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Created October 22, 2017 18:52
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get financial report from Google Finance
#!/usr/bin/env python
Get financial data from Google Finance.
pyquery 1.2.6. (1.2.1 did not work)
Report types:
inc - income statement
bal - balance sheet
cas - cash flow
usage: [-h] [-m MARKET] [-r {inc,bal,cas}]
[-t {annual,interim}] [-c CSV]
positional arguments:
symbol symbol
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MARKET, --market MARKET
market string
-r {inc,bal,cas}, --report-type {inc,bal,cas}
report type
-t {annual,interim}, --term {annual,interim}
report term
-c CSV, --csv CSV CSV file name
import csv
import re
import sys
from datetime import date
from decimal import Decimal
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
'inc': 'Income Statement',
'bal': 'Balance Sheet',
'cas': 'Cash Flow',
DATE = re.compile(".*(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}).*")
class GoogleFinance(object):
Get financial data from Google Finance.
aapl = GoogleFinance('NASDAQ', 'AAPL')
print aapl.cash_flow()
GOOGLE_FINANCE_URL = "{}:{}&fstype=ii"
def __init__(self, market, symbol): = market.upper()
self.symbol = symbol.upper()
self._financial = None
def _parse_number(s):
return decimal object if the given string is parseable as number.
return None if the string is -
otherwise return the string as is
if s == '-':
return None
return Decimal(s.replace(',', ''))
except Exception, _:
return s
def _parse_date(s):
return datetime object if the given string contains YYYY-MM-DD string
otherwise return the string as is
m = DATE.match(s)
if m:
return date(*[int(e) for e in m.groups()])
return s
def to_csv(csv_file_name, report):
with open(csv_file_name, 'w') as fp:
writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',', quotechar='"',
for row in report:
def _get_from_google(self):
return pq(self.GOOGLE_FINANCE_URL.format(, self.symbol))
def _get_table(self, report_type, term):
assert term in ('interim', 'annual')
assert report_type in ('inc', 'bal', 'cas')
if not self._financial:
self._financial = self._get_from_google()
div_id = report_type + term + 'div'
return self._financial('div#{} table#fs-table'.format(div_id))
def _statement(self, stmt_type, term):
tbl = self._get_table(stmt_type, term)
ret = []
for row in tbl.items('tr'):
data = [self._parse_number(i.text()) for i in row.items('th, td')]
if not ret:
data = [self._parse_date(e) for e in data]
return zip(*ret)
def income_statement(self, term='annual'):
return self._statement('inc', term)
def balance_sheet(self, term='annual'):
return self._statement('bal', term)
def cash_flow(self, term='annual'):
return self._statement('cas', term)
def main(args):
google_finance = GoogleFinance(, args.symbol)
financial_report = None
if args.report_type == 'inc':
financial_report = google_finance.income_statement(args.report_term)
elif args.report_type == 'bal':
financial_report = google_finance.balance_sheet(args.report_term)
elif args.report_type == 'cas':
financial_report = google_finance.cash_flow(args.report_term)
if not financial_report:
print "{} {} financial report not available for {}:{}".format(
args.report_term.title(), GOOGLE_FINANCE_REPORT_TYPES.get(args.report_type, 'Unknown'),, google_finance.symbol)
if args.csv:
google_finance.to_csv(args.csv, financial_report)
print financial_report
if __name__ == '__main__':
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description='get financial data from Google Finance')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--market', type=str,
action='store', dest='market',
help='market string', default='NASDAQ')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--report-type', type=str,
help='report type', default='inc',
action='store', dest='report_type',
choices=['inc', 'bal', 'cas'])
parser.add_argument('-t', '--term', type=str,
help='report term', default='annual',
action='store', dest='report_term',
choices=['annual', 'interim'])
parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', type=str,
help='CSV file name', action='store')
parser.add_argument('symbol', action='store', type=str, nargs='?',
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.symbol:
print "please supply symbol"
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