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Last active March 28, 2018 18:56
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protocol AbstractGUIFactory {
func createButton() -> Button
func createWindow() -> Window
protocol Button {
func setTitle(_ title: String) -> Void
func show() -> Void
protocol Window {
func setTitle(_ title: String) -> Void
func show() -> Void
class WinFactory : AbstractGUIFactory {
func createButton() -> Button {
return WinButton()
func createWindow() -> Window {
return WinWindow()
class OSXFactory : AbstractGUIFactory {
func createButton() -> Button {
return OSXButton()
func createWindow() -> Window {
return OSXWindow()
class WinButton: Button {
var title: String?
func setTitle(_ title: String) -> Void {
self.title = title
func show() -> Void {
print("Showing Windows style button [Title: \(self.title!)]")
class WinWindow : Window {
var title: String?
func setTitle(_ title: String) -> Void {
self.title = title
func show() -> Void {
print("Showing Windows style window [Title: \(self.title!)]")
class OSXButton : Button {
var title: String?
func setTitle(_ title: String) -> Void {
self.title = title
func show() -> Void {
print("Showing OSX style button [Title: \(self.title!)]")
class OSXWindow : Window {
var title: String?
func setTitle(_ title: String) -> Void {
self.title = title
func show() -> Void {
print("Showing OSX style window [Title: \(self.title!)]")
class GUIBuilder {
private var platform: String
private var guiFactory: AbstractGUIFactory?
init(platform: String) {
self.platform = platform
func initGuiFactory() -> Void {
if nil != guiFactory { return }
if platform == "Windows" { guiFactory = WinFactory() }
else { guiFactory = OSXFactory() }
func buildButton() -> Button {
return guiFactory!.createButton()
func buildWindow() -> Window {
return guiFactory!.createWindow()
import Foundation
let guiBuilder: GUIBuilder = GUIBuilder(platform: "Windows")
let window: Window = guiBuilder.buildWindow()
let button: Button = guiBuilder.buildButton()
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