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Last active January 30, 2018 14:35
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Enforce terraform workspaces can be only applied from a certain branch
# Source:
# Fails if the user is currently not on the configured branch in git.
# Output doesn't matter, only that it succeeds (exit status 0).
# Current terraform version: v0.11.2
data "external" "enforce_workspace" {
program = ["./git-branch"]
query = {
workspace = "${terraform.workspace}"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Source:
require "json"
MAP = {
"staging" => "master",
"demo" => "production",
"default" => "production"
workspace = JSON.parse(STDIN.gets)["workspace"]
branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip
unless MAP.key?(workspace)
STDERR.puts "No branch configured for terraform workspace '#{workspace}'!"
exit 1
unless MAP[workspace] == branch
STDERR.puts "terraform workspace '#{workspace}' must be deployed from git branch '#{MAP[workspace]}', not '#{branch}'!"
exit 1
puts '{"status": "success"}'
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