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Created April 1, 2015 15:24
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Getting data from web and store them into sqlite db
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib2 import urlopen
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('webscrap.db') # creating database
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE stocks
(category_url text, category text, winner text, runners_up text)''')
def make_soup(url): # parsing html to xml
html = urlopen(url).read()
return BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
def get_category_links(section_url):
soup = make_soup(section_url)
boccat = soup.find("dl", "boccat")
category_links = [BASE_URL + dd.a["href"] for dd in boccat.findAll("dd")]
return category_links
def get_category_winner(category_url):
soup = make_soup(category_url)
category = soup.find("h1", "headline").string
winner = [h2.string for h2 in soup.findAll("h2", "boc1")]
runners_up = [h2.string for h2 in soup.findAll("h2", "boc2")]
data = [(category_url,category,winner[0],runners_up[0])]
c.executemany('INSERT INTO stocks VALUES (?,?,?,?)', data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
food_n_drink = (""
categories = get_category_links(food_n_drink)
a = 0
for category in categories:
if a == 50:
a += 1
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