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iTimeTraveler /
Created January 3, 2020 12:17 — forked from golimpio/
Run cputhrottle for a list of applications in order to limit their CPU usage.
# Run cputhrottle for a list of applications in order to limit their CPU usage.
# This script needs `pidof` and `cputhrottle` installed, which can be installed from homebrew.
# NOTE: This script was tested on MacOS only.
if [[ $EUID > 0 ]]; then
echo "Please run this script as root/sudo"
exit 1
iTimeTraveler /
Created October 25, 2019 08:25 — forked from petewarden/
Script used to build Google Protobuf 3.0.0 for use with Xcode 7 / iOS 9. Builds all supported architectures and produces a universal binary static library.

Google Protobuf 3.0.1 - Mac OS X and iOS Support

The script in this gist will help you buid the Google Protobuf library for use with Mac OS X and iOS. Other methods (such as homebrew or direct compilation) have issues that prevent their use. The libraries built by this script are universal and support all iOS device architectures including the simulator.

This gist was adapted from the original at, and updated to deal with Xcode 7 and iOS 9, and download protobuf version 3.0.0.

#!/usr/bin/python -u
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