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Created March 5, 2020 02:14
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version: "2"
# default: docker-compose.yml if you like, you can set a custom location (path) of your compose file like ~/app/compose.yml
# HINT: you can also use this as an array to define several compose files to include. Order is important!
compose-file-path: 'docker-compose.yml'
# optional, default: docker-compose-dev.yml if you like, you can set a custom location (path) of your compose file. Do not set it, if you do not want to use it at all
# if its there, it gets used, if you name it explicitly, it HAS to exist
# HINT: you can also use this as an array to define several compose files to include. Order is important!
# compose-dev-file-path: 'docker-compose-dev.yml'
# optional, activate this if you need to debug something, default is false
# IMPORTANT: do not run stable with this, it creates a memory leak, turn off verbose when you are done testing
verbose: false
# ADVANCED: the image to use for the rsync container. Do not change this until you exactly know, what you are doing
# replace <sync_strategy> with either rsync, unison, native_osx to set a custom image for all sync of this type
# do not do that if you really do not need that!
# <sync_strategy>_image: 'yourcustomimage'
# optional, default auto, can be docker-sync, thor or auto and defines how the sync will be invoked on the cli. Mostly depending if your are using docker-sync solo, scaffolded or in development ( thor )
cli_mode: 'auto'
# optional, maximum number of attempts for unison waiting for the success exit status. The default is 5 attempts (1-second sleep for each attempt). Only used in unison.
max_attempt: 5
# optional, default: pwd, root directory to be used when transforming sync src into absolute path, accepted values: pwd (current working directory), config_path (the directory where docker-sync.yml is found)
project_root: 'pwd'
# os aware sync strategy, defaults to native_osx under MacOS (except with docker-machine which use unison), and native docker volume under linux
# remove this option to use the default strategy per os or set a specific one
sync_strategy: 'native_osx'
# which folder to watch / sync from - you can use tilde, it will get expanded.
# the contents of this directory will be synchronized to the Docker volume with the name of this sync entry ('shortexample-sync' here)
# src: './default-data/'
sync_excludes: ['Gemfile.lock', 'Gemfile', 'config.rb', '.sass-cache', 'sass', 'sass-cache', 'composer.json' , 'bower.json', 'package.json', 'Gruntfile*', 'bower_components', 'node_modules', '.gitignore', '.git', '*.coffee', '*.scss', '*.sass']
src: './'
host_disk_mount_mode: 'cached' # see
# other unison options can also be specified here, which will be used when run under osx,
# and ignored when run under linux
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