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Created July 16, 2021 01:52
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LuckMoney Eth challenge
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
* 1. Finish LuckyMoneyCreator and LuckyMoney contract
* 2. Design necessary events and use them
* 3. Add necessary modifier(s) to predefined functions
* @title LuckyMoneyCreator
* @dev Implements creating new lucky money envelope
contract LuckyMoneyCreator {
// storages
// todo
// todo
* create an instance of lucky money contract and transfer all eth to it
* @max_participants
function create(uint max_participants) payable
returns(bool success) {
// todo
* @dev return all LuckyMoney created by the given user
function query(address user) constant returns(address[]){
// todo
* @dev
contract LuckyMoney {
constructor(uint max_participants, address creator) {
// todo
* @dev return all participants
function participants() returns(address[]){
* @dev anyone can roll and get rewarded a random amount of remnant eth from the contract
* as long as doesn't exceed max_participants
* each account can only roll once
function roll() {
// todo
* @dev generate a random uint
function random() private returns(uint){
* @dev only owner can call
* refund remant eth and destroy itself
function refund() {
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