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Created October 6, 2013 20:09
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Write requests cache to files.
import requests
import requests_cache
from urlparse import urlparse
from os.path import basename
def dump_cache():
Writes all the responses in the cache to files.
The filename is the basename of the URL.
This hasn't been tested for POST requests; probably broken
TODO: fix for POST requests
TODO: set modified time on file
cache = requests_cache.core.get_cache()
entries = [{'timestamp': time,
'filename': basename(urlparse(resp.url).path),
'content': resp.content
for resp, time in [
(cache.restore_response(entry), time)
for entry, time in cache.responses.values()
for entry in entries:
with open(entry['filename'], 'w') as f:
# script runner does this before script runs
# script does its thing (discarding raw responses)
url = ''
# dump the cache
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