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Created March 5, 2024 09:27
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Responsive infographic with CSS variables
- var data = [
- {
- clist: ['#f6ba96', '#e2795b'],
- title: 'gingerbread',
- ptext: 'Soufflé cake brownie ice cream'
- },
- {
- clist: ['#a2d5d0', '#8dcbbc'],
- title: 'brownie',
- ptext: 'Soufflé cake brownie ice cream'
- },
- {
- clist: ['#9cc884', '#86b744'],
- title: 'ice cream',
- ptext: 'Soufflé cake brownie ice cream'
- },
- {
- clist: ['#fae791', '#f5d357'],
- title: 'lava cake',
- ptext: 'Soufflé cake brownie ice cream'
- }
- ].reverse(), n = data.length;
while n--
article(style=`--c0: ${data[n].clist[0]}; --c1: ${data[n].clist[1]}`)
h3 #{data[n].title}
p #{data[n].ptext}

Responsive infographic with CSS variables

Original idea on Shutterstock. No Edge support due to CSS variable and calc() bugs.

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  • or at least sharing this to show the rest of the world what can be done with CSS these days

Thank you!

A Pen by Ana Tudor on CodePen.


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filter: brightness(.85)
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