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Created August 24, 2024 15:25
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MongoDB Automated Replica Setup As `systemd` Service
const { execSync } = require( 'child_process' );
const path = require( 'path' );
const fs = require( 'fs' );
const os = require( 'os' );
const homeUser = process.env.SUDO_USER || os.userInfo().username;
const homeDirectory = process.env.SUDO_USER ? path.join( '/home/', homeUser ) : os.homedir();
const DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = path.join( homeDirectory, 'replica_config' );
const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_CONF_PATH = '/etc/mongod.conf';
const DEFAULT_MONGO_USER_GROUP = 'mongodb:mongodb';
const DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS = [ 27018, 27019 ];
const DEFAULT_SERV_PORT = 27017; // This should be the primary
const DEFAULT_MAIN_CONF_PATH = 'main_mongod.conf';
const runCommand = ( command ) => {
try {
execSync( command, { stdio: 'pipe' } );
} catch ( err ) {
console.error( `Error running command: ${ command }` );
console.error( err.message );
throw err;
const createDirAndSetOwnership = ( directory ) => {
if ( ! fs.existsSync( directory ) ) {
console.log( `Creating directory: ${ directory }` );
fs.mkdirSync( directory, { recursive: true } );
} else {
console.log( `Directory already exists: ${ directory }` );
runCommand( `chown -R ${ DEFAULT_MONGO_USER_GROUP } ${ directory }` );
const sanitizeConfig = ( config ) => config.replace( /storage:\s*journal:\s*enabled:.*/g, '' );
const createMongodConf = ( port, dataPath, logPath ) => {
const replicationConfig = `
replSetName: "myReplicaSet"`;
return sanitizeConfig(
fs.readFileSync( DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_CONF_PATH, 'utf8' )
.replace( /dbPath:.*/, `dbPath: ${ dataPath }` )
.replace( /port:.*/, `port: ${ port }` )
.replace( /systemLog:\s*destination: file\s*logAppend: true\s*path: .*/, `systemLog:\n destination: file\n logAppend: true\n path: ${ logPath }` )
) + replicationConfig;
const ensureRootPrivilege = () => {
if ( process.getuid() !== 0 ) {
console.error( 'This script must be run as root. Please rerun it with sudo.' );
process.exit( 1 );
const stopMongodOnPorts = ( ports ) => {
ports.forEach( port => {
try {
execSync( `mongosh --port ${ port } --eval "db.getSiblingDB('admin').shutdownServer()"`, { stdio: 'ignore' } );
} catch {
console.log( `No running mongod instance found on port ${ port }, skipping shutdown.` );
} );
const generateConfigFiles = ( ports, dataDirs, configDir ) => {
ports.forEach( ( port, index ) => {
const configDirName = `mongod${ index + 1 }`;
const logPath = path.join( configDir, `${ configDirName }.log` );
const mongodConf = createMongodConf( port, dataDirs[ index ], logPath );
const outputMongodConfPath = path.join( configDir, `${ configDirName }.conf` );
fs.writeFileSync( outputMongodConfPath, mongodConf, 'utf8' );
console.log( `${ outputMongodConfPath } has been created.` );
} );
const mainLogPath = path.join( configDir, 'main_mongod.log' );
const mainMongodConf = createMongodConf( DEFAULT_SERV_PORT, dataDirs[ 2 ], mainLogPath );
const mainMongodConfPath = path.join( configDir, DEFAULT_MAIN_CONF_PATH );
fs.writeFileSync( mainMongodConfPath, mainMongodConf, 'utf8' );
console.log( `${ mainMongodConfPath } has been created.` );
const waitForService = ( port, timeout = 5000 ) => {
const start =;
while ( - start < timeout ) {
try {
execSync( `mongosh --port ${ port } --eval "db.adminCommand('ping')"` );
console.log( `Mongod service is up on port ${ port }` );
return true;
} catch {
console.log( `Waiting for mongod service on port ${ port }...` );
console.error( `Timeout waiting for mongod service on port ${ port }.` );
process.exit( 1 );
const isReplicaSetInitialized = () => {
try {
console.log( 'Checking if replica set is initialized...' );
const result = execSync( 'mongosh --port 27017 --eval "rs.status()"', { encoding: 'utf8' } );
return result.includes( '"ok" : 1' ) || result.includes( 'name' ) || result.includes( 'self' );
} catch ( err ) {
return false;
const addMembersToReplicaSet = () => {
console.log( 'Adding members to the replica set if they are not present on ports 27018 and 27019...' );
DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS.forEach( port => {
try {
console.log( `Checking if${ port } is already a member...` );
const status = execSync( 'mongosh --port 27017 --eval "rs.status()"', { encoding: 'utf8' } );
if ( ! status.includes( `${ port }` ) ) {
execSync( `mongosh --port 27017 --eval "rs.add('${ port }')"`, { stdio: 'pipe' } );
console.log( `Added${ port } to the replica set.` );
} else {
console.log( `${ port } is already a member of the replica set.` );
} catch ( err ) {
console.error( `Failed to verify or add node${ port } to the replica set: ${ err.message }` );
} );
const initializeReplicaSet = () => {
if ( isReplicaSetInitialized() ) {
console.log( 'Replica set is already initialized.' );
} else {
console.log( 'Initializing replica set with 27017 as primary...' );
try {
execSync( 'mongosh --port 27017 --eval "rs.initiate()"', { stdio: 'pipe' } );
} catch ( err ) {
console.error( `Failed to initialize the replica set: ${ err.message }` );
process.exit( 1 );
waitForService( 27017, 10000 );
// Add secondary members to the replica set
const main = () => {
// Remove replica config if exist
execSync( `rm -rf ${ DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR }` );
stopMongodOnPorts( DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS.concat( [ DEFAULT_SERV_PORT ] ) );
const dataDirs = [
path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, 'data1' ),
path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, 'data2' ),
path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, 'dataMain' )
createDirAndSetOwnership( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR );
dataDirs.forEach( createDirAndSetOwnership );
try {
DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS.forEach( port => {
const configPath = path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, `mongod${ DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS.indexOf( port ) + 1 }.conf` );
const logPath = path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, `mongod${ DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS.indexOf( port ) + 1 }.log` );
console.log( `Starting mongod on port ${ port } with config ${ configPath }` );
runCommand( `mongod --config ${ configPath } --fork` );
console.log( `Mongod is logging to: ${ logPath }` );
} );
const mainConfigPath = path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, DEFAULT_MAIN_CONF_PATH );
console.log( `Starting main mongod on port ${ DEFAULT_SERV_PORT } with config ${ mainConfigPath }` );
runCommand( `mongod --config ${ mainConfigPath } --fork` );
console.log( `Mongod is logging to: ${ path.join( DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, 'main_mongod.log' ) }` );
} catch ( err ) {
console.error( 'Error starting mongod instances:', err.message );
process.exit( 1 );
DEFAULT_REPLICA_PORTS.concat( [ DEFAULT_SERV_PORT ] ).forEach( port => waitForService( port, 20000 ) );
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