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Last active March 5, 2020 10:16
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Clojure version of the tests for Kata 09
;; This is an adapted version of the tests from for Clojure
;; Original version by Dave Thomas
;; Run it like this:
;; lein exec check_out.clj
;; # or with Docker:
;; docker run -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` clojure:alpine lein exec check_out.clj
(ns check-out.core
(:require [clojure.test :refer [is are deftest testing run-tests]]
(defn new-bill! [pricing-rules]
(defn scan [item]
(defn total []
(deftest scan-test
;; Item Unit Special
;; Price Price
;; --------------------------
;; A 50 3 for 130
;; B 30 2 for 45
;; C 20
;; D 15
(let [pricing-rules (throw (RuntimeException. "Implement me"))]
(testing "incremential scanning one bill"
(new-bill! pricing-rules)
(is (= 0 (total)))
(scan "A")
(is (= 50 (total)))
(scan "B")
(is (= 80 (total)))
(scan "A")
(is (= 130 (total)))
(scan "A")
(is (= 160 (total)))
(scan "B")
(is (= 175 (total))))
(testing "totals"
(let [total-of (fn [items]
(new-bill! pricing-rules)
(doseq [item (clojure.string/split items #"")]
(scan item))
(is (= 50 (total-of "A")))
(is (= 80 (total-of "AB")))
;; The following lines are tests like above, just written more compactly.
;; Each line has the expected amount and a string of items, which is split into a list.
(are [expected given-items] (= expected (total-of given-items))
130 "ABA"
160 "ABAA"
175 "ABAAB"
115 "CDBA"
100 "AA"
130 "AAA"
180 "AAAA"
230 "AAAAA"
260 "AAAAAA"
160 "AAAB"
175 "AAABB"
190 "AAABBD"
190 "DABABA")))))
(defproject check-out "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]]
:plugins [[lein-exec "0.3.7"]])
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