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Created December 10, 2011 16:32
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n-dimensional, generic, compile-time matrix and vector, reusing the same code
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include "nmath.h"
using namespace std;
typedef matrix_nxnt<2, float> matrix2x2;
typedef vector_nt<3, float> vector3;
typedef vector_nt<4, float> vector4;
typedef matrix_nxnt<3, float> matrix3x3;
int main()
vector4 a = vector4::coord(1, 2, 3, 4);
vector4 b = vector4::coord(2, 4, 6, 8);
vector4 c = a + b;
a += b;
assert(a == c);
assert(a == vector4::coord(3, 6, 9, 12));
matrix2x2 ma = matrix2x2::rows(3, 5, 7, 9);
matrix2x2 mb = matrix2x2::rows(1, 1, 1, 1);
matrix2x2 mc = ma + mb;
ma += mb;
assert(ma == mc);
assert(ma == matrix2x2::rows(4, 6, 8, 10));
assert(ma.determinant() == -8);
matrix3x3 m3 = matrix3x3::rows(
1, 2, 3,
5, 1, 1,
5, 6, 7
assert(m3.determinant() == 16);
assert(m3.row_vector(2) == vector3::coord(5, 6, 7));
m3.row_vector(0) = vector3::coord(0, 0, 0);
assert(m3.row_vector(0) == vector3::zero());
vector3 v3ar[] = {
vector3::coord(0, 0, 0),
vector3::coord(5, 1, 1),
vector3::coord(5, 6, 7),
float far[] = {
0, 0, 0,
5, 1, 1,
5, 6, 7
assert(sizeof(m3) == sizeof(far));
assert(sizeof(v3ar) == sizeof(far));
assert(memcmp(&m3, far, sizeof(far)) == 0);
assert(memcmp(v3ar, far, sizeof(far)) == 0);
return 0;
#pragma once
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct vector2_base
typedef _type value_type;
static _this_type coord(value_type x, value_type y)
_this_type ret;
ret.x = x;
ret.y = y;
return ret;
_type x, y;
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct vector3_base
typedef _type value_type;
static _this_type coord(value_type x, value_type y, value_type z)
_this_type ret;
ret.x = x;
ret.y = y;
ret.z = z;
return ret;
_type x, y, z;
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct vector4_base
typedef _type value_type;
static _this_type coord(value_type x, value_type y, value_type z, value_type w)
_this_type ret;
ret.x = x;
ret.y = y;
ret.z = z;
ret.w = w;
return ret;
_type x, y, z, w;
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct matrix2x2_base
typedef _type value_type;
static _this_type rows(value_type rc_00, value_type rc_01, value_type rc_10, value_type rc_11)
_this_type ret;
ret._00 = rc_00; ret._01 = rc_01;
ret._10 = rc_10; ret._11 = rc_11;
return ret;
_type _00, _01;
_type _10, _11;
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct matrix3x3_base
typedef _type value_type;
static _this_type rows(value_type rc_00, value_type rc_01, value_type rc_02,
value_type rc_10, value_type rc_11, value_type rc_12,
value_type rc_20, value_type rc_21, value_type rc_22)
_this_type ret;
ret._00 = rc_00; ret._01 = rc_01; ret._02 = rc_02;
ret._10 = rc_10; ret._11 = rc_11; ret._12 = rc_12;
ret._20 = rc_20; ret._21 = rc_21; ret._22 = rc_22;
return ret;
_type _00, _01, _02;
_type _10, _11, _12;
_type _20, _21, _22;
template <size_t n, typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct order_traits
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct order_traits<2, _type, _this_type>
typedef vector2_base<_type, _this_type> vector;
typedef matrix2x2_base<_type, _this_type> matrix;
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct order_traits<3, _type, _this_type>
typedef vector3_base<_type, _this_type> vector;
typedef matrix3x3_base<_type, _this_type> matrix;
template <typename _type, typename _this_type>
struct order_traits<4, _type, _this_type>
typedef vector4_base<_type, _this_type> vector;
template <size_t _count, typename _this_type, typename _parent_type>
class ntuple : public _parent_type
typedef typename _parent_type::value_type value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
static const size_type value_count = _count;
static _this_type zero()
_this_type ret;
//could use memset, but it's probably slower...
//for should be optimized at compile time.
//too lazy to test
for(size_type i=0; i<value_count; ++i)
{ = value_type(0);
return ret;
static _this_type& attach_to_ptr(value_type* ptr)
return *reinterpret_cast<_this_type*>(ptr);
static const _this_type& attach_to_ptr(const value_type* ptr)
return *reinterpret_cast<const _this_type*>(ptr);
value_type* as_array()
return reinterpret_cast<value_type*>(this);
const value_type* as_array() const
return reinterpret_cast<const value_type*>(this);
value_type& at(size_type i)
return as_array()[i];
const value_type& at(size_type i) const
return as_array()[i];
value_type& operator[](size_type i)
return at(i);
const value_type& operator[](size_type i) const
return at(i);
_this_type& operator+=(const _this_type& b)
for(size_type i=0; i<value_count; ++i)
at(i) +=;
return as_this_type();
_this_type& as_this_type()
return *reinterpret_cast<_this_type*>(this);
const _this_type& as_this_type() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const _this_type*>(this);
template <size_t _count, typename _this_type, typename _parent_type>
bool operator==(const ntuple<_count, _this_type, _parent_type>& a,
const ntuple<_count, _this_type, _parent_type>& b)
for(size_t i=0; i<_this_type::value_count; ++i)
if( !=
return false;
return true;
template <size_t _count, typename _this_type, typename _parent_type>
bool operator!=(const ntuple<_count, _this_type, _parent_type>& a,
const ntuple<_count, _this_type, _parent_type>& b)
return !operator==(a, b);
template <size_t _count, typename _this_type, typename _parent_type>
_this_type operator+(const ntuple<_count, _this_type, _parent_type>& a,
const ntuple<_count, _this_type, _parent_type>& b)
_this_type ret;
for(size_t i=0; i<_this_type::value_count; ++i) = +;
return ret;
template <size_t _dim, typename _type>
class vector_nt : public ntuple<_dim, vector_nt<_dim, _type>, typename order_traits<_dim, _type, vector_nt<_dim, _type> >::vector>
typedef ntuple<_dim, vector_nt<_dim, _type>, typename order_traits<_dim, _type, vector_nt<_dim, _type> >::vector> super;
typedef typename super::size_type size_type;
using super::value_count;
static const size_type dimension = value_count;
template <size_t _dim, typename _type>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const vector_nt<_dim, _type>& vec)
typedef vector_nt<_dim, _type> vector;
o << '(';
for(typename vector::size_type i=0; i<vector::dimension; ++i)
o << ", ";
o <<;
o << ')';
return o;
template <size_t _n, typename _type>
class matrix_nxnt : public ntuple<_n*_n, matrix_nxnt<_n, _type>, typename order_traits<_n, _type, matrix_nxnt<_n, _type> >::matrix>
typedef ntuple<_n*_n, matrix_nxnt<_n, _type>, typename order_traits<_n, _type, matrix_nxnt<_n, _type> >::matrix> super;
typedef typename super::size_type size_type;
typedef typename super::value_type value_type;
static const size_type order = _n;
value_type* row(size_type i)
return this->as_array() + i*order;
const value_type* row(size_type i) const
return this->as_array() + i*order;
value_type& operator()(size_type row, size_type column)
return this->row(row)[column];
const value_type& operator()(size_type row, size_type column) const
return this->row(row)[column];
value_type adjunct(size_type row, size_type col) const
return first_minor(row, col) * (((row+col)&1)?value_type(-1):value_type(1));
value_type first_minor(size_type row, size_type col) const
matrix_nxnt<order-1, value_type> mnr;
for(size_type r=0; r<row; ++r)
for(size_type c=0; c<col; ++c)
mnr(r, c) = (*this)(r, c);
for(size_type c=col+1; c<order; ++c)
mnr(r, c-1) = (*this)(r, c);
for(size_type r=row+1; r<order; ++r)
for(size_type c=0; c<col; ++c)
mnr(r-1, c) = (*this)(r, c);
for(size_type c=col+1; c<order; ++c)
mnr(r-1, c-1) = (*this)(r, c);
return mnr.determinant();
vector_nt<order, value_type>& row_vector(size_type i)
return vector_nt<order, value_type>::attach_to_ptr(row(i));
const vector_nt<order, value_type>& row_vector(size_type i) const
return vector_nt<order, value_type>::attach_to_ptr(row(i));
value_type determinant() const
return det_impl<order>::eval(*this);
//_unused is a stupid gcc workaround
//it doesn't allow fully specialized member types, or any specialization of methods
//As suggests, this is (unexplicably) fobidden by the standard.
//One would wonder why this is so, considering that it works fine with msvc without the dummy type
//and even as a specialized template method.
template <size_type _d, typename _unused = int>
struct det_impl
static value_type eval(const matrix_nxnt<_d, value_type>& m)
value_type det = 0;
for(size_type i=0; i<_d; ++i)
det += m(0, i) * m.adjunct(0, i);
return det;
template <typename _unused>
struct det_impl<2, _unused>
static value_type eval(const matrix_nxnt<2, value_type>& m)
return m._00*m._11 - m._01*m._10;
template <size_t _n, typename _type>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const matrix_nxnt<_n, _type>& m)
typedef matrix_nxnt<_n, _type> matrix;
for(typename matrix::size_type r=0; r<matrix::order; ++r)
o << std::endl;
o << '(';
for(typename matrix::size_type c=0; c<matrix::order; ++c)
o << ", ";
o << m(r, c);
o << ')';
return o;
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