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Created December 15, 2020 16:20
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const isPalindrome = (head) => {
// zero and single element lists are always symmetric
if (head === null || === null) return true;
let fast = head;
let slow = head;
// fast pointer technique
// since fast traverses whole list and moves 2x as fast
// it makes sense how slow can be only halfway through
// if list is odd, fast will end up being not being null
// len(l) -> 2: s0 f0 s1 fnull
// len(l) -> 3: s0 f0 s1 f2
// len(l) -> 4: s0 f0 s1 f2 s2 fnull
while (fast && !== null) {
slow =;
fast =;
fast =;
const newHead = reverseFromTo(head, slow);
// makes odd length lists work
if (fast) {
// if odd, we do not want to compare the middle
slow =;
let first = newHead;
let second = slow;
while (second !== null) {
if (first.value !== second.value) return false;
first =;
second =;
return true;
// reverses linked list starting from head to stopAt exclusive
const reverseFromTo = (head, stopAt) => {
// I recommend trying 1, 2, 3 and 3 and walking through this algorithm
// to find that it will return 2 1 3
let current = head;
let previous = stopAt;
while (current !== stopAt) {
next =; = previous;
previous = current;
current = next;
return previous;
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