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Last active January 22, 2024 13:12
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Makefile To Help Manage Docker-Compose Services
# Makefile to help manage docker-compose services
# Built on list_targets-Makefile:
.PHONY: help about args list targets services build up down rebuild clean start status ps logs stop restart sh bash shell
# If you need sudo to execute docker, then udpate these aliases
DOCKER := docker
DOCKER_COMPOSE := docker-compose
# Default docker-compose file
COMPOSE_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME := docker-compose.yml
# Default container for docker actions
# Shell command for 'shell' target
SHELL_CMD := /bin/bash
ME := $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# Expected to be parent folder of compose file
# Contains trailing '/'
PWD := $(dir $(ME))
container ?= $(CONTAINER_DEFAULT)
service ?=
services ?= $(service)
# help
# Displays a (hopefully) useful help screen to the user
# NOTE: Keep 'help' as first target in case .DEFAULT_GOAL is not honored
help: about targets args ## This help screen
$(warning WARNING: CONTAINER_DEFAULT is not set. Please edit makefile)
@echo "Makefile to help manage docker-compose services"
@echo "Target arguments:"
@echo " " "file" "\t" "Location of docker-compose file (default = './$(COMPOSE_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME)')"
@echo " " "service" "\t" "Target service for docker-compose actions (defauilt = all services)"
@echo " " "services" "\t" "Target services for docker-compose actions (defauilt = all services)"
@echo " " "container" "\t" "Target container for docker actions (default = '$(CONTAINER_DEFAULT)')"
# list
# Displays a list of targets, using '##' comment as target description
# NOTE: ONLY targets with ## comments are shown
list: targets ## see 'targets'
targets: ## Lists targets
@echo "Make targets:"
@cat $(ME) | \
sed -n -E 's/^([^.][^: ]+)\s*:(([^=#]*##\s*(.*[^[:space:]])\s*)|[^=].*)$$/ \1 \4/p' | \
sort -u | \
expand -t15
# services
services: ## Lists services
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" ps --services
# build
build: ## Builds service images [file|service|services]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" build $(services)
# up
up: ## Starts containers (in detached mode) [file|service|services]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" up --detach $(services)
# down
down: ## Removes containers (preserves images and volumes) [file]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" down
# rebuild
rebuild: down build ## Stops containers (via 'down'), and rebuilds service images (via 'build')
# clean
clean: ## Removes containers, images and volumes [file]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" down --volumes --rmi all
# start
start: ## Starts previously-built containers (see 'build') [file|service|services]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" start $(services)
# ps
status: ps ## see 'ps'
ps: ## Shows status of containers [file|service|services]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" ps $(services)
# logs
logs: ## Shows output of running containers (in 'follow' mode) [file|service|services]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" logs --follow $(services)
# stop
stop: ## Stops containers (without removing them) [file|service|services]
@$(DOCKER_COMPOSE) -f "$(file)" stop $(services)
# restart
restart: stop start ## Stops containers (via 'stop'), and starts them again (via 'start')
# shell
sh: shell ## see 'shell'
bash: shell ## see 'shell' (may not actually be bash)
shell: ## Brings up a shell in default (or specified) container [container]
ifeq ($(container),)
$(error ERROR: 'container' is not set. Please provide 'container=' argument or edit makefile and set CONTAINER_DEFAULT)
@echo "Starting shell ($(SHELL_CMD)) in container '$(container)'"
@$(DOCKER) exec -it "$(container)" "$(SHELL_CMD)"
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