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Last active September 8, 2019 16:00
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  • Save iainconnor/f9d4964ea4211e794d1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save iainconnor/f9d4964ea4211e794d1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OSX Setup
# Get Sudo.
if [ $EUID != 0 ]; then
sudo "$0" "$@"
exit $?
# Install Xcode command line tools.
xcode-select --install
# Install Homebrew.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Configure Homebrew.
brew doctor
# Tap custom casks.
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew tap homebrew/core
brew tap homebrew/services
brew tap blackfireio/homebrew-blackfire
brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup && brew cask cleanup
# Apps, fonts, and plugins.
brew cask installbettertouchtool blackfire-agent caffeine cool-retro-term cyberduck docker dropbox epubquicklook font-anonymice-powerline font-consolas-for-powerline font-dejavu-sans-mono-for-powerline font-droid-sans-mono-for-powerline font-fira-code font-fira-mono font-fira-mono-for-powerline font-firacode-nerd-font font-firacode-nerd-font-mono font-hasklig font-hasklig-nerd-font font-hasklig-nerd-font-mono font-inconsolata-dz-for-powerline font-inconsolata-g-for-powerline font-iosevka font-liberation-mono-for-powerline font-menlo-for-powerline font-meslo-for-powerline font-monofur-for-powerline font-monoid font-noto-mono-for-powerline font-roboto font-roboto-mono-for-powerline font-source-code-pro-for-powerline font-ubuntu-mono-derivative-powerline font-ubuntumono-nerd-font font-ubuntumono-nerd-font-mono go2shell google-chrome highsierramediakeyenabler iterm2 imageoptim intel-power-gadget istat-menus keyboard-cleaner macdown parallels-desktop phpstorm postman qlcolorcode qlimagesize qlmarkdown qlstephen quicklook-json resolutionator shuttle sourcetree spotify spotmenu steam sublime-text the-unarchiver vanilla virtualbox visual-studio-code webpquicklook zoomus-outlook-plugin
# System tools.
brew install autoconf bat boost brew-php-switcher codeception composer coreutils curl fish findutils freetype gdbm gettext grc git git-flow gmp highlight icu4c imagemagick jpeg libevent libmemcached libpng libtiff libtool libxml2 liblzf lua mcrypt memcached mhash mysql nginx openssl pcre php-code-sniffer php-cs-fixer phpmd phpunit pkg-config python3 rabbitmq rabbitmq-c re2c readline redis siege sqlite thefuck tree unixodbc unzip xdebug-osx xz
curl > /usr/local/bin/git-cleanup && chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/git-cleanup
# Fish replacing shell.
echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" >> /etc/shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
curl -L | fish
omf install artisan gi php-version brew git-flow thefuck brew-completions grc composer fish-spec osx agnoster cmorrell emoji-powerline gnuykeaj bobthefish gitstatus ocean
omf theme gnuykeaj
mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/functions
# Setup OSX to use Homebrew-installed apps.
echo 'set PATH $PATH /usr/local/opt/curl/bin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH /usr/local/sbin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH /usr/local/bin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH /usr/sbin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH /usr/bin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH /sbin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH /bin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'set PATH $PATH ~/.composer/vendor/bin' >> ~/.config/fish/
echo "set -g default_user $me" >> ~/.config/fish/
echo 'alias cat="bat"' >> ~/.config/fish/
# PHP.
brew install [email protected]
pecl install ast
pecl install APCu
pecl install igbinary
pecl install imagick
pecl install memcached
pecl install oauth
pecl install redis
pecl install xdebug-2.7.0beta1
pecl install mongodb
pecl install amqp
pecl install swoole
brew install blackfire-php73
cd ~/Downloads
# Terminal themes.
curl -o ~/Downloads/ -LOk
curl -o ~/Downloads/ -LOk
unzip ~/Downloads/ && unzip ~/Downloads/ && rm -f ~/Downloads/ && rm -f ~/Downloads/
mkdir ~/Downloads/themes
mv ~/Downloads/iTerm2-Color-Schemes-master/schemes ~/Downloads/themes/iterm2 && rm -rf ~/Downloads/iTerm2-Color-Schemes-master
mv ~/Downloads/osx-terminal-themes-master/schemes ~/Downloads/themes/terminal && rm -rf ~/Downloads/osx-terminal-themes-master
# BTT profiles.
curl -o ~/Downloads/ -LOk
unzip ~/Downloads/ && rm -f ~/Downloads/
mv ~/Downloads/btt-touchbar-presets-master ~/Downloads/btt
# Setup Git.
read -e -p "Enter your git username: " USERNAME
read -e -p "Enter your git email address: " EMAIL
git config --global $USERNAME
git config --global $EMAIL
git config --global core.ignorecase false
git config --global core.autocrlf input
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C $EMAIL
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow /usr/bin/git-flow
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/gitflow-common /usr/bin/gitflow-common
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow-init /usr/bin/git-flow-init
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow-version /usr/bin/git-flow-version
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow-feature /usr/bin/git-flow-feature
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow-release /usr/bin/git-flow-release
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow-hotfix /usr/bin/git-flow-hotfix
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-flow-support /usr/bin/git-flow-support
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/gitflow-shFlags /usr/bin/gitflow-shFlags
# All done with Homebrew.
brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup && brew cask cleanup
# Expand "Save" and "Print" panels.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode2 -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 -bool true
# Use current directory as default search scope in Finder.
defaults write FXDefaultSearchScope -string "SCcf"
# Remove duplicate "Open With" options.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
# Show extensions in Finder.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleShowAllExtensions -bool true
# Show path in Finder.
defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true
defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true
# Expand save panel by default.
defaults write -g NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode -bool true && \
defaults write -g NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode2 -bool true
# Save locally by default.
defaults write -g NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false
# Column view by default.
defaults write FXPreferredViewStyle clmv
# Allow selecting text in Quick Look.
defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool true
# Use OSX print dialog in Chrome.
defaults write DisablePrintPreview -bool true
defaults write PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 -bool true
# Copy email addresses, not names, from Mail.
defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool false
# Quit Printer app when complete.
defaults write "Quit When Finished" -bool true
# Ignore Quarentine of unknown apps.
defaults write LSQuarantine -bool false
# Reboot to a clean slate.
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false
# Enable "Tap to Click".
defaults write Clicking -bool true
defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 1
defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 1
# Invert scrolling direction.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain -bool false
# Open Finder at "~/" directory.
defaults write NewWindowTarget -string "PfLo"
defaults write NewWindowTargetPath -string "file://${HOME}/"
# Don't create temporary files to network mounted drives.
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
# Unhide "~/Library" folder.
chflags nohidden ~/Library
# Disable Time Machine prompt for every disk.
defaults write DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup -bool true
# Configure Activity Monitor to always open a window, sorted by the most CPU intensive tasks.
defaults write OpenMainWindow -bool true
defaults write ShowCategory -int 0
defaults write SortColumn -string "cpUUsage"
defaults write SortDirection -int 0
# Change screenshot directory.
mkdir ~/Pictures/Screenshots
defaults write location ~/Pictures/Screenshots
# Done.
echo "All Done. Your SSH Key is on the clipboard, ready for pasting into Git."
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atrauzzi commented Jul 2, 2015

Some advice from the trenches: Install composer via, cp it to /usr/local/bin/composer. Then people can sudo composer self-update when needed. Had issues with people not getting the bleeding edgiest-latest via homebrew in the past.

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CMDann commented Jul 2, 2015

👍 I approve, good set-up script.

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atrauzzi commented Jul 8, 2015


brew install bash
brew install bash-completion

Add to ~/.profile

if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion ]; then
  . $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion

Add to /etc/shells


Sidenote: Brew really needs a "current version" symlink system!

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atrauzzi commented Jul 8, 2015

brew tap homebrew/services

init.d style commands for managing plists. Lets you do stuff like brew services redis start, etc...

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Bash completion is nice, but I'm a convert to zsh and oh-my-zsh. My theme, FWIW:

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Apparently some of the cool kids are using Fish.

@atrauzzi, what stoping you from using sudo composer self-update even if you initially installed it with brew. I've been rolling that way for a while, never had any problems with it.

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@iainconnor - I'm assuming that will work, but might risk getting clobbered with an outdated version if they put up a "less new" version. My rule with homebrew is "use it sparingly, but otherwise exclusively".

Also, I have another line for you to add:

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Worth noting that PHP5.4 is reaching EOL and that frameworks are rallying around at least 5.5, if not 5.6.

Maybe this should be amended to install all versions so that people can choose which to use. There's really no harm in using a newer version as it's always backwards compatible.

In any case, you should be doubly sure to install opcache for whatever version of PHP you're using. It has some serious implications for class loading as per this ticket:

brew install php56-opcache

Anyone who has done local development - especially on OSX+homebrew, where this is not included by default - has run afoul of this very subtle difference in behaviour. The expected behaviour is what you'll get after installing the .so.

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Would upgrade docker toolbox with Docker for Mac

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