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Last active October 9, 2016 17:50
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" cVim configuration -- Aaditya Prakash
" gist id -- ed0f4da609dde6b71b43
" Settings
"set noautofocus
set cncpcompletion
set smoothscroll
set nohud
set autohidecursor
set typelinkhints
let scrollduration = 10
let searchlimit = 40
let searchengine stackoverflow = ""
let searchalias s = "stackoverflow"
let searchalias g = "google"
let searchengine lucky = "{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}sourceid=chrome&ie={inputEncoding}&btnI&gnfs&q=%s"
let searchalias l = "lucky"
let qmark a = ["", ""]
let qmark b = ["", "", "", ""]
let fullpagescrollpercent=97
set showtabindices
set completeonopen
let mapleader=","
" Mappings
unmap a
map a createActiveTabbedHint
imap <C-m> deleteWord
"map as :tabopen github @iamaaditya/
map <C-d> scrollDown
map <C-e> scrollUp
map <C-s> openLastHint
map <C-h> :set hud!<CR>
"map gb :buffers<Space>
map g :tabopen g<Space>
map ll :tabopen l<Space>
map W l
map Q h
map af F
map <Space> scrollFullPageDown
map <S-Space> scrollFullPageUp
map ad z<Enter>
map T :tabopen<CR>
"map , :set numerichints!<CR>
map ga :settings<CR>
"let blacklists = ["*","*"]
" cVim configuration -- Aaditya Prakash
" gist id -- ed0f4da609dde6b71b43
" Settings
"set noautofocus
set cncpcompletion
set smoothscroll
set nohud
set autohidecursor
set typelinkhints
let scrollduration = 10
let searchlimit = 40
let searchengine stackoverflow = ""
let searchalias s = "stackoverflow"
let searchalias g = "google"
let searchengine lucky = "{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}sourceid=chrome&ie={inputEncoding}&btnI&gnfs&q=%s"
let searchalias l = "lucky"
let qmark a = ["", ""]
let qmark b = ["", "", "", ""]
let fullpagescrollpercent=97
set showtabindices
set completeonopen
let mapleader=","
" Mappings
unmap a
map a createActiveTabbedHint
imap <C-m> deleteWord
"map as :tabopen github @iamaaditya/
map <C-d> scrollDown
map <C-e> scrollUp
map <C-s> openLastHint
map <C-h> :set hud!<CR>
"map gb :buffers<Space>
map g :tabopen g<Space>
map ll :tabopen l<Space>
map W l
map Q h
map af F
map <Space> scrollFullPageDown
map <S-Space> scrollFullPageUp
map ad z<Enter>
map T :tabopen<CR>
"map , :set numerichints!<CR>
map ga :settings<CR>
"let blacklists = ["*","*"]
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