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Last active March 19, 2017 09:53
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import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from helper import activations
from helper import misc,updates
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from helper import inits
from helper.theano_utils import floatX, sharedX
#defining parameters
leaky_rectify = activations.leaky_rectify()
rectify = activations.Rectify()
tanh = activations.Tanh()
sigmoid = activations.Sigmoid()
bce = T.nnet.binary_crossentropy
batch_size = 128
init_fn = misc.Normal(scale=0.02)
#returns the probability of X to be choosed if gaussian distribution followed
def gaussian_probability(X, u=0., s=1.):
return (1./(s*np.sqrt(2*np.pi)))*np.exp(-(((X - u)**2)/(2*s**2)))
def scale_and_shift(X, g, b):
return X*g + b
#defining Generator(G) network as multilayer perceptron
def G(X, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2, w3):
h1 = leaky_rectify(scale_and_shift(,w1), g1, b1))
h2 = leaky_rectify(scale_and_shift(,w2), g2, b2))
y =, w3)
return y
#defining Discriminator(D) network as multilayer perceptron
def D(X, w1, g1, b1, w2, g2, b2, w3):
h1 = leaky_rectify(scale_and_shift(,w1), g1, b1))
h2 = tanh(scale_and_shift(,w2), g2, b2))
y = sigmoid(,w3))
return y
#initialise parameters for G and D
g_w1 = init_fn((1, nh))
g_g1 = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
g_b1 = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
g_w2 = init_fn((nh, nh))
g_g2 = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
g_b2 = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
g_w3 = init_fn((nh, 1))
d_w1 = init_fn((1, nh))
d_g1 = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
d_b1 = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
d_w2 = init_fn((nh, nh))
d_g2 = inits.Normal(1., 0.02)(nh)
d_b2 = inits.Normal(0., 0.02)(nh)
d_w3 = init_fn((nh, 1))
#defining input
Z = T.matrix()
X = T.matrix()
#building generator, "gen" stores the output of generator layer
gen = G(Z, g_w1, g_g1, g_b1, g_w2, g_g2, g_b2, g_w3 )
#getting the probability for real ang generated data
prob_real = D(X, d_w1, d_g1, d_b1, d_w2, d_g2, d_b2, d_w3)
prob_gen = D(gen, d_w1, d_g1, d_b1, d_w2, d_g2, d_b2, d_w3)
#cost calculation for G and D
g_cost = T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(prob_gen, T.ones(prob_gen.shape)).mean()
d_real_cost = T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(prob_real, T.ones(prob_gen.shape)).mean()
d_gen_cost = T.nnet.binary_crossentropy(prob_gen, T.zeros(prob_gen.shape)).mean()
d_cost = d_real_cost + d_gen_cost
#all costs summarized in one list
cost = [g_cost, d_cost, d_real_cost, d_gen_cost]
#using Adam optimizer
learning_rate= 0.001
g_updater = updates.Adam(lr=sharedX(learning_rate) )
d_updater = updates.Adam(lr=sharedX(learning_rate) )
g_update = g_updater([g_w1, g_g1, g_b1, g_w2, g_g2, g_b2, g_w3 ], g_cost)
d_update = d_updater([d_w1, d_g1, d_b1, d_w2, d_g2, d_b2, d_w3 ], d_cost)
#interconversion between variable and function
train_g = theano.function([X, Z], cost, updates=g_update)
train_d = theano.function([X, Z], cost, updates=d_update)
_gen = theano.function([Z], gen)
_score = theano.function([X], prob_real)
# visualising G and D
def visualise(i):
fig = plt.figure()
#generatiing distribution
x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 500).astype('float32')
z = np.linspace(-1, 1, 500).astype('float32')
y_true = gaussian_probability(x)
kde = gaussian_kde(_gen(z.reshape(-1,1)).flatten())
y_gen = kde(x)
preal = _score(x.reshape(-1, 1)).flatten()
#plotting distribution
plt.plot(x, y_true, '--', lw=2)
plt.plot(x, y_gen, lw=2)
plt.plot(x, preal, lw=2)
plt.ylabel('Probability--> ')
plt.xlabel('X --> ')
plt.legend(['Training Data', 'Generated Data', 'Discriminator'])
plt.title('GAN learn Gaussian distibution | Generation: '+str(i))
#Training G and N for 50 generations
for i in range(100):
x = np.random.normal(1, 1, size=(batch_size, 1)).astype('float32')
y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(batch_size, 1)).astype('float32')
if i%5==0:
train_g(x, y)
print "Generation = ",str(i)
train_d(x, y)
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