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Created February 22, 2024 18:38
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Compare tokenization results between `llama-cpp-python` and Huggingface `tokenizers`.
def check_tokenizer(mod_ll, mod_hf, data, max_rows=None):
from llama_cpp import Llama
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from Levenshtein import editops
from termcolor import cprint
# load models
if type(mod_ll) is str:
mod_ll = Llama(mod_ll, verbose=False)
if type(mod_hf) is str:
mod_hf = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(mod_hf)
# load data
if type(data) is str:
data = open(data).read().splitlines()
if max_rows is not None:
data = data[:max_rows]
# compute token ids
ids_ll = [mod_ll.tokenize(text.encode('utf-8')) for text in data]
ids_st = [mod_hf.encode(text) for text in data]
def tokmap(i, replace=False):
tok = mod_hf._tokenizer.id_to_token(i)
if tok.startswith('##'):
return tok[2:]
pre = '_' if replace else ' '
return f'{pre}{tok}'
# compare token ids
for i, (id_ll, id_st) in enumerate(zip(ids_ll, ids_st)):
if id_ll != id_st:
print(f'Mismatch at index {i}')
ops = {
i1: (op, i2) for op, i1, i2 in editops(id_ll, id_st)
for pos1, id1 in enumerate(id_ll):
if pos1 in ops:
op, pos2 = ops[pos1]
id2 = id_st[pos2]
tok1 = tokmap(id1, replace=True)
tok2 = tokmap(id2, replace=True)
if op == 'insert':
cprint(f'[+{tok1}]', color='green', attrs=['bold'], end='')
elif op == 'delete':
cprint(f'[-{tok1}]', color='red', attrs=['bold'], end='')
elif op == 'replace':
print('[', end='')
cprint(f'{tok1}', color='red', attrs=['bold'], end='')
cprint(f'→{tok2}', color='green', attrs=['bold'], end='')
print(']', end='')
tok1 = tokmap(id1, replace=False)
print(tok1, end='')
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