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Last active July 28, 2016 13:32
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Map GTFS table data into a python dict
def map_gtfs_table_to_dict(gtfs_file, table_name):
Read data from a GTFS table, map the data into a list or dict for
easier iteration or searching or other use. Each line of the table
is mapped into a separate subdict, with a unique key.
Many GTFS tables include a unique value (Example: trips_id in the
trips.txt table) that this function automatically uses as the
dict key. If a tables has no unique key (Example: calendar_dates.txt),
the system generates a unique key using an incrementing row counter.
WARNING: This function may run out of memory on a _large_ table.
Example: stop_times.txt from Chicago is routinely 30MB compressed,
182MB uncompressed, and almost 1GB exploded into a dict in RAM by this
For example, one classic way of mapping a GTFS table to a set of dicts:
>>> gtfs_file = zipfile.ZipFile('foo.gtfs', mode='r')
>>> with'routes.txt', mode='r') as infile:
>>> lines ='utf-8').split('\r\n')
>>> gtfs.close()
>>> columns = len(lines[0].split(','))
>>> routes = {}
>>> for line in lines[1:]:
>>> if len(line.split(',')) < columns:
>>> continue
>>> route_id = line.split(',')[0].strip()
>>> route_short_name = line.split(',')[1].strip()
>>> route_long_name = line.split(',')[2]
>>> routes[route_id] = {'route_short_name':route_short_name,
>>> 'route_long_name' :route_long_name }
Is much simpler using this function:
>>> gtfs_file = zipfile.ZipFile('foo.gtfs', mode='r')
>>> routes_table = map_gtfs_table_to_dict(gtfs_file, 'routes.txt')
>>> gtfs.close()
>>> do_something_with(routes_table)
gtfs_file should be a zipfile object, not a file path or raw data:
gtfs_file = zipfile.ZipFile(gtfs_path, mode='r')
table_name should match one within the zipfile. It should match one of:
valid_names = gtfs_file.namelist()
Output is a bunch of dicts (one dict per data line) nested within
a container dict.
Example GTFS data:
Example usage:
>>> import zipfile
>>> gtfs_path = '20140515.cta.gtfs'
>>> gtfs_file = zipfile.ZipFile(gtfs_path, mode='r')
>>> table_name = 'calendar.txt'
>>> map_gtfs_table_to_dict(gtfs_file, table_name)
{'43301': {'monday':'1', 'tuesday':'1', ... },
'43302': {'monday':'1', 'tuesday':'1', ... },
'43303': {'monday':'0', 'tuesday':'1', ... }, }
table_data = {}
# Read the table file
with, mode='r') as infile:
lines_string ='utf-8')
# Some GTFS makers use different line endings
if '\r\n' in lines_string:
lines = lines_string.split('\r\n')
lines = lines_string.split('\n')
# Parse the header, mapping columns heading to the index() of the lines
columns = {}
header = lines[0].split(',')
for field_name in header:
columns[field_name] = header.index(field_name)
# The key is based on the table name
keys = {
'agency.txt' :'agency_id', 'calendar.txt' :'service_id',
'calendar_dates.txt': None, 'fare_attributes.txt':'fare_id',
'fare_rules.txt' : None, 'feed_info.txt' : None,
'frequencies.txt' : None, 'routes.txt' :'route_id',
'shapes.txt' :'shape_id', 'stops.txt' :'stop_id',
'stop_times.txt' : None, 'transfers.txt' : None,
'trips.txt' :'trip_id' }
if keys[table_name] is None: # Generate key
counter = -1
# Iterate through each line of data, converting line into dict
for line in lines[1:]:
if len(line.split(',')) < len(columns): # Non-data lines
# Create the dict of each line's data
line_dict = {}
for column in columns:
line_dict[column] = line.split(',')[columns[column]].strip('" ')
# Set the key to the line_dict, and add it to the main dict
if keys[table_name] is not None: # Has key
key_value = line_dict[keys[table_name]]
del line_dict[keys[table_name]]
table_data.update({ key_value : line_dict})
else: # Generate key
counter += 1
table_data.update({ counter : line_dict})
return table_data
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dimrizo commented Jul 28, 2016

This is a very nice and indeed helpful piece of code. Helped me with parsing GTFS. Have you considered using "csv" module to parse GTFS feeds?

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