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Last active October 17, 2018 20:56
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Intro to Coding

  1. Expression (value)

    1. Syntax that resolves to a value
    2. Like nouns: "Fox," "Dog"
    3. Like nouns with modifiers: "The quick brown fox," "The lazy dog"
    4. Like numbers: 1, 2, 3
    5. Like arithmetic with numbers: 1 * 2 + 3
    6. Like a placeholder for a value: "tomorrowsTemperatre"
  2. Statement (action)

    1. Syntax that describes an action
    2. Made up of expressions
    3. Like sentences: "The fox jumped," "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
    4. Like algorithm: Calculate the average of 1, 2, 3
    5. Like a command: "Check the temperature for tomorrow"
  3. Primitive values

    1. Series of letters/words, numbers, true/false
  4. Operators

    1. Combine primitive values
    2. "Hello " + "Jane" -> "Hello Jane"
    3. 1 + 2 -> 3
    4. !true -> false
    5. true || false -> true
    6. true && false -> false
    console.log("Hello " + "Jane");
    console.log(1 + 2);
    console.log(true || false);
    console.log(true && false);
  5. Variables

    1. Containers for a value
    2. E.g., mini post-it inside of a larger post-it
    3. Age = 10, Name = "Jane"
    var name = "Jane";
    var janeAge = 12;
    var johnAge = 18;
    console.log(janeAge + johnAge);
  6. Conditional statement

    1. Perform some action only if a certain condition is met
    2. "If the user's age is less than 13, then the price is $15; else, the price is $20"
    var janeAge = 12;
    if (janeAge >= 18) {
       console.log('Jane is an adult');
    } else {
       console.log('Jane is a youth');
  7. Functions (named set of actions)

    1. A sequence of statements you want to use multiple times
    2. Like a recipe: Take 1 egg, boil for 10 minutes, cool under cold water, and you will have a hard boiled egg.
    3. Like an algorithm: Take a set of numbers, add them up, divide by the count of the numbers, and you will have the average.
    4. Like a service request: What is the forecasted temperature for tomorrow?
    function logIsJaneAdult(age) {
       if (age >= 18) {
          console.log('Jane is an adult');
       } else {
          console.log('Jane is a youth');
    var janeAge = 12;
    function isAdult(age) {
       if (age >= 18) {
          return true;
       } else {
          return false;
    var janeAge = 12;
    var isJaneAdult = isAdult(janeAge);
    if (isJaneAdult) {
       console.log('Jane is an adult');
    } else {
       console.log('Jane is a youth');
    var johnAge = 18;
    var isJohnAdult = isAdult(johnAge);
    if (isJohnAdult) {
       console.log('John is an adult');
    } else {
       console.log('John is a youth');
  8. Arrays

    1. Sequences of values
    2. E.g., mini post-its inside of a rectangle on a piece of paper
    3. Ages = 10, 50
    4. Names = "Jane", "John"
  9. Loops

    1. Run a sequence of statements multiple times.
    2. "Add up the price for all the users"
  10. Objects

    1. Set of named values
    2. Almost like a variable of variables
    3. E.g., post-it with name and age followed by mini post-its containing values
    4. People = Name: "Jane", Age: 10; Name: "John", Age:
  11. Array of objects

    1. Sequence of objects
    2. E.g., post-its inside of a rectange of a piece of paper
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