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Created December 20, 2015 14:53
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This will let you parse all the items from Steam inventory very fast!
abstract class BaseCollection
* rgDescriptions array
* @var array
protected $items = [];
* Each element is implementing ItemCollectionFilter!
* @see ItemCollectionFilter
* @var array
protected $filters = [];
* @var ICollectionParser
protected $collectionParser;
* @param array $items
public function __construct(array $items)
$this->items = $items;
public function getUniqueKey()
return md5(json_encode($this->items) . json_encode($this->filters));
* Returns {@link Item} array
* @see Item
* @return array
public function get()
return $this->collectionParser->parseCollection($this);
* Returns first row
* @return mixed
public function first()
$this->filters[] = new SliceCollectionFilter(0, 1);
return $this->get()[0];
public function add($value)
$this->items[] = $value;
public function getFilters()
return $this->filters;
// Bad code
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if (strpos($name, 'findBy') !== false) {
$string = strtolower(str_replace('findBy', '', $name));
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if ($item[$string] == $arguments[0]) {
return $this->collectionParser->parseItem($item);
public function toArray()
return array_values($this->items);
public function toJSON()
return json_encode($this->toArray(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
public function isEmpty()
return !$this->size();
public function size()
return count($this->items);
public function getItems()
return $this->items;
public function setItems(array $items)
$this->items = $items;
public function removeAt($i)
$index = 0;
foreach ($this->items as $k => $v) {
// Numeric or associative
if ($index == $i || $k == $i) {
public function removeAtMany(array $ids)
$index = 0;
foreach ($this->items as $k => $v) {
// Numeric or associative
if (in_array($index, $ids) || in_array($k, $ids)) {
interface BaseCollectionFilter {
* @param BaseCollection $collection
* @return array
public function execute(BaseCollection &$collection);
trait CollectionMethods {
public function slice($a, $b)
$this->filters[] = new SliceCollectionFilter($a, $b);
return $this;
* @param \Closure $closure
* @return $this
public function where(\Closure $closure)
$this->filters[] = new WhereCollectionFilter($closure);
return $this;
class DotaItem extends Item
// Always is static for Dota items
public static $contextId = 2;
protected $appId = 570;
protected static $dotaRaritiesEnum = [
private static $dotaTypesEnum = [
'HUD Skin',
'Loading Screen',
'Gem / Rune',
private static $dotaQualitiesEnum = [
private static $_heroes = [];
public static function getHeroes()
// Get from steam, change these
if (empty(self::$_heroes)) {
$api = new APIBridge(config('steam-auth.api_key'));
$json = $api->callApi('IEconDOTA2_570/', 'GetHeroes/v0001/', [
'language' => 'russian'
$result = json_decode($json, true);
$heroes = $result['result']['heroes'];
self::$_heroes = $heroes;
return self::$_heroes;
private $rarity;
private $quality;
public function __construct(array $data)
foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
if (strtolower($tag['category']) == 'rarity') {
$this->rarity = strtolower($tag['name']);
} elseif (strtolower($tag['category']) == 'hero') {
$this->characters[] = $tag['name'];
} elseif (strtolower($tag['category']) == 'quality') {
$this->quality = $tag['name'];
public function getRarity()
return $this->rarity;
public function getHero()
return $this->characters[0];
private function getRarityOrder()
return self::$dotaRaritiesEnum[$this->getRarity()];
private static function checkBeforeSort($a, $b)
$badType = false;
if (!($a instanceof DotaItem))
$badType = gettype($a);
if (!($b instanceof DotaItem))
$badType = gettype($b);
if ($badType)
throw new \RuntimeException('Incompatible types. Excepted: ' . self::class . '. Got: ' . $badType);
* @param $a DotaItem
* @param $b DotaItem
* @return int
public static function sortByQuality($a, $b)
static::checkBeforeSort($a, $b);
$al = (!isset(self::$dotaQualitiesEnum[$a->getQuality()])) ? 0 : self::$dotaQualitiesEnum[$a->getHero()];
$bl = (!isset(self::$dotaQualitiesEnum[$b->getQuality()])) ? 0 : self::$dotaQualitiesEnum[$b->getHero()];
if ($al == $bl)
return 0;
return ($al > $bl) ? -1 : 1;
* @param $a DotaItem
* @param $b DotaItem
* @return int
public static function sortByType($a, $b)
static::checkBeforeSort($a, $b);
$al = self::$dotaTypesEnum[$a->getType()];
$bl = self::$dotaTypesEnum[$b->getType()];
if ($al == $bl) {
return 0;
return ($al > $bl) ? -1 : 1;
* @param $a DotaItem
* @param $b DotaItem
* @return int
public static function sortByCharacter($a, $b)
static::checkBeforeSort($a, $b);
$al = $bl = 0;
foreach (self::getHeroes() as $hero) {
if ($hero['localized_name'] == $a->getHero())
$al = true;
elseif ($hero['localized_name'] == $b->getHero())
$bl = true;
if (!$al) {
return 1;
if (!$bl) {
return -1;
return strnatcmp($a->getHero(), $b->getHero());
* @param $a DotaItem
* @param $b DotaItem
* @return int
public static function sortByPrice($a, $b)
static::checkBeforeSort($a, $b);
$al = $a->getPrice();
$al = ($al) ? $al->getSitePrice() : 0;
$bl = $b->getPrice();
$bl = ($bl) ? $bl->getSitePrice() : 0;
if ($al == $bl) {
return 0;
return ($al > $bl) ? -1 : 1;
* @param $a DotaItem
* @param $b DotaItem
* @return int
public static function sortByRarity($a, $b)
static::checkBeforeSort($a, $b);
$al = $a->getRarityOrder();
$bl = $b->getRarityOrder();
if ($al == $bl) {
return 0;
return ($al > $bl) ? -1 : 1;
* @return mixed
public function getQuality()
return $this->quality;
* @param mixed $quality
public function setQuality($quality)
$this->quality = $quality;
interface ICollectionParser
public function parseCollection(BaseCollection &$collection);
public function parseItem($item);
abstract class Item
public static $contextId;
* Item name
* @var string
protected $name;
* #Color of the item
* @var string
protected $nameColor;
* Item's market name
* @var string
protected $marketName;
* id of the application, which item is added to
* @var integer
protected $appId;
* Item class id
* @var integer
protected $classId;
* Item instance id
* @var integer
protected $instanceId;
* Hash for url linked to to item's image
* @see
* @var string
protected $iconUrl;
* Hash for url linked to to item's bigimage
* @see
* @var string
protected $iconUrlLarge;
* Item type
* @var string
protected $type;
* Can we trade with it?
* @var boolean
protected $tradable;
* Can we sell this item on market?
* @var boolean
protected $marketable;
* Item's descriptions
* @var array
protected $descriptions = [];
* Item's tags
* @var array
protected $tags = [];
* Characters who can use this item
* @var array
protected $characters = [];
* Calculated in ItemPrice
* @see ItemCollection
* @var ItemPrice
protected $price;
public function __construct(array $data)
$this->appId = $data['appid'];
$this->classId = $data['classid'];
$this->instanceId = $data['instanceid'];
$this->iconUrl = $data['icon_url'];
$this->iconUrlLarge = $data['icon_url_large'];
$this->name = $data['name'];
$this->marketName = $data['market_hash_name'];
$this->nameColor = $data['name_color'];
$this->tradable = $data['tradable'];
$this->marketable = $data['marketable'];
if (is_array($data['descriptions'])) {
foreach ($data['descriptions'] as $description) {
if (preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $description['value']) == '')
$this->descriptions[] = $description['value'];
if (is_array($data['tags']))
$this->tags = $data['tags'];
foreach ($this->tags as $tag) {
if (strtolower($tag['category_name']) == 'type') {
$this->type = $tag['name'];
if ($data['type'] != '')
$this->type = $data['type'];
* @return string
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* @param string $name
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
* @return string
public function getNameColor()
return $this->nameColor;
* @param string $nameColor
public function setNameColor($nameColor)
$this->nameColor = $nameColor;
* @return string
public function getMarketName()
return $this->marketName;
* @return int
public function getAppId()
return $this->appId;
* @return int
public function getClassId()
return $this->classId;
* @return int
public function getInstanceId()
return $this->instanceId;
* @return string
public function getIconUrl()
return $this->iconUrl;
* @return string
public function getIconUrlLarge()
return $this->iconUrlLarge;
* @return string
public function getType()
return $this->type;
* @return boolean
public function isTradable()
return $this->tradable;
* @return boolean
public function isMarketable()
return $this->marketable;
* @return array
public function getDescriptions()
return $this->descriptions;
* @return array
public function getTags()
return $this->tags;
* Link to a transparent png image of item
* @return string
public function getClearUrl()
return '' . $this->appId . '/' . $this->classId . '/';
* @return ItemPrice
public function getPrice()
return $this->price;
* @param ItemPrice $price
public function setPrice(ItemPrice $price)
$this->price = $price;
public function getSitePrice() {
if (is_null($this->price))
return 0;
return $this->price->getSitePrice();
abstract public function getRarity();
* Just to let children override all these methods
static public function sortByRarity($rarityA, $rarityB)
return 0;
static public function sortByQuality($a, $b)
return 0;
static public function sortByType($typeA, $typeB)
return 0;
static public function sortByCharacter($characterA, $characterB)
return 0;
static public function sortByPrice($priceA, $priceB)
return 0;
* That's it!
class ItemCollection extends BaseCollection
use CollectionMethods;
static $searches = [];
public function __construct(array $items, ItemMarketPriceHelper $marketPriceHelper) {
$this->collectionParser = new ItemCollectionParser($marketPriceHelper);
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if (strpos($name, 'findBy') !== false) {
$string = strtolower(str_replace('findBy', '', $name));
if (!empty(self::$searches[$string]))
return self::$searches[$string];
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if ($item[$string] == $arguments[0]) {
$parsed = $this->collectionParser->parseItem($item);
self::$searches[$string] = $parsed;
return $parsed;
class ItemCollectionParser implements ICollectionParser
private static $collectionCache;
private static $itemCache;
* @var ItemMarketPriceHelper
protected $priceHelper;
public function __construct(ItemMarketPriceHelper $marketPriceHelper)
$this->priceHelper = $marketPriceHelper;
public function parseCollection(BaseCollection &$collection)
$key = $collection->getUniqueKey();
if (isset(self::$collectionCache[$key]) && !empty(self::$collectionCache[$key]))
return self::$collectionCache[$key];
if ($collection->isEmpty())
return [];
/** @var BaseCollectionFilter $filter */
foreach ($collection->getFilters() as $filter) {
$result = [];
foreach ($collection->toArray() as $itemInfo) {
$item = $this->parseItem($itemInfo);
$result[] = $item;
self::$collectionCache[$key] = $result;
return $result;
* @param $itemInfo
* @return Item
public function parseItem($itemInfo)
if (empty($itemInfo) || !is_array($itemInfo))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('ItemInfo should be filled array!');
$key = md5(json_encode($itemInfo));
if (isset(self::$itemCache[$key]) && !empty(self::$itemCache[$key]))
return self::$itemCache[$key];
/** @var Item $item */
$item = ItemStorage::createItem($itemInfo);
if ($itemInfo['tradable'] !== '0') {
try {
/** @var $price ItemPrice */
$price = $this->priceHelper->getItemPrice($item);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $item;
namespace App\Helpers\Steam;
use App\Helpers\Steam\Items\Item;
use App\Models\ItemPrice;
use Cache;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
class ItemMarketPriceHelper
// protected $communityURL = '';
protected $communityURL = '';
protected $apiKey;
* @var int
protected $currency;
* @param $apiKey
* @param int $currency
public function __construct($apiKey, $currency = 5)
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
$this->currency = $currency;
protected function cleanFloat($str)
$float = (float)str_replace(',', '.', preg_replace('/[\s]*/', '', $str));
return $float;
protected function cleanInt($str)
return (int)str_replace(',', '.', preg_replace('/[\s]*/', '', $str));
public function setCurrency($currency)
$this->currency = $currency;
* @param $item Item
* @return ItemPrice
public function getItemPrice($item)
$params = [
'currency' => $this->currency,
'appid' => $item->getAppId(),
'market_hash_name' => $item->getMarketName()
$query = http_build_query($params);
$price = ItemPrice::
where('class_id', $item->getClassId())
->where('app_id', $item->getAppId())
if (!$price) {
$url = $this->communityURL . 'market/priceoverview/?' . $query;
$contents = @file_get_contents($url);
$result = json_decode($contents, true);
if (!$result['success']) {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('Стим считает нас дудосерами по ссылке ' . $url);
$lowest = (isset($result['lowest_price'])) ? $this->cleanFloat($result['lowest_price']) : 0;
$median = (isset($result['median_price'])) ? $this->cleanFloat($result['median_price']) : 0;
$volume = (isset($result['volume'])) ? $this->cleanInt($result['volume']) : 0;
$cached = [
'class_id' => $item->getClassId(),
'app_id' => $item->getAppId(),
'min' => $lowest,
'median' => $median,
'volume' => $volume,
$price = ItemPrice::create($cached);
return $price;
class ItemStorage
private static $relations = [
'570' => DotaItem::class,
public static function getItemClass($appId)
$appId = $appId . '';
if (!isset(self::$relations[$appId])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Theres no item for id: ' . $appId);
return self::$relations[$appId];
public static function getItemContextID($appId)
$className = self::getItemClass($appId);
$prop = 'contextId';
if (!property_exists($className, $prop))
throw new \RuntimeException('Item called ' . $className . ' hasnt ContextID! Fix it!');
$vars = get_class_vars($className);
return $vars[$prop];
* @param $itemInfo
* @return mixed
public static function createItem($itemInfo)
$item = self::getItemClass($itemInfo['appid']);
/* @var $item Item */
return new $item($itemInfo);
class SliceCollectionFilter implements BaseCollectionFilter
* @var int
private $from;
* @var int
private $to;
* SliceCollectionFilter constructor.
* @param int $from
* @param int $to
public function __construct($from, $to)
$this->from = max(0, $from);
$this->to = (int)$to;
public function execute(BaseCollection &$collection)
$items = $collection->toArray();
$bad = [];
foreach ($items as $i => $v) {
if ($i < $this->from || $i >= $this->to) {
$bad[] = $i;
public function __toString()
return 'Slice';
class WhereCollectionFilter implements BaseCollectionFilter
* @var \Closure
private $closure;
* WhereCollectionFilter constructor.
* @param \Closure $closure
public function __construct(\Closure &$closure)
$this->closure = &$closure;
public function execute(BaseCollection &$collection)
$bad = [];
/* @var $closure \Closure */
$closure = $this->closure;
$items = $collection->toArray();
foreach ($items as $i => $v) {
if (!$closure($v)) {
$bad[] = $i;
public function __toString()
return 'Where';
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Will be waiting for advices and fixed!)))

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