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Ludal iamludal

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TheSherlockHomie /
Created January 3, 2021 16:36
Updating expired GPG keys and backing them up 🔑🔐💻

Updating expired GPG keys and their backup 🔑🔐💻

I use a GPG key to sign my git commits.

An error like this one might be a sign of an expired GPG key.

error: gpg failed to sign the data fatal: failed to write commit object
# Clean-up Xiaomi smartphone without rooting:
# 1) You have to install adb tool from android sdk
# 2) You have to activate developer options, next activate usb debugging
# 3) Comment out or delete lines with packages, if you really need them
# 4) Optional: I hightly recommed to activate OEM unlocking feature in developer options.
# It doesn't unlock you device immediately, but in case of breaking you phone
# you will have opportunity to unlock you phone and reflash it via MiFlash.
zulhfreelancer /
Last active January 9, 2025 08:45
How to add timestamp on right hand side of ZSH / iTerm2 terminal prompt?

Add the following snippet at the bottom of ~/.zshrc file.

Option 1 - Just time

krisleech /
Last active March 10, 2025 20:00
Renew Expired GPG key

Renew GPG key

Given that your key has expired.

$ gpg --list-keys
$ gpg --edit-key KEYID

Use the expire command to set a new expire date:

lrascao / gist:f57312ff33b799c4c0db56b10e80fe26
Created March 31, 2016 16:19
Export/Import datadog dashboards
# 1. export
curl -X GET "${dash_id}?api_key=${api_key}&application_key=${app_key}" > dash.json
# 2. edit dash.json
move "graphs", "title", "description" up one level in the json hierarchy, from being beneath "dash" to being at the same level