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Created September 4, 2015 14:07
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Kranc source file demonstrating duplicated reads/writes entries in schedule.ccl
(* ::Package:: *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013 Eloisa Bentivegna *)
(* *)
(* Analytic.m is a simple Kranc script used to create grid functions which will be *)
(* used as coefficients (or initial guesses, or exact solutions) by CT_MultiLevel. *)
(* It is distributed under the General Public License, version 3 or higher. *)
(* *)
(* The and have been adapted from the same-name *)
(* scripts in McLachlan; please see McLachlan's licensing and copyright notices *)
(* regarding this material. *)
(* *)
Print["Just after Get KrancThorn "];
(* SetSourceLanguage["C"]; *)
(* Options *)
createCode[derivOrder_] :=
prefix = "CT_";
suffix =
<> If [derivOrder!=4, "_O" <> ToString[derivOrder], ""]
ThornName = prefix <> "BrillAnalytic" <> suffix;
(* So ThornName = "CT_BrillAnalytic" unless I make derivOrder say 6 or 8 later *)
(* Derivatives *)
KD = KroneckerDelta;
derivatives =
PDstandardNth[i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i],
PDstandardNth[i_,i_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[2,derivOrder/2,i],
PDstandardNth[i_,j_] -> StandardCenteredDifferenceOperator[1,derivOrder/2,i] *
PD = PDstandardNth;
(* Tensors *)
(* Register the tensor quantities with the TensorTools package *)
Map [DefineTensor,
{testinipsi, testinixx, testinixy, testinixz,
testcxx, testcxy, testcxz, testcyy, testcyz, testczz,
testcx, testcy, testcz,
testc0, testc1, testc2, testc3, testc4,
testXx, testXy, testXz, testAxx, testAxy, testAxz, testAyy, testAyz, testAzz,
x, y, z, detg,
gf, FF, g, k, Ricci, G, trRicci, gu}];
k[la,lb], g[la,lb]
Map [AssertSymmetricIncreasing,
{g[la,lb], k[la,lb]}];
Map [AssertSymmetricIncreasing,
(* CD added next *)
Map [AssertSymmetricIncreasing,
(* Print["Just after Map[AssertSymmetircDecreasing"]; *)
(* Shorthands *)
(* CD fixed error sizmaz -> sigmaz *)
q[rho1_,zcyl_] := -ampBrill*(rho1)^2 * ((rho1/sigmarho)^2 + (zcyl/sigmaz)^2);
(* Use the CartGrid3D variable names *)
x1=x; x2=y; x3=z;
(* Expressions *)
detgExpr -> Det [MatrixOfComponents [g [la,lb]]];
one = 1;
(* Groups *)
evolvedGroups = {};
evaluatedGroups =
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testinipsi ], prefix <> "testinipsi"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcxx ], prefix <> "testcxx"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcxy ], prefix <> "testcxy"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcxz ], prefix <> "testcxz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcyy ], prefix <> "testcyy"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcyz ], prefix <> "testcyz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testczz ], prefix <> "testczz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcx ], prefix <> "testcx"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcy ], prefix <> "testcy"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testcz ], prefix <> "testcz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testc0 ], prefix <> "testc0"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testc1 ], prefix <> "testc1"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testc2 ], prefix <> "testc2"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testc3 ], prefix <> "testc3"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testc4 ], prefix <> "testc4"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testXx ], prefix <> "testXx"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testXy ], prefix <> "testXy"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testXz ], prefix <> "testXz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testAxx ], prefix <> "testAxx"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testAxy ], prefix <> "testAxy"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testAxz ], prefix <> "testAxz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testAyy ], prefix <> "testAyy"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testAyz ], prefix <> "testAyz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [testAzz ], prefix <> "testAzz"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [g[la,lb] ], prefix <> "g"],
SetGroupName [CreateGroupFromTensor [gf[ua,ub] ], prefix <> "gf"]
declaredGroups = Join[evolvedGroups, evaluatedGroups];
declaredGroupNames = Map [First, declaredGroups];
extraGroups =
{"Grid::coordinates", {x, y, z}}
admGroups =
{"admbase::metric", {gxx,gxy,gxz,gyy,gyz,gzz}},
{"admbase::curv", {kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz}},
{"admbase::lapse", {alp}},
{"admbase::shift", {betax,betay,betaz}}
groups = Join [declaredGroups, extraGroups, admGroups];
(* Metric and Extrinsic Curvature Components *)
Axx[x_, y_, z_] := 0;
Axy[x_, y_, z_] := 0;
Axz[x_, y_, z_] := 0;
Ayy[x_, y_, z_] := 0;
Ayz[x_, y_, z_] := 0;
Azz[x_, y_, z_] := 0;
formgkCalc =
Name -> "formgk",
Schedule -> {"AT CCTK_INITIAL before CT_MultiLevel"},
Where -> Interior,
Shorthands -> {rho1, e2q, rho2, detg, oneoverdetg},
Equations ->
rho1 -> Sqrt[x*x + y*y],
e2q -> Exp[2*q[rho1,z]],
rho2 -> x*x + y*y,
g11 -> e2q + (one - e2q)*y*y/rho2,
g12 -> - (one - e2q)*x*y/rho2,
g13 -> 0,
g22 -> e2q + (one - e2q)*x*x/rho2,
g23 -> 0,
g33 -> e2q
detgExpr = Det [MatrixOfComponents [g [la,lb]]];
gupperCalc =
Name -> "gupper",
Schedule -> {"AT CCTK_INITIAL before CT_MultiLevel AFTER formgkCalc"},
Where -> Interior,
Shorthands -> {},
Equations ->
gf11 -> 1/g11 + g12 g12/(g11 g11 g22 -g11 g12 g12),
gf12 -> -g12/(g11 g22 -g12 g12),
gf13 -> 0,
gf22 -> 1/(g22 - g12 g12 / g11),
gf23 -> 0,
gf33 -> 1/g33
Print["Just before def of CT_BrillAnalyticCalc"];
BrillAnalyticCalc =
Name -> ThornName ,
Schedule -> {"AT CCTK_INITIAL before CT_MultiLevel AFTER gupperCalc"},
(* ConditionalOnKeyword -> {"free_data", "BrillWave_K"}, *)
Shorthands -> {coeffpartialwrtxx, coeffpartialwrtxy, coeffpartialwrtyy, coeffpartialwrtzz, coeffpartialwrtx, coeffpartialwrty, coeffpartialwrtz, sqrtdetg, oneoversqrtdetg, detg, FF[ua], trRicci, Ricci[la,lb], gu[ua,ub], G[ua,lb,lc]},
Where -> Interior,
Equations ->
detg -> detgExpr,
gu[ua,ub] -> 1/detg detgExpr MatrixInverse[g[ua,ub]],
G[ua,lb,lc] -> 1/2 gu[ua,ud]
(PD[g[lb,ld],lc] + PD[g[lc,ld],lb] - PD[g[lb,lc],ld]),
Ricci[la,lb] -> gu[us,ur](G[um,la,lr] G[uk,ls,lb] g[lk,lm] - G[um,la,lb] G[uk,ls,lr] g[lk,lm])
+ 1/2 gu[uc,ud] (- PD[g[lc,ld],la,lb] + PD[g[lc,la],ld,lb]
- PD[g[la,lb],lc,ld] + PD[g[ld,lb],lc,la]),
trRicci -> Ricci[la,lb] gu[ua,ub],(* trRicci to be used in forming coeff c0 = -1/8 trRicci below *)
sqrtdetg -> Sqrt[detg],
oneoversqrtdetg -> 1/sqrtdetg,
FF[ua] -> oneoversqrtdetg ( PD[sqrtdetg gf[ua,ub], lb] ),
coeffpartialwrtxx -> gf11,
coeffpartialwrtxy -> gf12,
coeffpartialwrtyy -> gf22,
coeffpartialwrtzz -> gf33,
coeffpartialwrtx -> FF1,
coeffpartialwrty -> FF2,
coeffpartialwrtz -> FF3,
testinipsi -> 1.0,
testcxx -> coeffpartialwrtxx,
testcxy -> coeffpartialwrtxy,
testcyy -> coeffpartialwrtyy,
testczz -> coeffpartialwrtzz,
testcx -> coeffpartialwrtx,
testcy -> coeffpartialwrty,
testcz -> coeffpartialwrtz,
testc0 -> -(1/8)*trRicci,
testXx -> 0.0,
testXy -> 0.0,
testXz -> 0.0,
testAxx -> 0.0,
testAxy -> 0.0,
testAxz -> 0.0,
testAyy -> 0.0,
testAyz -> 0.0,
testAzz -> 0.0
(* Implementations *)
(* Parameters *)
intParameters =
realParameters =
Name -> ampBrill,
Description -> "Coefficient in the q function in initial 3-metric",
Default -> 0
{ Name -> sigmarho,
Description -> " rho width of Gaussian in q function in initial 3-metric",
Default -> 1
{ Name -> sigmaz,
Description -> " z width of Gaussian in q function in initial 3-metric",
Default -> 1
Name -> eps,
Description -> "Smoothing factor",
(* Default -> 1`*^-6 *)
Default -> 1/1000000
(*keywordParameters =
(* Name -> "free_data",
Description -> "How to set the free data for the extrinsic curvature?",
AllowedValues -> {"BrillWave_K"},
Default -> "BrillWave_K"
(* Construct the thorns *)
calculations =
groups, ".", ThornName,
Calculations -> calculations,
DeclaredGroups -> declaredGroupNames,
PartialDerivatives -> derivatives,
UseLoopControl -> True,
UseVectors -> False,
RealParameters -> realParameters,
InheritedImplementations -> {"admbase"}(*,
KeywordParameters -> keywordParameters*)
(* Options *)
(* derivative order: 2, 4, 6, 8, ... *)
(* useGlobalDerivs: False or True *)
(* timelevels: 2 or 3
(keep this at 3; this is better chosen with a run-time parameter) *)
(* matter: 0 or 1
(matter seems cheap; it should be always enabled) *)
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