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Created July 19, 2023 05:49
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Jumps to a predefined directory through a given alias.
#Requires -Version 6.0
param (
$File = ".GotoPath"
$FilePath = Join-Path -Path $HOME -ChildPath $File
if ($Value -eq "." -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value))
$Value = Get-Location
if ($Key -eq "." -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Key))
$Key = (Get-Item -Path $Value).BaseName
$Key = ([String]$Key).ToUpper()
if (-Not (Test-Path $FilePath)) {
New-Item -Path $FilePath -ItemType "File"
$Paths = [Ordered]@{}
$FileContent = Get-Content -Path $FilePath
$Regex = "(?<KEY>\w+)\s*=(?<VALUE>.+)"
foreach($line in $FileContent)
if ($line -match $Regex)
$matchedKey = ([String]$Matches["KEY"]).ToUpper()
if (!$Paths.Contains(($matchedKey)))
$matchedValue = ([String]$Matches["VALUE"]).Trim()
$Paths.Add($matchedKey, $matchedValue)
function GetCurrentPath {
return "$Key = $Value"
function GetStoredPath {
$OldPath = $Paths[$Key]
return "$Key = $OldPath"
if ($Operation -eq "add")
Write-Host "$Key = $Value"
if (!$Paths.Contains($Key))
Add-Content -Path $FilePath -Value "$(GetCurrentPath)"
elseif ($Operation -eq "replace")
if ($Paths.Contains($Key))
$FileContent -Replace $(GetStoredPath), $(GetCurrentPath) | Set-Content -Path $FilePath
elseif ($Operation -eq "remove")
if ($Paths.Contains($Key))
$FileContent -Replace $(GetStoredPath), "" | Where-Object {$_ -ne ""} | Set-Content -Path $FilePath
elseif ($Operation -eq "list")
Write-Host "\n"
foreach($path in $Paths.GetEnumerator())
Write-Host "$($path.Key) = $($path.Value)\n"
elseif (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Operation))
$Key = ([String]$Operation).ToUpper()
$Value = $Paths[$Key]
if ($Paths.Contains($Key))
$Value | Write-Output -NoEnumerate
exit 111
GOTO_OUTPUT=$(pwsh -NoLogo -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$HOME/Scripts/PowerShell/Goto.ps1" "$@")
if [ $? -eq 111 ] ; then
exec $SHELL
echo -e $GOTO_OUTPUT
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