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Working from home

Ian Dees iandees

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
# works with a file called VERSION in the current directory,
# the contents of which should be a semantic version number
# such as "1.2.3"
# this script will display the current version, automatically
# suggest a "minor" version update, and ask for input to use
# the suggestion, or a newly entered value.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
iandees / gist:9cab0abe95a38f3f7954
Created May 21, 2014 19:29
Geo IDs within 200 meters of the Blue Line in the Twin Cities.
iandees /
Last active January 31, 2018 09:57
Installing and running Project OSRM, the OpenStreetMap-based routing engine, on an Amazon EC2 instance.

My goal here was the create a routable graph for Chicago.

I used Ubuntu 12.04LTS on an m2.4xlarge just to be sure memory wasn't too much of an issue.


Start a screen session and start downloading an OSM extract (I used this extract of Illinois). In another screen I did the following:

  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get -y install git make cmake build-essential \

<iframe frameBorder="0" width="300" height="300" src="data:text/html;base64,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
"rows": [
"column_title": "Total:",
"line_number": 1,
"table_id": "B01001A",
"indent": 0,
"column_id": "B01001A001"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am iandees on github.
  • I am iandees ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F495 5459 BF3B D7D7 D1EB EC9C 9F02 C910 B63D 7E05

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Congressional District FIPS Code is adjacent to
2707 2702
2707 2706
2707 2708
2707 2701
2707 3800
2707 4600
2702 2707
2702 2706
2702 2701
// Load data tiles from an AJAX data source
L.TileLayer.Ajax = L.TileLayer.extend({
_requests: [],
_addTile: function (tilePoint) {
var tile = { datum: null, processed: false };
this._tiles[tilePoint.x + ':' + tilePoint.y] = tile;
this._loadTile(tile, tilePoint);
// XMLHttpRequest handler; closure over the XHR object, the layer, and the tile
_xhrHandler: function (req, layer, tile, tilePoint) {
Type Code Expanded Full Text Display Name Abbreviation Spanish Translation Prefix Type Suffix Type
103 Academy Acdmy Y Y
104 Acueducto Acueducto Yes Aqueduct Y N
105 Aeropuerto Aero Yes Airport Y N
106 Air Force Base AFB N Y
107 Airfield Airfield N Y
108 Airpark Airpark N Y
109 Airport Arprt N Y
110 Airstrip Airstrip N Y
112 Alley Aly N Y