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Forked from pbock/buergerbot.rb
Last active March 1, 2023 15:50
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Bürgerbot: Refreshes the Berlin Bürgeramt page until an appointment becomes available, then notifies you.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'watir'
require 'notify'
def log (message) puts " #{message}" end
def success (message) puts "+ #{message}" end
def fail (message) puts "- #{message}" end
def notify (message)
success message.upcase
Notify.notify 'Burgerbot', message
rescue StandardError => e
print "Paste URL: "
url = gets.strip
def appointmentAvailable? (b)
puts '-'*80
log 'Trying again'
b.goto url
log 'Page loaded'
link = b.element css: '.calendar-month-table:first-child td.buchbar a'
if link.exists?
notify 'An appointment is available.'
system('paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/message-new-instant.oga')
log 'Enter y to keep searching or anything else to quit.'
return gets.chomp.downcase != 'y'
fail 'No luck this time.'
return false
rescue StandardError => e
fail 'Error encountered.'
puts e.inspect
return false
b =
until appointmentAvailable? b
log 'Sleeping.'
sleep 45
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