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Created August 29, 2014 14:01
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# Chocolatey
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
# install browsers
cinst GoogleChrome
cinst Firefox
cinst GoogleChrome.Canary
cinst Opera
# cinst ie11
# install Visual Studio
cinst VisualStudio2013Ultimate -InstallArguments "/Features:'WebTools WindowsPhone80 Blend' /ProductKey:*PUT-YOUR-PRODUCT-KEY-HERE*"
# cinst visualstudio2013-webessentials.vsix
cinst resharper
cinst stylecop
# install dev tools
cinst sublimetext2
cinst SublimeText2.PackageControl -Version 1.6.3
cinst git
cinst githubforwindows
cinst filezilla
cinst fiddler4
# install programs
cinst googledrive
cinst skype
cinst beyondcompare
# install optional tools
cinst ScriptCs
#install optional programs
cinst markdownpad2
cinst nodejs.install
cinst SourceTree
cinst Everything
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