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Created January 25, 2019 21:39
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Pivotal Tracker script for marking finished stories as delivered
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const {execSync} = require('child_process');
const querystring = require('querystring');
const {debug, format: f} = require('@ianwremmel/debug');
const fetch = require('cross-fetch');
const d = debug(__filename);
* @typedef {Object} ClientOptions
* @property {string} projectId
* @property {string} token
* @typedef {Object} Story
* @property {'story'} kind
* @property {number} id
* @property {string} created_at
* @property {string} updated_at
* @property {number} estimate
* @property {'feature'|'bug'|'release'|'chore'} story_type
* @property {string} name
* @property {'accepted'|'delivered'|'finished'|'started'|'rejected'|'planned'|'unstarted'|'unscheduled'} current_state
* @property {number} requested_by_id
* @property {string} url
* @property {number} project_id
* @property {number[]} owner_ids
* @property {any[]} labels
* @param {ClientOptions} options
async function deliverStories(options) {
const bugs = await listStories(options, 'bug');
const features = await listStories(options, 'feature');
const stories = [...bugs, ...features];
const filteredStories = filterStories(stories);
let errors = false;
for (const story of filteredStories) {
try {
await deliverStory(options, story);
} catch (err) {
errors = true;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`Failed to deliver ${}: ${err.message}`);
if (errors) {
throw new Error('Errors occurred during delivery. See the log for details');
* @param {ClientOptions} options
* @param {Object} story
async function deliverStory({projectId, token}, {id, name}) {
d(f`Delivering ${id} (${name})`);
const body = {
current_state: 'delivered',
const url = `${projectId}/stories/${id}`;
const req = await fetch(url, {
body: JSON.stringify(body),
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'x-trackertoken': token
method: 'PUT'
if (!req.ok) {
d(f`Failed to deliver ${id} (${name})`);
throw new Error(await req.text());
d(f`Delivered ${id} (${name})`);
* @param {Story[]} stories
* @returns {Story[]}
function filterStories(stories) {
return stories.filter(
(story) => execSync(`git log HEAD --grep ${}`).toString().length > 0
* @param {ClientOptions} options
* @returns {Promise<Story[]>}
async function listStories({projectId, token}, type) {
d(f`Listing finished ${type} stories for ${projectId}`);
const req = await fetch(
with_state: 'finished',
with_story_type: type
headers: {
'x-trackertoken': token
if (req.ok) {
d(f`Listed finished ${type} stories for ${projectId}`);
return await req.json();
throw await new Error(await req.text());
(async function run() {
try {
if (!process.env.PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN) {
throw new TypeError('process.env.PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN must be defined');
if (!process.env.PIVOTAL_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID) {
throw new TypeError(
'process.env.PIVOTAL_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID must be defined'
await deliverStories({
projectId: process.env.PIVOTAL_TRACKER_PROJECT_ID,
token: process.env.PIVOTAL_TRACKER_TOKEN
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
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