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hostname: ${hostname}
- name: ubuntu
groups: users, admin
home: /home/ubuntu
shell: /bin/bash
lock_passwd: false
ssh-authorized-keys: "ssh-rsa ..."
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
moon 0 repeats from 50149 to 79639 with period 29490
moon 0 repeats from 29007 to 189219 with period 160212
moon 0 repeats from 39438 to 246326 with period 206888
moon 0 repeats from 230231 to 295127 with period 64896
moon 0 repeats from 230232 to 295128 with period 64896
moon 0 repeats from 23655 to 300861 with period 277206
moon 0 repeats from 158767 to 318979 with period 160212
moon 0 repeats from 33183 to 361719 with period 328536
moon 0 repeats from 33184 to 361720 with period 328536
moon 0 repeats from 33185 to 361721 with period 328536
O21 D0014
O22 Dcafebabefeedbeef
O23 D0001
O24 D0000
O25 D1CCCC99MediumAquaMarine_PLA D1FF3366MidnightBlue_PLA D0 D0
O26 D0005
O27 D0006
O28 D0001
O29 D0000
O30 D0 D42f67672
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
O21 D0014
O22 Dcafebabefeedbeef
O23 D0001
O24 D0000
O25 D1FC6FCFOrchid_PLA D1FF3366MidnightBlue_PLA D0 D0
O26 D0005
O27 D0006
O28 D0001
O29 D0000
O30 D0 D42f67672
O21 D0014
O22 Dcafebabefeedbeef
O23 D0001
O24 D0000
O25 D1FC6FCFOrchid_PLA D1FF3366MidnightBlue_PLA D0 D0
O26 D0005
O27 D0006
O28 D0001
O29 D0000
O30 D0 D42f67670
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
O21 D0014
O22 Dcafebabefeedbeef
O23 D0001
O24 D0000
O25 D1FC6FCFOrchid_PLA D1FF3366MidnightBlue_PLA D0 D0
O26 D0005
O27 D0007
O28 D0001
O29 D0000
O30 D0 D42f67670
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
O21 D0014
O22 Dcafebabefeedbeef
O23 D0001
O24 D0000
O25 D1FC6FCFOrchid_PLA D1FF3366MidnightBlue_PLA D0 D0
O26 D0005
O27 D0007
O28 D0001
O29 D0000
O30 D0 D42f67670
Captions for image frame4500.jpg:
0) a group of people standing in a living room . (p=0.001448)
1) a group of people playing a game with nintendo wii controllers . (p=0.001425)
2) a group of people standing in a living room playing nintendo wii (p=0.000147)
Captions for image frame3900.jpg:
0) a man standing in front of a refrigerator in a kitchen . (p=0.000303)
1) a man standing in a kitchen next to a refrigerator . (p=0.000247)
2) a man standing in a kitchen next to a woman . (p=0.000198)
Captions for image frame1500.jpg:
0) a group of people playing a game with nintendo wii controllers . (p=0.001945)
ERROR: /root/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1758:1: Linking of rule '//tensorflow/python:gen_sdca_ops_py_wrappers_cc' failed (Exit 1): crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc failed: error executing command
(cd /root/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/efb88f6336d9c4a18216fb94287b8d97/execroot/org_tensorflow && \
exec env - \
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin \
PWD=/proc/self/cwd \
external/local_config_cuda/crosstool/clang/bin/crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc -o bazel-out/host/bin/tensorflow/python/gen_sdca_ops_py_wrappers_cc '-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/../../_solib_local/_U_S_Stensorflow_Spython_Cgen_Usdca_Uops_Upy_Uwrappers_Ucc___Utensorflow' '-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/../../_solib_local/_U@local_Uconfig_Ucuda_S_Scuda_Ccudart___Uexternal_Slocal_Uconfig_Ucuda_Scuda_Scuda_Slib' -Lbazel-out/host/bin/_solib_local/_U_S_Stensorflow_Spython_Cgen_Usdca_Uops_Upy_Uwrappers_Ucc___Utensorflow -Lbazel-out/host/bin/_solib_local/_U@local_Uconfig_Ucuda_S_Scuda_Ccudart___Uexternal_Slocal_Uconfig_Ucud

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