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Created September 30, 2022 01:27
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Broadway Snippet
# This was modified from a class assignment
# I did the following:
# - translated from c++ to python
# - optimized broadcast to signal via condition variable map to reduce unnecessary wakeups and context switches
# - switched shortest seek first to combined metric to also optimize on resource starvation
# Since this was translated, there might be some inconsistencies. Nonetheless, I can produce high quality software.
# Areas to be improved: docs/comments, unit/functional testing, static analysis (hopefully for threading) and quality linting
# globals could be raised to service and communication could happen over channels or other higher level synchronization primitives
# This was tested 20k times to check for numerous thread interleavings
from threading import Lock, Condition, Thread
import sys
from math import abs
from functools import reduce
lock = Lock()
free_spot = Condition(lock)
spot_filled = Condition(lock)
request_complete = Condition(lock)
service: [Condition] = []
files = []
tracks_in_queue: [tuple] = []
completed = []
number_serviced = []
queue_size = -1
max_size = -1
allowed_size = 0
total_left = -1
total_completed = -1
def main():
for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
if not i:
cur = sys.argv[i]
if i == 1:
max_size = int(cur)
completed = [False] * len(files)
number_serviced = [0] * len(files)
service = [Condition(lock) for _ in files]
total_left = len(files)
tracks_in_queue = [(-1, -1)] * max_size
def requestor(id):
with lock:
filename = files[id]
with open(filename) as file:
for line in file:
track = int(line)
while not ((queue_size < max_size) and queue_size < allowed_size):
i = tracks_in_queue.index((-1, -1))
cur = (track, id)
tracks_in_queue[i] = cur
print_request(id, track)
queue_size += 1
while tracks_in_queue[i] != (-1, -1):
total_completed = id
completed[id] = True
total_left -= 1
def signal_free():
if (completed[check]) return
oldSize = queue_size
while queue_size != oldSize + 1:
def get_next(prev):
def helper(best_idx, cur):
best_track, best_requestor = tracks_in_queue[best_idx]
(idx, (cur_track, cur_requestor)) = cur
if best_track < 0:
return idx
# we want to minimize disk head travel time and minimize starvation
# we want to penalize this metric for high distance and number_serviced
# this needs tuning and perfomance benchmarks to best determine k
k = 50
newDiff = abs(cur_track - prev) + k * number_serviced
oldDiff = abs(cur_track - prev) + k * number_serviced
if newDiff < oldDiff:
return idx
return cur
return reduce(helper, enumerate(tracks_in_queue))
def service_one(prev):
next_ind = get_next(prev)
track, requestor = tracks_in_queue[next_ind]
print_service(requestor, track)
queue_size -= 1
tracks_in_queue[next_ind] = (-1, -1)
while total_completed != requestor:
total_completed = -1
number_serviced[requestor] += 1
if not completed[requestor] or total_left >= max_size:
return track
def server():
with lock:
prev_track = 0
queue_size = 0
for filename in files:
Thread(requestor, filename)
while queue_size < max_size and queue_size != total_left:
allowed_size += 1
prev_track = service_one(prev_track, needSignal)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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