax-0-1-5 [email protected]
2407 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/059041bb-sax-0-1-5.lock
2408 verbose url raw sax/0.1.5
2409 verbose url resolving [ '', './sax/0.1.5' ]
2410 verbose url resolved
2411 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2412 verbose etag "QTSEOFQ18642ROB9Y4IQ0XMH"
2413 http GET
2414 verbose url raw xml2js/0.1.14
2415 verbose url resolving [ '', './xml2js/0.1.14' ]
2416 verbose url resolved
2417 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2418 verbose etag "9LBVBFHWGD5C5PE4JD8WUSF8E"
2419 http GET
2420 http 304
2421 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2421 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2421 silly registry.get etag: '"6FL7JDPES3EW6TA2UBVMU29UC"',
2421 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2421 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2422 verbose etag block-stream/0.0.6 from cache
2423 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/block-stream/0.0.6/package/package.json
2424 silly lockFile 3b2e67af-block-stream-0-0-6 [email protected]
2425 http 304
2426 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2426 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2426 silly registry.get etag: '"5KYDHE3JKLZ5LSPU7OEINKNS0"',
2426 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2426 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2427 verbose etag fstream/0.1.18 from cache
2428 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/fstream/0.1.18/package/package.json
2429 silly lockFile 8d709e04-fstream-0-1-18 [email protected]
2430 silly resolved [ { name: 'inherits',
2430 silly resolved description: 'A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js',
2430 silly resolved version: '1.0.0',
2430 silly resolved keywords: [ 'inheritance', 'class', 'klass', 'oop', 'object-oriented' ],
2430 silly resolved main: './inherits.js',
2430 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2430 silly resolved author:
2430 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2430 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved url: '' },
2430 silly resolved readme: 'A dead simple way to do inheritance in JS.\n\n var inherits = require("inherits")\n\n function Animal () {\n this.alive = true\n }\n Animal.prototype.say = function (what) {\n console.log(what)\n }\n\n inherits(Dog, Animal)\n function Dog () {\n Dog.super.apply(this)\n }\n Dog.prototype.sniff = function () {\n this.say("sniff sniff")\n }\n Dog.prototype.bark = function () {\n this.say("woof woof")\n }\n\n inherits(Chihuahua, Dog)\n function Chihuahua () {\n Chihuahua.super.apply(this)\n }\n Chihuahua.prototype.bark = function () {\n this.say("yip yip")\n }\n\n // also works\n function Cat () {\n Cat.super.apply(this)\n }\n Cat.prototype.hiss = function () {\n this.say("CHSKKSS!!")\n }\n inherits(Cat, Animal, {\n meow: function () { this.say("miao miao") }\n })\n Cat.prototype.purr = function () {\n this.say("purr purr")\n }\n\n\n var c = new Chihuahua\n assert(c instanceof Chihuahua)\n assert(c instanceof Dog)\n assert(c instanceof Animal)\n\nThe actual function is laughably small. 10-lines small.\n',
2430 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2430 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved scripts: {} },
2430 silly resolved { author:
2430 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2430 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved url: '' },
2430 silly resolved name: 'block-stream',
2430 silly resolved description: 'a stream of blocks',
2430 silly resolved version: '0.0.6',
2430 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
2430 silly resolved engines: { node: '0.4 || >=0.5.8' },
2430 silly resolved main: 'block-stream.js',
2430 silly resolved dependencies: { inherits: '~1.0.0' },
2430 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '0.x' },
2430 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/' },
2430 silly resolved license: 'BSD',
2430 silly resolved readme: '# block-stream\n\nA stream of blocks.\n\nWrite data into it, and it\'ll output data in buffer blocks the size you\nspecify, padding with zeroes if necessary.\n\n```javascript\nvar block = new BlockStream(512)\nfs.createReadStream("some-file").pipe(block)\nblock.pipe(fs.createWriteStream("block-file"))\n```\n\nWhen `.end()` or `.flush()` is called, it\'ll pad the block with zeroes.\n',
2430 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2430 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2430 silly resolved { author:
2430 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2430 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved url: '' },
2430 silly resolved name: 'fstream',
2430 silly resolved description: 'Advanced file system stream things',
2430 silly resolved version: '0.1.18',
2430 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
2430 silly resolved main: 'fstream.js',
2430 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.6' },
2430 silly resolved dependencies:
2430 silly resolved { rimraf: '2',
2430 silly resolved mkdirp: '0.3',
2430 silly resolved 'graceful-fs': '~1.1.2',
2430 silly resolved inherits: '~1.0.0' },
2430 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '' },
2430 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap examples/*.js' },
2430 silly resolved license: 'BSD',
2430 silly resolved readme: 'Like FS streams, but with stat on them, and supporting directories and\nsymbolic links, as well as normal files. Also, you can use this to set\nthe stats on a file, even if you don\'t change its contents, or to create\na symlink, etc.\n\nSo, for example, you can "write" a directory, and it\'ll call `mkdir`. You\ncan specify a uid and gid, and it\'ll call `chown`. You can specify a\n`mtime` and `atime`, and it\'ll call `utimes`. You can call it a symlink\nand provide a `linkpath` and it\'ll call `symlink`.\n\nNote that it won\'t automatically resolve symbolic links. So, if you\ncall `fstream.Reader(\'/some/symlink\')` then you\'ll get an object\nthat stats and then ends immediately (since it has no data). To follow\nsymbolic links, do this: `fstream.Reader({path:\'/some/symlink\', follow:\ntrue })`.\n\nThere are various checks to make sure that the bytes emitted are the\nsame as the intended size, if the size is set.\n\n## Examples\n\n```javascript\nfstream\n .Writer({ path: "path/to/file"\n , mode: 0755\n , size: 6\n })\n .write("hello\\n")\n .end()\n```\n\nThis will create the directories if they\'re missing, and then write\n`hello\\n` into the file, chmod it to 0755, and assert that 6 bytes have\nbeen written when it\'s done.\n\n```javascript\nfstream\n .Writer({ path: "path/to/file"\n , mode: 0755\n , size: 6\n , flags: "a"\n })\n .write("hello\\n")\n .end()\n```\n\nYou can pass flags in, if you want to append to a file.\n\n```javascript\nfstream\n .Writer({ path: "path/to/symlink"\n , linkpath: "./file"\n , SymbolicLink: true\n , mode: "0755" // octal strings supported\n })\n .end()\n```\n\nIf isSymbolicLink is a function, it\'ll be called, and if it returns\ntrue, then it\'ll treat it as a symlink. If it\'s not a function, then\nany truish value will make a symlink, or you can set `type:\n\'SymbolicLink\'`, which does the same thing.\n\nNote that the linkpath is relative to the symbolic link location, not\nthe parent dir or cwd.\n\n```javascript\nfstream\n .Reader("path/to/dir")\n .pipe(fstream.Writer("path/to/other/dir"))\n```\n\nThis will do like `cp -Rp path/to/dir path/to/other/dir`. If the other\ndir exists and isn\'t a directory, then it\'ll emit an error. It\'ll also\nset the uid, gid, mode, etc. to be identical. In this way, it\'s more\nlike `rsync -a` than simply a copy.\n',
2430 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2430 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2430 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
2431 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
2432 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
2433 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
2434 info installOne [email protected]
2435 info installOne [email protected]
2436 info installOne [email protected]
2437 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/inherits/1.0.0/package/package.json
2438 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/block-stream/0.0.6/package/package.json
2439 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/fstream/0.1.18/package/package.json
2440 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits unbuild
2441 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2442 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream unbuild
2443 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream/package.json
2444 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream unbuild
2445 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/package.json
2446 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/inherits/1.0.0/package.tgz
2447 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/block-stream/0.0.6/package.tgz
2448 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/fstream/0.1.18/package.tgz
2449 silly lockFile 0d80f4b4-odules-tar-node-modules-inherits /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits
2450 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits /Users/R2D2/.npm/0d80f4b4-odules-tar-node-modules-inherits.lock
2451 silly lockFile f42e32dc-es-tar-node-modules-block-stream /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream
2452 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream /Users/R2D2/.npm/f42e32dc-es-tar-node-modules-block-stream.lock
2453 silly lockFile a1034ca9-modules-tar-node-modules-fstream /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
2454 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream /Users/R2D2/.npm/a1034ca9-modules-tar-node-modules-fstream.lock
2455 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2456 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2457 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2458 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2459 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2460 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2461 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2462 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry inherits.js
2463 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2464 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENCE
2465 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2466 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2467 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry block-stream.js
2468 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bench/block-stream-pause.js
2469 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENCE
2470 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry fstream.js
2471 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bench/block-stream.js
2472 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bench/dropper-pause.js
2473 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bench/dropper.js
2474 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2475 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/filter-pipe.js
2476 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pipe.js
2477 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/reader.js
2478 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/symlink-write.js
2479 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2480 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/basic.js
2481 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/nopad-thorough.js
2482 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/nopad.js
2483 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/pause-resume.js
2484 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/abstract.js
2485 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/dir-writer.js
2486 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/thorough.js
2487 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/two-stream.js
2488 silly lockFile 0d80f4b4-odules-tar-node-modules-inherits /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits
2489 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/file-reader.js
2490 http 304
2491 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2491 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2491 silly registry.get etag: '"9MZTP2XEQ5GWPSHNL5ZJWUB14"',
2491 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2491 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2492 verbose etag deep-equal/0.0.0 from cache
2493 info preinstall [email protected]
2494 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2495 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/file-writer.js
2496 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/get-type.js
2497 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/dir-reader.js
2498 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits',
2498 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2499 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2500 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2501 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits',
2501 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2502 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2503 silly resolved []
2504 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits
2505 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits
2506 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/inherits/package.json
2507 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2507 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2507 verbose linkStuff false,
2507 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules' ]
2508 info linkStuff [email protected]
2509 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2510 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2511 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2512 info install [email protected]
2513 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/deep-equal/0.0.0/package/package.json
2514 info postinstall [email protected]
2515 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/link-writer.js
2516 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/proxy-reader.js
2517 http 304
2518 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2518 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2518 silly registry.get etag: '"R705GVCKKLN43YXAMGBCXNG"',
2518 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2518 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2519 verbose etag async/0.1.22 from cache
2520 silly lockFile 52f78ead-deep-equal-0-0-0 [email protected]
2521 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/proxy-writer.js
2522 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/reader.js
2523 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/socket-reader.js
2524 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/collect.js
2525 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/async/0.1.22/package/package.json
2526 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/writer.js
2527 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/link-reader.js
2528 silly lockFile 09d21715-async-0-1-22 [email protected]
2529 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream/package.json
2530 silly lockFile f42e32dc-es-tar-node-modules-block-stream /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream
2531 info preinstall [email protected]
2532 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream/package.json
2533 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream',
2533 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2534 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2535 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream/package.json
2536 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream',
2536 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2537 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2538 silly resolved []
2539 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream
2540 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream
2541 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/block-stream/package.json
2542 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2542 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2542 verbose linkStuff false,
2542 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules' ]
2543 info linkStuff [email protected]
2544 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2545 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2546 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2547 info install [email protected]
2548 info postinstall [email protected]
2549 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/package.json
2550 silly lockFile a1034ca9-modules-tar-node-modules-fstream /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
2551 info preinstall [email protected]
2552 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/package.json
2553 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream',
2553 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { rimraf: { version: '2.0.2' },
2553 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap mkdirp: { version: '0.3.3' },
2553 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'graceful-fs': { version: '1.1.10' } } ]
2554 verbose from wrap [ 'rimraf', { version: '2.0.2' } ]
2555 verbose from wrap [ 'mkdirp', { version: '0.3.3' } ]
2556 verbose from wrap [ 'graceful-fs', { version: '1.1.10' } ]
2557 verbose readDependencies returned deps { rimraf: '2.0.2', mkdirp: '0.3.3', 'graceful-fs': '1.1.10' }
2558 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/package.json
2559 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream',
2559 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap { rimraf: { version: '2.0.2' },
2559 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap mkdirp: { version: '0.3.3' },
2559 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap 'graceful-fs': { version: '1.1.10' } } ]
2560 verbose from wrap [ 'rimraf', { version: '2.0.2' } ]
2561 verbose from wrap [ 'mkdirp', { version: '0.3.3' } ]
2562 verbose from wrap [ 'graceful-fs', { version: '1.1.10' } ]
2563 verbose readDependencies returned deps { rimraf: '2.0.2', mkdirp: '0.3.3', 'graceful-fs': '1.1.10' }
2564 http 304
2565 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2565 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2565 silly registry.get etag: '"2PMM9GQ3WJUGFMTXRC5ST7UMQ"',
2565 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2565 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2566 verbose etag i/0.3.0 from cache
2567 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 2.0.2 to [email protected]
2568 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2569 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2570 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2570 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2570 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2571 silly cache add name="rimraf" spec="2.0.2" args=["rimraf","2.0.2"]
2572 verbose parsed url { pathname: '2.0.2', path: '2.0.2', href: '2.0.2' }
2573 verbose addNamed [ 'rimraf', '2.0.2' ]
2574 verbose addNamed [ '2.0.2', '2.0.2' ]
2575 silly lockFile 7a6f3d96-rimraf-2-0-2 [email protected]
2576 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/7a6f3d96-rimraf-2-0-2.lock
2577 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 0.3.3 to [email protected]
2578 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2579 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2580 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2580 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2580 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2581 silly cache add name="mkdirp" spec="0.3.3" args=["mkdirp","0.3.3"]
2582 verbose parsed url { pathname: '0.3.3', path: '0.3.3', href: '0.3.3' }
2583 verbose addNamed [ 'mkdirp', '0.3.3' ]
2584 verbose shrinkwrap resolving 1.1.10 to [email protected]
2585 verbose cache add [ '[email protected]', null ]
2586 silly cache add name=undefined spec="[email protected]" args=["[email protected]",null]
2587 verbose parsed url { pathname: '[email protected]',
2587 verbose parsed url path: '[email protected]',
2587 verbose parsed url href: '[email protected]' }
2588 silly cache add name="graceful-fs" spec="1.1.10" args=["graceful-fs","1.1.10"]
2589 verbose parsed url { pathname: '1.1.10', path: '1.1.10', href: '1.1.10' }
2590 verbose addNamed [ 'graceful-fs', '1.1.10' ]
2591 verbose addNamed [ '1.1.10', '1.1.10' ]
2592 silly lockFile edbbd549-graceful-fs-1-1-10 [email protected]
2593 verbose lock [email protected] /Users/R2D2/.npm/edbbd549-graceful-fs-1-1-10.lock
2594 verbose url raw graceful-fs/1.1.10
2595 verbose url resolving [ '', './graceful-fs/1.1.10' ]
2596 verbose url resolved
2597 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2598 verbose etag "6DM5CESPCN34MJ87I9XDEEKDP"
2599 http GET
2600 verbose url raw rimraf/2.0.2
2601 verbose url resolving [ '', './rimraf/2.0.2' ]
2602 verbose url resolved
2603 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:09:26
2604 verbose etag "3SWSGPB4G6I4SSADPHHF7FWLQ"
2605 http GET
2606 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/i/0.3.0/package/package.json
2607 silly lockFile 53aab8b9-i-0-3-0 [email protected]
2608 http 304
2609 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2609 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2609 silly registry.get etag: '"AHKPZ9B5R2AVAN24CLVUD937X"',
2609 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2609 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2610 verbose etag mkdirp/0.3.3 from cache
2611 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package/package.json
2612 silly lockFile 453bb99b-mkdirp-0-3-3 [email protected]
2613 http 304
2614 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2614 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2614 silly registry.get etag: '"8F1UAN9A86LISHGW4TWQRJANW"',
2614 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2614 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2615 verbose etag ncp/0.2.6 from cache
2616 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/ncp/0.2.6/package/package.json
2617 silly lockFile 318f1b24-ncp-0-2-6 [email protected]
2618 http 304
2619 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2619 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2619 silly registry.get etag: '"3SWSGPB4G6I4SSADPHHF7FWLQ"',
2619 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2619 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2620 verbose etag rimraf/1.0.9 from cache
2621 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/rimraf/1.0.9/package/package.json
2622 silly lockFile 67d50f11-rimraf-1-0-9 [email protected]
2623 silly resolved [ { name: 'deep-equal',
2623 silly resolved version: '0.0.0',
2623 silly resolved description: 'node\'s assert.deepEqual algorithm',
2623 silly resolved main: 'index.js',
2623 silly resolved directories: { lib: '.', example: 'example', test: 'test' },
2623 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
2623 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '0.0.x' },
2623 silly resolved repository:
2623 silly resolved { type: 'git',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved keywords: [ 'equality', 'equal', 'compare' ],
2623 silly resolved author:
2623 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
2623 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
2623 silly resolved engine: { node: '>=0.4' },
2623 silly resolved readme: 'deep-equal\n==========\n\nNode\'s `assert.deepEqual() algorithm` as a standalone module.\n\nexample\n=======\n\n``` js\nvar equal = require(\'deep-equal\');\nconsole.dir([\n equal(\n { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] },\n { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] }\n ),\n equal(\n { x : 5, y : [6] },\n { x : 5, y : 6 }\n )\n]);\n```\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar deepEqual = require(\'deep-equal\')\n\ndeepEqual(a, b)\n---------------\n\nCompare objects `a` and `b`, returning whether they are equal according to a\nrecursive equality algorithm.\n\ninstall\n=======\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n```\nnpm install deep-equal\n```\n\ntest\n====\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n```\nnpm test\n```\n\nlicense\n=======\n\nMIT. Derived largely from node\'s assert module.\n',
2623 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
2623 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2623 silly resolved { name: 'async',
2623 silly resolved description: 'Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code',
2623 silly resolved main: './index',
2623 silly resolved author: { name: 'Caolan McMahon' },
2623 silly resolved version: '0.1.22',
2623 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2623 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
2623 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
2623 silly resolved devDependencies: { nodeunit: '>0.0.0', 'uglify-js': '1.2.x', nodelint: '>0.0.0' },
2623 silly resolved readme: '# Async.js\n\nAsync is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions\nfor working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for\nuse with [node.js](, it can also be used directly in the\nbrowser.\n\nAsync provides around 20 functions that include the usual \'functional\'\nsuspects (map, reduce, filter, forEach…) as well as some common patterns\nfor asynchronous control flow (parallel, series, waterfall…). All these\nfunctions assume you follow the node.js convention of providing a single\ncallback as the last argument of your async function.\n\n\n## Quick Examples\n\n[\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], fs.stat, function(err, results){\n // results is now an array of stats for each file\n });\n\n async.filter([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(results){\n // results now equals an array of the existing files\n });\n\n async.parallel([\n function(){ ... },\n function(){ ... }\n ], callback);\n\n async.series([\n function(){ ... },\n function(){ ... }\n ]);\n\nThere are many more functions available so take a look at the docs below for a\nfull list. This module aims to be comprehensive, so if you feel anything is\nmissing please create a GitHub issue for it.\n\n\n## Download\n\nReleases are available for download from\n[GitHub](\nAlternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager (npm):\n\n npm install async\n\n\n__Development:__ [async.js]( - 17.5kb Uncompressed\n\n__Production:__ [async.min.js]( - 1.7kb Packed and Gzipped\n\n\n## In the Browser\n\nSo far its been tested in IE6, IE7, IE8, FF3.6 and Chrome 5. Usage:\n\n <script type="text/javascript" src="async.js"></script>\n <script type="text/javascript">\n\n, asyncProcess, function(err, results){\n alert(results);\n });\n\n </script>\n\n\n## Documentation\n\n### Collections\n\n* [forEach](#forEach)\n* [map](#map)\n* [filter](#filter)\n* [reject](#reject)\n* [reduce](#reduce)\n* [detect](#detect)\n* [sortBy](#sortBy)\n* [some](#some)\n* [every](#every)\n* [concat](#concat)\n\n### Control Flow\n\n* [series](#series)\n* [parallel](#parallel)\n* [whilst](#whilst)\n* [until](#until)\n* [waterfall](#waterfall)\n* [queue](#queue)\n* [auto](#auto)\n* [iterator](#iterator)\n* [apply](#apply)\n* [nextTick](#nextTick)\n\n### Utils\n\n* [memoize](#memoize)\n* [unmemoize](#unmemoize)\n* [log](#log)\n* [dir](#dir)\n* [noConflict](#noConflict)\n\n\n## Collections\n\n<a name="forEach" />\n### forEach(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nApplies an iterator function to each item in an array, in parallel.\nThe iterator is called with an item from the list and a callback for when it\nhas finished. If the iterator passes an error to this callback, the main\ncallback for the forEach function is immediately called with the error.\n\nNote, that since this function applies the iterator to each item in parallel\nthere is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(err) - A callback which is called after all the iterator functions\n have finished, or an error has occurred.\n\n__Example__\n\n // assuming openFiles is an array of file names and saveFile is a function\n // to save the modified contents of that file:\n\n async.forEach(openFiles, saveFile, function(err){\n // if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="forEachSeries" />\n### forEachSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as forEach only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in\nseries. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed\nprocessing. This means the iterator functions will complete in order.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="forEachLimit" />\n### forEachLimit(arr, limit, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as forEach only the iterator is applied to batches of items in the\narray, in series. The next batch of iterators is only called once the current\none has completed processing.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* limit - How many items should be in each batch.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(err) - A callback which is called after all the iterator functions\n have finished, or an error has occurred.\n\n__Example__\n\n // Assume documents is an array of JSON objects and requestApi is a\n // function that interacts with a rate-limited REST api.\n\n async.forEachLimit(documents, 20, requestApi, function(err){\n // if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error\n });\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="map" />\n### map(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nProduces a new array of values by mapping each value in the given array through\nthe iterator function. The iterator is called with an item from the array and a\ncallback for when it has finished processing. The callback takes 2 arguments, \nan error and the transformed item from the array. If the iterator passes an\nerror to this callback, the main callback for the map function is immediately\ncalled with the error.\n\nNote, that since this function applies the iterator to each item in parallel\nthere is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order, however\nthe results array will be in the same order as the original array.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed\n with an error (which can be null) and a transformed item.\n* callback(err, results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished, or an error has occurred. Results is an array of the\n transformed items from the original array.\n\n__Example__\n\n[\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], fs.stat, function(err, results){\n // results is now an array of stats for each file\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="mapSeries" />\n### mapSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as map only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in\nseries. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed\nprocessing. The results array will be in the same order as the original.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="filter" />\n### filter(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ select\n\nReturns a new array of all the values which pass an async truth test.\n_The callback for each iterator call only accepts a single argument of true or\nfalse, it does not accept an error argument first!_ This is in-line with the\nway node libraries work with truth tests like path.exists. This operation is\nperformed in parallel, but the results array will be in the same order as the\noriginal.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.filter([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(results){\n // results now equals an array of the existing files\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="filterSeries" />\n### filterSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__alias:__ selectSeries\n\nThe same as filter only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in\nseries. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed\nprocessing. The results array will be in the same order as the original.\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="reject" />\n### reject(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe opposite of filter. Removes values that pass an async truth test.\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="rejectSeries" />\n### rejectSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as filter, only the iterator is applied to each item in the array\nin series.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="reduce" />\n### reduce(arr, memo, iterator, callback)\n\n__aliases:__ inject, foldl\n\nReduces a list of values into a single value using an async iterator to return\neach successive step. Memo is the initial state of the reduction. This\nfunction only operates in series. For performance reasons, it may make sense to\nsplit a call to this function into a parallel map, then use the normal\nArray.prototype.reduce on the results. This function is for situations where\neach step in the reduction needs to be async, if you can get the data before\nreducing it then its probably a good idea to do so.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* memo - The initial state of the reduction.\n* iterator(memo, item, callback) - A function applied to each item in the\n array to produce the next step in the reduction. The iterator is passed a\n callback which accepts an optional error as its first argument, and the state\n of the reduction as the second. If an error is passed to the callback, the\n reduction is stopped and the main callback is immediately called with the\n error.\n* callback(err, result) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished. Result is the reduced value.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.reduce([1,2,3], 0, function(memo, item, callback){\n // pointless async:\n process.nextTick(function(){\n callback(null, memo + item)\n });\n }, function(err, result){\n // result is now equal to the last value of memo, which is 6\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="reduceRight" />\n### reduceRight(arr, memo, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ foldr\n\nSame as reduce, only operates on the items in the array in reverse order.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="detect" />\n### detect(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nReturns the first value in a list that passes an async truth test. The\niterator is applied in parallel, meaning the first iterator to return true will\nfire the detect callback with that result. That means the result might not be\nthe first item in the original array (in terms of order) that passes the test.\n\nIf order within the original array is important then look at detectSeries.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(result) - A callback which is called as soon as any iterator returns\n true, or after all the iterator functions have finished. Result will be\n the first item in the array that passes the truth test (iterator) or the\n value undefined if none passed.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.detect([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(result){\n // result now equals the first file in the list that exists\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="detectSeries" />\n### detectSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as detect, only the iterator is applied to each item in the array\nin series. This means the result is always the first in the original array (in\nterms of array order) that passes the truth test.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="sortBy" />\n### sortBy(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nSorts a list by the results of running each value through an async iterator.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed\n with an error (which can be null) and a value to use as the sort criteria.\n* callback(err, results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished, or an error has occurred. Results is the items from\n the original array sorted by the values returned by the iterator calls.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.sortBy([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], function(file, callback){\n fs.stat(file, function(err, stats){\n callback(err, stats.mtime);\n });\n }, function(err, results){\n // results is now the original array of files sorted by\n // modified date\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="some" />\n### some(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ any\n\nReturns true if at least one element in the array satisfies an async test.\n_The callback for each iterator call only accepts a single argument of true or\nfalse, it does not accept an error argument first!_ This is in-line with the\nway node libraries work with truth tests like path.exists. Once any iterator\ncall returns true, the main callback is immediately called.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(result) - A callback which is called as soon as any iterator returns\n true, or after all the iterator functions have finished. Result will be\n either true or false depending on the values of the async tests.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.some([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(result){\n // if result is true then at least one of the files exists\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="every" />\n### every(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ all\n\nReturns true if every element in the array satisfies an async test.\n_The callback for each iterator call only accepts a single argument of true or\nfalse, it does not accept an error argument first!_ This is in-line with the\nway node libraries work with truth tests like path.exists.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(result) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished. Result will be either true or false depending on\n the values of the async tests.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.every([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(result){\n // if result is true then every file exists\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="concat" />\n### concat(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nApplies an iterator to each item in a list, concatenating the results. Returns the\nconcatenated list. The iterators are called in parallel, and the results are\nconcatenated as they return. There is no guarantee that the results array will\nbe returned in the original order of the arguments passed to the iterator function.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed\n with an error (which can be null) and an array of results.\n* callback(err, results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished, or an error has occurred. Results is an array containing\n the concatenated results of the iterator function.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.concat([\'dir1\',\'dir2\',\'dir3\'], fs.readdir, function(err, files){\n // files is now a list of filenames that exist in the 3 directories\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="concatSeries" />\n### concatSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nSame as async.concat, but executes in series instead of parallel.\n\n\n## Control Flow\n\n<a name="series" />\n### series(tasks, [callback])\n\nRun an array of functions in series, each one running once the previous\nfunction has completed. If any functions in the series pass an error to its\ncallback, no more functions are run and the callback for the series is\nimmediately called with the value of the error. Once the tasks have completed,\nthe results are passed to the final callback as an array.\n\nIt is also possible to use an object instead of an array. Each property will be\nrun as a function and the results will be passed to the final callback as an object\ninstead of an array. This can be a more readable way of handling results from\nasync.series.\n\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array or object containing functions to run, each function is passed\n a callback it must call on completion.\n* callback(err, results) - An optional callback to run once all the functions\n have completed. This function gets an array of all the arguments passed to\n the callbacks used in the array.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.series([\n function(callback){\n // do some stuff ...\n callback(null, \'one\');\n },\n function(callback){\n // do some more stuff ...\n callback(null, \'two\');\n },\n ],\n // optional callback\n function(err, results){\n // results is now equal to [\'one\', \'two\']\n });\n\n\n // an example using an object instead of an array\n async.series({\n one: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 1);\n }, 200);\n },\n two: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 2);\n }, 100);\n },\n },\n function(err, results) {\n // results is now equal to: {one: 1, two: 2}\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="parallel" />\n### parallel(tasks, [callback])\n\nRun an array of functions in parallel, without waiting until the previous\nfunction has completed. If any of the functions pass an error to its\ncallback, the main callback is immediately called with the value of the error.\nOnce the tasks have completed, the results are passed to the final callback as an\narray.\n\nIt is also possible to use an object instead of an array. Each property will be\nrun as a function and the results will be passed to the final callback as an object\ninstead of an array. This can be a more readable way of handling results from\nasync.parallel.\n\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array or object containing functions to run, each function is passed a\n callback it must call on completion.\n* callback(err, results) - An optional callback to run once all the functions\n have completed. This function gets an array of all the arguments passed to\n the callbacks used in the array.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.parallel([\n function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, \'one\');\n }, 200);\n },\n function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, \'two\');\n }, 100);\n },\n ],\n // optional callback\n function(err, results){\n // the results array will equal [\'one\',\'two\'] even though\n // the second function had a shorter timeout.\n });\n\n\n // an example using an object instead of an array\n async.parallel({\n one: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 1);\n }, 200);\n },\n two: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 2);\n }, 100);\n },\n },\n function(err, results) {\n // results is now equals to: {one: 1, two: 2}\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="whilst" />\n### whilst(test, fn, callback)\n\nRepeatedly call fn, while test returns true. Calls the callback when stopped,\nor an error occurs.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* test() - synchronous truth test to perform before each execution of fn.\n* fn(callback) - A function to call each time the test passes. The function is\n passed a callback which must be called once it has completed with an optional\n error as the first argument.\n* callback(err) - A callback which is called after the test fails and repeated\n execution of fn has stopped.\n\n__Example__\n\n var count = 0;\n\n async.whilst(\n function () { return count < 5; },\n function (callback) {\n count++;\n setTimeout(callback, 1000);\n },\n function (err) {\n // 5 seconds have passed\n }\n );\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="until" />\n### until(test, fn, callback)\n\nRepeatedly call fn, until test returns true. Calls the callback when stopped,\nor an error occurs.\n\nThe inverse of async.whilst.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="waterfall" />\n### waterfall(tasks, [callback])\n\nRuns an array of functions in series, each passing their results to the next in\nthe array. However, if any of the functions pass an error to the callback, the\nnext function is not executed and the main callback is immediately called with\nthe error.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array of functions to run, each function is passed a callback it\n must call on completion.\n* callback(err, [results]) - An optional callback to run once all the functions\n have completed. This will be passed the results of the last task\'s callback.\n\n\n\n__Example__\n\n async.waterfall([\n function(callback){\n callback(null, \'one\', \'two\');\n },\n function(arg1, arg2, callback){\n callback(null, \'three\');\n },\n function(arg1, callback){\n // arg1 now equals \'three\'\n callback(null, \'done\');\n }\n ], function (err, result) {\n // result now equals \'done\' \n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="queue" />\n### queue(worker, concurrency)\n\nCreates a queue object with the specified concurrency. Tasks added to the\nqueue will be processed in parallel (up to the concurrency limit). If all\nworkers are in progress, the task is queued until one is available. Once\na worker has completed a task, the task\'s callback is called.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* worker(task, callback) - An asynchronous function for processing a queued\n task.\n* concurrency - An integer for determining how many worker functions should be\n run in parallel.\n\n__Queue objects__\n\nThe queue object returned by this function has the following properties and\nmethods:\n\n* length() - a function returning the number of items waiting to be processed.\n* concurrency - an integer for determining how many worker functions should be\n run in parallel. This property can be changed after a queue is created to\n alter the concurrency on-the-fly.\n* push(task, [callback]) - add a new task to the queue, the callback is called\n once the worker has finished processing the task.\n instead of a single task, an array of tasks can be submitted. the respective callback is used for every task in the list.\n* saturated - a callback that is called when the queue length hits the concurrency and further tasks will be queued\n* empty - a callback that is called when the last item from the queue is given to a worker\n* drain - a callback that is called when the last item from the queue has returned from the worker\n\n__Example__\n\n // create a queue object with concurrency 2\n\n var q = async.queue(function (task, callback) {\n console.log(\'hello \' +;\n callback();\n }, 2);\n\n\n // assign a callback\n q.drain = function() {\n console.log(\'all items have been processed\');\n }\n\n // add some items to the queue\n\n q.push({name: \'foo\'}, function (err) {\n console.log(\'finished processing foo\');\n });\n q.push({name: \'bar\'}, function (err) {\n console.log(\'finished processing bar\');\n });\n\n // add some items to the queue (batch-wise)\n\n q.push([{name: \'baz\'},{name: \'bay\'},{name: \'bax\'}], function (err) {\n console.log(\'finished processing bar\');\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="auto" />\n### auto(tasks, [callback])\n\nDetermines the best order for running functions based on their requirements.\nEach function can optionally depend on other functions being completed first,\nand each function is run as soon as its requirements are satisfied. If any of\nthe functions pass an error to their callback, that function will not complete\n(so any other functions depending on it will not run) and the main callback\nwill be called immediately with the error. Functions also receive an object\ncontaining the results of functions which have completed so far.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An object literal containing named functions or an array of\n requirements, with the function itself the last item in the array. The key\n used for each function or array is used when specifying requirements. The\n syntax is easier to understand by looking at the example.\n* callback(err, results) - An optional callback which is called when all the\n tasks have been completed. The callback will receive an error as an argument\n if any tasks pass an error to their callback. If all tasks complete\n successfully, it will receive an object containing their results.\n\n__Example__\n\n{\n get_data: function(callback){\n // async code to get some data\n },\n make_folder: function(callback){\n // async code to create a directory to store a file in\n // this is run at the same time as getting the data\n },\n write_file: [\'get_data\', \'make_folder\', function(callback){\n // once there is some data and the directory exists,\n // write the data to a file in the directory\n callback(null, filename);\n }],\n email_link: [\'write_file\', function(callback, results){\n // once the file is written let\'s email a link to it...\n // results.write_file contains the filename returned by write_file.\n }]\n });\n\nThis is a fairly trivial example, but to do this using the basic parallel and\nseries functions would look like this:\n\n async.parallel([\n function(callback){\n // async code to get some data\n },\n function(callback){\n // async code to create a directory to store a file in\n // this is run at the same time as getting the data\n }\n ],\n function(results){\n async.series([\n function(callback){\n // once there is some data and the directory exists,\n // write the data to a file in the directory\n },\n email_link: function(callback){\n // once the file is written let\'s email a link to it...\n }\n ]);\n });\n\nFor a complicated series of async tasks using the auto function makes adding\nnew tasks much easier and makes the code more readable.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="iterator" />\n### iterator(tasks)\n\nCreates an iterator function which calls the next function in the array,\nreturning a continuation to call the next one after that. Its also possible to\n\'peek\' the next iterator by doing\n\nThis function is used internally by the async module but can be useful when\nyou want to manually control the flow of functions in series.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array of functions to run, each function is passed a callback it\n must call on completion.\n\n__Example__\n\n var iterator = async.iterator([\n function(){ sys.p(\'one\'); },\n function(){ sys.p(\'two\'); },\n function(){ sys.p(\'three\'); }\n ]);\n\n node> var iterator2 = iterator();\n \'one\'\n node> var iterator3 = iterator2();\n \'two\'\n node> iterator3();\n \'three\'\n node> var nextfn =;\n node> nextfn();\n \'three\'\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="apply" />\n### apply(function, arguments..)\n\nCreates a continuation function with some arguments already applied, a useful\nshorthand when combined with other control flow functions. Any arguments\npassed to the returned function are added to the arguments originally passed\nto apply.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* function - The function you want to eventually apply all arguments to.\n* arguments... - Any number of arguments to automatically apply when the\n continuation is called.\n\n__Example__\n\n // using apply\n\n async.parallel([\n async.apply(fs.writeFile, \'testfile1\', \'test1\'),\n async.apply(fs.writeFile, \'testfile2\', \'test2\'),\n ]);\n\n\n // the same process without using apply\n\n async.parallel([\n function(callback){\n fs.writeFile(\'testfile1\', \'test1\', callback);\n },\n function(callback){\n fs.writeFile(\'testfile2\', \'test2\', callback);\n },\n ]);\n\nIt\'s possible to pass any number of additional arguments when calling the\ncontinuation:\n\n node> var fn = async.apply(sys.puts, \'one\');\n node> fn(\'two\', \'three\');\n one\n two\n three\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="nextTick" />\n### nextTick(callback)\n\nCalls the callback on a later loop around the event loop. In node.js this just\ncalls process.nextTick, in the browser it falls back to setTimeout(callback, 0),\nwhich means other higher priority events may precede the execution of the callback.\n\nThis is used internally for browser-compatibility purposes.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* callback - The function to call on a later loop around the event loop.\n\n__Example__\n\n var call_order = [];\n async.nextTick(function(){\n call_order.push(\'two\');\n // call_order now equals [\'one\',\'two]\n });\n call_order.push(\'one\')\n\n\n## Utils\n\n<a name="memoize" />\n### memoize(fn, [hasher])\n\nCaches the results of an async function. When creating a hash to store function\nresults against, the callback is omitted from the hash and an optional hash\nfunction can be used.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* fn - the function you to proxy and cache results from.\n* hasher - an optional function for generating a custom hash for storing\n results, it has all the arguments applied to it apart from the callback, and\n must be synchronous.\n\n__Example__\n\n var slow_fn = function (name, callback) {\n // do something\n callback(null, result);\n };\n var fn = async.memoize(slow_fn);\n\n // fn can now be used as if it were slow_fn\n fn(\'some name\', function () {\n // callback\n });\n\n<a name="unmemoize" />\n### unmemoize(fn)\n\nUndoes a memoized function, reverting it to the original, unmemoized\nform. Comes handy in tests.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* fn - the memoized function\n\n<a name="log" />\n### log(function, arguments)\n\nLogs the result of an async function to the console. Only works in node.js or\nin browsers that support console.log and console.error (such as FF and Chrome).\nIf multiple arguments are returned from the async function, console.log is\ncalled on each argument in order.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* function - The function you want to eventually apply all arguments to.\n* arguments... - Any number of arguments to apply to the function.\n\n__Example__\n\n var hello = function(name, callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, \'hello \' + name);\n }, 1000);\n };\n\n node> async.log(hello, \'world\');\n \'hello world\'\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="dir" />\n### dir(function, arguments)\n\nLogs the result of an async function to the console using console.dir to\ndisplay the properties of the resulting object. Only works in node.js or\nin browsers that support console.dir and console.error (such as FF and Chrome).\nIf multiple arguments are returned from the async function, console.dir is\ncalled on each argument in order.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* function - The function you want to eventually apply all arguments to.\n* arguments... - Any number of arguments to apply to the function.\n\n__Example__\n\n var hello = function(name, callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, {hello: name});\n }, 1000);\n };\n\n node> async.dir(hello, \'world\');\n {hello: \'world\'}\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="noConflict" />\n### noConflict()\n\nChanges the value of async back to its original value, returning a reference to the\nasync object.\n',
2623 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2623 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2623 silly resolved { name: 'i',
2623 silly resolved version: '0.3.0',
2623 silly resolved author:
2623 silly resolved { name: 'Pavan Kumar Sunkara',
2623 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved description: 'custom inflections for nodejs',
2623 silly resolved main: './lib/inflect',
2623 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
2623 silly resolved keywords:
2623 silly resolved [ 'singular',
2623 silly resolved 'plural',
2623 silly resolved 'camelize',
2623 silly resolved 'underscore',
2623 silly resolved 'dasherize',
2623 silly resolved 'demodulize',
2623 silly resolved 'ordinalize',
2623 silly resolved 'uncountable',
2623 silly resolved 'pluralize',
2623 silly resolved 'singularize',
2623 silly resolved 'titleize',
2623 silly resolved 'tableize',
2623 silly resolved 'classify',
2623 silly resolved 'foreign_key' ],
2623 silly resolved homepage: '',
2623 silly resolved scripts: { test: './node_modules/.bin/vows --spec $(find test -name \'*-test.js\')' },
2623 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object] ],
2623 silly resolved dependencies: {},
2623 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '~0.6.1' },
2623 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4' },
2623 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
2623 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
2623 silly resolved readme: '# inflect\n\ncustomizable inflections for nodejs\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\nnpm install i\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nRequire the module before using\n\n```js\nvar inflect = require(\'i\')();\n```\n\nAll the below api functions can be called directly on a string\n\n```js\ninflect.titleize(\'messages to store\') // === \'Messages To Store\'\n\'messages to store\'.titleize // === \'Messages To Store\'\n```\n\nonly if `true` is passed while initiating\n\n```js\nvar inflect = require(\'i\')(true);\n```\n\n### Pluralize\n\n```js\ninflect.pluralize(\'person\'); // === \'people\'\ninflect.pluralize(\'octopus\'); // === \'octopi\'\ninflect.pluralize(\'Hat\'); // === \'Hats\'\n```\n\n### Singularize\n\n```js\ninflect.singularize(\'people\'); // === \'person\'\ninflect.singularize(\'octopi\'); // === \'octopus\'\ninflect.singularize(\'Hats\'); // === \'Hat\'\n```\n\n### Camelize\n\n```js\ninflect.camelize(\'message_properties\'); // === \'MessageProperties\'\ninflect.camelize(\'message_properties\', false); // === \'messageProperties\'\n```\n\n### Underscore\n\n```js\ninflect.underscore(\'MessageProperties\'); // === \'message_properties\'\ninflect.underscore(\'messageProperties\'); // === \'message_properties\'\n```\n\n### Humanize\n\n```js\ninflect.humanize(\'message_id\'); // === \'Message\'\n```\n\n### Dasherize\n\n```js\ninflect.dasherize(\'message_properties\'); // === \'message-properties\'\ninflect.dasherize(\'Message Properties\'); // === \'Message Properties\'\n```\n\n### Titleize\n\n```js\ninflect.titleize(\'message_properties\'); // === \'Message Properties\'\ninflect.titleize(\'message properties to keep\'); // === \'Message Properties to Keep\'\n```\n\n### Demodulize\n\n```js\ninflect.demodulize(\'Message.Bus.Properties\'); // === \'Properties\'\n```\n\n### Tableize\n\n```js\ninflect.tableize(\'MessageBusProperty\'); // === \'message_bus_properties\'\n```\n\n### Classify\n\n```js\ninflect.classify(\'message_bus_properties\'); // === \'MessageBusProperty\'\n```\n\n### Foreign key\n\n```js\ninflect.foreign_key(\'MessageBusProperty\'); // === \'message_bus_property_id\'\ninflect.foreign_key(\'MessageBusProperty\', false); // === \'message_bus_propertyid\'\n```\n\n### Ordinalize\n\n```js\ninflect.ordinalize( \'1\' ); // === \'1st\'\n```\n\n## Custom rules for inflection\n\n### Custom plural\n\nWe can use regexp in any of these custom rules\n\n```js\ninflect.inflections.plural(\'person\', \'guys\');\ninflect.pluralize(\'person\'); // === \'guys\'\ninflect.singularize(\'guys\'); // === \'guy\'\n```\n\n### Custom singular\n\n```js\ninflect.inflections.singular(\'guys\', \'person\')\ninflect.singularize(\'guys\'); // === \'person\'\ninflect.pluralize(\'person\'); // === \'people\'\n```\n\n### Custom irregular\n\n```js\ninflect.inflections.irregular(\'person\', \'guys\')\ninflect.pluralize(\'person\'); // === \'guys\'\ninflect.singularize(\'guys\'); // === \'person\'\n```\n\n### Custom human\n\n```js\ninflect.inflections.human(/^(.*)_cnt$/i, \'$1_count\');\ninflect.inflections.humanize(\'jargon_cnt\'); // === \'Jargon count\'\n```\n\n### Custom uncountable\n\n```js\ninflect.inflections.uncountable(\'oil\')\ninflect.pluralize(\'oil\'); // === \'oil\'\ninflect.singularize(\'oil\'); // === \'oil\'\n```\n\n## Contributors\nHere is a list of [Contributors](\n\n### TODO\n\n- More obscure test cases\n\n__I accept pull requests and guarantee a reply back within a day__\n\n## License\nMIT/X11\n\n## Bug Reports\nReport [here]( __Guaranteed reply within a day__.\n\n## Contact\nPavan Kumar Sunkara ([email protected])\n\nFollow me on [github](, [twitter](\n',
2623 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2623 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2623 silly resolved { name: 'mkdirp',
2623 silly resolved description: 'Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`',
2623 silly resolved version: '0.3.3',
2623 silly resolved author:
2623 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
2623 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved main: './index',
2623 silly resolved keywords: [ 'mkdir', 'directory' ],
2623 silly resolved repository:
2623 silly resolved { type: 'git',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
2623 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '~0.2.4' },
2623 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
2623 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
2623 silly resolved readme: 'mkdirp\n======\n\nLike `mkdir -p`, but in node.js!\n\n[![build status](](\n\nexample\n=======\n\npow.js\n------\n var mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n \n mkdirp(\'/tmp/foo/bar/baz\', function (err) {\n if (err) console.error(err)\n else console.log(\'pow!\')\n });\n\nOutput\n pow!\n\nAnd now /tmp/foo/bar/baz exists, huzzah!\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n\nmkdirp(dir, mode, cb)\n---------------------\n\nCreate a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir` with octal\npermission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\n`cb(err, made)` fires with the error or the first directory `made`\nthat had to be created, if any.\n\nmkdirp.sync(dir, mode)\n----------------------\n\nSynchronously create a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir`\nwith octal permission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\nReturns the first directory that had to be created, if any.\n\ninstall\n=======\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n npm install mkdirp\n\nlicense\n=======\n\nMIT/X11\n',
2623 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
2623 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2623 silly resolved { name: 'ncp',
2623 silly resolved version: '0.2.6',
2623 silly resolved author: { name: 'AvianFlu', email: '[email protected]' },
2623 silly resolved description: 'Asynchronous recursive file copy utility.',
2623 silly resolved bin: { ncp: './bin/ncp' },
2623 silly resolved devDependencies: { vows: '0.6.x', rimraf: '1.0.x', 'read-dir-files': '0.0.x' },
2623 silly resolved main: './lib/ncp.js',
2623 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2623 silly resolved keywords: [ 'cli', 'copy' ],
2623 silly resolved license: 'MIT',
2623 silly resolved engine: { node: '>=0.4' },
2623 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'vows --isolate --spec' },
2623 silly resolved readme: '# ncp - Asynchronous recursive file & directory copying\n\n[![Build Status](](\n\nThink `cp -r`, but pure node, and asynchronous. `ncp` can be used both as a CLI tool and programmatically.\n\n## Command Line usage\n\nUsage is simple: `ncp [source] [dest] [--limit=concurrency limit]\n[--filter=filter] --stopOnErr`\n\nThe \'filter\' is a Regular Expression - matched files will be copied.\n\nThe \'concurrency limit\' is an integer that represents how many pending file system requests `ncp` has at a time.\n\n\'stopOnErr\' is a boolean flag that will tell `ncp` to stop immediately if any\nerrors arise, rather than attempting to continue while logging errors.\n\nIf there are no errors, `ncp` will output `done.` when complete. If there are errors, the error messages will be logged to `stdout` and to `./ncp-debug.log`, and the copy operation will attempt to continue.\n\n## Programmatic usage\n\nProgrammatic usage of `ncp` is just as simple. The only argument to the completion callback is a possible error. \n\n```javascript\nvar ncp = require(\'ncp\').ncp;\n\nncp.limit = 16;\n\nncp(source, destination, function (err) {\n if (err) {\n return console.error(err);\n }\n console.log(\'done!\');\n});\n```\n\nYou can also call ncp like `ncp(source, destination, options, callback)`. \n`options` should be a dictionary. Currently, such options are available:\n\n * `options.filter` - a `RegExp` instance, against which each file name is\n tested to determine whether to copy it or not, or a function taking single\n parameter: copied file name, returning `true` or `false`, determining\n whether to copy file or not.\n\nPlease open an issue if any bugs arise. As always, I accept (working) pull requests, and refunds are available at `/dev/null`.\n',
2623 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2623 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2623 silly resolved { name: 'rimraf',
2623 silly resolved version: '1.0.9',
2623 silly resolved main: 'rimraf.js',
2623 silly resolved description: 'A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)',
2623 silly resolved author:
2623 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
2623 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved license:
2623 silly resolved { type: 'MIT',
2623 silly resolved url: '' },
2623 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
2623 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'cd test && bash' },
2623 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
2623 silly resolved readme: 'A `rm -rf` for node.\n\nInstall with `npm install rimraf`, or just drop rimraf.js somewhere.\n\n## API\n\n`rimraf(f, [options,] callback)`\n\nThe callback will be called with an error if there is one. Certain\nerrors are handled for you:\n\n* `EBUSY` - rimraf will back off a maximum of opts.maxBusyTries times\n before giving up.\n* `EMFILE` - If too many file descriptors get opened, rimraf will\n patiently wait until more become available.\n\n## Options\n\nThe options object is optional. These fields are respected:\n\n* `maxBusyTries` - The number of times to retry a file or folder in the\n event of an `EBUSY` error. The default is 3.\n* `gently` - If provided a `gently` path, then rimraf will only delete\n files and folders that are beneath this path, and only delete symbolic\n links that point to a place within this path. (This is very important\n to npm\'s use-case, and shows rimraf\'s pedigree.)\n\n\n## rimraf.sync\n\nIt can remove stuff synchronously, too. But that\'s not so good. Use\nthe async API. It\'s better.\n',
2623 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2623 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2623 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
2624 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2625 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2626 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2627 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2628 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2629 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2630 info installOne [email protected]
2631 info installOne [email protected]
2632 info installOne [email protected]
2633 info installOne [email protected]
2634 info installOne [email protected]
2635 info installOne [email protected]
2636 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/deep-equal/0.0.0/package/package.json
2637 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/async/0.1.22/package/package.json
2638 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/i/0.3.0/package/package.json
2639 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package/package.json
2640 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/ncp/0.2.6/package/package.json
2641 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/rimraf/1.0.9/package/package.json
2642 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal unbuild
2643 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal/package.json
2644 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async unbuild
2645 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async/package.json
2646 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i unbuild
2647 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i/package.json
2648 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp unbuild
2649 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
2650 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp unbuild
2651 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp/package.json
2652 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf unbuild
2653 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
2654 http 304
2655 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2655 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2655 silly registry.get etag: '"1CELN8I9RMFCK63JOXFG74XPI"',
2655 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2655 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2656 verbose etag colors/0.6.0-1 from cache
2657 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/deep-equal/0.0.0/package.tgz
2658 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/async/0.1.22/package.tgz
2659 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/i/0.3.0/package.tgz
2660 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz
2661 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/ncp/0.2.6/package.tgz
2662 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/rimraf/1.0.9/package.tgz
2663 silly lockFile 2b36089b-es-utile-node-modules-deep-equal /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal
2664 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal /Users/R2D2/.npm/2b36089b-es-utile-node-modules-deep-equal.lock
2665 silly lockFile a73fd453-modules-utile-node-modules-async /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async
2666 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async /Users/R2D2/.npm/a73fd453-modules-utile-node-modules-async.lock
2667 silly lockFile eca350ff-ode-modules-utile-node-modules-i /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i
2668 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i /Users/R2D2/.npm/eca350ff-ode-modules-utile-node-modules-i.lock
2669 silly lockFile 2849955f-odules-utile-node-modules-mkdirp /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp
2670 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp /Users/R2D2/.npm/2849955f-odules-utile-node-modules-mkdirp.lock
2671 silly lockFile 7c1f89cd-e-modules-utile-node-modules-ncp /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp
2672 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp /Users/R2D2/.npm/7c1f89cd-e-modules-utile-node-modules-ncp.lock
2673 silly lockFile 7c78e8da-odules-utile-node-modules-rimraf /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf
2674 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf /Users/R2D2/.npm/7c78e8da-odules-utile-node-modules-rimraf.lock
2675 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2676 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2677 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2678 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2679 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2680 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2681 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/colors/0.6.0-1/package/package.json
2682 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2683 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2684 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2685 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2686 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2687 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2688 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2689 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example/cmp.js
2690 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2691 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2692 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2693 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2694 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2695 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2696 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2697 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2698 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2699 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2700 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2701 silly lockFile 02eba27f-colors-0-6-0-1 [email protected]
2702 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.markdown
2703 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cmp.js
2704 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry fiber.js
2705 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry rimraf.js
2706 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2707 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2708 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2709 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.orig
2710 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry mode.js
2711 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry laull
2712 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2713 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/defaults.js
2714 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry AUTHORS
2715 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test-async.js
2716 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitmodules
2717 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/async.js
2718 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.rej
2719 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2720 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
2721 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2722 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/inflect.js
2723 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/inflections.js
2724 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test-fiber.js
2725 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2726 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js
2727 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/ncp-test.js
2728 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/methods.js
2729 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/a
2730 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/native.js
2731 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/util.js
2732 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/inflector/cases.js
2733 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/inflector/inflections-test.js
2734 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test-sync.js
2735 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/
2736 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.orig
2737 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.rej
2738 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/
2739 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/b
2740 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/c
2741 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.markdown
2742 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/chmod.js
2743 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm.js
2744 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm_sync.js
2745 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/inflector/methods-test.js
2746 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/utils/array-test.js
2747 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/d
2748 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/e
2749 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/race.js
2750 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/mkdirp.js
2751 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/utils/string-test.js
2752 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/f
2753 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/sub/a
2754 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal/package.json
2755 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/return.js
2756 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/return_sync.js
2757 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/src/sub/b
2758 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/ncp
2759 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry hahaha
2760 silly lockFile 2b36089b-es-utile-node-modules-deep-equal /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal
2761 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/root.js
2762 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/sync.js
2763 info preinstall [email protected]
2764 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/ncp.js
2765 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask.js
2766 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/clobber.js
2767 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal/package.json
2768 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask_sync.js
2769 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/rel.js
2770 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
2771 silly lockFile 7c78e8da-odules-utile-node-modules-rimraf /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf
2772 info preinstall [email protected]
2773 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
2774 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async/package.json
2775 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp/package.json
2776 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal',
2776 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2777 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2778 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal/package.json
2779 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf',
2779 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2780 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2781 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
2782 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal',
2782 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2783 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2784 silly resolved []
2785 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal
2786 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal
2787 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/deep-equal/package.json
2788 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf',
2788 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2789 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2790 silly resolved []
2791 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf
2792 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf
2793 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
2794 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2794 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2794 verbose linkStuff false,
2794 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules' ]
2795 info linkStuff [email protected]
2796 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2797 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2798 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2799 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2799 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2799 verbose linkStuff false,
2799 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules' ]
2800 info linkStuff [email protected]
2801 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2802 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2803 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2804 http 304
2805 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2805 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2805 silly registry.get etag: '"50H2L52F2IJ0UEA8PNOH2PJWV"',
2805 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2805 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2806 verbose etag cycle/1.0.0 from cache
2807 info install [email protected]
2808 info install [email protected]
2809 info postinstall [email protected]
2810 info postinstall [email protected]
2811 silly lockFile a73fd453-modules-utile-node-modules-async /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async
2812 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/cycle/1.0.0/package/package.json
2813 silly lockFile 7c1f89cd-e-modules-utile-node-modules-ncp /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp
2814 info preinstall [email protected]
2815 warn package.json [email protected] No file found!
2816 silly lockFile 6e8b5270-cycle-1-0-0 [email protected]
2817 info preinstall [email protected]
2818 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async/package.json
2819 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp/package.json
2820 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async',
2820 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2821 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2822 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async/package.json
2823 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp',
2823 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2824 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2825 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp/package.json
2826 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async',
2826 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2827 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2828 silly resolved []
2829 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async
2830 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async
2831 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/async/package.json
2832 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp',
2832 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2833 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2834 silly resolved []
2835 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp
2836 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp
2837 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/ncp/package.json
2838 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2838 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2838 verbose linkStuff false,
2838 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules' ]
2839 info linkStuff [email protected]
2840 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2841 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2842 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2843 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2843 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2843 verbose linkStuff false,
2843 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules' ]
2844 info linkStuff [email protected]
2845 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2846 verbose link bins [ { ncp: './bin/ncp' },
2846 verbose link bins '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/.bin',
2846 verbose link bins false ]
2847 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2848 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2849 info install [email protected]
2850 info postinstall [email protected]
2851 info install [email protected]
2852 info postinstall [email protected]
2853 http 304
2854 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2854 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2854 silly registry.get etag: '"7E7RJ5RZ00I63LL8P2CAHGADR"',
2854 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2854 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2855 verbose etag eyes/0.1.7 from cache
2856 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
2857 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/eyes/0.1.7/package/package.json
2858 silly lockFile 2849955f-odules-utile-node-modules-mkdirp /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp
2859 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i/package.json
2860 silly lockFile d5f92778-eyes-0-1-7 [email protected]
2861 info preinstall [email protected]
2862 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
2863 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp',
2863 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2864 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2865 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
2866 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp',
2866 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2867 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2868 silly resolved []
2869 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp
2870 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp
2871 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
2872 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2872 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2872 verbose linkStuff false,
2872 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules' ]
2873 info linkStuff [email protected]
2874 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2875 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2876 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2877 info install [email protected]
2878 info postinstall [email protected]
2879 silly lockFile eca350ff-ode-modules-utile-node-modules-i /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i
2880 http 304
2881 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2881 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2881 silly registry.get etag: '"D0CLHJRN49A85MG98QA53PLUN"',
2881 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2881 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2882 verbose etag stack-trace/0.0.6 from cache
2883 info preinstall [email protected]
2884 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i/package.json
2885 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i',
2885 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2886 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2887 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i/package.json
2888 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i',
2888 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
2889 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
2890 silly resolved []
2891 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i
2892 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i
2893 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules/i/package.json
2894 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2894 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2894 verbose linkStuff false,
2894 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/node_modules' ]
2895 info linkStuff [email protected]
2896 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2897 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2898 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2899 info install [email protected]
2900 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/stack-trace/0.0.6/package/package.json
2901 info postinstall [email protected]
2902 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2903 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile
2904 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/utile/package.json
2905 verbose linkStuff [ true,
2905 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
2905 verbose linkStuff false,
2905 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules' ]
2906 info linkStuff [email protected]
2907 verbose linkBins [email protected]
2908 verbose linkMans [email protected]
2909 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
2910 verbose rebuildBundles [ '.bin', 'async', 'deep-equal', 'i', 'mkdirp', 'ncp', 'rimraf' ]
2911 info install [email protected]
2912 info postinstall [email protected]
2913 silly lockFile cdeb4bad-stack-trace-0-0-6 [email protected]
2914 http 304
2915 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
2915 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
2915 silly registry.get etag: '"4Z8GNVPJB6N5OX531KEO1CGZN"',
2915 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
2915 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
2916 verbose etag request/2.9.203 from cache
2917 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/request/2.9.203/package/package.json
2918 silly lockFile 3887d89d-request-2-9-203 [email protected]
2919 silly resolved [ { name: 'async',
2919 silly resolved description: 'Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code',
2919 silly resolved main: './index',
2919 silly resolved author: { name: 'Caolan McMahon' },
2919 silly resolved version: '0.1.22',
2919 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2919 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
2919 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
2919 silly resolved devDependencies: { nodeunit: '>0.0.0', 'uglify-js': '1.2.x', nodelint: '>0.0.0' },
2919 silly resolved readme: '# Async.js\n\nAsync is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions\nfor working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for\nuse with [node.js](, it can also be used directly in the\nbrowser.\n\nAsync provides around 20 functions that include the usual \'functional\'\nsuspects (map, reduce, filter, forEach…) as well as some common patterns\nfor asynchronous control flow (parallel, series, waterfall…). All these\nfunctions assume you follow the node.js convention of providing a single\ncallback as the last argument of your async function.\n\n\n## Quick Examples\n\n[\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], fs.stat, function(err, results){\n // results is now an array of stats for each file\n });\n\n async.filter([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(results){\n // results now equals an array of the existing files\n });\n\n async.parallel([\n function(){ ... },\n function(){ ... }\n ], callback);\n\n async.series([\n function(){ ... },\n function(){ ... }\n ]);\n\nThere are many more functions available so take a look at the docs below for a\nfull list. This module aims to be comprehensive, so if you feel anything is\nmissing please create a GitHub issue for it.\n\n\n## Download\n\nReleases are available for download from\n[GitHub](\nAlternatively, you can install using Node Package Manager (npm):\n\n npm install async\n\n\n__Development:__ [async.js]( - 17.5kb Uncompressed\n\n__Production:__ [async.min.js]( - 1.7kb Packed and Gzipped\n\n\n## In the Browser\n\nSo far its been tested in IE6, IE7, IE8, FF3.6 and Chrome 5. Usage:\n\n <script type="text/javascript" src="async.js"></script>\n <script type="text/javascript">\n\n, asyncProcess, function(err, results){\n alert(results);\n });\n\n </script>\n\n\n## Documentation\n\n### Collections\n\n* [forEach](#forEach)\n* [map](#map)\n* [filter](#filter)\n* [reject](#reject)\n* [reduce](#reduce)\n* [detect](#detect)\n* [sortBy](#sortBy)\n* [some](#some)\n* [every](#every)\n* [concat](#concat)\n\n### Control Flow\n\n* [series](#series)\n* [parallel](#parallel)\n* [whilst](#whilst)\n* [until](#until)\n* [waterfall](#waterfall)\n* [queue](#queue)\n* [auto](#auto)\n* [iterator](#iterator)\n* [apply](#apply)\n* [nextTick](#nextTick)\n\n### Utils\n\n* [memoize](#memoize)\n* [unmemoize](#unmemoize)\n* [log](#log)\n* [dir](#dir)\n* [noConflict](#noConflict)\n\n\n## Collections\n\n<a name="forEach" />\n### forEach(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nApplies an iterator function to each item in an array, in parallel.\nThe iterator is called with an item from the list and a callback for when it\nhas finished. If the iterator passes an error to this callback, the main\ncallback for the forEach function is immediately called with the error.\n\nNote, that since this function applies the iterator to each item in parallel\nthere is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(err) - A callback which is called after all the iterator functions\n have finished, or an error has occurred.\n\n__Example__\n\n // assuming openFiles is an array of file names and saveFile is a function\n // to save the modified contents of that file:\n\n async.forEach(openFiles, saveFile, function(err){\n // if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="forEachSeries" />\n### forEachSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as forEach only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in\nseries. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed\nprocessing. This means the iterator functions will complete in order.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="forEachLimit" />\n### forEachLimit(arr, limit, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as forEach only the iterator is applied to batches of items in the\narray, in series. The next batch of iterators is only called once the current\none has completed processing.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* limit - How many items should be in each batch.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(err) - A callback which is called after all the iterator functions\n have finished, or an error has occurred.\n\n__Example__\n\n // Assume documents is an array of JSON objects and requestApi is a\n // function that interacts with a rate-limited REST api.\n\n async.forEachLimit(documents, 20, requestApi, function(err){\n // if any of the saves produced an error, err would equal that error\n });\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="map" />\n### map(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nProduces a new array of values by mapping each value in the given array through\nthe iterator function. The iterator is called with an item from the array and a\ncallback for when it has finished processing. The callback takes 2 arguments, \nan error and the transformed item from the array. If the iterator passes an\nerror to this callback, the main callback for the map function is immediately\ncalled with the error.\n\nNote, that since this function applies the iterator to each item in parallel\nthere is no guarantee that the iterator functions will complete in order, however\nthe results array will be in the same order as the original array.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed\n with an error (which can be null) and a transformed item.\n* callback(err, results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished, or an error has occurred. Results is an array of the\n transformed items from the original array.\n\n__Example__\n\n[\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], fs.stat, function(err, results){\n // results is now an array of stats for each file\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="mapSeries" />\n### mapSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as map only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in\nseries. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed\nprocessing. The results array will be in the same order as the original.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="filter" />\n### filter(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ select\n\nReturns a new array of all the values which pass an async truth test.\n_The callback for each iterator call only accepts a single argument of true or\nfalse, it does not accept an error argument first!_ This is in-line with the\nway node libraries work with truth tests like path.exists. This operation is\nperformed in parallel, but the results array will be in the same order as the\noriginal.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.filter([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(results){\n // results now equals an array of the existing files\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="filterSeries" />\n### filterSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__alias:__ selectSeries\n\nThe same as filter only the iterator is applied to each item in the array in\nseries. The next iterator is only called once the current one has completed\nprocessing. The results array will be in the same order as the original.\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="reject" />\n### reject(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe opposite of filter. Removes values that pass an async truth test.\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="rejectSeries" />\n### rejectSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as filter, only the iterator is applied to each item in the array\nin series.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="reduce" />\n### reduce(arr, memo, iterator, callback)\n\n__aliases:__ inject, foldl\n\nReduces a list of values into a single value using an async iterator to return\neach successive step. Memo is the initial state of the reduction. This\nfunction only operates in series. For performance reasons, it may make sense to\nsplit a call to this function into a parallel map, then use the normal\nArray.prototype.reduce on the results. This function is for situations where\neach step in the reduction needs to be async, if you can get the data before\nreducing it then its probably a good idea to do so.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* memo - The initial state of the reduction.\n* iterator(memo, item, callback) - A function applied to each item in the\n array to produce the next step in the reduction. The iterator is passed a\n callback which accepts an optional error as its first argument, and the state\n of the reduction as the second. If an error is passed to the callback, the\n reduction is stopped and the main callback is immediately called with the\n error.\n* callback(err, result) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished. Result is the reduced value.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.reduce([1,2,3], 0, function(memo, item, callback){\n // pointless async:\n process.nextTick(function(){\n callback(null, memo + item)\n });\n }, function(err, result){\n // result is now equal to the last value of memo, which is 6\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="reduceRight" />\n### reduceRight(arr, memo, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ foldr\n\nSame as reduce, only operates on the items in the array in reverse order.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="detect" />\n### detect(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nReturns the first value in a list that passes an async truth test. The\niterator is applied in parallel, meaning the first iterator to return true will\nfire the detect callback with that result. That means the result might not be\nthe first item in the original array (in terms of order) that passes the test.\n\nIf order within the original array is important then look at detectSeries.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(result) - A callback which is called as soon as any iterator returns\n true, or after all the iterator functions have finished. Result will be\n the first item in the array that passes the truth test (iterator) or the\n value undefined if none passed.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.detect([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(result){\n // result now equals the first file in the list that exists\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="detectSeries" />\n### detectSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nThe same as detect, only the iterator is applied to each item in the array\nin series. This means the result is always the first in the original array (in\nterms of array order) that passes the truth test.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="sortBy" />\n### sortBy(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nSorts a list by the results of running each value through an async iterator.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed\n with an error (which can be null) and a value to use as the sort criteria.\n* callback(err, results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished, or an error has occurred. Results is the items from\n the original array sorted by the values returned by the iterator calls.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.sortBy([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], function(file, callback){\n fs.stat(file, function(err, stats){\n callback(err, stats.mtime);\n });\n }, function(err, results){\n // results is now the original array of files sorted by\n // modified date\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="some" />\n### some(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ any\n\nReturns true if at least one element in the array satisfies an async test.\n_The callback for each iterator call only accepts a single argument of true or\nfalse, it does not accept an error argument first!_ This is in-line with the\nway node libraries work with truth tests like path.exists. Once any iterator\ncall returns true, the main callback is immediately called.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(result) - A callback which is called as soon as any iterator returns\n true, or after all the iterator functions have finished. Result will be\n either true or false depending on the values of the async tests.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.some([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(result){\n // if result is true then at least one of the files exists\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="every" />\n### every(arr, iterator, callback)\n\n__Alias:__ all\n\nReturns true if every element in the array satisfies an async test.\n_The callback for each iterator call only accepts a single argument of true or\nfalse, it does not accept an error argument first!_ This is in-line with the\nway node libraries work with truth tests like path.exists.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over.\n* iterator(item, callback) - A truth test to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed.\n* callback(result) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished. Result will be either true or false depending on\n the values of the async tests.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.every([\'file1\',\'file2\',\'file3\'], path.exists, function(result){\n // if result is true then every file exists\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="concat" />\n### concat(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nApplies an iterator to each item in a list, concatenating the results. Returns the\nconcatenated list. The iterators are called in parallel, and the results are\nconcatenated as they return. There is no guarantee that the results array will\nbe returned in the original order of the arguments passed to the iterator function.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* arr - An array to iterate over\n* iterator(item, callback) - A function to apply to each item in the array.\n The iterator is passed a callback which must be called once it has completed\n with an error (which can be null) and an array of results.\n* callback(err, results) - A callback which is called after all the iterator\n functions have finished, or an error has occurred. Results is an array containing\n the concatenated results of the iterator function.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.concat([\'dir1\',\'dir2\',\'dir3\'], fs.readdir, function(err, files){\n // files is now a list of filenames that exist in the 3 directories\n });\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="concatSeries" />\n### concatSeries(arr, iterator, callback)\n\nSame as async.concat, but executes in series instead of parallel.\n\n\n## Control Flow\n\n<a name="series" />\n### series(tasks, [callback])\n\nRun an array of functions in series, each one running once the previous\nfunction has completed. If any functions in the series pass an error to its\ncallback, no more functions are run and the callback for the series is\nimmediately called with the value of the error. Once the tasks have completed,\nthe results are passed to the final callback as an array.\n\nIt is also possible to use an object instead of an array. Each property will be\nrun as a function and the results will be passed to the final callback as an object\ninstead of an array. This can be a more readable way of handling results from\nasync.series.\n\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array or object containing functions to run, each function is passed\n a callback it must call on completion.\n* callback(err, results) - An optional callback to run once all the functions\n have completed. This function gets an array of all the arguments passed to\n the callbacks used in the array.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.series([\n function(callback){\n // do some stuff ...\n callback(null, \'one\');\n },\n function(callback){\n // do some more stuff ...\n callback(null, \'two\');\n },\n ],\n // optional callback\n function(err, results){\n // results is now equal to [\'one\', \'two\']\n });\n\n\n // an example using an object instead of an array\n async.series({\n one: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 1);\n }, 200);\n },\n two: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 2);\n }, 100);\n },\n },\n function(err, results) {\n // results is now equal to: {one: 1, two: 2}\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="parallel" />\n### parallel(tasks, [callback])\n\nRun an array of functions in parallel, without waiting until the previous\nfunction has completed. If any of the functions pass an error to its\ncallback, the main callback is immediately called with the value of the error.\nOnce the tasks have completed, the results are passed to the final callback as an\narray.\n\nIt is also possible to use an object instead of an array. Each property will be\nrun as a function and the results will be passed to the final callback as an object\ninstead of an array. This can be a more readable way of handling results from\nasync.parallel.\n\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array or object containing functions to run, each function is passed a\n callback it must call on completion.\n* callback(err, results) - An optional callback to run once all the functions\n have completed. This function gets an array of all the arguments passed to\n the callbacks used in the array.\n\n__Example__\n\n async.parallel([\n function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, \'one\');\n }, 200);\n },\n function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, \'two\');\n }, 100);\n },\n ],\n // optional callback\n function(err, results){\n // the results array will equal [\'one\',\'two\'] even though\n // the second function had a shorter timeout.\n });\n\n\n // an example using an object instead of an array\n async.parallel({\n one: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 1);\n }, 200);\n },\n two: function(callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, 2);\n }, 100);\n },\n },\n function(err, results) {\n // results is now equals to: {one: 1, two: 2}\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="whilst" />\n### whilst(test, fn, callback)\n\nRepeatedly call fn, while test returns true. Calls the callback when stopped,\nor an error occurs.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* test() - synchronous truth test to perform before each execution of fn.\n* fn(callback) - A function to call each time the test passes. The function is\n passed a callback which must be called once it has completed with an optional\n error as the first argument.\n* callback(err) - A callback which is called after the test fails and repeated\n execution of fn has stopped.\n\n__Example__\n\n var count = 0;\n\n async.whilst(\n function () { return count < 5; },\n function (callback) {\n count++;\n setTimeout(callback, 1000);\n },\n function (err) {\n // 5 seconds have passed\n }\n );\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="until" />\n### until(test, fn, callback)\n\nRepeatedly call fn, until test returns true. Calls the callback when stopped,\nor an error occurs.\n\nThe inverse of async.whilst.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="waterfall" />\n### waterfall(tasks, [callback])\n\nRuns an array of functions in series, each passing their results to the next in\nthe array. However, if any of the functions pass an error to the callback, the\nnext function is not executed and the main callback is immediately called with\nthe error.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array of functions to run, each function is passed a callback it\n must call on completion.\n* callback(err, [results]) - An optional callback to run once all the functions\n have completed. This will be passed the results of the last task\'s callback.\n\n\n\n__Example__\n\n async.waterfall([\n function(callback){\n callback(null, \'one\', \'two\');\n },\n function(arg1, arg2, callback){\n callback(null, \'three\');\n },\n function(arg1, callback){\n // arg1 now equals \'three\'\n callback(null, \'done\');\n }\n ], function (err, result) {\n // result now equals \'done\' \n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="queue" />\n### queue(worker, concurrency)\n\nCreates a queue object with the specified concurrency. Tasks added to the\nqueue will be processed in parallel (up to the concurrency limit). If all\nworkers are in progress, the task is queued until one is available. Once\na worker has completed a task, the task\'s callback is called.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* worker(task, callback) - An asynchronous function for processing a queued\n task.\n* concurrency - An integer for determining how many worker functions should be\n run in parallel.\n\n__Queue objects__\n\nThe queue object returned by this function has the following properties and\nmethods:\n\n* length() - a function returning the number of items waiting to be processed.\n* concurrency - an integer for determining how many worker functions should be\n run in parallel. This property can be changed after a queue is created to\n alter the concurrency on-the-fly.\n* push(task, [callback]) - add a new task to the queue, the callback is called\n once the worker has finished processing the task.\n instead of a single task, an array of tasks can be submitted. the respective callback is used for every task in the list.\n* saturated - a callback that is called when the queue length hits the concurrency and further tasks will be queued\n* empty - a callback that is called when the last item from the queue is given to a worker\n* drain - a callback that is called when the last item from the queue has returned from the worker\n\n__Example__\n\n // create a queue object with concurrency 2\n\n var q = async.queue(function (task, callback) {\n console.log(\'hello \' +;\n callback();\n }, 2);\n\n\n // assign a callback\n q.drain = function() {\n console.log(\'all items have been processed\');\n }\n\n // add some items to the queue\n\n q.push({name: \'foo\'}, function (err) {\n console.log(\'finished processing foo\');\n });\n q.push({name: \'bar\'}, function (err) {\n console.log(\'finished processing bar\');\n });\n\n // add some items to the queue (batch-wise)\n\n q.push([{name: \'baz\'},{name: \'bay\'},{name: \'bax\'}], function (err) {\n console.log(\'finished processing bar\');\n });\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="auto" />\n### auto(tasks, [callback])\n\nDetermines the best order for running functions based on their requirements.\nEach function can optionally depend on other functions being completed first,\nand each function is run as soon as its requirements are satisfied. If any of\nthe functions pass an error to their callback, that function will not complete\n(so any other functions depending on it will not run) and the main callback\nwill be called immediately with the error. Functions also receive an object\ncontaining the results of functions which have completed so far.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An object literal containing named functions or an array of\n requirements, with the function itself the last item in the array. The key\n used for each function or array is used when specifying requirements. The\n syntax is easier to understand by looking at the example.\n* callback(err, results) - An optional callback which is called when all the\n tasks have been completed. The callback will receive an error as an argument\n if any tasks pass an error to their callback. If all tasks complete\n successfully, it will receive an object containing their results.\n\n__Example__\n\n{\n get_data: function(callback){\n // async code to get some data\n },\n make_folder: function(callback){\n // async code to create a directory to store a file in\n // this is run at the same time as getting the data\n },\n write_file: [\'get_data\', \'make_folder\', function(callback){\n // once there is some data and the directory exists,\n // write the data to a file in the directory\n callback(null, filename);\n }],\n email_link: [\'write_file\', function(callback, results){\n // once the file is written let\'s email a link to it...\n // results.write_file contains the filename returned by write_file.\n }]\n });\n\nThis is a fairly trivial example, but to do this using the basic parallel and\nseries functions would look like this:\n\n async.parallel([\n function(callback){\n // async code to get some data\n },\n function(callback){\n // async code to create a directory to store a file in\n // this is run at the same time as getting the data\n }\n ],\n function(results){\n async.series([\n function(callback){\n // once there is some data and the directory exists,\n // write the data to a file in the directory\n },\n email_link: function(callback){\n // once the file is written let\'s email a link to it...\n }\n ]);\n });\n\nFor a complicated series of async tasks using the auto function makes adding\nnew tasks much easier and makes the code more readable.\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="iterator" />\n### iterator(tasks)\n\nCreates an iterator function which calls the next function in the array,\nreturning a continuation to call the next one after that. Its also possible to\n\'peek\' the next iterator by doing\n\nThis function is used internally by the async module but can be useful when\nyou want to manually control the flow of functions in series.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* tasks - An array of functions to run, each function is passed a callback it\n must call on completion.\n\n__Example__\n\n var iterator = async.iterator([\n function(){ sys.p(\'one\'); },\n function(){ sys.p(\'two\'); },\n function(){ sys.p(\'three\'); }\n ]);\n\n node> var iterator2 = iterator();\n \'one\'\n node> var iterator3 = iterator2();\n \'two\'\n node> iterator3();\n \'three\'\n node> var nextfn =;\n node> nextfn();\n \'three\'\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="apply" />\n### apply(function, arguments..)\n\nCreates a continuation function with some arguments already applied, a useful\nshorthand when combined with other control flow functions. Any arguments\npassed to the returned function are added to the arguments originally passed\nto apply.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* function - The function you want to eventually apply all arguments to.\n* arguments... - Any number of arguments to automatically apply when the\n continuation is called.\n\n__Example__\n\n // using apply\n\n async.parallel([\n async.apply(fs.writeFile, \'testfile1\', \'test1\'),\n async.apply(fs.writeFile, \'testfile2\', \'test2\'),\n ]);\n\n\n // the same process without using apply\n\n async.parallel([\n function(callback){\n fs.writeFile(\'testfile1\', \'test1\', callback);\n },\n function(callback){\n fs.writeFile(\'testfile2\', \'test2\', callback);\n },\n ]);\n\nIt\'s possible to pass any number of additional arguments when calling the\ncontinuation:\n\n node> var fn = async.apply(sys.puts, \'one\');\n node> fn(\'two\', \'three\');\n one\n two\n three\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="nextTick" />\n### nextTick(callback)\n\nCalls the callback on a later loop around the event loop. In node.js this just\ncalls process.nextTick, in the browser it falls back to setTimeout(callback, 0),\nwhich means other higher priority events may precede the execution of the callback.\n\nThis is used internally for browser-compatibility purposes.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* callback - The function to call on a later loop around the event loop.\n\n__Example__\n\n var call_order = [];\n async.nextTick(function(){\n call_order.push(\'two\');\n // call_order now equals [\'one\',\'two]\n });\n call_order.push(\'one\')\n\n\n## Utils\n\n<a name="memoize" />\n### memoize(fn, [hasher])\n\nCaches the results of an async function. When creating a hash to store function\nresults against, the callback is omitted from the hash and an optional hash\nfunction can be used.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* fn - the function you to proxy and cache results from.\n* hasher - an optional function for generating a custom hash for storing\n results, it has all the arguments applied to it apart from the callback, and\n must be synchronous.\n\n__Example__\n\n var slow_fn = function (name, callback) {\n // do something\n callback(null, result);\n };\n var fn = async.memoize(slow_fn);\n\n // fn can now be used as if it were slow_fn\n fn(\'some name\', function () {\n // callback\n });\n\n<a name="unmemoize" />\n### unmemoize(fn)\n\nUndoes a memoized function, reverting it to the original, unmemoized\nform. Comes handy in tests.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* fn - the memoized function\n\n<a name="log" />\n### log(function, arguments)\n\nLogs the result of an async function to the console. Only works in node.js or\nin browsers that support console.log and console.error (such as FF and Chrome).\nIf multiple arguments are returned from the async function, console.log is\ncalled on each argument in order.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* function - The function you want to eventually apply all arguments to.\n* arguments... - Any number of arguments to apply to the function.\n\n__Example__\n\n var hello = function(name, callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, \'hello \' + name);\n }, 1000);\n };\n\n node> async.log(hello, \'world\');\n \'hello world\'\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="dir" />\n### dir(function, arguments)\n\nLogs the result of an async function to the console using console.dir to\ndisplay the properties of the resulting object. Only works in node.js or\nin browsers that support console.dir and console.error (such as FF and Chrome).\nIf multiple arguments are returned from the async function, console.dir is\ncalled on each argument in order.\n\n__Arguments__\n\n* function - The function you want to eventually apply all arguments to.\n* arguments... - Any number of arguments to apply to the function.\n\n__Example__\n\n var hello = function(name, callback){\n setTimeout(function(){\n callback(null, {hello: name});\n }, 1000);\n };\n\n node> async.dir(hello, \'world\');\n {hello: \'world\'}\n\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n<a name="noConflict" />\n### noConflict()\n\nChanges the value of async back to its original value, returning a reference to the\nasync object.\n',
2919 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2919 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved scripts: {} },
2919 silly resolved { name: 'colors',
2919 silly resolved description: 'get colors in your node.js console like what',
2919 silly resolved version: '0.6.0-1',
2919 silly resolved author: { name: 'Marak Squires' },
2919 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2919 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.1.90' },
2919 silly resolved main: 'colors',
2919 silly resolved readme: '# colors.js - get color and style in your node.js console ( and browser ) like what\n\n<img src="" border = "0"/>\n\n\n## Installation\n\n npm install colors\n\n## colors and styles!\n\n- bold\n- italic\n- underline\n- inverse\n- yellow\n- cyan\n- white\n- magenta\n- green\n- red\n- grey\n- blue\n- rainbow\n- zebra\n- random\n\n## Usage\n\n``` js\nvar colors = require(\'./colors\');\n\nconsole.log(\'hello\'.green); // outputs green text\nconsole.log(\'i like cake and pies\' // outputs red underlined text\nconsole.log(\'inverse the color\'.inverse); // inverses the color\nconsole.log(\'OMG Rainbows!\'.rainbow); // rainbow (ignores spaces)\n```\n\n# Creating Custom themes\n\n```js\n\nvar require(\'colors\');\n\ncolors.setTheme({\n silly: \'rainbow\',\n input: \'grey\',\n verbose: \'cyan\',\n prompt: \'grey\',\n info: \'green\',\n data: \'grey\',\n help: \'cyan\',\n warn: \'yellow\',\n debug: \'blue\',\n error: \'red\'\n});\n\n// outputs red text\nconsole.log("this is an error".error);\n\n// outputs yellow text\nconsole.log("this is a warning".warn);\n```\n\n\n### Contributors \n\nMarak (Marak Squires)\nAlexis Sellier (cloudhead)\nmmalecki (Maciej Małecki)\nnicoreed (Nico Reed)\nmorganrallen (Morgan Allen)\nJustinCampbell (Justin Campbell)\nded (Dustin Diaz)\n\n\n#### , Marak Squires , Justin Campbell, Dustin Diaz (@ded)\n',
2919 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2919 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2919 silly resolved { name: 'cycle',
2919 silly resolved description: 'decycle your json',
2919 silly resolved author:
2919 silly resolved { name: 'douglas crockford',
2919 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved url: '' },
2919 silly resolved version: '1.0.0',
2919 silly resolved main: './cycle.js',
2919 silly resolved homepage: '',
2919 silly resolved repository:
2919 silly resolved { type: 'git',
2919 silly resolved url: '' },
2919 silly resolved bugs: '',
2919 silly resolved keywords: [ 'json', 'cycle', 'stringify', 'parse' ],
2919 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.0' },
2919 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved readme: 'ERROR: No file found!',
2919 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2919 silly resolved { name: 'eyes',
2919 silly resolved description: 'a customizable value inspector',
2919 silly resolved url: '',
2919 silly resolved keywords: [ 'inspector', 'debug', 'inspect', 'print' ],
2919 silly resolved author: { name: 'Alexis Sellier', email: '[email protected]' },
2919 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object] ],
2919 silly resolved licenses: [ 'MIT' ],
2919 silly resolved dependencies: {},
2919 silly resolved main: './lib/eyes',
2919 silly resolved version: '0.1.7',
2919 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node test/*-test.js' },
2919 silly resolved directories: { lib: './lib', test: './test' },
2919 silly resolved engines: { node: '> 0.1.90' },
2919 silly resolved readme: 'eyes\n====\n\na customizable value inspector for Node.js\n\nsynopsis\n--------\n\nI was tired of looking at cluttered output in the console -- something needed to be done,\n`sys.inspect()` didn\'t display regexps correctly, and was too verbose, and I had an hour or two to spare. \nSo I decided to have some fun. _eyes_ were born.\n\n![eyes-ss](\n\n_example of the output of a user-customized eyes.js inspector_\n\n*eyes* also deals with circular objects in an intelligent way, and can pretty-print object literals.\n\nusage\n-----\n\n var inspect = require(\'eyes\').inspector({styles: {all: \'magenta\'}});\n\n inspect(something); // inspect with the settings passed to `inspector`\n\nor\n\n var eyes = require(\'eyes\');\n\n eyes.inspect(something); // inspect with the default settings\n\nyou can pass a _label_ to `inspect()`, to keep track of your inspections:\n\n eyes.inspect(something, "a random value");\n\nIf you want to return the output of eyes without printing it, you can set it up this way:\n\n var inspect = require(\'eyes\').inspector({ stream: null });\n\n sys.puts(inspect({ something: 42 }));\n\ncustomization\n-------------\n\nThese are the default styles and settings used by _eyes_.\n styles: { // Styles applied to stdout\n all: \'cyan\', // Overall style applied to everything\n label: \'underline\', // Inspection labels, like \'array\' in `array: [1, 2, 3]`\n other: \'inverted\', // Objects which don\'t have a literal representation, such as functions\n key: \'bold\', // The keys in object literals, like \'a\' in `{a: 1}`\n\n special: \'grey\', // null, undefined...\n string: \'green\',\n number: \'magenta\',\n bool: \'blue\', // true false\n regexp: \'green\', // /\\d+/\n },\n pretty: true, // Indent object literals\n hideFunctions: false, // Don\'t output functions at all\n stream: process.stdout, // Stream to write to, or null\n maxLength: 2048 // Truncate output if longer\n\nYou can overwrite them with your own, by passing a similar object to `inspector()` or `inspect()`.\n\n var inspect = require(\'eyes\').inspector({\n styles: {\n all: \'magenta\',\n special: \'bold\'\n },\n maxLength: 512\n });\n\n',
2919 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2919 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2919 silly resolved { author:
2919 silly resolved { name: 'Felix Geisendörfer',
2919 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved url: '' },
2919 silly resolved name: 'stack-trace',
2919 silly resolved description: 'Get v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects.',
2919 silly resolved version: '0.0.6',
2919 silly resolved homepage: '',
2919 silly resolved repository:
2919 silly resolved { type: 'git',
2919 silly resolved url: 'git://' },
2919 silly resolved main: './lib/stack-trace',
2919 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
2919 silly resolved dependencies: {},
2919 silly resolved devDependencies: { far: '0.0.3', 'long-stack-traces': '0.1.2' },
2919 silly resolved readme: '# stack-trace\n\nGet v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects.\n\n## Install\n\n``` bash\nnpm install stack-trace\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe stack-trace module makes it easy for you to capture the current stack:\n\n``` javascript\nvar stackTrace = require(\'stack-trace\');\nvar trace = stackTrace.get();\n\nrequire(\'assert\').strictEqual(trace[0].getFileName(), __filename);\n```\n\nHowever, sometimes you have already popped the stack you are interested in,\nand all you have left is an `Error` object. This module can help:\n\n``` javascript\nvar stackTrace = require(\'stack-trace\');\nvar err = new Error(\'something went wrong\');\nvar trace = stackTrace.parse(err);\n\nrequire(\'assert\').strictEqual(trace[0].getFileName(), __filename);\n```\n\nPlease note that parsing the `Error#stack` property is not perfect, only\ncertain properties can be retrieved with it as noted in the API docs below.\n\n## Long stack traces\n\nstack-trace works great with [long-stack-traces][], when parsing an `err.stack`\nthat has crossed the event loop boundary, a `CallSite` object returning\n`\'----------------------------------------\'` for `getFileName()` is created.\nAll other methods of the event loop boundary call site return `null`.\n\n[long-stack-traces]:\n\n## API\n\n### stackTrace.get([belowFn])\n\nReturns an array of `CallSite` objects, where element `0` is the current call\nsite.\n\nWhen passing a function on the current stack as the `belowFn` parameter, the\nreturned array will only include `CallSite` objects below this function.\n\n### stackTrace.parse(err)\n\nParses the `err.stack` property of an `Error` object into an array compatible\nwith those returned by `stackTrace.get()`. However, only the following methods\nare implemented on the returned `CallSite` objects.\n\n* getTypeName\n* getFunctionName\n* getMethodName\n* getFileName\n* getLineNumber\n* getColumnNumber\n* isNative\n\nNote: Except `getFunctionName()`, all of the above methods return exactly the\nsame values as you would get from `stackTrace.get()`. `getFunctionName()`\nis sometimes a little different, but still useful.\n\n### CallSite\n\nThe official v8 CallSite object API can be found [here][v8stackapi]. A quick\nexcerpt:\n\n> A CallSite object defines the following methods:\n>\n> * **getThis**: returns the value of this\n> * **getTypeName**: returns the type of this as a string. This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of this, if available, otherwise the object\'s [[Class]] internal property.\n> * **getFunction**: returns the current function\n> * **getFunctionName**: returns the name of the current function, typically its name property. If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try to infer a name from the function\'s context.\n> * **getMethodName**: returns the name of the property of this or one of its prototypes that holds the current function\n> * **getFileName**: if this function was defined in a script returns the name of the script\n> * **getLineNumber**: if this function was defined in a script returns the current line number\n> * **getColumnNumber**: if this function was defined in a script returns the current column number\n> * **getEvalOrigin**: if this function was created using a call to eval returns a CallSite object representing the location where eval was called\n> * **isToplevel**: is this a toplevel invocation, that is, is this the global object?\n> * **isEval**: does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?\n> * **isNative**: is this call in native V8 code?\n> * **isConstructor**: is this a constructor call?\n\n[v8stackapi]:\n\n## License\n\nstack-trace is licensed under the MIT license.\n',
2919 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2919 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
2919 silly resolved { name: 'request',
2919 silly resolved description: 'Simplified HTTP request client.',
2919 silly resolved tags: [ 'http', 'simple', 'util', 'utility' ],
2919 silly resolved version: '2.9.203',
2919 silly resolved author: { name: 'Mikeal Rogers', email: '[email protected]' },
2919 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: '' },
2919 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
2919 silly resolved engines: [ 'node >= 0.3.6' ],
2919 silly resolved main: './main',
2919 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node tests/run.js' },
2919 silly resolved readme: '# Request -- Simplified HTTP request method\n\n## Install\n\n<pre>\n npm install request\n</pre>\n\nOr from source:\n\n<pre>\n git clone git:// \n cd request\n npm link\n</pre>\n\n## Super simple to use\n\nRequest is designed to be the simplest way possible to make http calls. It supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.\n\n```javascript\nvar request = require(\'request\');\nrequest(\'\', function (error, response, body) {\n if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {\n console.log(body) // Print the google web page.\n }\n})\n```\n\n## Streaming\n\nYou can stream any response to a file stream.\n\n```javascript\nrequest(\'\').pipe(fs.createWriteStream(\'doodle.png\'))\n```\n\nYou can also stream a file to a PUT or POST request. This method will also check the file extension against a mapping of file extensions to content-types, in this case `application/json`, and use the proper content-type in the PUT request if one is not already provided in the headers.\n\n```javascript\nfs.createReadStream(\'file.json\').pipe(request.put(\'\'))\n```\n\nRequest can also pipe to itself. When doing so the content-type and content-length will be preserved in the PUT headers.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.get(\'\').pipe(request.put(\'\'))\n```\n\nNow let\'s get fancy.\n\n```javascript\nhttp.createServer(function (req, resp) {\n if (req.url === \'/doodle.png\') {\n if (req.method === \'PUT\') {\n req.pipe(request.put(\'\'))\n } else if (req.method === \'GET\' || req.method === \'HEAD\') {\n request.get(\'\').pipe(resp)\n } \n }\n})\n```\n\nYou can also pipe() from a http.ServerRequest instance and to a http.ServerResponse instance. The HTTP method and headers will be sent as well as the entity-body data. Which means that, if you don\'t really care about security, you can do:\n\n```javascript\nhttp.createServer(function (req, resp) {\n if (req.url === \'/doodle.png\') {\n var x = request(\'\')\n req.pipe(x)\n x.pipe(resp)\n }\n})\n```\n\nAnd since pipe() returns the destination stream in node 0.5.x you can do one line proxying :)\n\n```javascript\nreq.pipe(request(\'\')).pipe(resp)\n```\n\nAlso, none of this new functionality conflicts with requests previous features, it just expands them.\n\n```javascript\nvar r = request.defaults({\'proxy\':\'\'})\n\nhttp.createServer(function (req, resp) {\n if (req.url === \'/doodle.png\') {\n r.get(\'\').pipe(resp)\n }\n})\n```\n\nYou can still use intermediate proxies, the requests will still follow HTTP forwards, etc.\n\n## OAuth Signing\n\n```javascript\n// Twitter OAuth\nvar qs = require(\'querystring\')\n , oauth =\n { callback: \'\'\n , consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY\n , consumer_secret: CONSUMER_SECRET\n }\n , url = \'\'\n ;\{url:url, oauth:oauth}, function (e, r, body) {\n // Assume by some stretch of magic you aquired the verifier\n var access_token = qs.parse(body)\n , oauth = \n { consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY\n , consumer_secret: CONSUMER_SECRET\n , token: access_token.oauth_token\n , verifier: VERIFIER\n , token_secret: access_token.oauth_token_secret\n }\n , url = \'\'\n ;\n{url:url, oauth:oauth}, function (e, r, body) {\n var perm_token = qs.parse(body)\n , oauth = \n { consumer_key: CONSUMER_KEY\n , consumer_secret: CONSUMER_SECRET\n , token: perm_token.oauth_token\n , token_secret: perm_token.oauth_token_secret\n }\n , url = \'\'\n , params = \n { screen_name: perm_token.screen_name\n , user_id: perm_token.user_id\n }\n ;\n url += qs.stringify(params)\n request.get({url:url, oauth:oauth, json:true}, function (e, r, user) {\n console.log(user)\n })\n })\n})\n```\n\n\n\n### request(options, callback)\n\nThe first argument can be either a url or an options object. The only required option is uri, all others are optional.\n\n* `uri` || `url` - fully qualified uri or a parsed url object from url.parse()\n* `qs` - object containing querystring values to be appended to the uri\n* `method` - http method, defaults to GET\n* `headers` - http headers, defaults to {}\n* `body` - entity body for POST and PUT requests. Must be buffer or string.\n* `form` - sets `body` but to querystring representation of value and adds `Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8` header.\n* `json` - sets `body` but to JSON representation of value and adds `Content-type: application/json` header.\n* `multipart` - (experimental) array of objects which contains their own headers and `body` attribute. Sends `multipart/related` request. See example below.\n* `followRedirect` - follow HTTP 3xx responses as redirects. defaults to true.\n* `followAllRedirects` - follow non-GET HTTP 3xx responses as redirects. defaults to false.\n* `maxRedirects` - the maximum number of redirects to follow, defaults to 10.\n* `encoding` - Encoding to be used on `setEncoding` of response data. If set to `null`, the body is returned as a Buffer.\n* `pool` - A hash object containing the agents for these requests. If omitted this request will use the global pool which is set to node\'s default maxSockets.\n* `pool.maxSockets` - Integer containing the maximum amount of sockets in the pool.\n* `timeout` - Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for a request to respond before aborting the request\t\n* `proxy` - An HTTP proxy to be used. Support proxy Auth with Basic Auth the same way it\'s supported with the `url` parameter by embedding the auth info in the uri.\n* `oauth` - Options for OAuth HMAC-SHA1 signing, see documentation above.\n* `strictSSL` - Set to `true` to require that SSL certificates be valid. Note: to use your own certificate authority, you need to specify an agent that was created with that ca as an option.\n* `jar` - Set to `false` if you don\'t want cookies to be remembered for future use or define your custom cookie jar (see examples section)\n\n\nThe callback argument gets 3 arguments. The first is an error when applicable (usually from the http.Client option not the http.ClientRequest object). The second in an http.ClientResponse object. The third is the response body String or Buffer.\n\n## Convenience methods\n\nThere are also shorthand methods for different HTTP METHODs and some other conveniences.\n\n### request.defaults(options) \n \nThis method returns a wrapper around the normal request API that defaults to whatever options you pass in to it.\n\n### request.put\n\nSame as request() but defaults to `method: "PUT"`.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.put(url)\n```\n\n###\n\nSame as request() but defaults to `method: "POST"`.\n\n```javascript\\n```\n\n### request.head\n\nSame as request() but defaults to `method: "HEAD"`.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.head(url)\n```\n\n### request.del\n\nSame as request() but defaults to `method: "DELETE"`.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.del(url)\n```\n\n### request.get\n\nAlias to normal request method for uniformity.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.get(url)\n```\n### request.cookie\n\nFunction that creates a new cookie.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.cookie(\'cookie_string_here\')\n```\n### request.jar\n\nFunction that creates a new cookie jar.\n\n```javascript\nrequest.jar()\n```\n\n\n## Examples:\n\n```javascript\n var request = require(\'request\')\n , rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*100000000).toString()\n ;\n request(\n { method: \'PUT\'\n , uri: \'\' + rand\n , multipart: \n [ { \'content-type\': \'application/json\'\n , body: JSON.stringify({foo: \'bar\', _attachments: {\'message.txt\': {follows: true, length: 18, \'content_type\': \'text/plain\' }}})\n }\n , { body: \'I am an attachment\' }\n ] \n }\n , function (error, response, body) {\n if(response.statusCode == 201){\n console.log(\'document saved as:\'+ rand)\n } else {\n console.log(\'error: \'+ response.statusCode)\n console.log(body)\n }\n }\n )\n```\nCookies are enabled by default (so they can be used in subsequent requests). To disable cookies set jar to false (either in defaults or in the options sent).\n\n```javascript\nvar request = request.defaults({jar: false})\nrequest(\'\', function () {\n request(\'\')\n})\n```\n\nIf you to use a custom cookie jar (instead of letting request use its own global cookie jar) you do so by setting the jar default or by specifying it as an option:\n\n```javascript\nvar j = request.jar()\nvar request = request.defaults({jar:j})\nrequest(\'\', function () {\n request(\'\')\n})\n```\nOR\n\n```javascript\nvar j = request.jar()\nvar cookie = request.cookie(\'your_cookie_here\')\nj.add(cookie)\nrequest({url: \'\', jar: j}, function () {\n request(\'\')\n})\n```\n',
2919 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
2919 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
2919 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
2920 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2921 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2922 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2923 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2924 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2925 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
2926 info installOne [email protected]
2927 info installOne [email protected]
2928 info installOne [email protected]
2929 info installOne [email protected]
2930 info installOne [email protected]
2931 info installOne [email protected]
2932 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/async/0.1.22/package/package.json
2933 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/colors/0.6.0-1/package/package.json
2934 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/cycle/1.0.0/package/package.json
2935 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/eyes/0.1.7/package/package.json
2936 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/stack-trace/0.0.6/package/package.json
2937 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/request/2.9.203/package/package.json
2938 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async unbuild
2939 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async/package.json
2940 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors unbuild
2941 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors/package.json
2942 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle unbuild
2943 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle/package.json
2944 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes unbuild
2945 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes/package.json
2946 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace unbuild
2947 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace/package.json
2948 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request unbuild
2949 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request/package.json
2950 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/async/0.1.22/package.tgz
2951 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/colors/0.6.0-1/package.tgz
2952 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/cycle/1.0.0/package.tgz
2953 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/eyes/0.1.7/package.tgz
2954 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/stack-trace/0.0.6/package.tgz
2955 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/request/2.9.203/package.tgz
2956 silly lockFile f4221aa3-dules-winston-node-modules-async /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async
2957 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async /Users/R2D2/.npm/f4221aa3-dules-winston-node-modules-async.lock
2958 silly lockFile 75077a1f-ules-winston-node-modules-colors /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors
2959 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors /Users/R2D2/.npm/75077a1f-ules-winston-node-modules-colors.lock
2960 silly lockFile a25c9704-dules-winston-node-modules-cycle /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle
2961 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle /Users/R2D2/.npm/a25c9704-dules-winston-node-modules-cycle.lock
2962 silly lockFile a9baeb56-odules-winston-node-modules-eyes /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes
2963 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes /Users/R2D2/.npm/a9baeb56-odules-winston-node-modules-eyes.lock
2964 silly lockFile b3c1012b-winston-node-modules-stack-trace /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace
2965 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace /Users/R2D2/.npm/b3c1012b-winston-node-modules-stack-trace.lock
2966 silly lockFile 8e0b8791-les-winston-node-modules-request /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request
2967 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request /Users/R2D2/.npm/8e0b8791-les-winston-node-modules-request.lock
2968 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2969 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2970 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2971 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2972 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2973 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
2974 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2975 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2976 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2977 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2978 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2979 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
2980 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2981 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2982 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry colors.js
2983 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example.js
2984 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry cycle.js
2985 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2986 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2987 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
2988 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/stack-trace.js
2989 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
2990 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2991 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
2992 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
2993 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test.js
2994 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry example.html
2995 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry aws.js
2996 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry forever.js
2997 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/eyes.js
2998 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
2999 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry License
3000 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
3001 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry MIT-LICENSE.txt
3002 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry main.js
3003 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3004 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/eyes-test.js
3005 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry mimetypes.js
3006 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry aws2.js
3007 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry uuid.js
3008 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tunnel.js
3009 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitmodules
3010 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/async.js
3011 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry oauth.js
3012 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3013 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/common.js
3014 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-tunnel.js
3015 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Makefile
3016 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-defaults.js
3017 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/run.js
3018 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-errors.js
3019 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/integration/test-get.js
3020 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-headers.js
3021 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/integration/test-long-stack-trace.js
3022 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-cookiejar.js
3023 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/integration/test-parse.js
3024 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/run.js
3025 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-https.js
3026 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle/package.json
3027 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-oauth.js
3028 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-params.js
3029 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-pipes.js
3030 silly lockFile a25c9704-dules-winston-node-modules-cycle /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle
3031 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-cookie.js
3032 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-pool.js
3033 info preinstall [email protected]
3034 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-body.js
3035 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle/package.json
3036 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-proxy.js
3037 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-timeout.js
3038 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-qs.js
3039 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-toJSON.js
3040 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-redirect.js
3041 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/server.js
3042 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-s3.js
3043 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-httpModule.js
3044 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/test-https-strict.js
3045 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/server.js
3046 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/
3047 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/ca.crt
3048 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/ca.csr
3049 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/ca.key
3050 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/ca.crl
3051 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/server.cnf
3052 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/server.crt
3053 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/server.csr
3054 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/ca.cnf
3055 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/ca/server.key
3056 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/npm-ca.crt
3057 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/test.crt
3058 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/ssl/test.key
3059 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes/package.json
3060 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/squid.conf
3061 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry tests/googledoodle.png
3062 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors/package.json
3063 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry vendor/cookie/index.js
3064 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry vendor/cookie/jar.js
3065 silly lockFile a9baeb56-odules-winston-node-modules-eyes /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes
3066 info preinstall [email protected]
3067 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes/package.json
3068 silly lockFile 75077a1f-ules-winston-node-modules-colors /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors
3069 info preinstall [email protected]
3070 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors/package.json
3071 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace/package.json
3072 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle',
3072 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3073 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3074 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle/package.json
3075 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes',
3075 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3076 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3077 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes/package.json
3078 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors',
3078 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3079 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3080 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors/package.json
3081 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle',
3081 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3082 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3083 silly resolved []
3084 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle
3085 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle
3086 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/cycle/package.json
3087 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes',
3087 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3088 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3089 silly resolved []
3090 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes
3091 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes
3092 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/eyes/package.json
3093 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors',
3093 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3094 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3095 silly resolved []
3096 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors
3097 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors
3098 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/colors/package.json
3099 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3099 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3099 verbose linkStuff false,
3099 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules' ]
3100 info linkStuff [email protected]
3101 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3102 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3103 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3104 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3104 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3104 verbose linkStuff false,
3104 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules' ]
3105 info linkStuff [email protected]
3106 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3107 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3108 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3109 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3109 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3109 verbose linkStuff false,
3109 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules' ]
3110 info linkStuff [email protected]
3111 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3112 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3113 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3114 http 304
3115 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
3115 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
3115 silly registry.get etag: '"3VG3M033NZ18EKMJEHOXMEHLG"',
3115 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
3115 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
3116 verbose etag lru-cache/2.0.1 from cache
3117 info install [email protected]
3118 info install [email protected]
3119 info install [email protected]
3120 info postinstall [email protected]
3121 info postinstall [email protected]
3122 info postinstall [email protected]
3123 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/lru-cache/2.0.1/package/package.json
3124 silly lockFile b3c1012b-winston-node-modules-stack-trace /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace
3125 info preinstall [email protected]
3126 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace/package.json
3127 silly lockFile e331f516-lru-cache-2-0-1 [email protected]
3128 silly resolved [ { name: 'lru-cache',
3128 silly resolved description: 'A cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.',
3128 silly resolved version: '2.0.1',
3128 silly resolved author: { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter', email: '[email protected]' },
3128 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test' },
3128 silly resolved main: 'lib/lru-cache.js',
3128 silly resolved repository:
3128 silly resolved { type: 'git',
3128 silly resolved url: 'git://' },
3128 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '' },
3128 silly resolved license:
3128 silly resolved { type: 'MIT',
3128 silly resolved url: '' },
3128 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
3128 silly resolved readme: '# lru cache\n\nA cache object that deletes the least-recently-used items.\n\n## Usage:\n\n```javascript\nvar LRU = require("lru-cache")\n , options = { max: 500\n , length: function (n) { return n * 2 }\n , dispose: function (key, n) { n.close() }\n , maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 }\n , cache = LRU(options)\n , otherCache = LRU(50) // sets just the max size\n\ncache.set("key", "value")\ncache.get("key") // "value"\n\ncache.reset() // empty the cache\n```\n\nIf you put more stuff in it, then items will fall out.\n\nIf you try to put an oversized thing in it, then it\'ll fall out right\naway.\n\n## Options\n\n* `max` The maximum number of items. Not setting this is kind of\n silly, since that\'s the whole purpose of this lib, but it defaults\n to `Infinity`.\n* `maxAge` Maximum age in ms. Items are not pro-actively pruned out\n as they age, but if you try to get an item that is too old, it\'ll\n drop it and return undefined instead of giving it to you.\n* `length` Function that is used to calculate the length of stored\n items. If you\'re storing strings or buffers, then you probably want\n to do something like `function(n){return n.length}`. The default is\n `function(n){return 1}`, which is fine if you want to store `n`\n like-sized things.\n* `dispose` Function that is called on items when they are dropped\n from the cache. This can be handy if you want to close file\n descriptors or do other cleanup tasks when items are no longer\n accessible. Called with `key, value`. It\'s called *before*\n actually removing the item from the internal cache, so if you want\n to immediately put it back in, you\'ll have to do that in a\n `nextTick` or `setTimeout` callback or it won\'t do anything.\n',
3128 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
3128 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
3128 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
3129 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch
3130 info installOne [email protected]
3131 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/lru-cache/2.0.1/package/package.json
3132 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace',
3132 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3133 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3134 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace/package.json
3135 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache unbuild
3136 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
3137 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace',
3137 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3138 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3139 silly resolved []
3140 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace
3141 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace
3142 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/stack-trace/package.json
3143 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3143 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3143 verbose linkStuff false,
3143 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules' ]
3144 info linkStuff [email protected]
3145 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3146 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3147 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3148 info install [email protected]
3149 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/lru-cache/2.0.1/package.tgz
3150 info postinstall [email protected]
3151 silly lockFile 2dec56dc-minimatch-node-modules-lru-cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache
3152 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/2dec56dc-minimatch-node-modules-lru-cache.lock
3153 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
3154 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
3155 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
3156 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3157 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async/package.json
3158 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
3159 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry AUTHORS
3160 silly lockFile f4221aa3-dules-winston-node-modules-async /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async
3161 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/lru-cache.js
3162 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/basic.js
3163 info preinstall [email protected]
3164 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async/package.json
3165 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async',
3165 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3166 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3167 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async/package.json
3168 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async',
3168 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3169 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3170 silly resolved []
3171 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async
3172 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async
3173 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/async/package.json
3174 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3174 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3174 verbose linkStuff false,
3174 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules' ]
3175 info linkStuff [email protected]
3176 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3177 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3178 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3179 info install [email protected]
3180 info postinstall [email protected]
3181 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
3182 silly lockFile 2dec56dc-minimatch-node-modules-lru-cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache
3183 info preinstall [email protected]
3184 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
3185 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache',
3185 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3186 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3187 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
3188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache',
3188 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3189 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3190 silly resolved []
3191 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache
3192 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache
3193 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules/lru-cache/package.json
3194 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3194 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3194 verbose linkStuff false,
3194 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/node_modules' ]
3195 info linkStuff [email protected]
3196 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3197 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3198 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3199 info install [email protected]
3200 info postinstall [email protected]
3201 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch
3202 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch
3203 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules/minimatch/package.json
3204 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3204 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3204 verbose linkStuff false,
3204 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/node_modules' ]
3205 info linkStuff [email protected]
3206 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3207 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3208 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3209 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'lru-cache' ]
3210 info install [email protected]
3211 info postinstall [email protected]
3212 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
3213 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob
3214 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules/glob/package.json
3215 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3215 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3215 verbose linkStuff false,
3215 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/node_modules' ]
3216 info linkStuff [email protected]
3217 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3218 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3219 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3220 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'graceful-fs', 'inherits', 'minimatch' ]
3221 info install [email protected]
3222 info postinstall [email protected]
3223 http 304
3224 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
3224 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
3224 silly registry.get etag: '"QTSEOFQ18642ROB9Y4IQ0XMH"',
3224 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
3224 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
3225 verbose etag sax/0.1.5 from cache
3226 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
3227 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js
3228 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-util-js/package.json
3229 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3229 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3229 verbose linkStuff false,
3229 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules' ]
3230 info linkStuff [email protected]
3231 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3232 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3233 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3234 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'console-trace', 'glob', 'n-util', 'q', 'wrench' ]
3235 info install [email protected]
3236 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/sax/0.1.5/package/package.json
3237 info postinstall [email protected]
3238 silly lockFile 059041bb-sax-0-1-5 [email protected]
3239 http 304
3240 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
3240 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
3240 silly registry.get etag: '"9LBVBFHWGD5C5PE4JD8WUSF8E"',
3240 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
3240 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
3241 verbose etag xml2js/0.1.14 from cache
3242 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/xml2js/0.1.14/package/package.json
3243 silly lockFile 5a4fe3df-xml2js-0-1-14 [email protected]
3244 silly resolved [ { name: 'sax',
3244 silly resolved author: { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter', email: '[email protected]' },
3244 silly resolved version: '0.1.5',
3244 silly resolved main: 'lib/sax',
3244 silly resolved license: 'MIT',
3244 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node test/index.js' },
3244 silly resolved readme: '# sax js\n\nA sax-style parser for XML and HTML.\n\nDesigned with [node]( in mind, but should work fine in the\nbrowser or other CommonJS implementations.\n\n## What This Is\n\n* A very simple tool to parse through an XML string.\n* A stepping stone to a streaming HTML parser.\n* A handy way to deal with RSS and other mostly-ok-but-kinda-broken XML docs.\n\n## What This Is (probably) Not\n\n* An HTML Parser - That\'s the goal, but this isn\'t it. It\'s just XML for now.\n* A DOM Builder - You can use it to build an object model out of XML, but it doesn\'t\n do that out of the box.\n* XSLT - No DOM, no querying.\n* 100% Compliant with (some other SAX implementation) - Most SAX implementations are\n in Java and do a lot more than this does.\n* An XML Validator - It does a little validation when in strict mode, but not much.\n* A Schema-Aware XSD Thing - Schemas are an exercise in fetishistic masochism.\n* A DTD-aware Thing - Fetching DTDs is a much bigger job.\n\n## Regarding `<!DOCTYPE`s and `<!ENTITY`s\n\nThe parser will handle the basic XML entities in text nodes and attribute values:\n`&amp; &lt; &gt; &apos; &quot;`. It\'s possible to define additional entities in XML\nby putting them in the DTD. This parser doesn\'t do anything with that. If you want\nto listen to the `ondoctype` event, and then fetch the doctypes, and read the entities\nand add them to `parser.ENTITIES`, then be my guest.\n\nUnknown entities will fail in strict mode, and in loose mode, will pass through unmolested.\n\n## Usage\n\n var sax = require("./lib/sax"),\n strict = true, // set to false for html-mode\n parser = sax.parser(strict);\n\n parser.onerror = function (e) {\n // an error happened.\n };\n parser.ontext = function (t) {\n // got some text. t is the string of text.\n };\n parser.onopentag = function (node) {\n // opened a tag. node has "name" and "attributes"\n };\n parser.onattribute = function (attr) {\n // an attribute. attr has "name" and "value"\n };\n parser.onend = function () {\n // parser stream is done, and ready to have more stuff written to it.\n };\n\n parser.write(\'<xml>Hello, <who name="world">world</who>!</xml>\').close();\n\n## Arguments\n\nPass the following arguments to the parser function. All are optional.\n\n`strict` - Boolean. Whether or not to be a jerk. Default: `false`.\n\n`opt` - Object bag of settings regarding string formatting. All default to `false`.\nSettings supported:\n\n* `trim` - Boolean. Whether or not to trim text and comment nodes.\n* `normalize` - Boolean. If true, then turn any whitespace into a single space.\n* `lowercasetags` - Boolean. If true, then lowercase tags in loose mode, rather\n than uppercasing them.\n\n## Methods\n\n`write` - Write bytes onto the stream. You don\'t have to do this all at once. You\ncan keep writing as much as you want.\n\n`close` - Close the stream. Once closed, no more data may be written until it is\ndone processing the buffer, which is signaled by the `end` event.\n\n`resume` - To gracefully handle errors, assign a listener to the `error` event. Then,\nwhen the error is taken care of, you can call `resume` to continue parsing. Otherwise,\nthe parser will not continue while in an error state.\n\n## Members\n\nAt all times, the parser object will have the following members:\n\n`line`, `column`, `position` - Indications of the position in the XML document where\nthe parser currently is looking.\n\n`closed` - Boolean indicating whether or not the parser can be written to. If it\'s\n`true`, then wait for the `ready` event to write again.\n\n`strict` - Boolean indicating whether or not the parser is a jerk.\n\n`opt` - Any options passed into the constructor.\n\nAnd a bunch of other stuff that you probably shouldn\'t touch.\n\n## Events\n\nAll events emit with a single argument. To listen to an event, assign a function to\n`on<eventname>`. Functions get executed in the this-context of the parser object.\nThe list of supported events are also in the exported `EVENTS` array.\n\n`error` - Indication that something bad happened. The error will be hanging out on\n`parser.error`, and must be deleted before parsing can continue. By listening to\nthis event, you can keep an eye on that kind of stuff. Note: this happens *much*\nmore in strict mode. Argument: instance of `Error`.\n\n`text` - Text node. Argument: string of text.\n\n`doctype` - The `<!DOCTYPE` declaration. Argument: doctype string.\n\n`processinginstruction` - Stuff like `<?xml foo="blerg" ?>`. Argument: object with\n`name` and `body` members. Attributes are not parsed, as processing instructions\nhave implementation dependent semantics.\n\n`sgmldeclaration` - Random SGML declarations. Stuff like `<!ENTITY p>` would trigger\nthis kind of event. This is a weird thing to support, so it might go away at some\npoint. SAX isn\'t intended to be used to parse SGML, after all.\n\n`opentag` - An opening tag. Argument: object with `name` and `attributes`. In\nnon-strict mode, tag names are uppercased.\n\n`closetag` - A closing tag. In loose mode, tags are auto-closed if their parent\ncloses. In strict mode, well-formedness is enforced. Note that self-closing tags\nwill have `closeTag` emitted immediately after `openTag`. Argument: tag name.\n\n`attribute` - An attribute node. Argument: object with `name` and `value`.\n\n`comment` - A comment node. Argument: the string of the comment.\n\n`opencdata` - The opening tag of a `<![CDATA[` block.\n\n`cdata` - The text of a `<![CDATA[` block. Since `<![CDATA[` blocks can get quite large, this event\nmay fire multiple times for a single block, if it is broken up into multiple `write()`s.\nArgument: the string of random character data.\n\n`closecdata` - The closing tag (`]]>`) of a `<![CDATA[` block.\n\n`end` - Indication that the closed stream has ended.\n\n`ready` - Indication that the stream has reset, and is ready to be written to.\n\n## Todo\n\nBuild an HTML parser on top of this, which follows the same parsing rules as web browsers.\n\nMake it fast by replacing the trampoline with a switch, and not buffering so much\nstuff.\n',
3244 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
3244 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
3244 silly resolved description: 'A sax-style parser for XML and HTML.',
3244 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
3244 silly resolved { name: 'xml2js',
3244 silly resolved description: 'Simple XML to JavaScript object converter.',
3244 silly resolved keywords: [ 'xml', 'json' ],
3244 silly resolved homepage: '',
3244 silly resolved version: '0.1.14',
3244 silly resolved author:
3244 silly resolved { name: 'Marek Kubica',
3244 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
3244 silly resolved url: '' },
3244 silly resolved contributors:
3244 silly resolved [ [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object],
3244 silly resolved [Object] ],
3244 silly resolved main: './lib/xml2js',
3244 silly resolved directories: { lib: './lib' },
3244 silly resolved repository:
3244 silly resolved { type: 'git',
3244 silly resolved url: '' },
3244 silly resolved dependencies: { sax: '>=0.1.1' },
3244 silly resolved devDependencies: { 'coffee-script': '>=1.0.1', zap: '>=0.2.3', docco: '>=0.3.0' },
3244 silly resolved readme: 'node-xml2js\n===========\n\nEver had the urge to parse XML? And wanted to access the data in some sane,\neasy way? Don\'t want to compile a C parser, for whatever reason? Then xml2js is\nwhat you\'re looking for!\n\nDescription\n===========\n\nSimple XML to JavaScript object converter. Uses\n[sax-js](\n\nNote: If you\'re looking for a full DOM parser, you probably want\n[JSDom](\n\nInstallation\n============\n\nSimplest way to install `xml2js` is to use [npm](, just `npm\ninstall xml2js` which will download xml2js and all dependencies.\n\nUsage\n=====\n\nThis will have to do, unless you\'re looking for some fancy extensive\ndocumentation. If you\'re looking for every single option and usage, see the\nunit tests.\n\nSimple as pie usage\n-------------------\n\nThe simplest way to use it, is to use the optional callback interface added in\n0.1.11. That\'s right, if you have been using xml-simple or a home-grown\nwrapper, this is for you:\n\n```javascript\nvar fs = require(\'fs\'),\n xml2js = require(\'xml2js\');\n\nvar parser = new xml2js.Parser();\nfs.readFile(__dirname + \'/foo.xml\', function(err, data) {\n parser.parseString(data, function (err, result) {\n console.dir(result);\n console.log(\'Done\');\n });\n});\n```\n\nLook ma, no event listeners! Alternatively you can still use the traditional\n`addListener` variant:\n\n```javascript\nvar fs = require(\'fs\'),\n xml2js = require(\'xml2js\');\n\nvar parser = new xml2js.Parser();\nparser.addListener(\'end\', function(result) {\n console.dir(result);\n console.log(\'Done.\');\n});\nfs.readFile(__dirname + \'/foo.xml\', function(err, data) {\n parser.parseString(data);\n});\n```\n\nYou can also use xml2js from\n[CoffeeScript](, further reducing\nthe clutter:\n\n```coffeescript\nfs = require \'fs\',\nxml2js = require \'xml2js\'\n\nparser = new xml2js.Parser()\nfs.readFile __dirname + \'/foo.xml\', (err, data) ->\n parser.parseString data, (err, result) ->\n console.dir result\n console.log \'Done.\'\n```\n\nSo you wanna some JSON?\n-----------------------\n\nJust wrap the `result` object in a call to `JSON.stringify` like this\n`JSON.stringify(result)`. You get a string containing the JSON representation\nof the parsed object that you can feed to JSON-hungry consumers.\n\nDisplaying results\n------------------\n\nYou might wonder why, using `console.dir` or `console.log` the output at some\nlevel is only `[Object]`. Don\'t worry, this is not because xml2js got lazy.\nThat\'s because Node uses `util.inspect` to convert the object into strings and\nthat function stops after `depth=2` which is a bit low for most XML.\n\nTo display the whole deal, you can use `console.log(util.inspect(result, false,\nnull))`, which displays the whole result.\n\nSo much for that, but what if you use\n[eyes]( for nice colored output and it\ntruncates the output with `…`? Don\'t fear, there\'s also a solution for that,\nyou just need to increase the `maxLength` limit by creating a custom inspector\n`var inspect = require(\'eyes\').inspector({maxLength: false})` and then you can\neasily `inspect(result)`.\n\nOptions\n=======\n\nApart from the default settings, there is a number of options that can be\nspecified for the parser. Options are specified by ``new Parser({optionName:\nvalue})``. Possible options are:\n\n * `explicitCharkey` (default: `false`)\n * `trim` (default: `true`): Trim the whitespace at the beginning and end of\n text nodes.\n * `normalize` (default: `true`): Trim whitespaces inside text nodes.\n * `explicitRoot` (default: `false`): Set this if you want to get the root\n node in the resulting object.\n * `emptyTag` (default: `undefined`): what will the value of empty nodes be.\n Default is `{}`.\n * `explicitArray` (default: `false`): Always put child nodes in an array if\n true; otherwise an array is created only if there is more than one.\n * `ignoreAttrs` (default: `false`): Ignore all XML attributes and only create\n text nodes.\n * `mergeAttrs` (default: `false`): Merge attributes and child elements as\n properties of the parent, instead of keying attributes off a child\n attribute object. This option is ignored if `ignoreAttrs` is `false`.\n * `validator` (default `null`): You can specify a callable that validates\n the resulting structure somehow, however you want. See unit tests\n for an example.\n\nThese default settings are for backward-compatibility (and might change in the\nfuture). For the most \'clean\' parsing, you should disable `normalize` and\n`trimming` and enable `explicitRoot`.\n\nRunning tests, development\n==========================\n\nThe development requirements are handled by npm, you just need to install\nthem. We also have a number of unit tests, they can be run using `zap`\ndirectly from the project root.\n',
3244 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
3244 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
3244 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
3245 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib
3246 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib
3247 info installOne [email protected]
3248 info installOne [email protected]
3249 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/sax/0.1.5/package/package.json
3250 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/xml2js/0.1.14/package/package.json
3251 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax unbuild
3252 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax/package.json
3253 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js unbuild
3254 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js/package.json
3255 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/sax/0.1.5/package.tgz
3256 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/xml2js/0.1.14/package.tgz
3257 silly lockFile 3d8faa2b-modules-aws-lib-node-modules-sax /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax
3258 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax /Users/R2D2/.npm/3d8faa2b-modules-aws-lib-node-modules-sax.lock
3259 silly lockFile 1046ebf4-ules-aws-lib-node-modules-xml2js /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js
3260 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js /Users/R2D2/.npm/1046ebf4-ules-aws-lib-node-modules-xml2js.lock
3261 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
3262 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
3263 http 304
3264 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
3264 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
3264 silly registry.get etag: '"6DM5CESPCN34MJ87I9XDEEKDP"',
3264 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
3264 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
3265 verbose etag graceful-fs/1.1.10 from cache
3266 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
3267 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
3268 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3269 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
3270 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/graceful-fs/1.1.10/package/package.json
3271 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
3272 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3273 silly lockFile edbbd549-graceful-fs-1-1-10 [email protected]
3274 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
3275 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/example.js
3276 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pretty-print.js
3277 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/switch-bench.js
3278 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/not-pretty.xml
3279 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Cakefile
3280 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/xml2js.js
3281 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/strict.dtd
3282 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/test.html
3283 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/test.xml
3284 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/sax.js
3285 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/buffer-overrun.js
3286 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cdata-fake-end.js
3287 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cdata-multiple.js
3288 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
3289 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/fixtures/sample.xml
3290 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cdata.js
3291 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/
3292 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cdata-end-split.js
3293 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/issue-23.js
3294 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/parser-position.js
3295 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/self-closing-child-strict.js
3296 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/self-closing-child.js
3297 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/self-closing-tag.js
3298 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/cdata-chunked.js
3299 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/trailing-non-whitespace.js
3300 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/index.js
3301 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request/package.json
3302 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js/package.json
3303 silly lockFile 8e0b8791-les-winston-node-modules-request /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request
3304 info preinstall [email protected]
3305 silly lockFile 1046ebf4-ules-aws-lib-node-modules-xml2js /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js
3306 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request/package.json
3307 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request',
3307 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3308 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3309 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request/package.json
3310 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request',
3310 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3311 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3312 silly resolved []
3313 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request
3314 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request
3315 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules/request/package.json
3316 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3316 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3316 verbose linkStuff false,
3316 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/node_modules' ]
3317 info linkStuff [email protected]
3318 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3319 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3320 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3321 info preinstall [email protected]
3322 info install [email protected]
3323 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js/package.json
3324 info postinstall [email protected]
3325 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js',
3325 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3326 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3327 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js/package.json
3328 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js',
3328 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3329 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3330 silly resolved []
3331 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js
3332 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js
3333 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/xml2js/package.json
3334 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3334 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3334 verbose linkStuff false,
3334 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules' ]
3335 info linkStuff [email protected]
3336 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3337 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3338 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3339 info install [email protected]
3340 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
3341 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston
3342 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules/winston/package.json
3343 info postinstall [email protected]
3344 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3344 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3344 verbose linkStuff false,
3344 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/node_modules' ]
3345 info linkStuff [email protected]
3346 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3347 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3348 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3349 http 304
3350 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
3350 silly registry.get { server: 'CouchDB/1.2.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B)',
3350 silly registry.get etag: '"3SWSGPB4G6I4SSADPHHF7FWLQ"',
3350 silly registry.get date: 'Tue, 11 Dec 2012 08:08:35 GMT',
3350 silly registry.get 'content-length': '0' } ]
3351 verbose etag rimraf/2.0.2 from cache
3352 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'async', 'colors', 'cycle', 'eyes', 'request', 'stack-trace' ]
3353 info install [email protected]
3354 info postinstall [email protected]
3355 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt
3356 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt
3357 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/prompt/package.json
3358 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3358 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3358 verbose linkStuff false,
3358 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
3359 info linkStuff [email protected]
3360 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3361 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3362 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3363 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'pkginfo', 'read', 'revalidator', 'utile', 'winston' ]
3364 info install [email protected]
3365 verbose read json /Users/R2D2/.npm/rimraf/2.0.2/package/package.json
3366 info postinstall [email protected]
3367 silly lockFile 7a6f3d96-rimraf-2-0-2 [email protected]
3368 silly resolved [ { name: 'mkdirp',
3368 silly resolved description: 'Recursively mkdir, like `mkdir -p`',
3368 silly resolved version: '0.3.3',
3368 silly resolved author:
3368 silly resolved { name: 'James Halliday',
3368 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
3368 silly resolved url: '' },
3368 silly resolved main: './index',
3368 silly resolved keywords: [ 'mkdir', 'directory' ],
3368 silly resolved repository:
3368 silly resolved { type: 'git',
3368 silly resolved url: '' },
3368 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
3368 silly resolved devDependencies: { tap: '~0.2.4' },
3368 silly resolved license: 'MIT/X11',
3368 silly resolved engines: { node: '*' },
3368 silly resolved readme: 'mkdirp\n======\n\nLike `mkdir -p`, but in node.js!\n\n[![build status](](\n\nexample\n=======\n\npow.js\n------\n var mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n \n mkdirp(\'/tmp/foo/bar/baz\', function (err) {\n if (err) console.error(err)\n else console.log(\'pow!\')\n });\n\nOutput\n pow!\n\nAnd now /tmp/foo/bar/baz exists, huzzah!\n\nmethods\n=======\n\nvar mkdirp = require(\'mkdirp\');\n\nmkdirp(dir, mode, cb)\n---------------------\n\nCreate a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir` with octal\npermission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\n`cb(err, made)` fires with the error or the first directory `made`\nthat had to be created, if any.\n\nmkdirp.sync(dir, mode)\n----------------------\n\nSynchronously create a new directory and any necessary subdirectories at `dir`\nwith octal permission string `mode`.\n\nIf `mode` isn\'t specified, it defaults to `0777 & (~process.umask())`.\n\nReturns the first directory that had to be created, if any.\n\ninstall\n=======\n\nWith [npm]( do:\n\n npm install mkdirp\n\nlicense\n=======\n\nMIT/X11\n',
3368 silly resolved readmeFilename: 'README.markdown',
3368 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
3368 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
3368 silly resolved { author:
3368 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
3368 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
3368 silly resolved url: '' },
3368 silly resolved name: 'graceful-fs',
3368 silly resolved description: 'fs monkey-patching to avoid EMFILE and other problems',
3368 silly resolved version: '1.1.10',
3368 silly resolved repository:
3368 silly resolved { type: 'git',
3368 silly resolved url: 'git://' },
3368 silly resolved main: 'graceful-fs.js',
3368 silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.0' },
3368 silly resolved devDependencies: {},
3368 silly resolved directories: { test: 'test' },
3368 silly resolved dependencies: {},
3368 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'tap test/*.js' },
3368 silly resolved keywords: [ 'fs', 'EMFILE', 'error', 'handling', 'monkeypatch' ],
3368 silly resolved license: 'BSD',
3368 silly resolved readme: 'Just like node\'s `fs` module, but it does an incremental back-off when\nEMFILE is encountered.\n\nUseful in asynchronous situations where one needs to try to open lots\nand lots of files.\n',
3368 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
3368 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
3368 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' },
3368 silly resolved { name: 'rimraf',
3368 silly resolved version: '2.0.2',
3368 silly resolved main: 'rimraf.js',
3368 silly resolved description: 'A deep deletion module for node (like `rm -rf`)',
3368 silly resolved author:
3368 silly resolved { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
3368 silly resolved email: '[email protected]',
3368 silly resolved url: '' },
3368 silly resolved license:
3368 silly resolved { type: 'MIT',
3368 silly resolved url: '' },
3368 silly resolved optionalDependencies: { 'graceful-fs': '~1.1' },
3368 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
3368 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'cd test && bash' },
3368 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
3368 silly resolved readme: 'A `rm -rf` for node.\n\nInstall with `npm install rimraf`, or just drop rimraf.js somewhere.\n\n## API\n\n`rimraf(f, callback)`\n\nThe callback will be called with an error if there is one. Certain\nerrors are handled for you:\n\n* `EBUSY` - rimraf will back off a maximum of opts.maxBusyTries times\n before giving up.\n* `EMFILE` - If too many file descriptors get opened, rimraf will\n patiently wait until more become available.\n\n\n## rimraf.sync\n\nIt can remove stuff synchronously, too. But that\'s not so good. Use\nthe async API. It\'s better.\n',
3368 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
3368 silly resolved _id: '[email protected]',
3368 silly resolved dependencies: { 'graceful-fs': '~1.1' },
3368 silly resolved _from: '[email protected]' } ]
3369 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
3370 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
3371 info install [email protected] into /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
3372 info installOne [email protected]
3373 info installOne [email protected]
3374 info installOne [email protected]
3375 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package/package.json
3376 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/graceful-fs/1.1.10/package/package.json
3377 verbose from cache /Users/R2D2/.npm/rimraf/2.0.2/package/package.json
3378 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp unbuild
3379 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
3380 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs unbuild
3381 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
3382 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf unbuild
3383 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
3384 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/mkdirp/0.3.3/package.tgz
3385 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/graceful-fs/1.1.10/package.tgz
3386 verbose tar unpack /Users/R2D2/.npm/rimraf/2.0.2/package.tgz
3387 silly lockFile 9e7fb249-ules-fstream-node-modules-mkdirp /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp
3388 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp /Users/R2D2/.npm/9e7fb249-ules-fstream-node-modules-mkdirp.lock
3389 silly lockFile 71be8af8-fstream-node-modules-graceful-fs /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs
3390 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs /Users/R2D2/.npm/71be8af8-fstream-node-modules-graceful-fs.lock
3391 silly lockFile ec4c1475-ules-fstream-node-modules-rimraf /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf
3392 verbose lock /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf /Users/R2D2/.npm/ec4c1475-ules-fstream-node-modules-rimraf.lock
3393 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
3394 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
3395 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
3396 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
3397 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
3398 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
3399 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
3400 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
3401 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
3402 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3403 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
3404 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
3405 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
3406 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.orig
3407 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry rimraf.js
3408 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry AUTHORS
3409 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE
3410 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry graceful-fs.js
3411 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .gitignore.rej
3412 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
3413 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/open.js
3414 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test-async.js
3415 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test-fiber.js
3416 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js
3417 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test-sync.js
3418 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.orig
3419 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry examples/pow.js.rej
3420 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/
3421 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/
3422 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry README.markdown
3423 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/chmod.js
3424 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm.js
3425 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/perm_sync.js
3426 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/race.js
3427 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/mkdirp.js
3428 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/return.js
3429 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/return_sync.js
3430 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/root.js
3431 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/sync.js
3432 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
3433 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask.js
3434 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/clobber.js
3435 silly lockFile 71be8af8-fstream-node-modules-graceful-fs /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs
3436 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/umask_sync.js
3437 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/rel.js
3438 info preinstall [email protected]
3439 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
3440 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs',
3440 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3441 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3442 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
3443 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs',
3443 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3444 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3445 silly resolved []
3446 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs
3447 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs
3448 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json
3449 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3449 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3449 verbose linkStuff false,
3449 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules' ]
3450 info linkStuff [email protected]
3451 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3452 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3453 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3454 info install [email protected]
3455 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
3456 info postinstall [email protected]
3457 silly lockFile ec4c1475-ules-fstream-node-modules-rimraf /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf
3458 info preinstall [email protected]
3459 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
3460 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf',
3460 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3461 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3462 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
3463 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf',
3463 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3464 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3465 silly resolved []
3466 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf
3467 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf
3468 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
3469 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3469 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3469 verbose linkStuff false,
3469 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules' ]
3470 info linkStuff [email protected]
3471 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3472 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3473 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3474 info install [email protected]
3475 info postinstall [email protected]
3476 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax/package.json
3477 verbose read json /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
3478 silly lockFile 3d8faa2b-modules-aws-lib-node-modules-sax /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax
3479 silly lockFile 9e7fb249-ules-fstream-node-modules-mkdirp /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp
3480 info preinstall [email protected]
3481 info preinstall [email protected]
3482 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
3483 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax/package.json
3484 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp',
3484 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3485 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3486 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
3487 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax',
3487 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3488 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3489 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax/package.json
3490 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp',
3490 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3491 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3492 silly resolved []
3493 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp
3494 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp
3495 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules/mkdirp/package.json
3496 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap [ '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax',
3496 verbose readDependencies: using existing wrap {} ]
3497 verbose readDependencies returned deps {}
3498 silly resolved []
3499 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax
3500 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax
3501 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules/sax/package.json
3502 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3502 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3502 verbose linkStuff false,
3502 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/node_modules' ]
3503 info linkStuff [email protected]
3504 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3505 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3506 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3507 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3507 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3507 verbose linkStuff false,
3507 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/node_modules' ]
3508 info linkStuff [email protected]
3509 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3510 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3511 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3512 info install [email protected]
3513 info install [email protected]
3514 info postinstall [email protected]
3515 info postinstall [email protected]
3516 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
3517 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream
3518 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules/fstream/package.json
3519 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib
3520 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib
3521 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules/aws-lib/package.json
3522 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3522 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3522 verbose linkStuff false,
3522 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/node_modules' ]
3523 info linkStuff [email protected]
3524 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3525 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3526 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3527 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3527 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3527 verbose linkStuff false,
3527 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/node_modules' ]
3528 info linkStuff [email protected]
3529 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3530 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3531 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3532 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'graceful-fs', 'mkdirp', 'rimraf' ]
3533 info install [email protected]
3534 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'sax', 'xml2js' ]
3535 info install [email protected]
3536 info postinstall [email protected]
3537 info postinstall [email protected]
3538 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
3539 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar
3540 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules/tar/package.json
3541 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws
3542 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws
3543 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules/sourcemint-sdk-aws/package.json
3544 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3544 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3544 verbose linkStuff false,
3544 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/node_modules' ]
3545 info linkStuff [email protected]
3546 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3547 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3548 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3549 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3549 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3549 verbose linkStuff false,
3549 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/node_modules' ]
3550 info linkStuff [email protected]
3551 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3552 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3553 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3554 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'block-stream', 'fstream', 'inherits' ]
3555 info install [email protected]
3556 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'aws-lib' ]
3557 info install [email protected]
3558 info postinstall [email protected]
3559 info postinstall [email protected]
3560 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar
3561 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar
3562 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-tar/package.json
3563 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
3564 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer
3565 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules/sourcemint-deployer/package.json
3566 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3566 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3566 verbose linkStuff false,
3566 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
3567 info linkStuff [email protected]
3568 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3569 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3570 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3571 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3571 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3571 verbose linkStuff false,
3571 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/node_modules' ]
3572 info linkStuff [email protected]
3573 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3574 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3575 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3576 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'tar' ]
3577 info install [email protected]
3578 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'sourcemint-pm-rsync',
3578 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-ssh',
3578 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-sdk-aws' ]
3579 info install [email protected]
3580 info postinstall [email protected]
3581 info postinstall [email protected]
3582 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
3583 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm
3584 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules/sourcemint-pm-sm/package.json
3585 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3585 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3585 verbose linkStuff false,
3585 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/node_modules' ]
3586 info linkStuff [email protected]
3587 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3588 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3589 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3590 verbose rebuildBundles [ '.bin',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'mappings',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'prompt',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'semver',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-deployer',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-git',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-npm',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-tar',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-url',
3590 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-zip' ]
3591 info install [email protected]
3592 info postinstall [email protected]
3593 verbose about to build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
3594 info build /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm
3595 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/package.json
3596 verbose linkStuff [ true,
3596 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules',
3596 verbose linkStuff true,
3596 verbose linkStuff '/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules' ]
3597 info linkStuff [email protected]
3598 verbose linkBins [email protected]
3599 verbose link bins [ { sm: './bin/sm' }, '/usr/local/share/npm/bin', true ]
3600 verbose linkMans [email protected]
3601 verbose rebuildBundles [email protected]
3602 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'sourcemint-pinf-js',
3602 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-pm-sm',
3602 verbose rebuildBundles 'sourcemint-util-js' ]
3603 info install [email protected]
3604 info postinstall [email protected]
3605 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
3606 silly exec sh "-c" "node ./scripts/postinstall.js"
3607 silly sh,-c,node ./scripts/postinstall.js,/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm spawning
3608 info [email protected] Failed to exec postinstall script
3609 info /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm unbuild
3610 verbose from cache /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/sm/package.json
3611 info preuninstall [email protected]
3612 info uninstall [email protected]
3613 verbose true,/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules,/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules unbuild [email protected]
3614 verbose /usr/local/share/npm/bin,[object Object] binRoot
3615 info postuninstall [email protected]
3616 error [email protected] postinstall: `node ./scripts/postinstall.js`
3616 error `sh "-c" "node ./scripts/postinstall.js"` failed with 1
3617 error Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script.
3617 error This is most likely a problem with the sm package,
3617 error not with npm itself.
3617 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
3617 error node ./scripts/postinstall.js
3617 error You can get their info via:
3617 error npm owner ls sm
3617 error There is likely additional logging output above.
3618 error System Darwin 12.2.0
3619 error command "/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.8.15/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "sm"
3620 error cwd /Users/R2D2
3621 error node -v v0.8.15
3622 error npm -v 1.1.66
3623 error code ELIFECYCLE
3624 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
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